1. The level of formality in correspondence will depend on the context, audience, and purpose of the message. 
You should to consider the context and audience when determining the level of formality in your correspondence. 
Here are some general guidelines:
Formal correspondence: This type is typically used in professional settings, such as in business or academic environments. It usually follows a standard format and uses formal language, including titles and honorifics. Examples of formal correspondence include job application letters or business proposals.
Informal correspondence: This type is less formal than formal correspondence but still maintains a professional tone. Examples of semi-formal correspondence include thank-you letters or business introduction letters.
Informal correspondence: This type is more personal and relaxed in tone. It is often used in social situations or when communicating with friends and family. Examples of informal correspondence include emails to friends or letters to family.
2. Use a professional tone and follow the standard format for writing effective formal correspondence. 
You should avoid using overly casual language or slang, and use appropriate titles and honorifics when addressing the recipient. And the Formal correspondence should follow a standard format, which may include a header with contact information, salutation, introduction,  body, and closing.
3. Be concise! Be friendly! And use contractions to write effective informal correspondence. 
Informal correspondence is typically more relaxed than formal correspondence, so feel free to use a friendly tone and contractions. For example, instead of writing "I am," you could write "I'm." 
4. Make sure that you use correct subject-verb agreement in writing the correspondence. 
You should use the appropriate verb tense to correct the meaning of your message. For example, use the present tense for actions happening now, the past tense for actions that have already occurred, and the future tense for actions that will happen in the future.
5. Using discourse markers to make your message clear, organized, and easy to understand.
Discourse markers are words or phrases that are used to connect ideas or to signal shifts in the conversation or text. For example, common discourse markers that show relationships include "however," "nevertheless," "in addition," and "moreover." Use discourse markers to indicate time or to show the order of events include "first," "next," "then," and "finally." and discourse markers to summarize your message include "in conclusion," "to sum up," and "to summarize."
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Let's sell online using these keywords!
Did you know selling online is not as difficult as you think? Nowadays, online sales are still very popular! For example, selling second-hand items that you already have can help you increase your income from what you already have to the maximum benefit. Just use words that match what you're selling, sell with honesty, and use interesting words like excellent condition, as good as new, original packaging, good working order, and immaculate condition, and more. Or, for example, using abbreviations can be useful too, such as:
BNWT: brand new with tags
BNIB: brand new in box
P&P: postage and packing
RRP: retailer's recommended price
GBP: Great Britain Pounds
ASAP: as soon as possible
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Let's have some fun with Twitter!
Twitter is a popular social media platform among teenagers where we can create various types of content, such as sharing stories on our timeline. We can discuss personal matters or share stories we've experienced. We can also follow people we know or online friends, such as artists, celebrities, actors, singers, or familiar friends. If we follow them, we can receive news and updates promptly. Besides, we can use features such as retweeting, DM, @replies, and even share pictures. Hashtags are an essential concept on Twitter. By putting a # before a word or phrase, other Twitter users can search for instances of that # in the timeline. Just click the hashtag symbol and the trending topic name, and we can follow the news immediately!
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To make your blog more appealing and attract more readers, you can follow these steps:
You choose a topic that you have knowledge of or interest in, whether it's about personal experiences, travel, cooking, technology, or current events. Make sure your content is valuable and not duplicated. Ensure that your blog is well-written, free of grammatical errors, and engaging to help readers understand and benefit from your content. You have used various visuals, such as images, infographics, or videos, to add interest and make it easier for readers to understand your content. Encourage reader engagement by including prompts in your blog posts to encourage comments and create a community around your blog. Respond to comments and engage with your readers. Regularly maintain your blog by posting new content and responding to comments and questions from your readers. Additionally, reach out to others in your community to make friends and develop your blog further.
        By following these tips, you can create a community of readers who are interested in your content and help your blog grow.
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It’d be good to write a complaint letter by using formal language
Have you ever wanted to complain about something through email or letter? My lecturer said that we can complain but should not write with anger, Scold with harsh words and use informal language. It would be good to write about what you are disappointed with and what you want to happen or what you want them to take responsibility for by formal language. I learned from class that the structure of a complaint letter is introducing myself, what went wrong and what I like to happen. Because in the past I have thought that we can write anything we want and now I know that we should not do that to anyone.
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Writing formally leads you to be the professional
How to get the job through writing cover letter
The best way to write a cover letter is to start by writing in a formal style! Because the heart of applying for a job is the cover letter and your CV. If your cover letter is uninteresting and written in an informal language, there is a risk that the organization will not read your CV. We have learned in class about words and verbs that we use in everyday life in a formal word and verb. Example is we should write “Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.” instead of “If you need more information, just contact me.” in the cover letter.
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Writing is a powerful tool for exchanging information
Have you ever exchanged information through email or letter? It is important to be professional when writing to exchange information. We should use proper grammar and punctuation, avoid slang, and use an appropriate tone. We had learned about writing to exchange information, confirm arrangement, and tips for writing that. Learning through lectures and practice exercises in the classroom is a highly beneficial method of learning. Doing examples of exchanging information and confirming arrangements by email or letter in class with the lecture and classmate helped me very much to learn each part of email about how to write them and how useful they are.
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Commonly used abbreviations & acronyms
For anyone who wants to learn more about using acronyms and abbreviations.
Here are some common acronyms that are often used in texting:
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
BRB - Be Right Back
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
OMG - Oh My God
TBH - To Be Honest
TTYL - Talk To You Later
IDK - I Don't Know
FYI - For Your Information
IMO - In My Opinion
BTW - By The Way
And these Abbreviations are commonly used in text messaging and social media platforms:
Msg - Message
Pls - Please
Thx - Thanks
Lmk - Let Me Know
Wbu - What About You
Np - No Problem
Gr8 - Great
Cya - See You Later
Btw - By The Way
Tmrw - Tomorrow
These acronyms and Abbreviations are often used as shortcuts to convey a message more quickly and efficiently in a text message. However, it's important to be mindful of the context in which they are used, as some acronyms may not be appropriate in certain situations. Additionally, it's always a good idea to ensure that the recipient of your text message understands the acronyms you're using, as not everyone may be familiar with them.
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The Art of Texting : How to communicate better in text
With the rise of smartphones and other mobile devices, people can easily send and receive messages with friends, family, and colleagues from almost anywhere at any time. So text messaging has become a part of our daily communication. However, texting is more than just a way to exchange quick messages. When used effectively, text messaging can be a powerful tool for building relationships, sharing ideas, and connecting with others.
When you would like to text someone, you can remove the function words from a sentence, your reader can usually still understand the message. To save time and effort when texting, we often use ‘text speak’ like shortened words, acronyms and abbreviations to show what we mean. However, before sending a text message, consider the context and the recipient. Is this an appropriate message to send via text? Will the recipient understand the meaning of the message? And the Tone can be difficult to convey through text messages, so it's important to be mindful of how your message may be interpreted. Avoid using humor that may be misunderstood, and consider using emojis to convey tone and emotion.
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Our Blog Intro
Hi everyone! We're Bachelors degree students at Kasetsart University that would like to share our thoughts on the courses we had the pleasure of taking last semester. This blog where we will review the English Correspondence courses and give some tips to improve your English writing skills. 
Throughout this English Correspondence course, we were able to gain valuable insights and knowledge that we believe could be useful for others who may be considering this particular course or a similar one. In our blog, we'll be sharing our experiences and tips for writing English to improve your writing skills.
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Blog writer : BARBARA GANG!
6311101041 Banthita Laorujiralai (Meen)
6311104610 Kanticha Putpha (Noey)
6311104652 Jirayu Toocummee (Kanom)
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