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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
Into the Mind of Oli Part 1
Oli has sometimes found his endermen friends annoying, maybe it was how they huddled up to him so close, maybe it was how they always followed him around like annoying little endermites, this was one of those times.
On one of his iconic Oli adventures, he had fallen and hurt his arm falling onto the rough floors of the end and it hurt a lot. As the endermen surrounded him attempting to soothe him they somehow managed to just make it worse, it just hurt and they weren't helping and as he was crying he yelled.
Oli immediately regretted it as the words left his mouth. The endermen however sorta just looked among each other before teleporting away much to Oli's confusion. He knew if his mother was there she would have gotten onto him about not lashing out at them, he knew better. Why didn't they care?
Soon Oli got up from the floor and went to his mother. She was the only one who could heal him after all. He walked alone, really sitting in shame of his actions before he saw her, they ender dragon herself.
"Oli, are you okay?"
She instantly looked apon his sad crying face and whipped the tears away. Oli hated disappointing his mom, but he also hated the idea of lying to her so he took a deep breath.
"I-I.... I broke my arm..."
he looked down sadly
"Well I could tell that, but what happened to you,"
She smiled somewhat confused clearly, but trying.
"Well I was exploring and I was on one of the pillers-"
Oli then gets cut off
"You fell off, didn't you?"
She looks at him in a sorta I told you so moment
"I- well yeah, but something else happened..."
"What happened?"
"I sorta... got angry at the endermen and lashed out..."
"Oli! Well, I am happy about your honesty, did you apologize?"
"Well I couldn't..."
"Why couldn't you?"
"I told them to go away and they did..."
"I can get them for you,"
"Yeah, actually I do have a question,"
"What is it?"
"Why did they just listen to me? They didn't seem hurt at all so why?"
"Well that makes sense honestly, listening and protecting you is their purpose,"
Oli tries to pretend to know what she's talking about not really understanding what she is saying before giving in.
"What's a purpose?"
"A purpose was what you were created to do, some endermen were created to go to the overworld, some go to the nether, and some were created to help you and protect you,"
"What's my purpose?"
she pauses to sorta think
"You don't have one"
"Why don't I?"
"I just didn't really give you one,"
"I want a purpose! Why can't I get one!?"
"Well I didn't give you one,"
"I want a purpose though!"
"I am sorry bud,"
This went on and on a bit, Oli growing more frustrated, as his mom grew more amused by the child's growing anger. He then began crying as his mom let out a giggle and attempted to soothe him
"Listen bud, I didn't really give you a purpose, I am sorry,"
"Why not?"
Oli wipes his own tears as his mother offers him to sit on her lap
"Well, I just didn't, but I could tell you what I hope for you to do,"
Oli quickly nods
"I hope you change the world for the better, become a hero and help people,"
"How do I do that?"
"Well, you have to listen and be considerate of those around you, and most certainly not lash out,"
Oli looks down
"I'm sorry..."
"I'm not the one you need to apologize to,"
She sighs
"Let's heal you up then go apologize, okay?"
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
SCOTT!! Go find your allies and friend!! Oli’s mind has been taken over by the sea titan!!
Ugh that thing is still a problem? Owen get your stuff we are going to going to the evermoore
Oh you mean where that lady who likes the princess girl and gave me that funky drink lives
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
*The sea titan moves within Oli's body seemingly testing ground a bit before answering the question* If you sense them again keep them out of here, however your main objective is to rid of those who stand against me
*As Oli ran, the beast was slowly catching up until one launch caused the sculk lizard to get close enough to bite down on one of Oli’s legs* you are not escaping your fate.
(Tumblr acting the fool)
*Oli does a small teleport getting off of the being however he's unable to move both because of his leg and now what he realizes, his arm*
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
Bad news...so the sea titan got upset at Oli for "messing things up" again, as this isn't the first time he betrayed the titan to help someone. So the titan just, sent Oli into his mind and is now controlling his body. Scary shit
That's horrible!!! Ugh what's with creatures with power wanting nothing but control, people should be free to make their own choices this is so unfair!
Calm down Shelby
Sorry Katherine it's just hard, I am so sick of these types of people, you know? And maybe I want control and power too, just so that these idiots leave me alone
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
Hey Shelby, Katherine, I have good news and bad news. Good news is Oli is gone!
*Shelby is currently in a bubble bath as Katherine attempts to get the sculk off of her but failing*
That's amazing! That means the sea titan isn't an issue anymore, right?
Well he's somewhat an issue I think, he can still create things
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
*As Oli is pushed deeper into his mind he finds himself in a very familiar place, a place covered in a light yellow relatively rough surface floating in the eternally dark start void pillars of obsidian in a big circle cuddling a few of his endermen friends as he slowly falls asleep, this end is different from the one we know as though, perhaps it's from another world of sorts?*
*As Oli ran, the beast was slowly catching up until one launch caused the sculk lizard to get close enough to bite down on one of Oli’s legs* you are not escaping your fate.
(Tumblr acting the fool)
*Oli does a small teleport getting off of the being however he's unable to move both because of his leg and now what he realizes, his arm*
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
*At first Oli is terrified, before he eventually accepts his fate, after all he deserves it*
*As Oli ran, the beast was slowly catching up until one launch caused the sculk lizard to get close enough to bite down on one of Oli’s legs* you are not escaping your fate.
(Tumblr acting the fool)
*Oli does a small teleport getting off of the being however he's unable to move both because of his leg and now what he realizes, his arm*
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
*Oli tenses realizing how serious the situation is* I wasn't sure if it was your creation or not, I apologize that my miscalculation costed you so much
*As Oli ran, the beast was slowly catching up until one launch caused the sculk lizard to get close enough to bite down on one of Oli’s legs* you are not escaping your fate.
(Tumblr acting the fool)
*Oli does a small teleport getting off of the being however he's unable to move both because of his leg and now what he realizes, his arm*
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
I am sorry I just didn't want to have more people against this, we have one last root until you're free and the last thing we need is it being ruined due to being extremely out numbered, I am only one person and I fear that are not only becoming stronger but also whatever has gotten me this far isn't going to last forever
*As Oli ran, the beast was slowly catching up until one launch caused the sculk lizard to get close enough to bite down on one of Oli’s legs* you are not escaping your fate.
(Tumblr acting the fool)
*Oli does a small teleport getting off of the being however he's unable to move both because of his leg and now what he realizes, his arm*
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
In my defense he was with Shelby so I was really, and in my opinion rightfully suspicious of his claims, not even mentioning that he was attacking a bunch of random people
*As Oli ran, the beast was slowly catching up until one launch caused the sculk lizard to get close enough to bite down on one of Oli’s legs* you are not escaping your fate.
(Tumblr acting the fool)
*Oli does a small teleport getting off of the being however he's unable to move both because of his leg and now what he realizes, his arm*
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
I mean sure she had really bad anger issues but I think it was better than this when she was alive
I don't know how to describe it! I just know that they happened like I was told before except I don't remember who told me or how I found out the information in general!!
(sorry it was getting really glitchy)
I see. That makes sense.
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
*Oli stares at the large creature while he can before looking at the path ahead as a lot of his confidence fades as dread hits his chest*
*As Oli ran, the beast was slowly catching up until one launch caused the sculk lizard to get close enough to bite down on one of Oli’s legs* you are not escaping your fate.
(Tumblr acting the fool)
*Oli does a small teleport getting off of the being however he's unable to move both because of his leg and now what he realizes, his arm*
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
*Oli takes a deep breath preparing himself for what is to come, partially terrified, partially filled with false confidence*
*As Oli ran, the beast was slowly catching up until one launch caused the sculk lizard to get close enough to bite down on one of Oli’s legs* you are not escaping your fate.
(Tumblr acting the fool)
*Oli does a small teleport getting off of the being however he's unable to move both because of his leg and now what he realizes, his arm*
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
Ugh! That stupid sea titan! Delta wouldn't be like this
I don't know how to describe it! I just know that they happened like I was told before except I don't remember who told me or how I found out the information in general!!
(sorry it was getting really glitchy)
I see. That makes sense.
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
Yeah that's a good way to describe it
I don't know how to describe it! I just know that they happened like I was told before except I don't remember who told me or how I found out the information in general!!
(sorry it was getting really glitchy)
I see. That makes sense.
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
Oh I have a somewhat horrible memory, it's just sorta like riding a bike in the way that it's something you don't forget
I don't know how to describe it! I just know that they happened like I was told before except I don't remember who told me or how I found out the information in general!!
(sorry it was getting really glitchy)
I see. That makes sense.
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empiresofthefuture-rpblog · 2 years ago
I don't know if I would call it instinct purely because I know I learned it from somewhere I just don't know where
I don't know how to describe it! I just know that they happened like I was told before except I don't remember who told me or how I found out the information in general!!
(sorry it was getting really glitchy)
I see. That makes sense.
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