emilythebando · 1 day
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emilythebando · 1 day
this is amazing 🐈 ♥️♥️
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emilythebando · 1 day
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emilythebando · 1 day
t rex was about to eat the dead triceratops but nobody was around and it tasted the leafs just to see and he realized they were pretty good. and he was like wow ill stop being the bad guy and eaating everyone and everyone was like wow t rex its been millions of years but you finally turned a new leaf haha and then the sky got red
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emilythebando · 1 day
my unpopular opinion is that i hate tiktok because now people just publicly watch loud ass videos in public spaces with no regard for anyone else. 100% it was not this bad with youtube, it’s such a different thing with tiktok. put on headphones. you are grown.
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emilythebando · 1 day
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emilythebando · 1 day
I witnessed something wonderful on my walk today.
We went down to the park, where the lake drains under a footbridge into a stone-lined gully that someone generous might call a creek. Usually it’s a trickle at best, but it poured last night, and the water was still moving pretty briskly. 
As we got closer, I heard kids yelling, so we went over to have a look. I was nervous, because earlier this summer we’d seen a mother cat and her kittens hanging out a few times in the (then bone dry) spillway. We hadn’t seen them in over a month, but I didn’t want to think of them being there when the water started coming down.
Instead, when I looked over the side of the bridge, I saw a skinny kid (maybe 8-10 years old) carrying an enormous catfish clasped in both arms.
The catfish had to be the length of this kid’s torso, and it was flopping around trying to escape, but the kid doggedly kept climbing over mud and slippery rocks until he reached the lake and chucked the fish in. And behind him came… another kid, holding a fish.
When the lake flooded, it must’ve washed a bunch of these catfish downstream, where they collected in pools. Now the water levels are starting to go down, and the fish are trapped, doomed to dry up and die. Not on these kids’ watch. As we watched, they rescued four fish, and one of the adults present said there were at least six left. The kids showed no sign of stopping. This is the kind of thing you love as a kid, a life or death mission you can throw your heart and soul into while getting gleefully covered in muck and slime. I was tempted to offer my assistance, but this was their Quest, and I did not want to impose.
When we continued on, the Great Fish Rescue was still going strong. Godspeed, kids. In a time of such great discord and meanspirited behavior, you will live on in my memory as a beacon of goodwill. 
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emilythebando · 1 day
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Incorrect Star Wars quotes
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emilythebando · 3 days
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emilythebando · 3 days
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emilythebando · 3 days
Microdosing on a true experience of beauty by living a single human life from beginning to end
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emilythebando · 3 days
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emilythebando · 3 days
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emilythebando · 3 days
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emilythebando · 3 days
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emilythebando · 3 days
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The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant.  DOCTOR WHO - 5x10 - Vincent And The Doctor
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emilythebando · 3 days
stop treating killing dragons as this act of bravery and valor. maybe ou should be kissieng and loving the dragons instead. and be more niceys
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