Boren, C. (2014). NBA won't find LeBron james, derrick rose and others for 'I can't breathe' protests. Washington: WP Company LLC d/b/a The Washington Post. Retrieved from https://0-search-proquest-com.read.cnu.edu/docview/1635222500?accountid=10100
Corley, C. (2015, August 08). Whether History Or Hype, 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' Endures. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2015/08/08/430411141/whether-history-or-hype-hands-up-dont-shoot-endures
'Hands up, don't shoot!' and the stories movements use to push for progress. (2015, Mar 19). Daily Gleaner Retrieved from https://0-search-proquest-com.read.cnu.edu/docview/1664385590?accountid=10100
Hands Up Don't Shoot. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.blackpressusa.com/tag/hands-up-dont-shoot/
Hoyt, & Drazner, K. (2016, March 01). The affect of the hashtag: #HandsUpDontShoot and the body in peril. Retrieved from https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/eme/2016/00000015/00000001/art00004
Kristofferson, Kirk, White, Katherine, & John. (2013, November 06). Nature of Slacktivism: How the Social Observability of an Initial Act of Token Support Affects Subsequent Prosocial Action. Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/jcr/article-abstract/40/6/1149/2907521
Whether history or hype, 'hands up, don't shoot' endures (2015). . Washington, D.C.: NPR. Retrieved from https://0-search-proquest-com.read.cnu.edu/docview/2043059300?accountid=10100
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Overall I think that the internet and social media are really good platform for bringing attention to injustices in the world and helpful with trying to fix these issues. The problem with the internet being so fast pace, it is also even harder to keep online viewers attention for more than a day or two. There will always be another story, another tragedy and other movement. These all have great significance to our society, but the online world of social media has shown itself to be helpful as well as cruel. Celebrity advertising and endorsements are only so beneficial until the next storyline comes along.
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Pt6 - Not Trending
As I stated earlier, #HandsUpDontShoot and #ICantBreathe movement , can also be in reference to the #BlackLivesMatter movement as well. All these movements are for black people standing together to try to stop the constant discrimination that they receive from white cops, for no reason, as well as making sure that they voice that their lives are just as important as anyone else's.I found that all these movements are still strong when it comes to the current activism on the actual streets, especially the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Even though the #BlackLivesMatter movement is the only movement that is currently very strong online as well as offline, they all still stand for similar purposes. The #HandsUpDontShoot as well as the #ICantBreathe movement have fallen off the spectrum of the internet but there are still physical movements of activism. Usually when celebrities Al Sharpton stated “And if you're angry, throw your arms up, & if you want justice, throw your arms up. If you want answers, throw your arms up, because that's the sign Michael was using."(Boren, 2014) The last time this hashtag was trending was back in 2014 when it had just happened, which is very sad. This just shows that even though there was outrage among the community, no one really kept the movement alive for the sake of the tragic death of Michael Brown. The same goes for the #ICantBreathe movement, it has not been trending since the same year as the incident.
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The #HandsUpDontShoot movement, originated by the Hands Up United, an activist group which formed after the death of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old black man who was fatally shot by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., last August.(Corley, 2015) This also went viral extremely fast, due to the fact that another horrible tragedy had occurred against a black man who was not even fighting back, and still lost his life. It caused major outraged among the black community because of the white cops who still decided t shoot him, when he was surrendering his hands innocently. “The idea of Brown being shot while his hands were raised in surrender would spread like wildfire on social media, and became a rallying cry and a mantra that inspired demonstrations across the country — even as the debate about the accuracy of the phrase continues.”(Corley, 2015)
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Pt 5- #ICan’tBreathe
In reference to the movement, #HandsUpDontShoot as well as #ICantBreathe movement are very comparable, they both are focused on trying to stop severe police brutality. “On July 17, 2014, an unarmed black man named Eric Garner died on Staten Island, N.Y., after police officers threw him to the ground and put him in a choke hold. Garner's last words, as recorded on a cellphone video, were: "I can't breathe." He repeated the phrase 11 times.”(Gross, 2017) When this tragic event occured, that was when the hashtag was created for the #ICantBreathe movement. The hashtag went viral and it became so known, that even major celebrities such as NBA player Lebron James was wearing a shirt with the hashtag during one of his games. This caused some controversy towards the NBA on whether or not they were going to allow the players to promote certain movement, but it somehow happened anyways. After Lebron James took a chance to wear the shirt to a game, many other players started wearing the same shirts, this is the start of more activism. Chicago Bulls guard Derrick Rose wore an "I Can't Breathe" shirt on Saturday during warm-ups before Chicago's game and, on Monday night, Kyrie Irving, Kevin Garnett, Deron Williams, Jarrett Jack and Alan Anderson joined James, wearing the shirts before the Cavs-Nets game in Brooklyn. Outside the Barclays Center, about 200 protesters marched and chanted "I Can't Breathe!" and "No justice! No peace! No racist police!"(Boren, 2014)
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For folks that want to cling to this hands up, don't shoot myth, it's just silly.
Whether history or hype, 'hands up, don't shoot' endures (2015). . Washington, D.C.: NPR. Retrieved from https://0-search-proquest-com.read.cnu.edu/docview/2043059300?accountid=10100
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Pt4- Studies
According to two researchers (Sandoval-Almazan & Gil-Garcia, 2014), there are four stages of social movements that utilize social media: (1) triggering event, (2) media response, (3) viral organization, and (4) physical response. Once an event is known to the local or even national news, it will only take a few more seconds for the news to hit the internet. Once this news, which is usually outrageous or horrific, the internet will go ballistic. After this event and all of it’s details go viral, everyone on the news and internet will express their opinionated thoughts on the matter. This can go in for days, weeks and even months of this event being viral but only a few will take real action.
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-In the wake of the death of Brown, several professional athletes, if only briefly, engaged in their own forms of activism.
Emmett L. Gill Jr,
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pt3 -Slacktivism
These people take advantage of the Hashtag Activism and just use it to possibly bring awareness but in real life no change is ever really made. This is called Slacktivism, where people are retweeting or only talking about a movement and not taking any action to bring change in reality, only online. Social media activism has become part of the twenty-first century activism that is either initiated online and moved offline or remains on social media with no action ever taken (Gerbaudo, 2012) This can become a huge issue because there is always need for major change for the sake of society but if Hashtag activism isn’t being taken seriously then what can we do. There is a constant need for the world’s attention when it comes to tragedies, so we as a society can do what we can to help fix the situation. An example can be the #BringBackOurGirls that was brought to our attention in 2014 by now former First Lady Michelle Obama. This hashtag was referring to the 276 girls who were kidnapped while in school in Nigeria by an extremist terrorist. Even with the attention brought to this terrible event, they found some girls but there are still currently 112 girls still missing today, five years later.
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pt 2 - Real Acts of Activism
The actual act of activism is described as a continuous and vigorous campaigning used to make a social change. With the addictive use of social media with millions of people always online, it doesn't take long to use social media to try and make a social change. “Hashtags get a lot of flak, often typecast as frivolous symbols used by lazy millennials, but a deep dive into the hashtag activism of the past few years proves that they can be more impactful than you’d expect” (Marie Claire, 2018) As stated earlier, regular activism has shifted to Hashtag activism to reach a larger platform across the world. The movement that has shown the most activism online and offline is the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Online activism includes proactive actions to achieve a common goal or reactive actions against certain controls and the imposing authorities (McCaughey and Ayers, 2013) On the Black Lives Matter website there is a tab that takes says, “Take Action”, this is where you can look and find where marches or speeches are taking place near you. This movement is much more consistent and rewarding because they bring up the positive outcomes of the movement, as well as the corruption that people are trying to hide, all gets brought to the light online. With all good acts that can help make a change there will always be people who take advantage of that power. It is becoming more and more common to find people online that look like they are promoting for a movement. However, not everyone is all of a sudden a full blown activist, they will pretend to be online to get attention as well as boost their reputation.
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