emily-sue · 28 days
A painstaking work !!
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emily-sue · 2 months
traditional chinese firework huohu火壶 by 江寻千
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emily-sue · 5 months
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emily-sue · 5 months
someone posted footage of that morshu at the twins game people have been talking about
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emily-sue · 7 months
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emily-sue · 8 months
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emily-sue · 10 months
Listen to the sound of wikipedia
This is a way to listen to changes to wikipedia. You are literally listening to knowledge being added to the world.
Pluck sounds are an addition, strings are subtractions, and the pitch says how how big the edit is. My heart shudders at this I love it so much.
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emily-sue · 1 year
Is all I am a raindrop and a rat?
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emily-sue · 1 year
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emily-sue · 1 year
The band, the music, the dance.
puts on sound 📣🎶🎵
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emily-sue · 1 year
hope is a skill
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emily-sue · 2 years
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I lost it at “2 bread”
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emily-sue · 4 years
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emily-sue · 4 years
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May I offer
one time i was in a pub in london and saw lemonade on the menu and i was like mmmm lemonade!!! but i’ve been to australia and been tricked before so i was like hey is this actual lemonade lemonade or is it just sprite and she was like it’s actual lemonade so i ordered some and she brought it back and it was sprite. i hate england
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emily-sue · 4 years
I feel this in my very soul
Theheck- when I'm watching a new show or some other hyper-fixation that makes me happy but then I suddenly feel dread because I will die one day and I am just spending time here watching anime . . . I don't even actually feel bad about it but my brain is like "why don't you work on your art or write or finish your costume?" And I'm have to fight it with "I'm TRYING to generate some SEROTONIN so that we actually have the vigor TO DO THAT"
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emily-sue · 4 years
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some people have really cute pets and are not posting enough pictures of them imho
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emily-sue · 4 years
For MTTT au - Does Anakin ever accidently start gushing about Luke to the others? Like, he sees something that reminds him of his son and his eyes well up with tears, so everyone thinks this is a new kind of breakdown, and then he just starts talking about Luke and he can't stop
Ahsoka and Obi-Wan tensed a split-second before Padmé noticed it. She had been trained to always be the most observant person in the room, she had to be as she was often the youngest politically involved person at a given event, but no skill could surpass force-bonds.
The two Jedi both immediately turned to look at Anakin, their expression indecipherable to her.
Anakin had stopped walking and was staring at toy ship models in a shop window, utterly transfixed.
“Anakin?” Padmé spoke up. “Is everything alright.”
It took a moment until Anakin was able to look away from the ship, his face just a little paler than before.
“Yes,” he replied. “I’m fine. It’s just- that’s an Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter.”
Padmé shared a look with their other two companions, but Ahsoka just shrugged behind Anakin’s back while Obi-Wan frowned.
“A good ship?” Padmé prompted.
She didn’t know all that much about space crafts and all her additional knowledge had come from Anakin’s endless rants about the inefficiency of the ships in the Jedi’s or Republic’s hangers.
“It’s passable,” Anakin said. “But they were the bases for the X-Wings the Rebellion used. Luke flew one of them.”
The name of their son, a child that would never be again. Anakin had told her about him, a remarkable young man, good and bright in a galaxy that was everything but. Anakin mourned Luke’s loss and Padmé didn’t doubt for a second that he’d do just about everything if the Force showed him a way to speak to Luke just once more.
“He outmaneuvered me in his ship, more than once. He was such a talented pilot! When I discovered his identity, I assumed that Obi-Wan had trained him from birth on. My spies and own investigation instead taught me better. His first flight for the Rebellion was his first one in space at all. Utterly irresponsible to let an untrained child fly a ship, but he proved himself more than capable. He was a good mechanic too. His squadron was very protective of their ships - understandable given their lack of resources, but they also kept them in good shape. I believe I knew more about the capabilities of Luke’s X-Wing than anything else. He enjoyed talking about it and constantly improving it. Luke always strove to better everything and everyone around him, even when it seemed impossible. I’ve never met anyone like him, so inherently kind and brave. He inspired people just by being around them and he changed the galaxy just by wanting it to be different, better, a place full of hope and light-“
Padmé didn’t dare interrupt Anakin as he spoke. His voice was filled with so much love as more and more praise fell from his lips. He was smiling, widely so, despite the tears that now ran over his cheeks. Padmé wasn’t quite sure she had truly understood the husband that had returned to her side until this moment. Anakin didn’t just want to protect the people he loved, ensure the galaxy never suffered as it had under the Empire’s reign.
He wanted to make up for the loss of a child he loved so much, adoration couldn’t even begin to describe it.
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