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I hope you fall in love with someone who never stops choosing you and I hope you feel at home when you look at them.
abc-xo  (via wnq-writers)
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When the crowd sings along during Fool’s Gold
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via sjcdrums on instagram
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Why you Should Believe in Yourself
1. You matter. Your thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, wishes, longings, fears, anxieties – they all matter.
2. There is no-one else like you. You can play a unique role in the world and in other peoples’ lives. The world will be a poorer place without your own very special contribution.
3. You were made to be loved, wanted and treasured. It’s not just a matter of accepting or putting with who you are. You were meant to be valued and cherished by others.
4. You were made to live a full and happy life.
5. You were made to have purpose and to go after your dreams – to feel that you achieve and your life is meaningful.
6. Your life is a gift – it is given as you matter. You’re a beautiful person. Be all that you can be.
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“If I commit suicide today, no one would miss me”
- The sad truth
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i hate how my head works. i hate that my self esteem is so low. i hate that i don’t believe in my worth.
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Things that have been said to me in the past 48 hours:
“You have no motivation, no drive. How do you expect to succeed at anything?”
“Are you even trying?”
“You’re selfish and self-centered”
“Lazy piece of shit”
“You can’t commit to anything, not even yourself”
“You want to be loved, but I honestly don’t even like you”
“Everyone is depressed, get over yourself”
“You don’t care about anyone, but you expect to be cared about”
“You’re not helpful, you’re not useful, you don’t try, you don’t think. Why do I even keep you around?”
“You have no emotion, but somehow you’re still a roller coaster”
“Can you get your shit together?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Life is just a little easier when you’re not around”
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Maybe I can’t be happy ever again
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This darkness never goes away. 
It’s still lurking around. Waiting for that moment when you think you’re doing better. When you think you’ve already got over all that shit in your life.
And that’s when it strikes and pulls you back into the abyss. To remind you who you really are.
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depression is NOT ‘poetic’ and ‘romantic’
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They fuck you up, your mom and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had and add some extra, just for you.
Philip Larkin
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Please remember, no matter how bad you feel now, it will get better. If you’re thinking about taking your life tonight, reconsider. Think of those who love you, and who care. If you’re thinking about cutting yourself, think of the later consequences. There are better ways of getting out your feelings without hurting yourself. You are strong. You’re still alive. That matter
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