enekomining-blog · 10 years
hashtag minecrafting and calling asleep and forgetting I'm talking to people about minecraft.
Sorry for disappearing ;;;;
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enekomining-blog · 10 years
Hehe, that's definitely one way to play the game. That's also illegal on a lot of servers because it's griefing and most people don't appreciate their builds being blown up or sabotaged. You could definitely do that in private worlds if you have people that are alright with it, though.
It can be pretty fun setting things up with people, with or without griefing. You could probably apply to hang out in the FR server since it looks like it's opening up tomorrow and see how you like the group feeling.
I accidentally reblogged it blank my bad LOL
I used to watch my brother and his friends play on a server together and they’d have so much fun. Like one time he and his friends planted dynamite in one friend’s chest and then he was like, “Hey dude I saw Corey up in your house and heard him snicker I think he was messing with your stuff” so they led him up there then ditched quickly so when he opened his chest to check if his stuff was still there his whole fortress blew up he was just like “wow you guys are assholes” and another time they built like this little roller coaster almost out of a mining track that led all over the map into this underwater glass hiding place. so my brother got all his friends to go there then he pickd up all of the mining carts and took the last one and was like “LATER LOSERS” and smashed the glass behind him so they would drown… but joke was on him he didn’t know one friend was heading down and his cart sent my brother back and he was like NONONONONONO  I want to have fun like they did ;3; 
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enekomining-blog · 10 years
Peeeeps in. Is there a ping list on tumblr or FR when you open whitelist apps?
Any idea how long you will keep registration open?...I have wanted to get in on this for a while but I have work tomorrow from 9 30am to 5pm at the latest and I would hate to miss it because of work.
You’ll be fine, I think! We’ll be up all night probably and I’m not completely sure when it might be necessary to even pause whitelist application acceptance. It probably won’t even officially open until at least 3-4pm server time. We have some last minute announcement type things to put together :D
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