The crit care doc wants to prone the patient that won’t stop coding...
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Let us not forget the horrific tragedy that befell our country that day and the innocent lives that were lost. Let us not embolden our enemy by allowing us to live in despair. Let us prove that we are still the beacon of hope and liberty in the world that they envy and seek to destroy. Let us not forget those that have sacrificed their lives to ensure those freedoms. We are Americans. We will not tremble. We only overcome.
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Here She Stands. Like a 1776 foot 🖕 to those that tried to Break US!
We Don’t Break! We’re
AMERICA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Today, we remember the events of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, when radical Islamist terrorists hijacked four planes and flew them into buildings, killing nearly 3,000 people, both civilians and government officials. We also remember the bravery of Flight 93, whose passengers overwhelmed the terrorists and downed the plane in a field near Shanksville, PA before it could reach Washington DC.
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FDNY members doing rescue and recovery work in the days following Sept. 11, 2001.
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Please take the time out of your day to reblog this and remember all those who died on 9/11/01.
United we stand.
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New York City on this date (9/10) 16 years ago. Not so much one day later. Never EVER forget.
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Don't disrespect EMS.
Admitted a STEMI from cath lab. Story was he called the ambulance and ambulance activated the STEMI team prior to arrival. My orientee said “So the ER just takes the ambulance crews word for it that it was a STEMI?” I replied “Well, they are all trained to spot EKG changes for that reason so yes.” He said “That’s stupid. What if they were wrong?” So I pulled out the patient’s ambulance EKG which had very minute elevation in leads II, III, & avf & asked him to find the elevation. He was unable to so I showed him the changes & the reciprocal depression. I said “You don’t get to act better than someone just because you get paid more & went to school longer. Without those guys out there to catch that this patient could have had major heart damage from precious minutes being wasted.” He shut up for a bit at least. 😠
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"If you can't figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose." -T.D. Jakes #emslife🚑 #ambulance #AlphaOne (at Sacramento, California)
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