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enhajakey02 · 2 years ago
Taking care of him when he’s sick
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You came home expecting your boyfriend to play video games as always. " Hee baby I am home" you shouted right after you opened the front door. Usually Heeseung would shout back or pause his game to come to you but not this time, even after you called him a second time you get no response. After searching for him nearly everywhere you ended up finding him asleep in bed which makes you frown since he barely sleeps outside of bedtime. You sat beside him on bed which makes him open his eyes slightly. " Ah Y/n you are already back" he mumbled in a hotter voice interrupted by a cough." Aigo Hee are you sick?" you asked him worriedly. " Nah no way!" he raised his voice a little and fastly sat up on bed. " Ouch" he fell imedialtly back in bed while holding his head. You just chuckled by his behaviour " Yeah sure your completely fine" you said sacrastically. "I am Y/n,  I just have to rest a bit" he denied. You just shock your head " Then just try to sleep a bit while I make you a healthy soup". He shocked his head " just make me some ramen Y/n" and another caugh he insisted to have ramen so you had no other chance.
Well he ended up trowing it up afterwards "Y/n, lets try your soup next time and give me this disgusting medicine, you were right I guess I am sick." he said in a baredly audible voice while crawling back to bed.
This man knows exactly what to do when someone is sick so he does when he felt the first symtoms of a cold rushing through his body. You just came home and find him standing by the kitchen counter. To suprise him You sneaked up from behind  and gave him a slap on his ass. Well maybe you were too impetuous because he spilled the medicine he had measured on a tablespoon. "Aishh... Y/n don't scare me from behind, look at the mess aish jinja" you looked at the spilled liquid at  the counter and laughed " Sorry not sorry" but then your eyes felt on the medicine bottle " Huh... Jay baby are you sick ?!!"  you asked worriedly " Don't know I just started to feel some symtoms" he answered after swallowing the refilled spoon of medizin.
Well he was right, the next morning he couldn't barely open his eyes. He just felt so weak. " Jay you have a high fever" you informed him as you checked on his temperature. You felt helpless at that moment not gonna lie " I will make you those ... eh..." you've forgot what it was called. " calf wrap. It is called calf wrap and don't forget to bring me the fever medicine " he mumbled. "YAH!!  Jay you should rest" you shook your head. "Even when he has a high fever he manages it to correct me. As if he was born to act like a mom pff " you thought as you searched for the medicine in the kitchen.
You knew immediately that something was wrong. You just sat on couch beside Jake normally you would cuddle up and talk about your day but not today. He stayed away from you and he barely spoke, his eyes were clued on the Tv and he constantly cleared this thought. After a few minutes of observing him you've had enough. "Jakey please tell me whats wrong I hate seeing us like this. Why are you ignoring me!!" his eyes sweapt to you "I guess I am sick" he finally announced in a hotter voice  " I just don't want to infect you, I am sorry I should have told you right away" after saying this he started to cought like crazy.
Well he ended up staying in bed with a high fever the next morning making you drop your work for the day to take care of your sick boyfriend. As soon he had told you about his sickness he kept complainig all day long. " Y/nie... my head hurts and my throat and my nose is running constantly please help me." you singed " Then take your medicine finally!!" " No ! That stuff is so disgusting" he whined. After hours of explainig him the importance to take his medicine he finally swalloed it. " Gosh... you're even worse than a kid" you mumbeled to yourself after leaving the room. He basically kicked you out to make sure you’ re not getting sick. " I've heard that Y/n!!" he tryed to yell after you but his voice cracked.
Sunghoon felt sick but he just didn't want to stay in bed doing nothing so he took a bunch of pain killers to feel better to finish his work. As you came home from work you've found him sitting in front of his laptop with a lowered head masaging his temples and groaning in pain. Right beside him was the bin filled with a bunch of uses tissues you know that he was sick and you've told thim to take a day off to recover but he just ignored your advice which made you even more worried about him and his condition. "Sunghoon baby don't you think you should at least take a break" you asked while aproching him. He turned his head to look at you his nose was completely red from using tons of tissues "Y/nie I am totally *snezze* fine *snezze* " you signed and came closer to him putting your hands on this forehead and as already expected it was buring hot. "You're having a fever! You will go and take a rest now" his lips already parted to protest but before he could say a word you shut him down by puting your hand in front of his mouth. " GO ... NOW! you raised your voice and shutted the laptop closed.
Poor boy was so shocked by your sudden reaction but followed your command. The next day he felt a lot better " Well I guess I should listen to her more often" he said to himself while grinning.
The night before, Sunoo complained of a severe headache but the two of you did not think that it was the harbinger of a cold. Well, the next morning you couldn't get him out of bed. "Y/Nie I'm so cold and my neck is so sore," he complained in a barely audible voice. Your heart ached at the sight of him, because he is usually always cheerful and lively. "I'm going to make you a warm tea and then get you some medicine, okay?" you asked him, to which he just nodded.
Why don't you get some sleep? you asked after watching him stare at the ceiling for what felt like 20 minutes. "I can't and besides I'm still cold Y/n" he pouted. You stared at him in disbelief, because you had wrapped him in three blankets already. But then you had an idea, you grabbed the remote control and crawled to Sunoo under the many blankets. "Let's watch Disney movies together," you said with a big smile on your face. He snuggled closer to you and said "finally I've been waiting for this all morning".
Today was an important day for Jungwon, as the leader of Enhypen he had a meeting with the company management about the upcoming comeback. Unfortunately, he woke up with a sore throat and a headache but even after your insistent attempts to cancel the meeting he decided to go through with it.
The meeting went on for hours and Jungwon's condition got worse and worse he just made it to your apartment. When he opened the door and you looked him in the eye you got a shock, you could see in his lazy eyes that he was not at all well. "Omg Wonie," you said and hugged him. "Y/n...I feel so limp" he only barely audibly said before he slowly lost consciousness in your arms.
After you somehow managed to put him to bed you immediately called a doctor fortunately he found nothing wrong. Jungwon should have simply listened better to the signals of his body. After he finally regained consciousness, you gave him his medicine. "What happened...have you cried?" he asked in shock when he saw your red puffy eyes. You tried to smile and stroked his cheek. "I was so worried about you.... please promise me that this will never happen again."
You got a call from the guys that Ni-ki was sick and the others had a busy schedule so they couldn't check on him. Without hesitation you set off for the boys' dorm. When you entered the apartment everything was quiet so you assumed that he was asleep but he was not in his room which made you wonder. You finally found him in the kitchen. "They really called you?" he asked in an incredulous and hotter voice as he saw you. "They must really think I'm a helpless little kid." He shook his head in disbelief and drank from his cup, but as soon as he swallowed he started coughing like crazy. You immediately ran to his side, "Orange juice...". Are you serious? Even a child knows that this is not good for your sore throat! Ah jinja" he just eyed you from the side while still struggling with coughing fits. "Go to bed, I'll make you some tea and then we'll take the medicine!" he just rolled his eyes but followed your command "as if I would die from it" he just mumbled.
Well as the day got older his condition got worse and he started to vomit you helped him to the toilet and back to bed. "Y/n I think I'm going to die!" "YAH!!! Don't say that, you're not going to die at least not when I'm with you" "Thank you Y/n" he mumbled before falling asleep from exhaustion.
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enhajakey02 · 2 years ago
When you fall asleep on them
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It was already late in the evening and you two were sitting on the sofa. You wanted attention but Heeseung was busy with his smartphone which got you pouting. "Hee baby can't you put that down for now?" you asked pointing at the device in his hands. He looked up at you and grinned, "Does someone want attention? " he asked you teasingly. You just nodded. He put his phone away and signalized you to lay your head on his lap, which you did immediately. He leaned down and gave you a kiss on the lips. "You are so beautiful baby" he said as he leaned back against the couch again. You couldn't help but grin and blush which made him laugh out loud. He started stroking your hair and telling you about his day. As time passed, you grew tired and your eyelids closed.  The sight of you made his heart beat faster "What did I do to deserve you Y/n?" he whispered and leaned over to give you another kiss on the forehead.
After a long day at work you needed nothing more than to feel Jay's closeness. Jay was working on something on the sofa with his laptop on his lap as you entered your shared apartment completely exhausted. "Hey babe" he greeted you and briefly looked up from his laptop. You let yourself fall next to him on the sofa and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Aigo Y/n baby do you always have to work yourself to death?" he asked you with a concerned look when he saw the dark circles under your eyes. You just sighed, put your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his arm. "I want to cuddle Jay" you whispered tiredly in his ear. Your action made a grin appear on his face. "I just need 10 more minutes, then I'm done and all yours" he replied. You just nodded in agreement but the sleep came over you very quickly. "Y/n I'm done" jay said a few minutes later and closed his laptop. "Y/n?" he asked after receiving no response from you. He turned his head to you and saw your closed eyes. He chuckled and admired your features. Then he gently took your head and put it on his lap, he grabbed the blanket that was next to him and covered you. " I love you Y/n"  he leaned down and placed a kiss on you lips. After a few minutes he drifted into sleep aswell.
You had a very rough day just everything went wrong today. You just wanted to burry yourselve and cry. As Jake came back from work he found you sobbing and huddled on the floor in front of the sofa. He immediately rushed to you, "Y/N what happened?" he asked you in a concerned but comforting voice while rubbing your back up and down. "I-I..." you tried to get out through your tears. He cubbed your face with his hands which you were hiding from him and looked into your teary eyes " Shhh.... It's ok baby you can tell me once you feel better" he whispered while wiping your tears with his thumbs. Seeing you like this made his heart feel heavy. He would do everything to take all your worries away. He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead "Get up off the floor first" he said and helped you sit on the couch. He sat down next to you and once he was seated you climbed onto his lap and hugged him tightly burring your face into his neck. He held you close to him and gently drew circles on your back. After a few minutes your breathing calmed down and you fell asleep. When Jake noticed he carefully carried you and tugged you into bed. "You are far too valuable to suffer like this Y/n" he gave you a forehead kiss once again "sleep well Y/n".
Since you finally had some time for each other you decided to watch a movie. "YAH Y/N COME ON OR I'LL WATCH THE MOVIE ALONE" Sunghoon shouted from the living room. " YAH!! YOU BETTER NOT" you yelled back as you entered the living room with a large bowl of caramel popcorn. You tried to sit down next to Sunghoon but his strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you between his legs. He leaned against the back of the sofa and gently pulled your head on his chest. You just had to grin at his action. " This feels much better" he whispered. During the film you were suddenly overcome by fatigue and you fell asleep peacefully within a few minutes. "Baby don't you want any more popcorn?" Sunghoon asked you but didn't get an answer. He moved his head only to find you soundly asleep on his upper body. "Aww cute" he said a bit to loud. As he realised he putted his hands infront of his mouth hopeing he didn't woke you up. "Sorry baby" he whispered and gave you a swift kiss on your nose " Sleep well my angle"
It was late in the afternoon and it was one of the rare days you both had off. After spending the morning outside you had no more energy to do anything active so you lay down in bed together. Sunoo laid on his belly and dozed while you had your head on his back and scrolled through your phone. At some point you got bored and since Sunoo was asleep you couldn't talk to him so you decided to close your eyes. After a few minutes you were already slumbering in dreamland. Sunoo woke up because he felt pain on the arm he had been sleeping on. "Y/n you are still lying on me ?" he asked. "Sweety, I don't mind but I can't lie like this anymore" but he didn't get any answer from you. "Yah, you didn't fall asleep did you?" He slowly tried to get rid of your head and then lay down next to you. "You are so sweet when you're asleep Y/n you know that" he whispered and gave you a kiss on your cheek. You grinned at his action in your sleep which made him laugh "Aigo my baby is so sweet" he snuggled closer to you.
You had a company dinner which is why you came home quite late today. You already expected Jungwon to be asleep because he also has a lot to prepare for the new comeback the next days. As expected he was already asleep in bed. You just had to smile at this sight - he is absolutely adorable when he sleeps. After you changed your clothes and freshened up you lay down next to him but somehow you couldn't fall asleep because your cushion felt not comfortable. So you turned and gently laid your head on his stomach so as not to wake Jungwon. His steady snorting made you fall asleep right away. In the middle of the night, Jungwon woke up because he was thirsty but as he tried to get up he saw your figure sleeping soundlessly on his stomach. The light of the street lamp that shone through the window allowed him to admire your features. "Y/n" he whispered "Have a good sleep baby...I hope your day was good" he placed a soft kiss on your cheek before going back to sleep totally forgotten about his thrist.
Ni-ki was so engrossed in his video game that he didn't even notice when you entered the room. Only when you called him his gaze flashed to you and back to the screen. "You're already home Y/n?" you just hummed in response knowing that he wasn't concentrating on what you were saying anyway. You sit down next to him and watched him from the side. After a while you sighed and put your head on his shoulder Ni-ki didn't seem to notice which makes you roll your eyes and sigh. You tried to understand the game he was playing but after a short time sleep overcame you. "Y/n I finally won" he said excitedly and turned his head to you." Yah... Are you sleeping?" no answer. Seeing you like this makes him grin he considered playing another round but decided against it. You are more important for now. He leaned his head against yours " I'm sorry Y/n that I didn't pay attention to you please forgive me" he whispered and wrapped his arms around you. Soon he fell asleep too.
Author’s note: Thank you so much for reading :) If you have any requests please let me know I’ll try my best. Also if you wanna read more Enhypen reactions you can take a look at my Instagram-Account: @enhajakey02
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enhajakey02 · 2 years ago
Cuddles with Enhypen
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- If you are the one asking for cuddles, it would take some time since he is most likely being bussy playing video games
- But once he's cuddling with you he makes sure that you are comfortable
- he won't let you go anywhere
- he would give you lots of forhead kisses
- he prefers it when you sit between his legs, resting your head against his chest
- most likely to hold your waist with one hand while using his phone with the other
- This man absolutely loves to cuddle you (he just simply can't live without your touches)
- when he wants to cuddle he gets pretty touchy like following you wherever you go and rubs his hands up and down your arms
- he likes to cuddle while you laying on top of him giving you kisses on your head every now and then
- most likely to fall asleep within a few minutes
- never looses his grip on you
- SOFT!! Loves to spoon you
- talks to you in a soft and calm voice while stroking through your hair
- small giggles escape his lips every now and then
- absolutely loves it when you burry your face in his chest/neck
- likes to play with your hands like interwining them or drawing small circles on the back of your hands
- you definitly know when he wants to cuddle because he backhugs you more frequently
- wouldn't ask you right away because he is kinda shy in this field
- always asks you if your feeling cold ( literally his excuse to cuddle with you)
- wraps his arms around your waist
- rests his chin on top of your head
- would defintly aproach you and ask you right away when he want cuddles!!
- somethimes he wants to be the little spoon
- loves facing you while cuddeling
- love giving you soft kisses on your cheeks when he is big spooning you
- asks you about you day
- you can see it in his eyes when he needs you to cuddle with him
- needs you close after a stressful day
- snuggles his face into your neck
- loves when your legs are trangled up together
- loves when you storking though his hair while talking to him
- wants you to feel comfortable so he lets you use his arm as a pillow
- likes to wrap his arms and legs around you
- makes sure he keeps you close to him
- got used to it, so he can't sleep properly without you being in his embrace
- doesn't want to let you go
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