there's a little bit of bad in the best of us, a little bit of rust stuck to the gold. don't let the world own you for what you think it owes, try to find your miracle on the desperation road. ender yılmaz. 35. ATF agent.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Once the other customer departed, leaving an opening for Ender to step in, he couldn’t help the brief smirk that tugged at his features at her little quip back at him. “Just saving the best for last,” he supplied, just keeping in line with the slightly playful atmosphere Chloe had put forward, “Sorry to keep you waiting.” To him, her statement meant she’d been expecting him or someone else from ATF to turn up at her doorstep eventually, armed with questions. Perhaps that also meant she’d had plenty of time to prepare for whatever he might ask her. It didn’t surprise him– those closest to the Sons were smart, and likely highly instructed on how to deal with people like him. Chuckling softly, he shook his head, “Ender. Please– call me Ender.” It was less of a mouthful than Special Agent Yılmaz, for starters, and he figured offering up his first name might relax the conversation a little, making it seem a little less official– a little less pushy. Making his way over to the booth Chloe had nodded at, he slid into the leather seat, smiling briefly as she pushed a bottled Coke towards him. “More or less,” he answered in response to her questions. All of that was useful information, but what he was really looking for were any details that stood out– anything him and the rest of the team could use to locate the guns and the MC’s supplier. “But mostly if you've ever noticed anything out of the ordinary– especially lately,” Ender continued, keeping his tone light and conversational as he raised his drink to his lips for a quick sip, “Extended trips out of town, unfamiliar faces around the clubhouse– anything like that?”
"Yeah, yeah. You're the boss, I got you. We'll see about that diet, but I bet you a free dinner you're going to be back here tomorrow." Jax was an old man now and had been coming to the diner for almost as long as it had been running, especially since her parents had bought the establishment at the very least. He always talked about some kind of diet, or trying to be a different man and start cooking at home (the latter was usually because he had some kind of new crush).
As soon as he left, Chloe clocked the newcomer, arching her brow at him. "And here I thought you forgot all about me." It was somewhat of a tease, only because she heard some new people going around and talking to people. They always were, they always tried to get some kind of information out of them - one way or another. "Do I need to call you special agent Yilmaz, or have you got something that's a little easier on my tongue?" With a slight head nod, she nodded him towards the booth, while she picked up two coke bottled and followed him.
"What do you wanna know? My relationship with them? My role?" Chloe sat in front of him, pushing one of the bottles towards him. "I'm an open book, go ahead."
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WITH: @chloeandersonx WHERE: Gold Dust Diner
Though they were making strides, Ender knew that ATF could always be doing more to build their case, and so he hadn’t stopped conducting interviews even in the wake of Theo Knox’s arrest. There was always more angles to consider, more information to collect, and more faces to put to names he’d read about in countless files. In particular, Chloe Anderson stood out to him. Despite her brother’s disappearance and the likelihood of it being tied to the MC, she remained close to them, but Ender had to wonder just how deep that loyalty ran, or her personal loss was enough to get her to flip– or, at the very least, offer up useful information. Stepping through the doors of the diner, he decided to see for himself. He spotted her at the counter almost immediately and made his way over, “Hi, are you Chloe? I’m Special Agent Yılmaz, ATF. I was wondering if you and I could chat for a moment?” The lunch rush hour was over and the diner was mostly empty, save a few stragglers, and so he didn’t feel quite so bad asking her to step away. “Won’t take long, just wanted to pick your brain a little.”
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WHERE: Spill the Beans WITH: @rosaliehsu
After the recent arrest of Theo Knox, it was safe to say that things felt like they were finally beginning to rev up for the ATF. Months had gone by without any breakthroughs, but this was a game changer, which meant longer hours both at the office and in the field. Before, he’d been able to balance his schedule and Layla’s, but with longer hours inevitably headed his way, he knew he’d need more help at home on those evenings when he had to work over. He’d never had to hire a sitter before, and if he was being honest, he wasn’t even sure where to start looking. Then one day, he came across an ad and jumped at it, eager to try and get something lined up before work became even more grueling than it already was. They’d agreed to meet for coffee, an easy, neutral way to start. Ender was already nestled in a booth with a fresh cup in front of him when he spotted who he guessed was Rosalie walk through the cafe door. “Rosalie?” He called out, just hoping he was addressing the right person. “Hi,” he continued, raising to his feet and extending a hand in greeting, “Ender. Thank you so much for meeting with me. Want a coffee or anything?”
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Serkan Çayoğlu Yeni Hayat | Bölüm 2
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Glancing up from his computer screen, Ender’s eyes widened as Hayden delivered the news, “Holy shit– for what?” He grabbed the file she’d plopped down in front of him, eager to get caught up on this newest development. Scanning over the details, Ender whistled low, “This is huge.” It was a bigger break than they’d had in recent weeks, and while Ender didn’t want to get ahead of himself, he was cautiously optimistic that this could potentially open more doors for them in their investigation. At the mention of the club’s lawyer, Ender’s expression dipped slightly, “Great,” he muttered, setting the file aside and lifting his gaze to Hayden’s, “You think she’ll fly in on a broomstick or in a Porsche?”
Location: Tonopah Valley Police Department, ATF bull pen
"Hey," she called out as she spotted Ender at his desk, dropping the file in front of him. "You hear Roman just snagged one of the MC guys?" She shook her head. "The fucking shit for brains who stole the zebra. Damn, I knew I should've put money on him being the first one to go. That's gonna be the straw that broke the camel's back right there." Hayden grinned slightly, silently kicking herself for not betting on it. "He's bringing him in now, but I'm guessing he's already called Decker."
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Ender had the morning off, which was a welcomed, yet rare occurrence for the ATF agent. With Layla at school and no obligations until noon, he found himself walking into the coffee shop in search of a little boost to help him really get the day moving. Ender wasn’t much use to anyone until he had at least one cup of coffee in him. Taking his place in line, he waited, checking his phone as he did just to pass the time. It’s when a random coffee cup was extended his way that he finally blinked up from the screen, noting an unfamiliar face standing before him. Glancing between her and the coffee, he chuckled softly and pocketed his phone before reaching for the cup, “For real? Thank you,” he said softly, casually stepping out of line so that the next person could go. “Well, I’m all about public service,” Ender teased, lifting the drink to his lips. “Guess it’s my lucky day.” He extended his free hand in greeting, “I’m Ender. Don’t think we’ve met before.”
Spill The Beans with Ender Yilmaz @ender-yilmaz
Thought undeniably adventurous, there was no denying that Fliss still had her favourites and so when it was her turn to order she placed it for her usual without any hesitation. Only to moments later spot the specials board and be tempted by one of the options. "Oh no wait -" But it was too late, her order already in motion she felt the only logical thing to do was order both. "Can I get one of the specials too please?" Bright smile was flashed at the barista, feeling pleased with her decision until her order was ready and she was left with a coffee in both hands. After a moment's hesitation she turned to the person nearest her, putting on her most winning smile. "Coffee?" The now unwanted cup was offered with her quick to try to assuage any worries or hesitation he might have about accepting it. "There's no catch, I promise. If anything you'd be doing me and the whole town a favour by making sure I'm not getting a double dose of caffeine. No one needs to see that." Light laughter bubbled up in gentle self deprecation.
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“Sprinkles usually win most people over,” he agreed with a laugh, figuring it’d work with Layla too. Sobering then, he nodded as he returned his gaze to Alara at her thick as thieves comment, “Pretty much.” That really was the best way to describe the two of them. Layla had become his entire world the moment he laid eyes on her and he wouldn’t have it any other way– something he felt like Alara understood whenever it came to her son. Glancing over at the little girl again, he smiled softly, forever grateful that everything had played out the way it had, allowing him the opportunity to be her father. “Oh we’re definitely framing it,” he supplied, hoping that seeing her artwork on display back at their apartment would motivate Layla to keep painting and see where it might lead her. “Thank you– really,” he continued, turning back to Alara, “This is good for her.” And he couldn’t wait to see how she progressed over time. Reaching for Layla’s hand once she made her way over, he peered down at her, “Alright, ready for ice cream?” When the little girl nodded, Ender grinned wide and started for the door, “See you around, Alara.”
"Thanks," she laughed, knowing she'd probably need it. Still, she supposed there were worse things than a child who couldn't sleep when they should be. "It'll happen. Maybe she needs to be enticed with sprinkles and the promise of something sweet by the end of it." Chuckling, she shrugged her shoulders, taking a sip from her drink before placing it down. "Thick as thieves then?" Alara smiled, deciding that was the only takeaway she wanted to comment on. Saying what he'd done was admirable was a given, but she worried it would come off almost patronising to say so. "Perfect, I'll look forward to it." Nodding, she looked towards the little girl who was readily getting up from her spot. The way she stepped back as if to admire her own work pulled a soft laugh from Alara. "I think her masterpiece is complete. I'll store it with the rest, it will be dry by tomorrow though, you can pick it up whenever. It's A3 size," looking towards him with a grin and a shrug. "In case you want to frame it."
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Chuckling softly, Ender shot Riley a pointed look that said of course he’d read up on him– it was his job. He raised his drink to his lips and eyed him from behind the rim of it, “I’ve read better,” he supplied, shrugging nonchalantly, “But not bad.” The lack of a heavy criminal record meant that there hadn’t been very much for him to dig through at all, but that didn’t mean it lacked interest. In fact, it just told him that Riley was likely smarter and more calculating than his brethren who didn’t seem to care enough about the consequences of their actions to avoid getting caught. He was one of the few who appeared to recognize just how severe those consequences could be. Another predicted response from Riley welcomed another pointed look from Ender. No, he hadn’t actually sat there and expected Riley to cop to whatever the Sons were doing, but he figured both of them knew that. Ender knew he’d be playing the long game with the motorcycle club, and that was alright with him– whatever it took to yield the outcome that the ATF wanted and needed. “Of course you don’t,” have anything to do with it, that was. He didn’t believe that and his flat tone said as much, but again, he wasn’t expecting a confession, or a breadcrumb. So what was the point of this? It was to show Riley that they had a foot in the door and it would only be a matter of time before they busted it wide open. “Ah, glad that’s been cleared up,” he muttered in response to Riley explaining how he wasn’t single. Ender lifted a brow as he continued, silently wondering where Riley was going with this. It was when he started describing the MC’s president that Ender slowly nodded in understanding. “Oh, he’s certainly on the list,” Ender was grinning slightly, but there was something subtle in his tone that was almost menacing– a warning maybe, one that he hoped Riley would convey to the blond. Leaning forward, his expression turning playful despite the threat lingering in the air, Ender raised a brow, “You think I’ve got a shot with him?”
"Just stating the obvious," he shrugs nonchalantly. Whether it was better or worse to let Ender believe he had no conscience about it was debatable. Mostly, Riley just figured he'd live by the piece of shit criminal he's sure the majority of their task force is painting him as. What did it matter to him what they thought of him? The bottom line was, it didn't. "The lack of inquiry to that comment tells me you've done your research on me." To know his legal job, that was. "Tell me, was I a good read?" Smirking as he jokes, as far as any criminal record went, he was pretty clean. A couple of arrests more so in his younger years that carried no real weight. Drunk and disorderly and an assault that had been proven to be self-defence. So, on paper at least, he looked like a stand-up citizen. Like a normal guy who spent most of his time studying and holding down jobs. To the naked eye, one could say he was completely harmless. A guy with multiple University degrees and a clean record couldn't possibly be involved in anything heinous, right?
"Well, naturally, I don't know what you're talking about," he shrugs, "But that doesn't sound practical at all, I have no idea how that shit would work. You know, since I have nothing to do with it." But damn, it was certainly good to know something about what ATF could potentially close in on. "You said you're not my type, and you're right. I mean, it ain't that I don't think you're handsome, sitting there with cheekbones for days and fleecing me for free drinks," Riley jests, "I'm just not a single man, and I'm too loyal to have my head turned. So my second question, is what is your type? Because I can sit here and flatter myself into thinking I'm it, but something tells me I'd place second best to someone with blonde hair and blue eyes." In reference to Cole, of course. It was yet another dumb question, but the point of this game wasn't his questions, it was all about Ender's - about what he would poke at or try his luck with and maybe, just maybe, Riley would be the one to learn something useful he could bring back to the club. "For the record, I could always dye my hair. I reckon I'd make a hot blonde too if that's the only thing trumping me."
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Per his new norm, he'd dropped Layla off at her pre-kindergarten class and headed straight into work, ready to tackle whatever came at ATF that day. In Tonopah, he'd learned that that could mean damn well anything, but...that was a good thing. At least anything held some sort of promise of cracking this case wide open and putting it all to rest. Parking his car outside Tonopah PD's shitty little headquarters, he locked the door behind him and headed inside, eager to start a new day and find something that could open the door for ATF. But from what he'd figured out so far? It was like finding a needle in a haystack.
Strolling into the section of the station that had been 'graciously' granted to ATF, Ender spotted his brother first and didn't exactly miss the end of whatever exchange had been happening between him and Rick. Still, though, he paid little mind to it, safe to assume it wasn't conducive to their investigation, but more of a dick measuring contest that Ender had absolutely no interest in. That was the thing about him-- when he was at work, he was an entirely different person, just solely focused on his task. Everything else could wait. Cutting his gaze to Celal, Ender snorted softly and lifted a brow, "Me? You should look in the mirror," he countered, fully acknowledging just how fucked Celal looked. Perhaps it might've been easier to hide if Ender didn't know him so well, but either way, he saw it. Sitting down at his desk, he glanced over at his brother, voice lowering, "Please tell me you're not fucked up right now," he murmured, shooting Celal a pointed look before turning to his computer and logging in.
FOR: @ender-yilmaz WHEN: August 24' WHERE: ATF offices.
When Celal had walked through the doors, three hours ago, peering through the morning haze, he'd fixated his gaze on the receptionist who was distracted by something on her computer screen, the faint scuff marks on the marble floor that indicated recent cleaning, and the tension in the shoulders of the man waiting by the elevator, tapping his foot anxiously. The profiler training was paying off, even if he felt like his brain was being squeezed in a vise. Shots were not his fucking friend.
Yet, three hours later, four coffees deep and his paperwork done...he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. "You're fucking hungover to shit," Rick said, sing song, and high-key fucking annoying as always.
"No fucking shit, Rick." Celal grumbled, fingers tapping away at the keyboard.
"I'd beat you on that stupid quiz you do every morning today." A snicker, followed by a couple of whispers. Team mates, what fucking team mates, they ripped the shit out of each other any chance they got.
"If you did, it's because I'm basically fuckin' impaired right now. But I'll bet five fuckin' bucks that I could outsmart you, and still kick your ass with a hangover...Rick." Celal boasted from his desk, head falling back. Surprisingly, he wasn't rushed off his feet today — which was a rarity, and a blessing given the hangover that was currently wrecking havoc upon his body. "You gonna shake on it, or nah?" playfully leaning over the desk as he received the bird in response.
Accomplishment for Celal: One. Rick: Zero. However, his celebration was cut short when he saw his brother walking through the door. "Saved by the bell, Rick." He called, pushing up from the chair as he stalked over. Don't notice I'm hungover, he thought, as he plastered on a smile with a wince. Was there a Skrillex concert going off in his head right now? Most likely. "Look what the cat dragged in, a stray."
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“Of course,” he answered, nodding softly, though he felt it went without saying that he wasn’t guaranteed to find anything, considering just how long the case had been unsolved. But he’d still try– not because he wanted anything, but because it was the right thing to do. Which was how he felt about the ATF’s case against the Sons of Silence as well– it felt like the right thing to do and the numbers clearly agreed. The death toll was too high and the lasting impact on the town was too bloody for him to consider backing down. He knew it’d earn him a slew of enemies in town, but it was the price he’d pay to make Tonopah a safer place. “Thank you,” he murmured, relieved by her response. At least she seemed to understand that it wasn’t personal, it was just something that needed to happen. Of course, as she took his card, he didn’t see any scenario in which Emiri would actually call him with any information he could use, but he appreciated her at least taking it and not shoving it back in his face. Chuckling softly, he shrugged his shoulders, “Guess so.” That was the goal, at least. Features warming into a soft smile, Ender nodded, “You too. Thank you for your time– I’ll be in touch.”
( END. )
"Oh..." the surprise that had played out on her features relayed within her tone lightly, "Thank you." she offered Ender a small smile - despite his intentions in Tonopah, she did appreciate him telling her he'd look into what happened at the Bike Festival, it was more than she felt she had ever got from law enforcement, and so she found herself feel respect for the agent. Emiri's smile only widened a touch when he voiced that he thought the whole case should had been solved a while ago, at least he wasn't giving her some bullshit story just to cover the fact that nobody knew nothing. Listening as he circled back to his original topic, Emiri nodded lightly, "You're just doing you're job, I get that." and she wouldn't ever disrespect that either, especially when Ender hadn't given her a reason to do so. He was polite and so was she, it was civil and in Emiri's mind, there wasn't anything wrong with that. Accepting the card she placed it down beside her sketchpad, only paying a brief glance to the writing detailed across it before looking back up towards him. She knew she wouldn't ever call Ender and so she chose to ignore that part, along with him telling her that the MC were involved in some serious shit - Emiri simply smiled, "I guess that depends on you..." the town being caught up in the crossfire, that was, "It was good to talk to you, Ender."
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Grinning as she set the flower crown atop his head, Ender straightened shortly afterwards, chuckling once more as he struck somewhat of a half pose. “Does it?” Suit him, that was. He’d take her word for it, considering he wasn’t exactly well versed in flowers or crowns. But regardless, he was trying to enjoy himself at the festival and part of that meant stepping outside of his comfort zone. “Oh, yeah, not at all,” he answered her, even as he stood awkwardly, and wholly unaware of what to do with his hands. He’d never been the best in front of a camera, but hearing that she wanted it for her social media made him want to try. “Should I point to the sign or…?" Shaking his head with a laugh, he shrugged his shoulders, “I’m kinda shit at this, if you can’t tell.”
"Okay.." her smile widened slightly as he gave that go ahead - silently approving with the way he lowered his head, especially because that meant she didn't have to get all up his space to make an attempt. "No? Well guess it's your lucky day." she quipped back, chuckling faintly as she placed one of her flower crowns on his head, gently adjusting it a little so it sat perfectly where it should do. "There," she steps back a little, "It suits you." she gave a nod of approval, even if she did think so herself. "Do you mind if I get a picture?" she asked before wanting to correct her own thoughts, especially when she wondered if that sounded like she wanted the picture, "It's for my.. um, socials," she gestured behind her, as if it wasn't obvious she was talking about her stand and therefore business.
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Ender didn’t miss it– the way she eyed him the moment he said something even slightly cryptic. To anyone else, a mere comment about hoping whatever entity existed not watching him too closely might’ve passed by rather innocuously, but it wasn’t lost on him the way Kathryn appeared to take notice. It might’ve meant nothing, but considering her close ties to the Sons of Silence, nothing meant nothing to Ender, and so he just nodded, listening closely to her follow-up. There wasn’t anything particularly useful in her response, but it did shine a light on who she was, and where she placed stock– maybe it meant nothing now, but it might be something to played on later if she really was wrapped up with the Sons. “Good for you,” he supplied, and he genuinely meant it, “I’m still getting there,” when it came to getting good with the big man, that was. Despite growing up in a very traditional religious home, Ender had strayed quite a bit– by now, he was considered non-practicing at best, but he was still quite spiritual. “I can appreciate that,” he chuckled, nodding as he raised his drink to his lips. He’d always appreciated anyone who could get straight to the point, regardless of what that looked like. “That’s fair,” Ender supplied, shrugging his shoulders, and in a rare moment of vulnerability, he divulged a little– just a little, “Right time, right person…people preach that over and over, but I’m not so sure. Stars have to practically align nowadays.” He’d thought he had both of those things once, but he’d been proven wrong much later than what he’d preferred. Lifting a brow, he chuckled, “Just five? Pretty sure we’ve been at it for at least ten, so if you’re beyond bored, feel free to let me know,” Ender teased, his way of just carrying on the conversation and keeping them both engaged.
Hopefully not too closely. It was enough to have Kathryn eyeing him over her drink. It was a momentary slip, watching like a hawk — searching for something tangible. Reading people wasn't like the movies. She couldn't figure out his thoughts by the way he moved his eyes or the tonal changes in his voice, but subtlety was an interesting part of the whole. "Everyone makes mistakes in life. I got good with the big man a long time ago." She hadn't. In fact, it was something she battled with often. Her faith. However, it'd often battled against her obvious love for space, and the science that came with it. Her father had been the exact same.
She missed her parents, she truly did. And it was something she was pretty sure she'd never fully overcome. She was pretty sure no one did. However, the notion that their love had inspired Ender to have his own — well, that was the silver lining, right?
"What can I say? I was never one to beat around the bush." Lie. There were many people who could contest to the contrary. However, she didn't hesitate to continue talking, as if it'd washed right off her back. "No, never married," the thought ludacris to Kathryn, unable to even comprehend. Her life had been so different from others, the chance of such a life had always seemed like a pipedream. "Never felt right for me. I never had enough stability." Until now, and even that was on shaky ground right now. "Or, I don't know. Maybe I just never met the right person." She shrugged, as if brushing away the topical conversation about the state of her life, or better yet, her love life. It had remained in dire straits for a good five years at this point. She wasn't one to divulge too much. Usually she spoke in riddles, half-truths and lies.
"Plus, small talk only interests me for five minutes."
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Chuckling softly, he shrugged his shoulders, taking what he assumed was a compliment and leaving it at that, "Well, I'm glad you think so," Ender laughed, watching as she tried to explain herself using her hands. "Fluffy to hold..." he reiterated with a deliberate nod, not sure he really knew what that meant, but telling himself it didn't necessarily sound bad. "Oh," he laughed as she showed him one of the crowns at her stand. "I mean, let's give it shot," he supplied, lowering his head enough so that she could set it into place, "Never really been crowned before," not that he was arrogant enough to think himself king of anything-- really, he was just trying to make a joke he hoped a total stranger might have a laugh at.
"I do..." her smile grew slightly, knowing that she was actually speaking the truth there - it wasn't like he had a bald patch in the middle of his hair, after all. "Just the right amount of.." she made an upwards motion with her hands just above her own hair, unable to sometimes not talk with her hands, "Fluffy to hold--" she made a subtle turn towards her stand, picking up a crown that was vibrant with the colour of flowers to its selection, "One of these." she says as she now fully faced the man, her brow quirking lightly as she found herself joining in with the lighthearted vibe around her.
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To most anyone, it might have seemed as though Ender had an ulterior motive by attending the music festival– maybe he could scope out some of the suspects that ATF was eyeballing, maybe he could catch them slipping. But in all honesty? Ender was here to finally try and enjoy himself since relocating to Tonopah Valley. He’d always been an avid music lover, and so this seemed like the perfect spot to really revel in that. Once the brief intermission between performers started, he thought to circle back, maybe grab another drink, when his brother’s familiar tone pulled him from whatever line of thinking he’d been lingering on. Smiling fondly at the thought of their sister, he nodded, “Probably more up her alley than ours, huh?” Despite loving music as fervently as he did, he’d always viewed their sister as the more lively of the Yılmaz clan. Snorting a laugh, Ender shot his brother a pointed look, “I’m here, aren’t I?” Which to him, spoke volumes. Ender never would’ve shown his face if he didn’t plan on actually having a good time. He’d gone so far as to look the part and everything. “Looks like you’ve gotten a headstart on me,” he teased, which really was just his way of telling his younger brother he needed to supply him with a drink. They were off the clock, and they might as well make the most of it.
FOR: @ender-yilmaz WHERE: Tonopahella Music Festival, 2024. Ext. Outside.
Until recently, Celal hadn't been a drinker, per say. In fact, until the break down of his marraige, he'd never really seen the point in it. In the past all it'd done was make everything hazy, and a really bad experience with spewing on the lawn at some party in college. However, with recent events bringing him to a new town, where he knew no one besides his brother and work colleauges, he'd been doing it more. It started socially, and then slowly, over time, it'd worked it's way into home. It wasn't excessive, not over the line but more than he should've. It was that reason alone, stood in the middle of a boiling field, festival gear that one of his female colleauges had instructed him on, that he found Ender.
"Seline would probably love this shit." Celal snorted, arms crossing as he tugged down on the bucket hat that was shielding his eyes from the blaring sun. "Are you gonna' attempt to enjoy yourself...or?" a cheeky grin slipping onto his lips. He was goading him, only slightly, trying to push those buttons. It was his job as the annoying, under-achieving little brother.
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Ender had arrived entirely too early to the checkpoint, but that was just in his nature. He’d never been one to just sit around or lie in wait. If there was something on his agenda, he tended to throw himself at it, especially if it was work related. Little by little, he’d watched the others filter in, and he’d been waiting for them with a fresh pot of coffee. Ender wasn’t much use to anyone without caffeine and from what he’d come to experience, over half of the ATF team wasn’t either, so having a fresh pot ready to go when the others arrived wasn’t so much of a kind gesture on his part as it was an absolute necessity to ensure everyone around him was sharp and ready to act. Brown eyes finding Gia as she entered, he dipped his head in a brief nod of greeting, “Morning.” Shaking his head, he raised his cup of coffee to his lips and sighed, “No, not really. Just usual activity outside the clubhouse.” There was absolutely nothing to suggest anything out of the ordinary was about to go down– as far as he could tell, it was all business as usual. “Our guy monitoring the ports out in Cali had nothing to report either.” Which to him? It meant they were all gathered around for nothing.
state of grace // @ender-yilmaz
The early morning sun painted the sky with hues of gold and crimson as Gia Woods maneuvered her car through the winding streets of Tonopah Valley. Her mind was a flurry of thoughts, each one anchored to the mission ahead. The ATF had been working tirelessly to bring down Los Santos and the Sons of Silence, two gangs whose reign of terror had left an indelible mark on the community. Gia parked her car outside a nondescript building in downtown Tonopah, the designated meeting point for the task force. She took a moment to glance at her reflection in the rearview mirror. Her face was a mask of determination, the dark circles under her eyes a testament to the sleepless nights spent planning and strategizing. The familiar scent of coffee and gun oil greeted her as she entered the building. The task force was already assembled, a mixture of seasoned agents and fresh faces, all sharing the same steely resolve. "Morning, Yılmaz," Gia replied, her own voice steady and calm. "Anything new?"

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“It’s okay,” he answered, not wanting to pressure her when by far, Emiri was already the most cooperative person he’d spoken to in the Sons inner circle. No way was he about to jeopardize that now by pressing. In addition to that, there was this innocence about Emiri, or perhaps it was just a genuine warmth that made Ender want to help whenever it came to her father. No daughter deserved to go through life without answers as to what happened, and while he wasn’t sure if he could help, he’d certainly try. Nodding as he watched the surprise play out across her features, Ender offered up a small smile, “Of course– I’ll see what I can find out.” And he really would– this wasn’t some empty promise he was extending her way. No, Ender actually did intend to follow up on it. “I agree with you– this should’ve been solved a long time ago. You deserve closure, right along with everyone else.” In his view, it was absolute bullshit that no one had been charged yet. The town was nearing the two year anniversary of that tragic day and still, there was no one to hold responsible for it. That was unacceptable, and if Ender could help, then he would. “For the record, I don’t think you’re implicated in any of this,” he continued, circling back to his original reason for stopping by that day, “Just doing my due diligence by coming here and asking.” Again, he was sticking to that strategy of not pushing. Emiri had been nothing but kind thus far, and he wasn’t about to try and ruin it. “But if there’s anything– anything at all that might help, I’d appreciate it if you gave me a call.” With that, he pulled one of his business cards from his pocket and handed it over, “I probably don’t need to tell you that the MC is caught up in some pretty serious shit.” He had to assume that with her family ties, Emiri had probably already guessed that the club wasn’t just taking joy rides around town. “Just don’t want to see this town caught in the crossfire.”
"Sorry..." she shook her head, "I don't really pay too much attention." which wasn't a lie, though for somebody as connected as she was to the club, her words were not exactly the truth. Emiri was somewhere sailing in the middle, happily enough to do so as she didn't feel any pressure on her to actually answer. She does, however, begin to fidget slightly by placing her numerous drawing pencils back into the tin they came from, making sure to correctly order them by grade. Lifting her attention back towards Ender she nodded lightly, feeling like she already could have guessed he didn't know anything about the death of her father, Dean and Kyle. Though she does feel surprised by his offer - one that was obvious across her expressions - it didn't feel expected of him to say he'd look into it, and a part of Emiri felt bad for not being more helpful. Not that she was suddenly going to change anything, she just felt that guilt because she was human. "If you... if you could? Just doesn't make sense that somebody could get away with something like that? I know not everybody likes the MC but it just seems cruel, before I found my dad I was helping a little girl find her mom because they got separated. Can you imagine the trauma she has? Doesn't feel like anybody cares." she knew she was rambling and yet she couldn't help that, the world was cruel and still, she wondered if the bomb had been directed at anybody else whether the case would have been solved by now.
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