emeraldaspect · 3 years
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
       It had been so very long since she had felt wind upon her in the material plane. The smell of crisp mountain air, dew, and flowers was a wonderful scent as she treaded upon the temple grounds. Fingers brushing against the soft leaves and petals of plants that seem to seek her touch. Caressing violet skin as the horned woman walked past.
       Eyes shut with movement, as if sleeping or seeing many things at once. Where she treads, life bloomed, growing lusher - healthier. Stumbling not once nor did she collide with anything. Seeing yet unseeing. “Akari…” Voice soft, ethereal, and dreamy. Halting at the younger voice calling to her. “Sweet dreamer, gentle Akari, have you had the dream again?” 
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“I’ve been waiting a long time for you.”
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
First 5 people who send in a “💋” get a kiss from my muse.
Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
Like this post for a Nightmare!Ysera starter? Multi-muses please specify
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
“  i need you.  ” (( *tosses Uilleam in angsty mode* uvu ))
Through the haze of the ancient dream, the paths twisting, forgotten save by one. A stumble, a misstep led him to her realm once. Years upon years ago? Time was meaningless in this Dream realm. Yet she came when he called, beckoned by his sorrow as she came to kneel before him. Fingers gently touching the side of his cheeks. Eyes remaining shut as her forehead rested upon his.
"I am here, old friend."
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
“  knowing you is like…coming home. like i’ve finally found something that’s been missing all this time.  ”
softer prompts // accepting
Violet fingers ran through the young woman's hair. Having long rid the section of knots and tangles. Stroking gently as the forest sighed. Content, happy as she had drawn Asuna into a lucid dream. The rumblings of the sleeping leviathan underneath the network of roots and greenery. Of the bird song that drifted on the dreamy wind. It was tranquil beyond compare as The Dreamer's presence allowed the mortal human not to be lost by its peaceful allure to sleep and rest forever when Asuna had first arrived.
Through a portal once guarded by one of her children, ages ago. It made an old wound ache. But it was of no fault of Asuna's. He had died long before she was born, protecting that very portal she thought inactive. It was why she had pulled Asuna through a dream, safer for the young woman.
Ysera has seen Asuna’s dreams and nightmares since the beginning of her existence. A sad dreamer, wishing desperately for love and acceptance. Ysera’s chin shifted down, as if to glance down at the young mortal. Yet her eyes remained ever shut, ever shifting as if seeing many things at once.
“You will always have a special place in my heart, my child. I have seen your dreams…your nightmares…I know glimpses of what haunts you. But in searching for what you seek the most. Do not use the portal again. The lure of the Dream is not safe for the untrained. Yet in rest and when you dream. I’ll be here, my little dreamer.”
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
softer prompts
“  i’m not going anywhere.  ” “  you make me feel safe.  ”   “  i think i might be in love with you.  ” “  i just like seeing you happy.  ” “  just let me take care of you.  ” “  you’re my family.  ” “  i can stay, if you want.  ” “  you make me feel alive.  ” “  you’re captivating.  ” “  i want you to know i’ll always be here for you. whatever you need.  ” “  you don’t have to tell me anything, we can just sit here.  ” “  i trust you. more than anyone else.  ” “  you have a beautiful soul.  ” “  i feel like i could watch you all day. everything you do has a touch of magic to it.  ” “  i hope i see you in my dreams.  ” “  do you trust me?  ” “  you don’t ever have to pretend. not with me. not ever.  ” “  i love you, every part of you. even the parts you don’t like.  ” “  you make everything a little easier.  ” “  will you just…hold me? please.  ” “  just tell me everything’s gonna be okay.  ” “  you’re enough. you’re more than enough.  ” “  you have my heart in your hands. be gentle with it.  ” “  i wanna be the one you go to. the first one you tell when there’s something good. the shoulder to cry on when it’s bad. and every mundane thing in between. i want to share it all with you.  ” “  i have faith in you.  ” “  i’ve never met anyone quite like you.  ” “  knowing you is like…coming home. like i’ve finally found something that’s been missing all this time.  ” “  every hard thing in my life feels worth it. it all led me to you.  ” “  i feel like i could endure anything as long as i have you to come home to.  ” “  i can tell something’s bothering you.  ” “  what can i do to help?  ” “  come on. let’s get out of here.  ” “  i’m taking you somewhere special.  ” “  where are you taking me?  ” “  i don’t need grand gestures or declarations of love. i just need you. all of you.  ” “  you make me feel like i’m worthy.  ” “  you deserve good things.  ” “  i want to be your home.  ” “  loving you is like something holy.  ” “  i made you something.  ” “  come back to bed.  ” “  stay the night with me.  ” “  are you sure you’re okay?  ” “   you wanna talk about it?  ” “  did you wanna tell me something?  ”  “  you’ll always have me.  ” “  i’m proud of you.  ”   “  i need you.  ” “  thank you. for always being there for me.  ” “  don’t ever let anyone make you doubt your worth.  ” “  i’m not leaving you. not ever.  ”   “  you have kind eyes.  ”   “  sleep, my love. i’ll keep the nightmares away.  ”   “  there’s so much light in you.  ” “  i want you here.  ”  
❀ for a forehead kiss ✦ for our muses to hold hands ❉ for one muse to nap against the other ✱ for one muse to surprise the other ✸ for our muses to cuddle  ❄ for our muses to enjoy the first snow of winter  ♛ for my muse to teach yours something new ☂ for our muses to stargaze  ♡ for one muse to wake the other with breakfast in bed ♤ for a kiss on the palm ☁ for our muses to get caught in the rain without an umbrella ☀ for one muse to surprise the other with a home-cooked meal  ☾ for one muse to hug the other without explanation  ♞ for one muse to give the other a massage  ✞ for one muse to give the other flowers ✔ for one muse to caress the other’s face ✚ for our muses to shower/bathe together  $for one muse to catch the other staring lovingly 
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
💕send to have a family type relationship with my muse (( for my dream children?? uvu ))
pre-established relationship hearts // accepting
oooo yes, all the dream children. They will have best aunt, very supportive even if she seems apathetic. Her attention is drawn into so many places but trust me, she cares very much. But she remembers a lot, even the little things. I also have an idea, or two, but I don't wanna step on your lore or anything. But burst into my IMS or discord?
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
pre-established relationship hearts!
❤️send to have a romantic ship with my muse 🖤send to have a toxic ship with my muse 💛send to have a platonic ship with my muse 💚send to have a friends with benefits ship with my muse 💙send to have a partnership with my muse 💜send to have a love/hate relationship with my muse 💖send to have a past romance with my muse 💔send for a slow burn romance with my muse 💕send to have a family type relationship with my muse
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
       Within the haze of this dream. Of the mortal’s dreams that twisted and turned, becoming nightmares. Until all he knew was night terrors and pain. Like sunlight peering through parting clouds, she dispelled the nightmares. Soothing his terror and pain, to rest and dream. To dream as he used too. Wonderous dreams.
       You must resist her…
       The rustle of leaves within his dream. The crimson garden a familiarity to him as a small, dragon whelpling rested on a branch. Scales of gleaming emeralds with eyes shut. Shifting as if seeing many things. An innocent creature, just as he. The devil that sought to twist his soul, draw forth the poison. Hungry, greedy claws of chaos. She came as a messenger of ill warning, to cease and cast away the serpent before it bites.
       She will only bring suffering…offer love and retribution…do not fall for the snare of the Mad One.
       A warning to heed. Yet it was his choice in the end. To embrace and accept the serpents kiss or remain absolute. Greatly has he suffered and been wronged. Cursed unfairly yet in his dreams and soul. She saw a golden ray of hope - the goodness within. 
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
“Show yourself! At once!” (( from Uilleam ovo ))
A veil of mist surrounded him, breath of moments of fields of flowers, swirling in patterns. The next a vast forest of ancient trees that stretched beyond sight. The sound of wing beats, the rush of wind and silence. A deafening silence as a shadowy form took shape within the green haze. Halting just before the being before it. “Be at ease, young Dreamer.” Came a sweet voice from the veil. A feminine melody that came from everywhere and nowhere at once. But it was not a sinister presence. It was one of peace and aura of eons.
“You have stumbled upon an ancient dream. A deep slumber as you peer within my realm. It has been ages since I have last spoke to your kind. Be at ease, kind Dreamer.”
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
❝ Make no mistake, my girl. You are playing this game as someone’s pawn. ❞ [ from Shinnok owo ]
The sound of groaning bark, the sigh of the forest as the slumbering being beneath foliage of roots and greenery. Trees that rose towards the green hazed sky. A steady rise and fall as she slept. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of flowers and dew. Yet spoiled by the scent of death and decay. A rustle of leaves came before the wind carried them, a swirl, a mist of leaves in a dance as a new shape took form.
Yet the slumbering leviathan remained. Seemingly forever bound, trapped within the roots and vine. An endless trance. Images came, dreams of not the Fallen One before her. But of dreams of others. The wishes and wants of beings known and not – Humans, Edenians, Tarkatans and more. Both beings witnessing their nightmares and experiencing their sweet dreams. The images were legion and flashed by and disappeared in mist. Before the Fallen One stood the Dreamer. Tall, elegant, and ethereal.
Skin of soft violet, tresses of emeralds and horns extended from her skull. Yet her eyes remained ever closed. Movement came from beneath her closed eyelids, as if seeing many things at once. Even as her attention shifted between many realities, she focused quite distinctly on the intruder.
“We must all play a part in Nature’s plan.” Came her sweet voice. The woman with long, slender ears dressed in a gown of cream and jade. A circlet of a crescent moon, floated above her forehead. The points facing skyward. “My charge is sacred, my purpose clear and appointed by beings greater that I – greater than you. Child of Time.”
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
feel free to change pronouns if needed ! ____ signifies a place where you can insert a name.
❝ The truth is what I make of it. I could set this world on fire and call it rain. ❞ ❝ I told you to hide your heart once. You should have listened. ❞ ❝ The gods rule us still. They have come down from the stars, and they are no longer kind. ❞ ❝ If you know someone’s fear, you know them. ❞ ❝ You should know the difference between secrets and lies. ❞ ❝ What I need and what I want are two very different things. ❞ ❝ To look powerful is to be powerful. ❞ ❝ There’s nothing wrong with being different. ❞ ❝ I see a world on the edge of a blade. Without balance, it will fall. ❞ ❝ I will never make the mistake of loving you ever again. ❞ ❝ It’s our nature. We destroy. It’s the constant of our kind. No matter the colour of blood, man will always fall. ❞ ❝ A lie will raise me up, and one day another lie will bring me down. ❞ ❝ I’m going to find ____ , and they will die with you in their thoughts, knowing this is the fate you have brought them. ❞ ❝ I am the king and you could’ve been my queen. Now you are nothing. ❞ ❝ There are worse lives to live. Don’t feel sorry for me. ❞ ❝ This isn’t a spark of destruction, but a spark of life. ❞ ❝ As much as I want to pull away, I just can’t do it. You are a cliff, and I’m throwing myself off the edge. ❞ ❝ Your touch is electrifying, but not like I’m used to. ❞ ❝ Are you going to babysit me every day or just until I learn my way around? ❞ ❝ I can’t believe I didn’t see you for what you were from the beginning: a wolf in sheep’s clothing. ❞ ❝ I’m an accident. I’m a lie, and my life depends on maintaining the illusion. ❞ ❝ Sometimes your silence is better than anyone else’s words. ❞ ❝ I woke up this morning as one person, and now I’m supposed to be someone else entirely. ❞ ❝ I’m not a princess. I’m not the girl who gets saved. ❞ ❝ I will never submit again. I will never stop fighting. ❞ ❝ Once, I was afraid of these walls, frightened by such beauty, but I see the cracks now. ❞ ❝ It’s nice to hear that I’m not completely alone in feeling out of place. ❞ ❝ As beautiful as this world is, it’s just as dangerous. ❞ ❝ People who are not useful, people who make mistakes, they can be removed. You can be removed. ❞ ❝ We can bomb and burn every inch of this country down, but that will never do the damage you can do ❞ ❝ Pride, dignity, honour; those are things no ability can replace. ❞ ❝ It’s cruel to give hope where none should be. It only turns into disappointment, resentment, rage – all the things that make this life more difficult than it already is. ❞ ❝ My life is moving on, no matter how much I want it to stay the same. ❞ ❝ I am only human, and humans are not supposed to deal with days like today. ❞ ❝ You can help me survive. Better yet, you might just help me live. ❞ ❝ Killers don’t have to make sense. ❞ ❝ I am finally learning my lesson. Anyone can betray anyone. ❞ ❝ You wouldn’t know hardship if it kicked you in the teeth, and believe me, it does that a lot. ❞ ❝ The truth doesn’t matter. It only matters what the people believe. ❞ ❝ You don’t know how precarious things are, how close this world is to falling back into ruin. ❞ ❝ I thought you were perfect, I thought you were strong and brave and good. ❞ ❝ You’ve spent so long at the top, protected and isolated, that you’ve forgotten you can fall. ❞ ❝ I won’t let them hurt you. You have my word. ❞ ❝ Time moves slowly when you’re waiting for something good. ❞ ❝ I can’t help but remember that my lips were kissing your brother last night. ❞ ❝ You’re like an earthquake in human form, breaking apart everything in your way. ❞ ❝ I don’t know how, but I hope you become queen one day. Imagine what you could do then? ❞ ❝ Don’t corner someone better than you. It makes them more dangerous ❞ ❝ Life has simply decided to open the floodgates, trying to drown me in a whirlwind of twists and turns. ❞ ❝ It’s too bad we didn’t stay longer. I would have liked to die close to home. ❞ ❝ I am sorry, you mistook my disinterest for attention. I don´t care. ❞ ❝ From now until the end of your days, you must lie. Your life depends on it. ❞ ❝ Your blood might be silver, but your heart is black as burned skin. ❞ ❝ I’ve done this a thousand times before, watching the crowd like a wolf does a flock of sheep. Looking for the weak, the slow, the foolish. Only now, I am very much the prey. ❞ ❝ I grew up wondering if I’d have food for supper; now I’m standing in a palace about to be eaten alive. ❞ ❝ You never looked at me. You never saw me. Not when you had ____. ❞ ❝ We both know I could never beat you with ability, so I beat you with my head. ❞ ❝ When are you going to realise that every word out of my mouth was a lie? ❞ ❝ My ignorance is becoming a theme. ❞ ❝ We don’t kill without purpose. ❞ ❝ From now on, you will live on the edge of a knife. One false step, one wrong word, and you will suffer for it. ❞ ❝ Make no mistake, my girl. You are playing this game as someone’s pawn. ❞ ❝ If there was ever a person begging for an elbow to the face, it is you. ❞ ❝ You have a bad habit of trying to save me. ❞ ❝ I thought princes were born with the ability to dance and make idle conversation. ❞
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
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*blows kiss to the moon*
for ysera
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
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my little dreamer. 
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
“Magnificent…” - Xavius
A shroud of scarlet mist past over her form, a smaller shape that knelt before the Nightmare Lord. Skin once a healthy violet was now muted, dull, and darker as was her hair. Nearly black as she stood. Crimson eyes staring blankly, the wound on her stomach in which the corrupted Tear of Elune was plunged into her, was now a wound like cracked glass. Pulsing red where once the tear had embedded itself. Now gone and cleansed. Seemingly betrayed by Elune herself yet unknowing saved by Xavius – her king. A concealed hatred burned behind those crimson eyes.
Tears fell free from her eyes, bloodied tears as raw emotions riddled her corrupted mind. Blood stained her gauntlets and bloody claws. The blood of Elune’s children – the Night Elves. “My Lord?” Confusion, uncertainly rang through her sweet voice; a darker, echo whisper accompanied her words. Almost demonic. “I…live?” But she had felt Her Embrace, felt the chill and the comfort. But all she felt now was hatred and pain. There was only the Nightmare.
Yes, she was its queen. But she had failed him. Was this her second chance?
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emeraldaspect · 3 years
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Canon divergent and temporarily side blog for Ysera from World of Warcraft. Follows back form Duchesstart
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