emptypaperbagg · 3 years
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you cannot just tell me that he doesnt look like minecraft steve wtf man
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emptypaperbagg · 3 years
an idea for an omori au
HI HI HI, sorry bUT HEAR ME OUT,, GHOST SUNNY AU. I’ve had so many little ideas for this popping up into my head lately, and I can no longer contain myself. I know that Omori is more psychological than paranormal, but I’m a sucker for ghost aus, sorry.
warning for spoilers and crack
Events take place after sometime after the Bad Ending of the game.
Sunny is still in Faraway for some reason, and he can’t figure out as to why. No one can see him or talk to him, and he can’t touch the world around him. Things in Faraway continue to go by, but Sunny doesn’t. He’s still here.
His friends aren’t here, nor is Mari.
He eventually settles with watching what everyone has been doing. After all, it seems it’s the only thing he can do.
They all appear to be sadder than before. Tired even. But they all continue on with their everyday lives.
He finds that Aubrey has been continuing to hang out with the Hooligans. Sometimes Kel would join them, but he’s usually playing basketball with some other kids. Hero left to go back to college some time ago. Basil’s staring at him.
At first, he thought that Basil was just staring at something behind him, but no. He’s staring right at him. Terrified.
Sunny opens his mouth to say something, but Basil let’s out a small sound between a screech and a scream. Then, the blond turns away, mumbling about something along the lines of this is all your imagination and you’re seeing a therapist for this kind of thing. When he turns around, Sunny is still there.
So now he’s more terrified. That’s great.
There are many different ways to execute this part, but eventually they both figure out that Sunny’s a ghost and Basil is apparently the only one who can see him.
So then they spend time together, I guess, mending the friendship that they had long ago. 
This part is important, I feel, because Sunny eventually becomes friends with the other’s again and was able to connect with them in a way during the game, but when it came to Basil, it wasn’t really all that great. Yes, Sunny saves him, but they didn’t really have that moment where they connect again.
Eventually, Basil starts asking him questions. “How are you here?”, “Why are you still here?”, and “Why did you do it?”
He doesn’t have answers.
Story progresses, Sunny tries to help Basil talk to the other’s again and bring everyone back together. They succeed. Everyone gets like +5 happiness. Yippee.
But Sunny is still there. He’s not supposed to be here. The two of them realize that Sunny has been here for a reason. -5 happiness.
The Truth. The truth needs to get out, and only Basil can tell them.
But Basil doesn’t want to tell them. He can’t. He knew that it was selfish, but he was afraid of their reaction, what they’d think. Would they think any worse of them? Things had already starting to look better for everyone. Most importantly, he didn’t want to lose Sunny. Not again. It’s the right thing to do, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so.
So beep boop, some drama here and there, dump in some angst, mix until fully combined, snack on the excess if you want, and vualá, you have an excellent meal.
It takes a lot of time for Basil to come into terms with this again, of course, but he eventually agrees.
He does the opposite of whatever Rick Astley told us and says goodbye, but more dramatic.
Truth get’s told aaAAAND THEN Basil get’s the shit beaten out of him the rest of them go through what the other fanfics do post good ending mINUS SUNNY and the hospital.
Then they live happily even after. Probably.
Feel free to flesh out this idea or change things, I know I don’t have the brain to do so. My apologies for the crack as well, I’m tired. I’ve contemplated over whether or not I’ll write something more serious and organized for this or maybe draw out some of it, but I thought nah and wrote this instead.
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emptypaperbagg · 4 years
It’s Kel, of course he’s okay.
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It's Kel, of course he's okay.
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emptypaperbagg · 4 years
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“When you hid the truth, you sealed a part of me away with it. He’s been waiting for someone to save him all this time. On that day... When you became nothing... I was split in half. Which one do you think was more painful?”
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emptypaperbagg · 4 years
what have you done
not gonna lie,
Sweet 😘🍑 summer air Just ⛹🏼 blissfully unaware No 🚫 cares We 👯 do 💕 what 😦 we’d dare 😵 Running 🏃 around The 💥 peaceful and lovely 😍😍 sounds 👌 Bring ⬅📉 out 👌 a smile 💗😊 with 😶 no doubts But 🤤🍑 it seems, 🔥🔥 there’s ✔ unrest in your ⬆🤖 dreams 💫 I 🙋👁 think 🤔 and 🏻〰 it worries me 💓 up 👋⬆ to 💰🙍 the 😭 brink I’d say 🔥 that ❌➡ it will 👊⚽ just 🤣 go ♂✔ away 😬 But 🍑🍑 I find 👅 that there 👌👌 was something 💤 Behind ↩ you, 👈👊 inside 😫👸 you, 👈🏼 I 🙍✔ can’t 🔫🚫 help 👍 but 😅 see 😎🙈 It’s 💋🤔 growing, 😐 it’s killing 🔪 what 😕😤 matters to 💦 me 😭 Staring 👁👀 and glaring at both ⬅ you 🍆 and 👏 me 🏽⛔ It seems 👏 that 💯♥ you 😡💖 saw 👁♥ something that you 💔 shouldn’t see 😤👁 (Lalalalala) You are 👀💰 perfect to 💦💦 me (Lalalalala) I know 🤣🤔 you 😥👈 wouldn’t this horrible 😱😱 thing 🔥⏮ Daisy chains 🔗 too 😍😲 beautiful 🍆 to complain So sweet, 💦 I ✊☝ cannot 😡 explain ⁉ It ✔💯 seems 👀 so 🙇🏻 sad but memories make me 🎣🅱 so 🆗 glad 😬 Just 🙏👌 take 👨 out 👿💯 ones 💚 that 👅🙎 seem bad 💦😭 Far 💶💶 off lands to 🔢 find the 😎👨 farthest of friends, ♂😏 again 😳 But the white space should 👑👫 not be 👼💀 your end 🛑 So 😎😎 spend 💰 a ➡🙊 day just playing pretend 💭😢 Oh ⭕ so 🕥👅 kind 🙁 But ☹ there ✔ is 👏💦 something 😳💤 Behind you, inside 🚪💦 you, 👏👃 I 👁 can’t help 😬 but see 👀👀 It’s 😝🤡 growing, it’s 😝👁 killing 🔪 what 👼🐶 matters 💞 to 💦👏 me 🤑🐬 Staring and 🅱 glaring at 🍆 both 🌊👬 you and 👏👏 me It 💯 seems 🔥 that 💯 you ☝👍 saw something 🤼♀ that you shouldn’t see 😏👀 I 👁👀 can’t 🔫😧 breathe 👄👄 I 👈💰 can’t 😧🔫 see 😎 don’t 🚫 leave 🚫👎 me 🍑 be 🐝➡ It’s 💡 OK, 😉 it’s 😩 alright, 👊😬 it’s 🚫 just ⛹ you 🚫 and 💦💰 me I’m 👓 scared ❌ and 😏 I’m frightened 😱😱 I 🏻👁 want 🙏👨 you 🏾 to stay 🚀 I 👀 need you to tell 🗣 me 😩💁 that 🏻🔺 I’ll 👁💰 be 🥜🐝 OK 👌 How 😡🅱 could you 😤 leave 🚪♀ me 💦 there’s 👩🏪 no wait ☝😭 out 🅱 now ⏰ We’ll 👴 go 🏃 out together and ✋ find 🔍 peace 👏 somehow 🤔 Forgive me, I’m sorry, please 😫 don’t 🚫🚫 hate me I’ll send 📦💌 us 👨 to 💦 god 😡 where 😈🤷 together 👫 we’ll ❤👨 be 👌🐝 Oh 😇😮 but 🍑 my 👨👬 heart ☝ it 😧 hurts, 😢💥 way 👉 too 😡 much to bear Slowly sinking in darkness 🌚 with hopes that 👈👨 someone 🤗 would 💀👌 care ♂🐅 I’m 👁 only 🍗👐 haunted by 🏻🎨 something behind 💉🅰 me 😤🤔 Take my 👌🅰 hand ✋ let’s ✋✋ leave 👎 this 🌶🏻 land 🌇 away to somewhere, where 🤔👏 we 👦 both 🌜 can finally 🕤 sleep 😴
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emptypaperbagg · 4 years
I was one of those kids in 5th grade that took part in these roleplays. There were only three of us, haha. Just to add some more:
Kel would totally be that one kid in the group that doesn’t even read the books, (or maybe he does but still doesn’t understand how the entire thing works such as roles/ranks, the warrior code), and the rest of them would have to teach him everything and point out mistakes he made.
They’d roleplay as several different characters sometimes since they didn’t really have enough people for an entire Clan. Kel and Aubrey would usually roleplay as the other warriors since Basil and Sunny weren’t interested in doing so.
Maybe they’d all become leaders when it came to roleplaying gatherings.
Speaking of gatherings!! They’d have to one spot in the park/playground, (maybe a stump or tree??) that they’d use for gatherings. The leaders would stand on top of it when speaking.
They’d use the playground structures as their camp. The dens would be found under the structures and stuff. The “highrock” would be on the top of the slide or something. I can imagine Kel pushing Aubrey down the slide during a clan gathering. (Arguing ensues when Kel claims that it was an accident)
And maybe if they're playing at home they'd make the whole camp with a bunch of pillows and blankets
They tried to get Mari and/or Hero to join their roleplays once, but it resulted in Aubrey and Kel killing off Hero’s character because “he sucks and there’s not enough drama, anyway”
One time, Kel’s character was dying, and Aubrey tried to convince Basil to tell him that he wasn’t able to be saved and that he was going to die
Of course, he didn't end up dying, haha
Sunny and Kel would sometimes bring food that Mari and/or Hero made and say that it was “from a hunt.” It was usually just cookies and sometimes sandwiches
Aubrey would definitely call Kel a mouse brain all the time
Aubrey and Kel using swears from Warrior Cats and getting away with it. Feeling powerful.
It's a bit unorganized, I’m sorry, haha.
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from my twitter because I can’t stop thinking about this and I want it to be archived here as well
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emptypaperbagg · 4 years
A sKELeton
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