The discourse audience for my project would be people who are effected by the Arizona bill SB 1062. These people value there freedom to shop where they want and there are people who should have the right to not violate their religion. Both side values there rights to express their views. The media is what is mostly influencing everyone's view which is why there is so much confusion about this bill. 
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Rhetorical Situation
One situation that i can think of is  if the local school board is considering firing a popular teacher. There is a choice because they can decide whether or not to fire them. there is also language part of this because a sympathetic parent might then be compelled to take the microphone at the meeting or write a letter to someone on behalf of the teacher.
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“state-sanctioned discrimination”
I think this law in Arizona is something that everyone needs to be familiar with, the national public is very effected by this, this could be something that could spread across the country and effect every state. I think this is also something that effect global politics. other countries are not going to want to work with us if we seem like assholes, I think this also effects everyday politics because everyone is talking about it all the time. this is something that we need to stand up for and understand.
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People use to think that Rhetoric was bullshit or joking around. In reality it is a way of persuading and getting people to understand the message or point you are trying to get across. It is not just in writing though, it can be verbal as well. Rhetoric can be used to make people believe what you are saying and even agree with you. Today rhetoric is be coming a main stream thing just like is was in ancient times.
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Signature Event Context
So that paper was really interesting to say the least. I think he seemed sorta full of himself with all the big words he used. I would have liked it more if he had made it more easy accesses words. I do like his point though that communication can come it different ways. Was it really necessary to use a word like epistemology to get your point across though? Signature Even Context was sorta an annoying paper to read. I am not a fan of Derrida
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