endofmemeva · 11 years
SHIt ok this is the person who asked to reserve yui. i did not realize you had respondeD? ? so i was owndering if i could stil l reserve her. yui, that is
Heck yes, of course you can! - Mod Shinji
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endofmemeva · 11 years
hello friends may i reserve the yui ikari
My apologies for not responding sooner! This group is off and on active, which honestly sucks and I just saw this message now! But yes, of course! - Mod Shinji
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endofmemeva · 11 years
May I please join this group as Suzuhara Sakura? ouo"
Yoooo! Sorry I just saw this message whoa but yes, of course! Welcome to the group!! - Mod Shinji
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endofmemeva · 11 years
im here tbh
great !! i'll go add you to the master list !! -mod kaworu
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endofmemeva · 11 years
can i like reserve kensuke lol
Since our Kensuke hasn't posted in a month sure! Please make the blog within two weeks !!! -mod kaworu
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endofmemeva · 11 years
kensuke here reporting for duty
tojis wife has arrived -kaworu mod
Welcome nerd! - Mod Shinji
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endofmemeva · 11 years
can i reserve the man kensuke aida
Yes, of course! Make the account within two weeks and report back with the account! - Mod Shinji
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endofmemeva · 11 years
the maris are in
yeyeyYEYEYEY sick awesome perfect yo i’ll go update the masterlist!! -kaworu mod
Welcome, welcome!! - Mod Shinji
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endofmemeva · 11 years
it s emm a i did the thing
fucking hell yeah we'll add you to the list waifu -Kaworu mod
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endofmemeva · 11 years
i would like to reserve the makinami pls,
Of course! Make the account within two weeks! Let us know when you’re finished! We’ll be eagerly waiting for you! - Mod Shinji
can i get a hell yeah the eva piolets are complete - Kaworu mod
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endofmemeva · 11 years
can i be toji as soon as i get my theme done yeah yeah
Of course! I dont even need to tell you to have the blog ready by 2 weeks haha - Mod Kaworu
Sweet! Have fun editing the blog and take your time! I'll update the list in a moment! - Mod Shinji
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endofmemeva · 11 years
hey its arzu meme
meme on me fucking meme on me ;00 - Kaworu
Welcome Arzu uwu - Shinji
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