enginr · 4 years
The president sat at her desk, surrounded by cameras and microphones. She took a single pen out of her jacket pocket, and opened the cap. As the ink flowed across the ornate paper, she guided it with precision and efficiency. Marking the page and signaling her approval of the words that came before it, she created Law.
“This Law will ensure that the Air Nation has as much funding as it needs to continue to maintain the balance and peace we enjoy with the spirits, by managing upkeep of the spirit wilds, and protecting them from who would do them harm. I would like to take some time to thank Jinora, Avatar Aang’s granddaughter for composing this bill and sending it to my desk. You know more than I do that this Act will do a great service to the spirits and the spirit world as a whole.”
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enginr · 4 years
By the time Asami is elected President, the United Republic sees a lot of changes in its governance. Gone is the test of the Board of Representatives and the Council of States. In its place is a well developed Congress that has been authorized by a constitution that was approved by the people of 3/4 of the States, which is a new mode of amendment proposed by the document. By the time Asami is inaugurated, she brings the Fourth Congress with her.
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enginr · 4 years
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Headernotes! - Feel free to change pronouns/names/etc to match. - Thank you for reblogging and using! <3
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-  “They’ve owned this shop for 30 years, and they are attempting to set a record.” - “I just did the hair. The hair is perfect.” - “God, why do you hate me?” - “You need a tissue or something?” - “I work in back. I see no smiles.” - “Cue the cheesy inspirational music!” - “There’s nothing wrong with makin’ people laugh!” - “because every time they make me do this kind of stuff, I have to act like a total goof in order to make it work!” - “Now, you get your goofy butt over here.” - “Oh, come on. This is fun. Right? Isn’t this fun?” - “Sweetie? Time to get up.” - “Creepy. Needles. Yuck.” - “I be positive they ain’t touchin’ me with no needle.” - “Now, get out before they see us together.” - “I’m gonna need a friggin’ miracle to get to work on time.” - “when I know something, you’ll know something.” - “Don’t put that in your mouth.” - “You know what? Nothin’ can bother me today. Nothin'” - “Yeah, you’d better keep walkin’.” - “Will you just stop being such a martyr?” - “All right, sweetheart, I know that you’re mad. It’s completely understandable.” - “I’m not okay with a mediocre life!” - “So is that what you think that we have? A mediocre life?” -  “Don’t make this about you.” - “About me? How could I make this about me? It’s about you! It’s always about you!” - “Come on! Let me see a little wrath!” - “The only one around here not doing his job is you!” - “This looks promising.” - “People underestimate the benefit of good old manual labor.There’s freedom in it. Some of the happiest people in the world go home smelling to high heaven at the end of the day.” - “Now, I’m not much for blaspheming, but that last one made me laugh.” - “You’ve been doing a lot of complaining about me, [name]. And quite frankly, I’m tired of it.” - “Come. Take a closer walk with me.” - “Looking for another can of whoop-ass?” - “I’ll tell you what. We’ll apologize the day a monkey comes out of my butt.” - “ What a coincidence, because that’s today.” - “Hey, did that monkey just come out your crack, man?” - “I’ve never seen the moon that big!” - “I mean, I know I woke up this morning, and I felt like…like my boobs were bigger.” - “My instinct tells me there’s something more.” - “Good work. I’m impressed.” - “Oh, my gosh. [name], he’s gonna propose.” - “ In other news, the prime minister of Sweden visited Washington today, and my tiny little nipples went to France.” - “I do the cha-cha like a sissy girl. I lika do da cha-cha.” - “Stop yelling!” - “Is this heaven?” - “What a bunch of whiners.” - “What are you doing in here all alone?” - “That’s interesting, ‘cause, you know, I never thought… we would ever talk.” - “You might wanna stop touching me.” - “Enjoying your party?” - “Look, would it help if I just said that I was a complete ass?” - “None of this seems right without you.” - “What happened? What the hell happened?” - “We’ve got a situation here. They’re rioting right outside the station.” - “Repent! The end is near! Repent!” - “No matter how filthy something gets, you can always clean it right up.” - “I suppose you’re here to gloat” - “I don’t wanna hurt anymore. Please.” - “Help me forget.” - “Please, I don’t wanna do this anymore.” - “You have a divine spark. You have the gift for bringing joy and laughter to the world.” - “I want her to be happy. No matter what that means.” - “You’re lucky to be alive.” - “Look at her! Isn’t she beautiful?” - “Be the miracle.”
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enginr · 4 years
Korra surprises her wife quite often, although it tends to be when bills are piling up on the president’s desk and she has to read them Korra, I’ll give you a kiss later... 
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enginr · 4 years
In relation to my HC post you don’t have to do the same as I posted if you interact, it’s more what I think the characters might be doing, but you’re welcome to use your own ideas!
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enginr · 4 years
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looks like i’m drowning in post-finale korrasami headcanons involving marriage and adopting lil babies my apologies
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enginr · 4 years
The First Children
Yasuko was named after her late grandmother, and was adopted by Avatar Korra and Asami Sato in 184 A.G.
Kotun was adopted by Korra and Asami Sato in 188 A.G., shortly after his mother, a water tribe woman who was close to Korra’s parents, died in childbirth. Korra learned of this, and told Asami they should raise the boy as theirs, as they were talking about kids anyways. They named him Kotun, which has roots in the Water Tribe as a way to honor his birth mother.
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enginr · 4 years
Presidents of the United Republic
Nanuk Raiko (170-174)
Zhu Li Moon (175-182)
Hikaru Tan (183-186)
Jingyi Kim (187-190)
Asami Sato (WL) (191-Present)
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enginr · 4 years
Send me  “HC”  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
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enginr · 4 years
Status of major characters in President Sato’s time.
All ages listed at the start of President Sato’s first term, beginning in 191 A.G.
- - - -
Tenzin - WELL retired, 71.
Pema - 55.
Jinora - 30, engaged to Kai. United Republic Congresswoman representing the state of Yangchen.
Kai - 31, engaged to Jinora. Aide to the Secretary of Natural Resources.
Ikki - 27, maintaining and rebuilding more of the Southern Air Temple, her grandfather’s home.
Meelo - 25, private in the United Republic Air Force.
Rohan - 19, still studying with his father and mother as an air acolyte.
- - - -
Asami Sato - 38 - Former Secretary of Enterprise, President of the United Republic
(Avatar) Korra Sato - 37- First Lady of the United Republic, The Avatar
Yasuko Sato (II) - 7 - First Daughter, firebender
Kotun Sato - 3 - First Son, bending status not known
- - - -
Zhu Li Moon - Early 50s - Former President of the United Republic
Iknik Blackstone Varrick - Late 50s - Former First Gentleman, Senator
Kyi Moon - Mid teens - Former First Daughter, waterbender
Rasho Moon - Early teens - Former First Son, non-bender
- - - -
Mako - 38 - Chief of the Republic City Police,  (first non-metalbender), engaged to Crown Fire Princess Ikuro, daughter of Fire Lord Izumi
Bolin Beifong - 36 - Mayor of Republic City, married to Senator Opal Beifong (32), representing the State of Yangchen... expecting a child.
- - - -
Lin Beifong - 70 - First dedicated Police Commissioner, also headmaster of the Republic City Police Academy
Suyin Beifong - 64 - Matriarch of the Metal Clan (unchanged)
- - - -
Kuvira - ?? - Sentence commuted by President Kim in 188 A.G. (I honestly have no idea what she would be doing...)
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enginr · 4 years
Like this if you would like to interact with an indie future President Asami Sato
(follows back from presiident)
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