emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
Before she could even protest, their arms were already locked together. She was about to pull away, as she assumed that he probably had a date waiting for him somewhere inside and did not want her to think of the gesture more than a friendly one; but he mentioned the food and drinks at the long table. How could that have slipped her mind? "Right... looks like you will be escorting me inside after all, Mister Rookwood."
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Upon the Steps We Meet → Emmeline/Augustus
"I would not prefer as much as I do find it to be the truth." Augustus said with a nod and a smile before glancing around as he paid much attention to the space around them. Very few students were loitering around, most of course were paired together as they snuck off to the darkened corners of the school. At her denial, Augustus just tilted his head before saying as he tucked her arm in his, "I insist Emmeline, you may find that the Great Hall is full of rather less than somber people." He smirked as he whispered, "Someone might have changed the punch or perhaps even the snacks." 
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
Emmeline took a lemon bar from the plate behind her. "Well... have you ever tried to ask a girl to a ball before? Or to one of those parties you lions like to throw when you've won a Quidditch match?" She bit the small square, glancing at him as she savored the zesty flavor in her mouth. At least eating something was safer than drinking.
"No one asked me," she said nonchalantly. She was way too busy and fed up with school work for the past week to even bother herself with finding somebody to go with. "Besides, I'm not one for... all of that." Emmeline gestured towards the dancing students.
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Peter laughed, finding hilarity in the girl’s comment. “That is where you are mistaken, Emmeline. No girl in their right mind would even consider saying yes to someone like me.” In Peter’s mind what he was saying was nothing but the truth. He couldn’t imagine anyone saying yes to a proposal from him, when there were more attractive men like James and Sirius running around the school. 
Peter sighed once more, looking again toward the crowd of students. They seemed so carefree and happy, even the ones that went with friends looked like they were having a great time. Turning his attention back to Emmeline, Peter smiled. “What about you? Why are you dateless, hmm?”
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
She gave him a pitiful look. Emmeline knew that majority of the human population didn't like being looked at in that way, as it made some uncomfortable, but she couldn't help it. It was kind of a stinger if your friends would leave you all alone at a big event like this; even worse if they had brought dates to mingle with instead. 
Emmeline put away her questions about the punch first. The last thing he needed right now was a scolding, and it definitely would be worse if she assumed and he hadn't placed anything into the bowl at all. "Why not?" She leaned on the table. "I'm sure a lot of girls would have said yes if you asked."
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Peter, out of the corner of his eye, saw one Emmeline Vance walking towards him. Like Peter, the girl didn’t seem to be having any sort of fun at all, but he wouldn’t be having fun either if he had to be in charge of the event. Hoping not to look suspicious, Peter straightened his posture as she inched closer to him, he didn’t want her to assume that he was doing anything that would be considered inappropriate.
Shaking his head at the words the girl spoke, Peter sighed. “Unfortunately not, Miss Vance.” He made brief eye contact before averting his eyes towards the ground. “I never brought up the courage to ask anyone to the ball and now I am just hanging around the refreshment table watching everyone - my friends - have fun,” he said with a laugh as he tried to shake off what he was feeling.
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
Emmeline eyed the students from her corner quietly, trying to make sure that she didn't miss out on anyone doing something she needed to be aware of. So far so good, she thought, lifting the cup in her hand to her lips to take a sip before deciding against it. She didn't want nor did she need whatever they put in it in her system, if it was spiked. "Which reminds me," she muttered and walked over to the long table. 
Noticing someone else near the punch bowl as she neared, instead of interrogating him right away with what he was doing there, she asked, "Enjoying yourself, Mister Pettigrew?"
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Peter stared intently at the contents of the punch bowl as he tried hard to be happy for his friends, but it was hard to forget that they all had dates while he was left on the back burner, again. He couldn’t be mad at anyone but himself, though, because unlike James, who can’t take no for an answer, and Sirius whose confidence leaves him irresistible, Peter was quite a shy and nervous fellow. He’d much rather just be alone than have to deal with the nerve wracking feeling he got every time he talked to someone he might potentially be interested in.
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Peter let out a small sigh, putting on what he considered a smile as he pushed back what he was feeling out of the forefront of his mind, 
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
Emmeline stepped back a little as her eyes focused on the other student's face, letting out a small sigh of relief when she realized it was one of her house mates. The last thing she needed was to quarrel with a certain blonde or dark haired Slytherin. "Well... then it's as much my fault as it is yours, if you're keen on putting it that way." She shrugged and smiled back at him lightly. "I was only about to go inside the Great Hall. I think I can manage without an escort, Mister Rookwood, but thank you for offering."
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Upon the Steps We Meet → Emmeline/Augustus
Augustus had only chosen to leave his date Cordelia for a few moments as he wished for a couple minutes to himself. It was his duty to shower her with attention but it was a ball after-all and she was a pretty little thing that he was sure that a few other lads would gladly take his seat for a little bit. As he turned the corner rather abruptly, he found himself strangely drawn away from his front surroundings as he heard an odd sound but before he could inspect it, he found himself crashing into someone else. He gripped the railing with white knuckles to stop a collision as he noticed Emmeline Vance — the Head Girl and fellow seventh year Ravenclaw — before he shook his head at her apology and stated, “Apology unaccepted Emmeline, I find that I am at fault.” He smiled disarmingly as he offered her his arm as he asked, “Would you be going anywhere that I could escort you to?” 
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
Emmeline clicked her tongue. "I personally still would not advise it, you know; drinking more than one cup of the punch, at least. For all we know those pranksters could have already slipped something inside the bowl."
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"I think so, not only you can pick a good spot, you can also drink all the punch you want without fearing someone already spiked it" she laughed slightly and looked around as more people arrived.
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
Emmeline still didn't believe her, but she didn't want to delve into it either so she let it slide. "Hmm," she glanced at the hall. "Yes, I suppose so. Better to be here early than late though, right?"
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"Mr. Potter?" she laughed again and shook her head. "We are just friends, and at least that is how I intend to keep it. And is a bit too early for him to show, I think."
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
"Oh?" She questioned, doubting what Lily answered was true. "Don't have Mister Potter waiting for you inside the Great Hall?"
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She smiled at Emmeline and nodded slightly to assure nothing was wrong. “Thanks, you look lovely too.” she then laughed slightly at the second comment. “Not really, no”
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
Regaining her balance, Emmeline smiled at the other girl lightly. "No, it's alright, don't be sorry. 'Twas my fault." She waved her hand, a gesture that meant it was nothing. "Don't you look lovely though, Miss Evans. Dress to impress anyone in particular?"
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Lily was a bit too distracted and before she know it, she was stumbling upon someone, lucky she was fast enough and it was just a little push. “No, I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking”
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
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Emmeline's Christmas Ball Outfit
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
Emmeline breathed in deeply as she walked down the staircase of the Great Hall. This has been a very hectic week for her; almost all her classes gave out tests, and if not that, they were homework. She was practically living in the library and although she never thought she would think it, she was glad to finally be out. It's not as if she didn't have any more work to do-- because she did. But it was nice to see more people than books for a change. Holding onto the bottom of the railing, Emmeline admired the decorations from outside with a small sigh. After going down the last few steps, she accidentally came a little too close in face to face with someone as she turned around.
"Oh, sorry."
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
"You could be. Who knows, maybe we both are."
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"You never know. It could be a talent I have yet to discover. I could be a natural."
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
"I'm practicing Wandless Magic. Or, well, I'm trying to."
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"It’s quite alright," Hestia replied, fiddling with the ending strands of her hair. "What exactly are you doing?”
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
"Unless you'd like to get that cut on your forehead infected, I suggest you listen to me and go to the infirmary."
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And I give a shit because?
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
She sighed. Again with the betrothal issue. "I wouldn't, if I were you. This isn't the medieval era anymore, you know? Marriage can't just be a legal exchange of women for property or wealth anymore-- no offense intended, of course."
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I think you’d make a wonderful Mediwitch. [smile falters a bit] Fortunately, I don’t have to worry about a job. Mother would much rather we wait around to be married off, than do something productive that might give back to the community.
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
Emmeline wasn't going to give her the satisfaction that she didn't know the answer to her little question. "Give me a clue?"
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"How disappointing…" with an exaggerated sigh she shook her head "Shall I answer this question for you or would little headgirlie like another go? Come on Vance play a little…"
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emmelineevaances-blog · 10 years
Emmeline fought the urge to send a spell towards the other girl to knock her unconscious even if her hand was itching to do it, like it had a mind of it's own. Her patience was wearing thin on Rita Skeeter, but she wasn't going to allow herself to lash out now. She would do that once they got back into the safety of the castle, detention, deduction of points (even if it would hurt to do, since they both belonged to Ravenclaw). Not feeling like conversing at the moment, she ignored her question until they got to the bridge.
"Look," she said and turned around to face her. "If anyone else saw the two of us out there earlier, and by chance you had been hit by a spell I didn't get to save you from, the blame would be on me. " The mere thought made Emmeline shudder lightly. She didn't want to be responsible for anyone's death, and frankly, she didn't intend to. "I would have left you there if I was a different person, but I'm not, so suck it up. Can we continue getting back to Hogwarts now?"
Not A Second To Waste || Rita/Emmeline
Rita looked up at the girl that hand switched their positions, fury building up inside of her. After a moment she was hoisted up by Emmeline, and she tore her wrist away from the Head Girl. “I don’t give a rat’s ass if you’re goddamn Dumbledore, I don’t have to listen to you.” She spat at her, and yet her feet followed Emmeline back towards the castle. Her memory still retained some of the information from what she’d seen, so writing an article wasn’t going to be completely lost. “You don’t even like me, why help me? I can handle myself.” Rita argued, still upset.
They passed through more battles, Rita standing by a few of them in the shadows to gather some information only to be dragged away by Emmeline yet again. She felt like a five year old with her mother at a shop again, getting distracted by all the beautiful things. The reality of what was happening hadn’t hit Rita yet, she was still entranced. “I don’t undersatnd what your problem is.”
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