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Conductor Spear of Parvenu (Aladdin/Conductor weapon story)
When I encountered the mirror of what was myself, I found myself in an odd thought. "Oh, if I look at myself with unfamiliar perspective, this is how I look in the eyes of other people." He was mistaken thinking that he would be able to put his deep sadness into the back of his mind. Sadness overwhelms his every gesture and facial expression. I wonder if he is also trying to satisfy the thirst in his heart by making money? Is his self-branding an attempt for him to be able to build a wall around people to not have to deal with them? What a great opportunity. I'll commit myself to saving the other me. That's because by saving him, I feel like I'm saving myself even just a little, too. Note: This is Library Aladdin speaking about his Reality version.
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[Job Story] Aladdin/Conductor
Be a Conductor for a day, huh? Sounds fun. I'll take an offer like that. By the way, would it be alright if I buy this locomotive? You dont have to ask me for how much because that's no problem. My money is plentiful.
Oh, this locomotive can fly through the sky, too. It's as if it's a magic carpet! We didn't have something like that in Arabian Nights, so I'm fascinated by it. I'm still interested in buying it even so. Would it be possible for me to give whoever owns it a check with the amount section blank?
The locomotive looks like it's more of a rocket than some magic carpet. Before I could even realize it, it has shattered through the atmosphere and we've reached outer space. Except this space seems different than the the usual one. While I was here, I met versions of myself that came out of all sorts of possibilities.
Some of them were me when I was happy with the princess…. But I wanted to be happy, so I chose money. And that magic lamp fulfilled my desire to have infinite wealth. But if I hadn't run into that lamp, then…. I would have found a different way…. No. That's impossible. Without money, I wouldn't be me. Money is the best, after all!
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Offline app message translations for Aladdin & Hameln. Will slowly be cranking these out, long overdue. ✽It has been pointed out by the Japanese community that Hameln and Aladdin taught each other true connection beyond the materialistic in their concepts and Aladdin has said he values his relationship with Hameln more than money in one of the final arcs, though I do believe he is teasing the player here and referring to you.
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The Fables of Darkness Hameln chapters and scans have been removed in accordance with a complaint. Business will go on as usual when my health is under control. Thank you!
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Long overdue to post translated kitty cards from NEKoALICE for Kaguya & Cinderella.
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Job Story | Snow White/Demon
Chapter 9, Verse 3 There was once a girl who obtained a power from God. A great, colossal shiny object materialized from the clouds that covered the skies. The people prayed to this shiny entity thinking that it was a gift bestowed from God because of it's emergence from the heavens. Chapter 9, Verse 15 The girl had said, "If thou are good, thou shall be granted salvation. If thou are wicked, thou shall be destroyed. For thou who live, thou shall do righteous deeds." Chapter 9, Verse 17 When a meteor fell to the Earth, it made the mountains shatter and made the rivers overflow, causing it's waters to heavily drink in and devour the people. After that, there was a massive hole. The pit of it reached all the way to the ends of Earth, as if a foot print for God's path. Not a single living creature dwells in it's wake. Chapter 9, Verse 29 No man could be saved. "Is this Justice?" No one understood the intentions of the girl.
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[Request] Job Story | Hameln Women's Clothing
▲MONTH▲DAY Hameln kept saying 'my beauty is perfection', so I kinda got a little angry. To scientists, the word perfect doesn't exist. That's because perfection means no further progress is needed.
▲MONTH○DAY "Don't you realize half of the population is female? That means you only embody half of this world's beauty. Doesn't beauty go beyond gender?" When I said this to Hameln, he seemed to agree with me.
□MONTH●DAY Hameln had a big blush on his face and looked pretty embarassed. So I encouraged him. "If you don't wear this, you can't pursue true beauty!"
●MONTH○DAY All of the female characters showered Hameln in compliments. He didn't seem fully satisfied with it at first, but now his confidence has grown. I don't think he looks attractive at all.
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Square Enix scraps [Summary only] "Pinocchio"

Credit to sinoalice_kousatu for hosting the photos/information. Let's talk about the scraps, since information in these are not well-known in both the JP community and even less in the GL one. This gives very specific information on the alters' deaths and other circumstances we couldn't see in the game. No time for word-by-word tls so we'll do a summary. Starting with Pinocchio's [AKA, Takagi Hisanori] TW in tags.
His name in the Act of Reality is Hisanori Takagi. It's kinda like a pun, 'Tall Tree'. He was a fourteen-year-old boy and his mother's name is Naoko Takagi [She is thirty-nine]
He was in eight grade at the time of his death. One of his teachers tipped the workers off, too. Because she caught him writing a suicide note at school during class.
She had miscarried what was a daughter in the past and police believe this was a motif on top of mental illness. She later plead guilty to charges of child abuse. The investigation with cps was started in April 2017. The female coworker who tried to take him from the mom that day regrets that she couldn't successfully save him and it haunts her. In his journal found after his death, it was also shown he was bullied at school.
After his death and during the charges at some point, his mother had to be placed in a psychiatric hospital due to her illnesses and shock of the death. She kept referring to him as being a daughter as well. His date of death was October 21st and that's the gist of his clipping.
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I made another blog specifically dedicated to sinoalice posting. This will be for summaries as well. As always translations will be posted here first.
The new and final chapters for the reality arc are coming this June.
Hameln Alternative and Match Girl alternative will be coming in soon and will also include a change of clothes upon completing their arcs if you have obtained them. (JP)
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Hameln Elimination Hard Mode
As requested by Six. Note that Hameln himself does NOT have additional extra lines for this arc BUT the children speak from within him to cheer him on as he fights.
Hameln vs Alice Stage 1: Month REDACTED x Year Overcast Colosseum Female Child: Hameln's fighting- Female Child: -To become more beautiful than ever before. Male Child: Now that we're part of him, does that mean we can be beautiful, too? Hameln vs Alice Stage 10: Male Child: You can do it, Hameln! Female Child: I believe in you! Male Child: You can achieve the ultimate beauty standard! Male Child: After all, we sacrificed ourselves so you could. Female Child: So hurry up and make us all more beautiful! Female Child: Don't let that ugly woman defeat you! Hameln vs Rapunzel verse 1: Male child: She's a beautiful person. Female child: She is beautiful but... I don't really like her. Male child: I'd love for her to become one with us. Female child: I don't like her! She's so unpleasant!! Male child: Seems like the boys and girls feelings' are divided. Female child: I can't stand women like her. Female child: I sure hope Hameln won't be as easily fooled by her too! Male child: You're just jealous because she's prettier than you, isn't that right? Female child: I hate how men always say that! Female child: You really don't think that, do you? Because that's not funny at all. Male child: Huh? You all- Male child: You don't like her because you think she's trying to steal Hameln away, is all. Male child: Don't you remember the real goal here is to achieve ultimate beauty? Female child: NO! I haven't forgotten about that! But... Female child: That woman there.. She's nothing but venom..... .... And he doesn’t have any bonuses after that. He dies pretty quickly to the Piggies and that chapter is the Piggies’ Alt talking about unrelated things
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(Job Story) Author Arc
thank you as always to @bad-blood-animal for the translation ♡
Keep reading
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Alice/Story of Authors
1832, England. A new life was born through a pastor. Surrounded by many brothers and many sisters, the child developed a strong talent for wordplay and numberplay. Later on, he would become Lewis Caroll. Despite excelling in his studies and advancing into a prestigious school, he suffered from a disorder that left stuttering since he was just a child. Speaking to children was easy enough for him, but when he was with adults, he became anxious and could not communicate well.
Shortly after graduating, Caroll became a mathematics teacher, and immersed himself into photography and made it his hobby. Not long after, he began submitting his poems and stories to magazines.
Over the course of his lifetime, he met the girl of his dreams. A girl named Alice. Lewis' small friend. Obsessed with the girl, he began taking photos of her and created a story just for her.
In 1897, Caroll was on his deathbed. He had lost touch with Alice a long time ago, but thanks to him, she was forever an unsoiled child in his mind. Dreaming of his reunion with his eternal little girl, Caroll passed away at the age of 66.
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Snow White/5th Anniv
Gishin: So for our fifth anniversary, we'll be having a costume exchange between characters! Anki: Spending is now evil! Saving is now justice! Don'cha see? Snow: I get wanting to save your money, but that's not totally true. Gishin: Then Snow, go ahead and borrow Alice's costume. Snow: I apologize, Alice. But I was told I had to borrow your clothes. Alice: These clothes are my favorite. They're a treasure that proves his love. I can't lend them to you just like that. Snow: .... So it would seem. Now what, puppets? Gishin: I've just received a message from your author. He said "I like kids who do as they’re told." Alice: Let me give you my clothes then, Snow. I'll even help you change. Anki: Yup, she's too easy. Snow: Well, she's not one to be crossed. Still, this is the first time I've ever worn an outfit that's mostly black. I think the outfit's very pretty, but it's best suited for Alice. I'm not sure it suits me. I hope my Master will like it....
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Also from Famitsu: “ We've been very excited about this arc. This arc was probably planned before any of the others. Something terrible will happen this arc, and many truths will be told. It's almost as if the characters are heading something.”
SINoALICE JP NEWS: NEW ARC, JUNE 2022 Very rushed translation sorry The Three Little Piggies’ resurrection of their author who collected a tremendous amount of life force is prevented by Alice. With the life force collected, Library, which was once destroyed is rebuilt. Alice, with light steps, takes off in the new library, which was different from the Libraries before the Colosseum. After a long and painful journey, Alice awakens to her creator. At the same time, the others are also met with theirs. Except, one thing. The authors were only partially resurrected. And so, with the characters, a new story unfolds….
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The Proud Lion Guild event this year will be Pinocchio [JP]
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I did this last summer during anniversary and honestly just forgot to share it. Found it while cleaning up Elimination Hard Mode lines.
At 3:00 Pm on the day of 0x, a call was placed to report a man collapsed in front of the security office of △□. The man was taken to a local hospital, but is unconscious and in critical condition.
The man who collapsed is reported to be a "day trader" living close by. Due to the fact the wallet he was carrying has no credit cards or cash, the police are treating the case as possible foul play.
According to local police, the day trader was being investigated and sued for manipulating behavior regarding the stock market. Further reports reveal he was receiving death threats online.
Updated Report: The day trader is reported to be dead. The cause is revealed to be a hematoma due to cerebral contusion caused by a heavy blow to the back of his head. Acquaintances of the man said he had been complaining about his health for days... Note: Reality job stories are meant to be misinformed tabloids; Altladdin died due to refusing to sleep, overdosing on caffeine pills and binge drinking energy drinks.
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[Workshop] Hameln/Narcissistic Man
I've been telling the world about the wonders of science, and everyday a new friend enters in this world called Library. So, with a wrench in my hand, I'll keep my eyes open for- ... Was that loud screaming just now from Hameln-san? ■ DAY △ MONTH Looks like Akazukin ripped off his favorite outfit! I used my craftsmanship to make him some new ones, but none of them were beautiful enough for him. It seems like there's no clothing that suits his visions... oh! ■ DAY ◎ MONTH It looks like the one thing Hameln finds more beautiful than anything is... himself! I'll just print his face on his outfit! This hyper high definition camera not only captures the depths of a face and it's pores, but every cell in the body too! ■ DAY × MONTH I asked Hameln to try it on as soon as possible! "Hameln-san, your face is so tense! Isn't this "the ultimate" beauty"? "Yes... " "I thought so!" I don't find it very beautiful at all.
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