Reblogging again for visibility.
@enigmaincrimson is the new account!
I am going to start reclaiming partners from this blog for this blog’s replacement.
Yes, I know this seems somewhat convoluted, but I put quite a bit of work into the newer model blog and I don’t want to lose anyone in the process.
A bunch of things are actually broken on this blog, so… moving seemed like a good idea.
Feel free to contact me at @inevitabilis-sors
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Update... It’s @enigmaincrimson now.
Looking forward to seeing you guys there!
I am going to start reclaiming partners from this blog for this blog’s replacement.
Yes, I know this seems somewhat convoluted, but I put quite a bit of work into the newer model blog and I don’t want to lose anyone in the process.
A bunch of things are actually broken on this blog, so… moving seemed like a good idea.
Feel free to contact me at @inevitabilis-sors
35 notes · View notes
If anyone has any questions talk to me there.
I am going to start reclaiming partners from this blog for this blog’s replacement.
Yes, I know this seems somewhat convoluted, but I put quite a bit of work into the newer model blog and I don’t want to lose anyone in the process.
A bunch of things are actually broken on this blog, so… moving seemed like a good idea.
Feel free to contact me at @inevitabilis-sors
35 notes · View notes
I apologize for this inconvenience.
I am going to start reclaiming partners from this blog for this blog’s replacement.
Yes, I know this seems somewhat convoluted, but I put quite a bit of work into the newer model blog and I don’t want to lose anyone in the process.
A bunch of things are actually broken on this blog, so… moving seemed like a good idea.
Feel free to contact me at @inevitabilis-sors
35 notes · View notes
I am going to start reclaiming partners from this blog for this blog’s replacement.
Yes, I know this seems somewhat convoluted, but I put quite a bit of work into the newer model blog and I don’t want to lose anyone in the process.
A bunch of things are actually broken on this blog, so... moving seemed like a good idea.
Feel free to contact me at @inevitabilis-sors
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This blog has been archived.
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I am not longer replying to threads on this blog.
I started over...
If you want to interact with me, please go over there!
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3 notes · View notes
I am really sorry about this.
This is a late promo.
This blog is now archived.
Please move any requests to the new blog in the future.
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This is a late promo.
This blog is now archived.
Please move any requests to the new blog in the future.
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I repeat, this blog is dead... please move to the new blog for any future interactions.
I repeat, this blog is broken and nothing is working correctly.
Please move all future interactions to this blog.
I will repair what I can.
6 notes · View notes
I repeat, this blog is broken and nothing is working correctly.
Please move all future interactions to this blog.
I will repair what I can.
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“I hate to say this to you guys, but this blog is gonna be moved.”
“The mun also mentioned that we’ll be at https://inevitabilis-sors.tumblr.com/ from now on.”
“Looking forward to seeing everyone there.”
Tumblr media
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I will be moving anything over to the new blog upon request.
As for now... This blog is officially defunct.
I repeat, this blog is broken and nothing is working correctly.
Please move all future interactions to this blog.
I will repair what I can.
6 notes · View notes
If you wish to just chat, I will be online here.
I repeat, this blog is broken and nothing is working correctly.
Please move all future interactions to this blog.
I will repair what I can.
6 notes · View notes
I repeat, this blog is broken and nothing is working correctly.
Please move all future interactions to this blog.
I will repair what I can.
6 notes · View notes