a few more poems found
a few more poems found
for coyote:
i fill your crown with flowers amor. i grow the most beautiful of gardens for you to play in. i grow gardens that mirror how i feel about you.
i fill my days with inspiration so that when we walk..behind us you see i left a path to galaxies of possibilities.
for mother:
i write to heal. i write to tell you i still love you, you are still my first home.
if i could mama, i would…
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love letters to self, the completion of my promise to myself.
love letters to self, the completion of my promise to myself.
and with this last theme, on my love and me- or maybe it should be called- heart break or heart expansion…well, whatever the title, here are the final short writings I am calling love poems to myself. I will be 37 this year- and my promise to myself is complete. I reach 35 love poems to myself.
after that last fight when I couldn’t stand the mirror anymore, when I shattered us into pieces all…
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love letters to self, My Child and Me.
love letters to self, My Child and Me.
Second theme of the series-
My child and me:
I give love to my child I never felt before and that is the most healing action I can take to heal my own wounds of childhood.
my child will have all the love I wanted, and more.
never under estimate the healing power of parenting. each day an opportunity to give from that innocent child self that seeks to be healed.
the day I gave birth to you,…
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love letters to self, continued.
love letters to self, continued.
when I turned 35 I promised myself I would write myself thirty five love letters. I wrote 9, and then it has took me a while to finish them but I have. here they are. short pieces I scribed one night soon after March 28, 2018.
I divided them into themes. each theme will have its own post.
I begin with my mother and me. then my child and me, and the last theme is my love and me.
my mother and me:
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When your garden is beginning to add some color to your backyard and you don't care your in pjs, wearing your partners shoes, con trensitas, cheesing as big as you possibly can cause your so excited and grateful that you actually pose even tho you hardly ever do but the plants..well they jus make you feel like you wanna be seen with them 🌱🐛 it's been a hard day, finding joy is definitely a commitment on days like this when the state is attacking/killing your community non stop. Sending a million light beams, calling on all the ancestors and invisible beings, the elements, todo con luz to protect loved ones inside hidden from our daily sight but not from our hearts- incarceration of all the kinds replicates white supremacy on its own but what is beyond my human capacity to understand is why our loved ones locked up have to be taunted, abused, forced into mental health crisis, etc etc...and the worse part is that there are plenty witnesses inside "working" but really causing damage beyond most peoples imagination. Que vida tan mas cruel. And yet- here i am cheesing, ecstatic with the growth of our garden- the earth heals, and i wanna be just like her. #resiliencepractices #southcentralhomegarden #plantsaremyfriends #asparagus #valerian #flowers #collards #basil #kale and much more coming soon 💘
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No filters, just gorgeous flowers and medicine making with the abundance from our #southcentralcommunitygarden 🌷🌸🌺🌻🐝🌿🐞i have no words for how these flowers are healing and transforming my relationship to self, others, and to the work i do as an #abolitionhealer. These essences want to be shared! Each essence brings out the tenderness in us and clears our bodies for the healing we call forth. If your interested in an exchange, flower card reading, barter, or simply curious to learn more about the power of #flowerallies send me a message. Serious inquiries only as i am feeling super tender and vulnerable with the lessons each of these fierce beauties is bringing to my life and life's work 🌗 Sessions with me are super #scorpio (we gonna go deeeep) and #cancer (we'll make a safe space to do so) with a touch of #Virgo honesty and #leo fun 😘 i have #nasturtium #borage #poppy #cosmos #rose and #yarrow 💚 soon coming is #pomegranate #chamomile #larkspur #comfreyflower #pinapplesage #calendula and #lupine 🙏 each essence holds the Spirit of the flower, each can be used for different emotional ailments and/or support 🍃 Mirroring Mother Earth's abundance i am intentioning with this medicine making More healing for our communities targeted/impacted by state violence~~ may us 2 leggeds Rise to defend our Momma Earth and each other from greed, all types of violence, and especially apathy. And may these flowers continue to humble me, deepen my healing and expand my work with folks calling forth support, compassion, and deeper healing. #aguadulcehealing #flowerapprentice #flowerallies #healingourcommunities #healingjustice #healingourselves
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Five years ago today at 2:13pm I gave birth to Ollin Sage Coyote. That afternoon I also gave birth to a new me. Coyote is joy, fire, water, Love, they teach me so much more than I can ever name outloud. My feet and heart were made to guide and Nourish their Spirit to their fullest potential. With them I am not afraid of anything. They expand me, grow me, and fill me with curiosity. To birth this child, raise them, and watch them Live, question, give softness, and be the fire they are is humbling. Ase to all their prayersand wishes. Blessings to the council of ancestors that walk~dance with Coyote. So much gratitude for their protection always. #misol #miluna #amordemadre #ollinsagecoyote #mybaby #fiveyearsold #puertorico #loveonlove #joyonjoy
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love letter to self, #8 of 35
love letter to self, #8 of 35
Love is like this, you see. you give, you rejoice, you give even more. you learn a ton of lessons, you shed old stories and then you live out new ones. you become stronger than you were before the last love. and then you give some more. then one day comes when it is time to say good bye, thank you. and you walk away having grown a bigger heart, more capacity to love yourself, and a willingness to…
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love letter to self, #7 of 35
love letter to self, #7 of 35
the quiet in my body wants to be heard. she tells me to sit down, to pause so she can Be. it is not often i get to sit down and think, process, feel with out interruption. a friend of mine recently asked me, “what support do you need? what, if any, support do you want?” this question paused me. and i have been thinking about it ever since. do i want support? this question is harder to answer than…
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Important reminder to take some time to Rest, Recover, Reflect when possible and as much as possible. Love this post by @thehoodwitch. Definitely find my own mind wandering into work mode when my body is still in need of rest & recovery as i continue to pack, move, clean, unpack from our lil studio in LBC back to my beloved South Central. This move is drawn out into several weeks but the new home is feeling so cozy, warm, safe, sacred. So thrilled to be back in South L.A where the majority of my work is based and where I have been living and working since 2005. Excited to have a home and yard to host gatherings with loved ones and community. Grateful to the Spirit Guides and Ancestors that so abundantly provided for my Love and I to have literally everything on our wish list in 1 home. My lil fairy child LOVES our new home, too. Beyond grateful for the ceremony it has taken\it takes to say Yes to expansion, sustainability, and wellness. #spiritwork #newhome #newlegacies #aguadulcehealing #earthheals #abundance #happynewyear #2018 #lovewins #rest #recover #reflect
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Feverfew Flower Essence. Made with the warmth of a Capricorn Sun and the light of a Moon in Aries. Powerful medicine to help you get started on new projects- Aries fire ignites and the Capricorn energy helps you achieve completion. Right on time for the new year/cycle. One of the many ways I use feverfew is to help me come back into my body and out of my head. Helps me act on my bodies intution while easing my mind. Feverfew came into my life to help me find balance between mind and body. Hopefully it can do the same for you 🍃🐝 DM me for inquires 🌻 #aguadulcehealing #flowerapprentice #southcentralgarden #flowerhealing #floweressence #flowermedicine #healingourcommunities #healingourselves #medicinemaking #feverfew #flowerallies #flowerspeak
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love letter to self, #6 of 35
look forward to what has arrived at your door, loved one. you deserve all of this abundance. you deserve the Love from those who have stayed committed; the fairy joy-filled loud hilarious stubborn wild-spirited Child you brought to this earth realm; the Elder who is a Mother, Teacher, Friend all in 1; the Partner who continues to chose their growth and in turn chooses to grow with you; the work…
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intentions for 2018
A list that is bound to grow. A good start to a new Cycle. Live Boldly. Compost doubt. I deserve All the Love I have created, welcomed in my life. Give Abundantly. Receive Abundantly. Be Spirit, don’t just speak Spirit. Make everything a ritual, ceremony, something life giving to self, Earth, and/or others. Laugh out loud. Dance often. Host those dinner parties I Love to host. Use momentum around…
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🌌 🙏 I am so excited to share/introduce you to my ✨Flowers Speak Medicine✨ that I have been working with in my personal healing journey, with Loved Ones, during my 1-1 sessions, and in groups. Thank you to my teachers and the chosen fam that has taught me that #lovewins always and that the #earthheals. Featured in these photos is the flower medicine I'll be sharing at Sundays Queer Care L.A. [photo 1 & 2 - Seven day "Love myself unconditionally" Bath; photo 3- "I Rise" Spritzer; photo 4- "Clearing Path" White Sage Tincture; photo 5- "I Trust" Rose Flower Essence + "I Am Held" Rose & Yarrow Flowers Essence] 🌹🌹🌹 Look for me in the Healers Clinic area to experience my Flowers Speak Medicine + get a flower card reading + make a flower bundle with plants harvested from my garden ��🐝🍃 Looking forward to cultivating Joy with you on Sunday ✨✨✨ if you can't make it to Queer Care but would like a flower session with me or any of the featured medicine, DM me 🌠 #aguadulcehealing #flowerapprentice #flowerallies #healingourcommunities #healingourselves #plantsandtherapy #queercarela #preparingforwintersoltice
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The flower medicine awakening within me at the moment reflects the end of the #fallseason where we let that which no longer serves us #fall on to the earth's surface to find it's way to be reviewed, heard, learned from this #winterseason, and then composted and recycled into #newlife come Spring. The #light i am finding in myself is very much grounded in the years of #ceremony con las #flores as a #flowerapprentice. So grateful for my own sweet waters that are getting me through and into new chapters of my life. #aguadulcehealing #plantsandtherapy #spiritwork #newlegacies
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Coming into a new week feeling regenerated after some R&R time with my 👑💜 in Joshua Tree; a magical time at @flora_y_tierra with so many lovely artisans and medicine makers; and this morning spending much needed moments with my garden in south central. Gracias to the new folks i met this weekend who trusted both themselves and me to heal con las flores and to all of our councils rooting for us as we trusted the process. #flowercardreadings are centered in self love and intuition- i am always in awe how our ancestors show up to let us know we are not alone in our journeys. The flowers never seize to amaze me in their healing power. And a Big Gracias to BeLoved @nommo.pose 🌈💜 who makes sure i am fed, have tea by my side, and who helps to set my display up always making it look like an altar for the flowers. Thank you for a healing weekend guided by a #goldenlove like no other. 🐝🐞 I will be at a few more medicine maker events in December. Stay tuned for more opportunities to connect 👣🌱🌹 **private consultations available in Long Beach and Los Angeles**
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This Saturday i will be sharing space with magic healers in my hearts homeplace- Long Beach. Get a Flower card reading + make a flower & herb bundle 🌹🌱 I will also have aura clearing spritzers, baths, and teas that center the healing power & magic of las flores. Come through to bask in flower medicine. Gift certificates are available if you'd like to gift a loved one a flower session where they can learn/affirm their own personal flower allies 🌺🌻🐦 Thank you @mama_maiz for the invitation to share space with you once again 💜 #Repost @flora_y_tierra (@get_repost) ・・・ A sneak peek to more maker's joining us on the 25th at 《Flora y Tierra》Long Beach @aguadulcehealing @fromearth4us @msyellowart @cocinahouse ((and many more!)) We will be gathering to support small businesses and makers on one of the busiest corporate sales weekend. An opportunity to invest straight into your community. Stay tuned for more details. #floraytierra #shopsmallbusiness #supportyourcommunity #floraytierrahealersmarket #shopsmall
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