emmalee97 · 1 day
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emmalee97 · 1 day
bizarre resus 2
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emmalee97 · 2 days
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emmalee97 · 2 days
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Sit still and hold on to your stuffie, little one, I'm going to insert two fingers to have a feel before I look inside.
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emmalee97 · 2 days
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emmalee97 · 2 days
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emmalee97 · 2 days
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emmalee97 · 2 months
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After some time, some picturec from the new shooting again :)
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emmalee97 · 2 months
Sample from new video. In this video, we pretend that the patient is given an experimental medication, the experiment fails and the patient's heart stops, the nurse starts CPR and gives the patient real shocks.
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emmalee97 · 2 months
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The FatimaMaid walked down the street with a fluid grace and without the constant pauses for commands common to her kind...
None knew that in addition to having once been human this Fatima was one of the 10% or so who were actually "willing" slaves who chose to undergo the process. Even more unusually they hadn't been tricked or slowly addicted to emotional control by an unscrupulous boyfriend/ husband.
Instead they were once a Doll fetishist who'd dreamed of becoming a submissive plastic coated creature and spent many years dreaming as one whenever possible.
Now they are one at last and while the constant wave of pleasure her new body gives her is nice she really doesn't need it. Just getting her slave fantasy turned reality is enough of a high for her...
(AI art made with Stable Diffusion)
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emmalee97 · 2 months
Erika's Incontinence Treatment (anime version)
"Okay, Erika, we're going to get started." The nurse said. Erika nodded and didn't say anything, unsure of what she thought. She was reclined in a chair on an exam room, several pieces of unfamiliar medical equipment around her. The two nurses with her were busying themselves with getting the room ready for...something.
All she had wanted to do was go to the bathroom.
"I'm...I'm a little cold." Erika said to the nearest nurse. She was wearing only the bra and funny-looking panties they had given her in the changing room.
The nurse turned to face her, and Erika could see her name on the badge clipped to her scrubs. Sarah. She was blonde and very pretty, Erika thought. She had a nice face.
"Oh, sure, honey; I can help with that." She smiled, and walked over to the wall to adjust something. A warm breeze began to drift through the room.
"Not to high, though, Sarah, ok? She might work up a sweat soon." The other nurse spoke under her breath; Erika wasn't sure if she was supposed to hear that - whatever it meant.
She almost spoke up when the second nurse walked over to her. "Hi, Erika, I'm Martha. I'm going to get you set up, ok?" She didn't wait for an answer, but took Erika's right arm and began to wrap a white cuff around it. "This is to monitor your blood pressure during the procedure. Just a routine thing, for the medication."
Erika found her voice as Martha pressed the velcro of the cuff against her bicep. "Um...what's going to happen, exactly?" Her heart was beginning to race a bit.
Martha looked at Erika for a moment, and it looked like she was trying to decide something. She briefly glanced over at Sarah, and they shared a quick look. Sarah shrugged slightly. "Erika," Martha asked, "did the doctor explain this to you after your exam?" Martha took a white tube connected to the cuff and plugged it into a machine.
Erika realized that the doctor had explained things earlier in the day, when she had examined her, but...Erika had been so anxious she couldn't recall.
"Taking BP." Martha pressed a button, and the cuff on Erika's arm began to squeeze, accompanied by a humming sound from the machine. "It'll probably be tight the first time; don't worry." The nurse was right; it was pretty tight. Uncomfortably so.
"Ow." Erika moaned unexpectedly.
"Almost done." Martha said. "Erika, you told the doctor that you were having trouble urinating, is that right?" Erika nodded, still grimacing. "Well, we're going to give you some medication and other treatments that will help you relieve yourself, ok?"
The cuff suddenly deflated as the machine beeped loudly. "One thirty-five over eighty-five." Martha said out loud.
"Anxious." Sarah said, quietly.
Martha continued. "So just ask questions, ok? You'll feel better soon."
Erika considered this. "How...how are you going to..." Her voice trailed.
Martha tilted her head to listen as she adjusted another machine. "Hmm? What's that, honey?"
Erika took a deep breath. "Are you - going to make me...pee?" She flushed, turning a deep red on her cheeks.
Martha smiled. "Well, yes, Erika. Gotta relieve the pressure, right? First we'll make you comfortable, then we'll try to figure out what's wrong." Turning to Sarah, she added, "Foley ready?"
Sarah nodded. She turned to Erika with a yellow tube dangling from her gloved hands.
"Erika, I'm going to insert a catheter into your urethra; this will help drain your bladder." Erika hadn't time to protest before Martha reached down toward her crotch. Pulling on a fabric tab, she opened a velcro flap right in front, revealing Erika's genitals. Erika took a sharp breath. The room air, despite the adjustment Sarah had made, was a chill on her skin.
"Just relax, honey, this is quick." Martha said, holding the panties' flap open. To Sarah: "...need me to open her up?"
"A little, yeah." Sarah nodded. Martha took her other gloved hand and reached for Erika.
"I'm going to open you up a little, honey." With two fingers, she pulled Erika's folds apart slightly.
"Got it." Sarah said. Holding the catheter with one hand, she squeezed a clear gel onto the tip. Leaning down, She began to press the tip against Erika's urethral opening. "Little sting, sweetie."
Erika watched in silent dread as Sarah pushed the tip of the catheter inside her; it entered with a tiny pop and began to slide in. Sarah was right; it stung, but not only a little. Erika felt a cold burning travel up inside her.
At that time, the BP cuff decided to inflate, whirring and squeezing as it did so. Erika felt several different kinds of awkward.
Beeeep. "One thirty-nine over eighty-seven. Just relax, Erika, almost there." Martha said. She removed her fingers from Erika's crotch now that the cath was inserted.
"In. Okay, balloon coming up. Deep breath, Erika." Sarah said. Erika didn't know what to prepare for, and she felt a firm pressure inside her lower abdomen. "Just making sure the cath stays in place."
Looking down, Erika saw the yellow tub emerging from her body, dangling over the edge of the chair she was laying in. It was surreal.
"Hooking up the bag." Sarah fiddled with a plastic bag of some kind. "This will fill up with your urine once you start going, sweetie." She hung the bag on the edge of the chair, an expectant look on her face.
A few drops of deep yellow liquid began to trickle into the bag. "Hmm." Martha said. "I expected more."
Sarah shook her head. "Erika, you still feel full?"
Erika nodded. "Y...yeah. It's still really uncomfortable."
Martha turned to Sarah. "You sure it's in?"
"Yup." Sarah answered.
"Okay, Martha said. "Might be poor tonality. We need to move to stimulated release. We'll do perineal stim and meds."
Sarah nodded and began to pull some items from a nearby cabinet.
"Uh," Erika spoke up. "What do you have to do, again?"
Martha was opening a plastic package as she answered. Inside the plastic was some kind of...thing; a long, thin plastic wand with a shiny round tip. "Even with the cath inside your bladder, you're not producing urine, Erika. We need to add some stimulation to promote release."
"What kind of..." she trailed off again, unable to form the word.
Sarah spoke up this time. She had little round pads in her hand, with wire attached. "Sweetie, we're going to put these electrodes on your legs and inside your panties."
"My...where?" Erika blurted.
Undaunted, Sarah continued. "...they'll make tiny little pulses that will help your muscles squeeze the pee right out." She peeled something off the pads, and pressed them against the skin of Erika's thighs. They stuck like little round stickers.
"Erika." Martha was holding the plastic wand, which she had covered in clear gel. "I'm going to insert this into your vaginal opening, honey. It's another stimulation electrode. I need you to relax and breathe deep, ok?"
Erika's head was spinning. "I...you don't need to, I can..."
Martha interrupted her, gently placing one hand on her thigh. "Honey, you need to empty your bladder, and these will help. Now, we shouldn't wait much longer. Let me do this, ok?"
Erika's heart was pounding. She began to breathe faster. "O...o-okay." Her voice was coming in gasps."
"Okay, here we go." Martha gently guided the vaginal electrode past Erika's folds and, pressing gently, slipped it into her and upward into place.
Erika took a sharp breath, held it. "I..." she exhaled in a burst. "...can't..." She couldn't speak.
"Sarah. She's hyperventilating. Can you get a mask on her, please? 1 liter per minute." Martha continued to position the electrode inside Erika.
Sarah quickly pulled a clear blue rubber mask from a package and pressed it over Erika's face. Immediately, Erika felt a cool, sweet rush against her nose and mouth. "Breathe in, sweetie. Slow, deep...there you go." Sarah continued to press the mask against Erika's face until she began breathing the oxygen. "I'm just going to strap it on you, okay? Good girl."
Sarah reached around Erika's head, pulling the elastic straps of the mask until the mask pressed itself firmly to Erika's face. Erika was able to slow her breathing bit by bit.
The mask now covered part of her vision, and she couldn't see what Martha was doing at her crotch. But she could still feel it.
"All done, Erika. I'm going to close up your panties, and we'll get you sorted in a minute."
The cuff inflated again. Whirrrr. Beeeep.
"One forty over ninety. Not coming down." Erika heard Sarah say.
"We need to get going now. We'll start with a pulsing stim; let's do bethanechol by IV. Okay, Erika, here we go."
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This is a remix! A similar story and image was uploaded to our Deviantart here. Enjoy.
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emmalee97 · 2 months
DM me for trading Opander/Biomed/RCD/Regalresus videos
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emmalee97 · 4 months
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Retraining completed the former investigative journalist is now ready to take up her duties as an unpaid Maid in the Sheikh's palace...
(AI art made with Stable diffusion)
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emmalee97 · 4 months
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Personality rewritten she is presented to her new Master. This is the last time anyone will ever see her face before she is veiled and anonymized as yet another Maid servant...
(Ai art made with Stable Diffusion)
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emmalee97 · 4 months
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Just another rubberised hijabi ready to serve
(AI art made with Stable Diffusion)
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emmalee97 · 4 months
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emmalee97 · 4 months
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