enaelebeohp · 4 years
I can’t help but think that ginny and hermione’s friendship was a lot like amy and rosa’s and I’m upset that there isn’t enough canonical evidence to support or refute this
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enaelebeohp · 4 years
Hermes: Im a wanted man
Hera: That´s impossible, you werent even a wanted child.
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enaelebeohp · 4 years
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I just realized why this particular shot got me in the feels so hard.
Not just the Damirae (ok a bit)
but the fact that this is both the most facial expression we have ever gotten from Damien as well as the most gentle we have ever seen him.
This 1 second of animation shows SO much progression for his character, whether its Raven’s influence or not.
Idk, this just kinda got to me.
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enaelebeohp · 4 years
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Now it makes sense how she is imposing herself in the leaked photo and Damian is looking forward with a smile on his face as if thinking "She is my girlfriend and she is crazy"
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enaelebeohp · 4 years
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BLACK CANARY in ‘Birds of Prey’ (2020)
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
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a cliche 🎄😘
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
Raven finally walked out of her bathroom, pulling her hair into a ponytail. She folded her arms as she walked over to the counter as the kid looked through her fridge.
“Do you have any juice?” he asked.
“Only OJ,” she answered.
“Cool!” he said and she sidestepped him as she plucked it up, pulled down a sniffer.
“I’ll do the pouring,” she said. After pouring a sniffer of OJ before handing it to him. “What are you doing here kid? Aren’t your parents?”
“My mom is the Evil Queen,” he stated.
“Uh-huh, and your dad?”
“He doesn’t know he’s my dad!” he said cheerfully. Raven glared at the kid.
“Where’s your mom?”
“She let me come!” he said.
“I don’t think so, it was a closed adoption. This is New York City, no mother of any standing would let you come here alone, you’re eight. So, where’s your mom, and what are you doing here?” she asked.
“I…” he started. “I came for you,” he said.
“Alright, I’m calling the cops,” she decided.
“I’ll tell them you kidnapped me,” he countered. She glared at that smug, confident glare; God he looked like his father; a bit infuriating.
“And they’ll believe you because I’m your birth mom,” she sighed. “Alright, where do you live?”
“Miller Harbor, Maine!” he chirped.
Raven stared balefully at him. Daniel sat there looking smug, looking like his father, and she sighed as she propped her chin up on her fist while she leaned on the counter. “I take it as in the only way you’re going home is if I drive you?”
“Give me ten minutes, and do not touch the ice cream!” she warned.
“But it’s Caramel Fudge!” he whined.
“Don’t even think about it,” she warned; knowing full well she was about to have an eight year old smothered in chocolate, vanilla and caramel if she wasn’t careful. Raven shot off a text to Luci and Maze to inform them that something had popped up and she would not be back in time to cover Clara’s performance. Getting dressed she was tugging on her boots and the heavy leather jacket she had for going to colder places. She also grabbed some weather gear; just in case, and her go bag while pocketing her knives and walking out to see the kid smothered in ice cream; her ice cream. “Seriously?” she sighed in amusement as he stopped midbite.
“I only had a bite!”
“That was a full pint,” she said plucking it from his sticky fingers and putting it in the fridge again.
“I’m hungry!”
“Go wash up and we’ll get something on the way to Maine.”
Daniel jogged off to her bathroom then. It was now that Raven noticed the thick book popping out the back of his discarded backpack. Book was as big as him, which had her picking up the backpack and peeking inside, there was nothing ominous about it or within it. There was however a serious knife, a tactical knife, which she pocketed.
Owner of Black Jack Books, was a bit surprised when he saw the mayor standing at his door, banging on his shop door frantically. He couldn’t remember a single time when she had ever come to his shop, which was why he was a bit curious; despite his inebriated state, and swaggered over.
“What are you doing?” he demanded. The woman spun furiously on him, as her blue eyes narrowed.
“Where is he!?” she demanded.
“Who?” he asked, playing dumb.
“Don’t play stupid Jason!” she snapped. “Daniel is missing!”
“Lad’s probably out looking for adventure, they do that at eight, your highness,” he retorted. “And isn’t this a matter for the sheriff?” He was leaning on the wall of his shop; Artemis would not be happy if it was broken into and the mayor looked ready to break every window she could reach. Jason also didn’t have time for replacing windows, autumn was cold and fishing season was busy, and he couldn’t afford to be late to the docks for work. Despite owning the shop, he had insisted on sailing and fishing; it was honest labor that kept him sane because the mayor would drive him batty. (Battier than Sheriff Dick Grayson or Veterinarian Dr. Damian al Ghul could.)
The only reason he hadn’t dismissed her out of hand immediately was Daniel; Danny, the lad was invasive, inquisitive, intelligent, talented, and above all, ballsy. Jason had had the lad toddling after him for some unknown reason since the lad could walk. Danny had taken his first steps to Jason the first time they had met, said his first word for him, and for some unknown reason, always screamed for him when he was sick or injured. Danny’s mother had tried to curb this behavior, but since the lad was three and needed stitches, she had ceased that. No one could calm the tot when he had cracked his head open and blood was spewing everywhere; until they called in Jason, and Jason spent the next hours with the kid keeping him calm while Danny got twenty-one stitches, serious check over with x-rays, scans, and the works, but the kid was alright. Rebounded the next day and since then, was Jason’s shadow.
“He isn’t anywhere in town!” she shrieked.
“Lad will turn up, he couldn’t have gone anywhere,” he groaned rubbing his face over.
The mayor stormed off, he sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fuck!” he hissed before running off to find Danny before he found trouble; or worse, his mother found him.
Raven looked at the marker of the town, Daniel; or Danny as he insisted his dad called him, had fallen dead asleep in her back seat. She had hazardously pulled her spare coat over the tiny body and put a blanket from her emergency kit under his head. They were here now.
“Hey, kid, Danny,” she said as they pulled up to a dead end; the road literally disappeared into the water, her phone said it was just after midnight when she pulled up. Getting out of the car she walked to the backseat, carefully opening the door, and shaking his shoulder gently.
“We’re here, Danny, now where are we supposed to go?”
“69 not telling you,” he muttered sourly as he rolled over and curled up into a tight little ball, disappearing beneath her jacket.
“Oh no you don’t!” she hissed pulling him out of the car, the kid yelped fully awake as she set him down on his feet. He didn’t look unsettled at the manhandling, but he wasn’t awake.
“Where are we heading?” she asked cocking her brow.
“We need to take the ferry,” he muttered.
“Good, and when does that come?”
“In the morning?” he said uncertainly.
“How’d you get over here then?”
“Rowboat!” he said proudly. She frowned as she rubbed her hands over her face; this kid was going to be the death of her. No mother wanted to ever hear that their kid had rowed to shore, in the autumn on the Atlantic, but the kid looked so damn proud of himself that she couldn’t outright berate him.
“Do you have a number I can call of someone who operates the ferry?”
“No one ever comes to Miller’s Harbor,” he said solemnly.
“Uh-huh, sure they don’t, the number kid,” she warned him before he rattled off a phone number which had her dialing it.
“Hello? Danny, this better be you or your rear is in a world of hurt when I get my hands on you,” a sharp, male voice; that sounded very stressed, tired, scared and worried informed her. That about summed up how she felt in these last hours, and just as intensely as when Danny had informed her he had rowed here.
“Lemme guess, Danny is a small, curly black haired, aquamarine eye color, freckled troublemaker who loves red and ice cream?” she asked as Danny made himself at home in her backseat again. His eyes had an unusual violet hue when he stared at her through the window, his nose was red from the cold.
“Who the hell is this?” the voice demanded.
“Currently, I have Danny, I need a ride into town apparently to take him home,” she said.
“How the hell did he get over there?”
“I’m gonna kill him.”
“I would rather we just get him home, it’s been a long, exhausting night,” she said.
“I’ll be there in twenty, I gotta get my first mate up and get over there.”
“Please, it’s cold here,” she said.
“Be right there.”
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
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Anyone ever notice how jack was always a little shit 
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
The Devil wears Armani| chapter 2
A/n: chapter 2 yay! Please do follow #damirae #fashionistaau and #devilwearsarmani for story 😁🙈
Raven now slump on her table after she having that meeting with that man yesterday.
She sighed and lightly but her forehead on her desk because of her past mistake which is leaving THAT book which is now in the hand of the man whom become her subject in that forbidden journal.
" Design me a suit for next Wayne Gala but in return, you have to be there and wear the DRESS."
"Dress? Or course. I will-"
"But not your design." Damian cut off her words.
She gasped. "What do you mean not my design? I'm -"
"I KNOW but this is the best part." He evil smirk lingers on his lips.
" Best part?" Raven knitted her eyebrows together as she heard his condition.
" Designer Raven aka Rachel Roth will be wearing MY dress design for this big event." He smug. He SMUG!
Raven almost lost her mind with irritation start to flood in her vein. " And if I refuse?!" Her usual cool tone start to lose its composure, slightly raise an octave.
He smiled and show her forbidden book in front of her. "This will be in my possession."
"Keep it then." She cross her arm.
Then he lift a finger as a sign he haven't finished his word. "Perhaps people might be delighted to find these drawing that has your infamous signature leak on the internet." He continued.
"You wouldn't dare!" her face grown paler.
"I DO."
Remembering that incident yesterday almost drain out her physically and mentally. That man who become her muse or her SIN for her little fantasy booklet appear in front of her, in flesh and bone and strike a bargain.
The clock shows it's 8 o clock at night and it late. She sighed in defeat as she start to tidy her things.
Why now? Her mind wonders. Why now he would black mail her? Was it because she start to get attention and now he's chasing her?
She scoffed, typical rich people.
Before she reached home, she went to the local bakery to pick some savory pastries for her light dinner.
As She wait for her order, she saw the flat screen TV at corner showing the famous celebrity host, Jimmy Donovan interview one of the heir from the big industry at the East Coast.
Interested, she walked nearer to table and sit as her watch the show then as they reveal their guest turns out to be Damian Wayne which made she almost lose control NOT to throw the stool nearby toward the screen.
"So I heard that you've just back from the overseas after you've complete your study, Mr. Wayne?" Jimmy tries to dig up from Wayne's blood son who become their attention currently.
" True. I just back from Middle east doing humanitarian mission under Wayne Enterprise's community project.." Damian cross his leg as he answer the question.
"May I know who is the lucky woman that stole Bruce Wayne's heart that made him to have a secret love child with?"
"That's is ... how am I suppose to say..." The young heir rub his chin with his finger. " None of your concern and you are not allowed to know about it." He gives out spicy comment.
"Wow, snarky." Jimmy laughed. "Anyway, since you're back in Gotham, would you take over your father's company?"
"Depends. Besides, this would be my first time to manage Wayne Gala this year." Damian casually sit on the couch.
"The Gala! Any celebrities who will be attend this event?" Jimmy anticipated with Gotham's most infamous and elite party that known as charity raise event which held once in every year.
"I think you all probably recognise ..." He paused. "Raven?"
His word made everyone on the the studio gasped and cheers including Jimmy himself! "The rising star designer Raven?!" As the other co-star shout at the back.
"Yes." He calmly answer it. " She will be there." He smirk then rest his chin on his propped arm at the back cushion of the couch.
"I can't believe it! We gonna see Raven live during Wayne's Gala!!" Jimmy raised his voice in excitement as the whole studio applause with excitement with the news.
Raven's face getting paler as she look at the live show. Damian just announced she will be there at the Gala, wearing a design dress that wasn't hers.
Besides, Raven tried to keep her face a secret from the media to prevent the paparazzi chasing her down the street stealing photos from her. It's like having no privacy and Raven is a very private person.
She remembers by the time when the announcer declare her as the winner of Fashion Award, Kory and Karen who were her model showcasing her clothline suggest her to wear hooded capes as they know their fellow designer has awfully stage fright and by wearing that, she could conceal herself from the flashes of cameras and slightly saturated down the sound of applause.
By then, Rachel Roth are known as Raven due to the shape of the cloak she wear at that time.
After she heard Damian announce that she will be there at the Gala, she get shivered.
She wanted to backed down the deal but at the same time, her pride told her not to because she is a professional therefore a bit of challenge should be easier just like how she manage to release Lenore collection in Winter season which is harder to get attention but due to her convenience, aethethic unique and recognizable design for the winter wear, that collection sold almost all around the world, even it has been purchase in larger amount by anonymous in Middle east.
Wait... Middle east? Was it coincidence? Raven shooked her head then sighed because there is no such things as coincidence happens.
The waiter called up her name as her order are ready. She walked back to her apartment which is only a few blocks after the local bakery.
As she walked down the hallway she saw something on her doorstep. An envelope. A Very grandish design envelope on her doorstep.
She swallowed. He is serious.
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
listen Rayla and Callum are cute and all... but Soren is RIGHT THERE
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
Tirek: Is there anything better than ruling Equestria?
Twilight: Yes, a really good book
Pinkie: *plays a long note on a keyboard*
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
Greek Gods As Things I’ve Said On Discord
Zeus: When I say fuck everything, I don’t mean it in the “I’m-giving-up” way if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hera: Excuse you, Karen? I’m the head thot around here
Poseidon:  Hydrate yourself and burn your enemies to the ground, coward
Hades: I’m dead inside and I love my wife what the fuck do you want
Demeter: I swear to fucking god if you don’t eat right now I’m stealing your fucking kneecaps
Apollo: I am fueled by music and the knowledge that my ass is better than yours ever will be, clownfucker
Artemis: The moon is rising and so is my temper
Athena: I am the only fucking top here are you fucking kidding me
Ares: I could fight all of you at the same time and still win, yet you mediocre shit llamas still want to test me by having the audacity to claim your yodeling skills are better than mine
Dionysus: Help the grape juice isn’t helping me forget
Aphrodite: Okay first of all: how dare you call me a 9. I know for a fact that I am at least a 15.
Persephone: So I just decided to google pictures of flowers for the first time in like 7 years and I think I just fell in love holy shit pretty colors
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
bruce: y/n, would you do me the honor of becoming my daughter-in-law?
jason: did you just propose to her for me?
bruce: somebody had to, jason.
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
Remember in chapter 28 in Calm in the Storm where Raven has to lose a little weight to fit into her wedding dress. I think it would be awesome to have a chapter with the convo between her and Jason about going on a diet. Love all your works!!!! 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
I do remember that chapter, it was cute to write. Thank you for requesting the argument, it was fun to write and fun to remember! =)
Jason stared dumbly at his girl, and his girl stared back patiently, almost waiting for him to process the bomb she had dropped on his head.
“You want to do what?” he sputtered as he stepped away from the cooking to stare at her.
“You heard me.”
“Uh…” he blinked several times to process. But it didn’t click. “You want to diet?” he clarified; his sanity was dying or he hadn’t heard her right.
“Why!?” he demanded, he’d admit to being a drama queen about this but food was so fucking important! Jason… Jason could remember being hungry, and not just hungry, starving, he’d been so malnourished that even Dr. Thompson said he’d permanently stunted his growth and would never get over five foot four; if he was lucky. He had died at the height of four foot ten, and ninety pounds; he had been starved, beaten and hungry. And this is the hunger that never left; it would wake him in his nightmares to push him to cook. He loved cooking, he loved food, he was a foodie. Hell if he wasn’t a Bat and Lazarus dipped man he’d probably weight three hundred pounds of fat and be a chef or food critic; he’d admit it.
But the idea of dieting! He had never…
He stared at his perfect girl.
Raven wasn’t perfect, he knew that. Since she had slowly started retiring from the life he had noticed her gaining weight. Not a lot.
All weight she gained went to his favorite parts; the hips, thighs and ass, he thought it glorious. She was so damn sexy, even with the little pudge, just made her more precious; and fitting of his sexy librarian fantasy role play. She was sexy as fuck. He loved her hips, ass and thighs; though they were always the curvier, and thicker parts of her petite frame.
Right now though he had his fiancée; soon to be wife; in exactly thirty three days; but who was counting, staring at him with her hands on her glorious hips.
“You’re making me fat Jason.”
“What!? I have done no such thing, if anything you’re too skinny, one good gust of wind and good bye Rae!” he declared.
“I am not that skinny!”
“No, but you are that small.”
“Not everyone is a freakish giant like you.”
“I don’t understand!” he defended.
“Jason,” she sighed.
“No, no, I will not allow it again, I will not sit here and watch my fiancée starve herself to death just for a damn dress!” he snapped.
“A diet isn’t starving myself, it’s managing my body,” she stated.
“No! I can’t!” he stated.
“No Raven, no, I’m serious, I will not watch you starve yourself for a damn dress! I already starved feeding a starving woman, I will not watch my fiancée, the woman I love, do the same things my mother did!” he snapped.
“First, that is a dangerous can of worms to open, and we will talk about that later, and second, I would not ask you to starve yourself to take care of me, ever! I am responsible for you and you are responsible for me, we are partners, equals, here, we are not dying or starving to death. I just need to do a diet, more management in controlling what I eat and how it affects my body.”
“Jason, this is important.”
“I will not allow you to starve yourself!” he snapped furiously.
“How about, you tone down the fancy cooking, just until after the wedding, and we will go for runs and jogs, and you cook healthy things. Like salad?” she offered.
He saw her determined look of absolute resolve, and knew he was not going to win this argument, but he’d go down swinging. “No.”
“Raven, it starts with a diet, then you’ll skip meals, and one meal becomes two, and for what!? You’re already perfect!”
“I am pudgy.”
“In all the best places, I mean seriously, the way you fill out those jeans!” he grinned looking down at her. She folded her arms as she glared levelly back.
“That is not a good thing Jason.”
“I think it’s perfectly fine.”
“My body, my opinion,” she snapped.
“Good, we’re eating healthy and I’ll go running with you.”
“I am not living off of salads only.”
“No, but we don’t need to eat so extravagantly every night,” she defended.
“Rae…” he whined.
“You like cooking, I get it, but if you need to feed an army you’ll have to go to the soup kitchen or that foster house you frequently check in on; yes I know about the group home. And yes I know about the kids you mentor and coach; no, B does not know.”
“I was going to tell you about that,” he sheepishly offered. He had no idea how to broach the topic with his fiancée though so he had left it alone. Which was kind of his and Raven’s shitty way of dealing with shit they didn’t know how to bring up. The other normally found out, just like he had found out about her volunteering at St. Jude’s, she hadn’t denied it, but hadn’t known how to bring it up. There were sensitive points in both their lives they just didn’t know how to bring up until it was brought up. Like now.
“It’s great, you’re helping at risk kids, and changing lives, it’s important, but Jason, I’m serious about this diet. If you want to cook like a chef you’ll have to take it to the group home or soup kitchen,” she stated. “And in exchange, until the wedding, I will go on runs with you, but please don’t expect me to be fast.”
“Fine, but if you skip a meal I will force feed you,” he warned.
“I’m not skipping anything Jason, but I need to drop the pudge.”
“Fine,” he grumbled. “I like the pudge.”
“I’ll feel better about myself if I don’t have the pudge.”
“Then expect me to get you up at six in the morning, it’s a fifteen mile jog, but for you we’ll start small,” he offered immediately. He just wanted her happy, he could do this. He’d curse the existence of diets later, he wanted Raven happy.
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
Jayrae one shot please where jay confesses his feelings to raven and end up having sex
“It’s been a long night.” 
“Mm.” Raven slid her hand down his bare back, pausing at an old scar before checking the bandage she had placed yesterday. He twitched as she touched something tender and pulled away. Raven sighed, and glared down at him. “If you would let me heal you with magic, this wouldn’t be a problem. I could get you back to your normally scheduled vagrancy in minutes.”
Keep reading
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
I know you probably won't want to for reasons, but, how crazy would it be to write a one shot of Jason from HFAB universe to run into Jason from Calm in the Storm? Just a little woops, not supposed to be here, mind screw!
I’m always up for mind screws, so where shall we begin…?
Right Woman, Wrong Universe…
The light filtered through the window curtains into his eyeswhich had him groaning as he pulled a pillow over his head and rolled away fromit. It was too early in the morning for light! He nuzzled his face into thesecond pillow and squeezed his eyes shut tighter to attempt to fall back fromthat in between point of sleep and awake to go back to blissfulunconsciousness. There was a shift of weight on the bed, which he ignored invain hopes of going back to sleep. The soft moan of a soft, husky voice he knewhad his eyes snapping open as he bolted upright, the sheet being yanked fromhis companion.
Jason blinked rapidly, sleep gone from his mind as he stareddown at her.
Her long black hair was fanned over the pillow beside him,her naked body was prone as her delicate breast rose and fell in even breaths.Her hand curled on the pillow by her head, her other hand rested on her smooth,bare stomach, which had his eyes trailing further down.
Difference between that drunken Christmas and right now wasshe was fully naked, there was no delicated lacy panties shielding her from hisview. The runes on her were different but he knew those could change. Jasonlooked around the room; where the hell were they!?
Slowly and cautiously he slipped out of the bed, startled byhis equally naked state.
Did they…? He looked at the torn, discarded clothes that litteredthe floor. There were a discarded condoms, which had him panicking as he lookedaround. Grabbing a pair of pants he darted silently of the room, having no ideawhere they were, and hoping to find clues as to what the hell had happened lastnight.
Last night, he had been out, drinking in a dive bar hefavored; he remembered that because he was bitching with a fellow regular aboutthe Knights game as they were slaughtered by the Mets. He had had a couplebeers, and with the Pit he didn’t get the buzz or get drunk easily.
She had sauntered in, he remembered that, but it wasn’tRaven…
No, he had been making out with Rose last night. Heremembered because they had made it to the alley, and he had her pinned to abrick wall while they struggled for dominance. She had bite his abused lip, hehad cursed her as he twisted her arm behind her back, she had shoved her assagainst…
Well, that was the last thing he remembered.
He had definitely not been with or near Rae, so what thehell had happened.
“Mmm, morning handsome,” a seductive smoky voice purred asshe sauntered in, there was an open Alonso jersey on her, that did nothing tohide her.
His eyes raked over her before he determinedly looked outthe window.
“Uh… morning,” he muttered.
“Jason? Is something wrong?” she asked, he tensed when herhand touched his upper shoulder.
“Uh… did we… last night…” he stammered out, stepping out ofher reach to assess the permanent damage he had inflicted on his best friend.There were hickeys, bruises, there were marks of passion; but he didn’tremember putting them there. Immediately he reached out and did up the buttonson her jersey.
Raven gave him a startled look then.
“Yes… we did… did that explosion make you lose your memory?I know I said I wouldn’t, but Jason,” she started reaching for him. He saw themagic on her fingers and ducked out of her range. Nope. No. The last thing heneeded was for her to know about his private fantasies she had been starring inlately. Though looking at her now he guessed that it was a moot point.
“Um… Rae… I… Look, I’m sorry, but I didn’t, I… I’m sorry,please don’t… um… this doesn’t change anything,” he said.
Raven chuckled softly. “Jason, I enjoyed last night,” shepromised.
Well that makes one of us, he thought internally. “I just… Idon’t want this to ruin us,” he said.
Now she took a step away from him, her dark eyes raking overhim critically. “Jason?”
“Uh… I’ll just, I’ll get my shit and go…” he started.
“Stay right there Jason Peter Todd,” she snapped. He frozeseeing the dark look on her face, but there was nothing but concern on herfeatures as well. “What are you talking about?”
“I… We slept together last night.”
“I’m aware. We do that frequently.”
“We had sex Rae and I’m sorry for fucking this up! I’mtrying not to fuck it up more!” he snapped. She looked a bit confused, butthere was a critical way she was looking at him which made him think he shouldback track. He was wrecking everything, but he didn’t… he couldn’t… he didn’tknow what to do! She was his best friend! Shit! Raven was everything! And hedidn’t remember sleeping with her! He remembered Rose; he did not know how hehad landed here though, and it was freaking him out.
“Fuck it up how?” Raven asked.
“Uh… look, you’re my best friend, and I…”
“Jason, what’s the last thing you remember? You can tell me,I won’t get upset,” she promised.
“Uh… I was at my regular dive, bitching about the Knightsgetting slaughtered by the Mets, and then Rose and I were making out, I thinkshe might’ve drugged me, but I don’t know how the hell you and I got into bedand I am so sorry Rae! Let me fix this!”
“Jason,” Raven said walking to grab his arms, he felt thecalm radiating off of her as she forced him to look into her eyes. “I don’tthink I’m your Raven.”
“I have been in a relationship with my Jason for nearly fouryears now, we have fabulous sex frequently, and are best friends. You didn’t ruinanything, I don’t think you’re my Jason and I’m not your Raven, and I don’tthink you and I slept together.”
“Oh thank God,” he breathed, his knees going weak as hecaught himself on the countered. “No offense, I mean you’re smoking hot and mytype,” he started awkwardly. Raven merely smiled softly.
“No offense taken,” she promised. “Let me get properlydressed and we’ll sort this thing out.” She walked off, and he watched her ass;sue him, he was a guy and Raven was smoking hot! She reappeared dressed inleggings and her jersey, she pulled her long hair up in a tail and assessedhim.
“I met my Jason when he pointed a gun at my head and theLazarus Pit was drowning him. I hid him in my room and even under my bed for abouta month before I moved and got an apartment with him, he moved out two weekslater, and remained my dearest friend, and semi-roommate for years. He’s RedHood and Red X, he and I started dating when he kissed me when the Cubs won theWorld Series,” she said. “I love him very much, and you are not him, but if youlet me I would like to help you and get him back.”
Jason blinked several times at not-his-Rae staring at himwith the exact same determined expression his Rae wore when she was going upagainst his skittish nature, traumas and defenses.
“I met my Rae officially when I stole her mind and she cameto kick my ass, then dragged me off to go get it back. She’s my best friend,and no we are not a couple, I would never do that to her, you, she, you knowwhat I mean, you’re too good for me.” He admitted.
“Nice to meet you Jason,” she offered her hand to him.
“You too Raven. Where the hell am I?” he asked.
“You’re in my Jason’s and I’s apartment, we’ve lived herefor a couple of years now, he just finished the bathroom renovations,” shechuckled.
“Oh!?” he lifted a brow. Jason had, since living with Royand renovating that massive warehouse, found he liked flipping properties, itwas hard work, but rewarding and he liked to work with his hands. It wassatisfying; almost as satisfying as being Red Hood.
“Yeah, I take it as you like that too?”
“Yeah, you don’t?”
“No, I like it, I just don’t like having you leave me in amess of renovations!” she defended.
“I would never!” he sputtered.
“I see, your Rae has you better trained then.”
“Not really,” he said.
“It’s okay Jason. I’m just teasing.”
“I…” he sputtered.
“We’ll figure this out.”
“Well… you’re definitely Raven,” he said.
“And you’re definitely Jason. So tell me why you aren’t withme in your universe.”
“Do I look suicidal to you?”
“Depends on the light.”
“Hardy-har-har Rae, how the hell am I getting home!?”
“With ruby shoes?” she offered.
“I see I’ve rubbed off on you in this universe.”
“We always bring out the best in each other.”
“More like the snark.”
“That too,” she chuckled. “Come on, we’ll start with MadamXandu to find out where you’re from and Constantine to find out how you got here.”
“Well, if I’m here then your Jason is with my Rae…” Jasonstarted then paled. “If he kisses her I’m knocking his face in!” he warned.
“Well, if you’re like my Jason then I’ll let you know nowthat he’s done a hell of a lot more than kissing,” she chuckled.
“Don’t… for the love of anything sacred do not go there,please!” he pleaded.
“But I’m your type,” she mused.
“That’s the problem,” he grumbled.
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enaelebeohp · 5 years
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