emdayeveryday · 9 years
October 13, 2015
A man moved
Away from me
On this train
And it made me feel bad. 
Do I smell bad?
Am I taking up too much space? 
Is my skirt too short - is he moving to see me better?
Am I giving off bad vibes?
Does he just want to be in a corner seat for better sleeping ability?
Was he reading over my shoulder 
As I wrote a different draft about
A different person
Hoping he wouldn't be singled out next?
I guess I’ll never know.
I'm getting off at canal. 
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emdayeveryday · 9 years
October 12, 2015
It's harder to write about things when you're happy. 
When you're happy your mind is calm
And not searching for something external to hold on to. 
Just on the L again.
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emdayeveryday · 9 years
Tumblr media
October 11, 2015. 
Storm King.
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emdayeveryday · 9 years
October 9, 2015
My crew
Is a makeshift group
Of kids who walk alone
In fabric 
As dark as the pavement 
Of the road
We cross to go
To somewhere
Or nowhere.
We meet others there,
Also alone
(Somewhere or nowhere),
And talk about something
Or nothing.
And then we go home. 
We go home late enough
To not have to think about 
The something
Or the nothing 
Flying around our minds.
We sleep without dreams
In rooms not quite as dark 
As the fabric we wear
And the streets we cross
To go. 
We let lights peek in
Afraid of the dark
Of the something 
Or nothing
That's flying. 
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emdayeveryday · 9 years
October 8, 2015
My twin and I face each other. 
Red hair glow
A strange camaraderie
I always feel.  
We're wearing blue chambray shirts
And the rest, black. 
(As always.)
Our sunglasses shade our pale eyes
From the unnatural florescents of the L train in the morning. 
There's not a lot to say about him
Because he's not giving 
Much energy to the space. 
I feel like my twin
Is judging me for looking at him. 
I know he's looking at me, but his sunglasses are darker, so he can see my eyes
And I can't see his. 
I know he's looking at me
But can only steal a glance
At him
Every once in awhile. 
We scratch our faces at the same time. 
He yawns. 
It's early for us. 
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emdayeveryday · 9 years
October 7, 2015
It's 10:24
Whenever I look at the clock
It's 10:24
My numbers. 
10 24
Ten twenty four. 
I am under the river at 10:24. 
There is an empty seat
But I am standing at 10:24
A man and a woman
Listen to music
At 10:24
At 10:24pm
Im going home. 
The L train is going to Brooklyn at 10:24
More people than are worth counting are going to Brooklyn on the L train at 10:24
A woman is doing her makeup at 10:24pm
The Bedford light blinks at 10:24
I am 8 stops from home at 10:24
In a few days it will be 
And I will be
One year older
And probably looking at the clock 
At exactly this time 
Once or twice that day. 
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emdayeveryday · 9 years
October 6, 2015
2 girls sit on the subway platform
Out-bored-ing each other
Their voices
Dripping with 
"I don't care
More than you don't care"
Each word
Less passionate than the last
They talk about the past
People they used to know
Mutually agreeing upon 
Half-created facts 
"She looks so different now, she used to be TINY. And brunette." 
"She's still really thin."
"Oh. Mhmm."
They talk about reunions, 
Facebook, change. 
What's striking about this auditory passing of time?
They're stuck
And everyone else is moving. 
They're watching,
But nobody else cares anymore. 
~He's a pastor, his wife is "so sweet."
She's in chicago, she moved with her husband. 
He works in an office now. They always thought he'd do something with music. But it's hard to pay the bills with classical guitar.
Yea. ~
 They agree on this history 
Past, present
Lives no longer connected to their own 
They go to the gym in bushwick now,
Try to pay their bills,
 And talk about people they no longer know.
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emdayeveryday · 9 years
October 5, 2015
Enter the L train at first avenue.
 Be disconnected from your body.
Don't do drugs. Drink coffee. 
Be as sad as you've ever felt before
Feel helpless. 
Lose a lover. 
Know she's still your soulmate. 
Walk down the stairs quickly because someone in front of you is doing the same
And there may be a train 
(But there isn't.)
You wait
 A train comes.
  In your car there are two people 
Look at them. 
There are many other people in this car
 But look at this man and this woman.
 The man has a mustache
The woman is wearing leggings and a long sleeve shirt that have different black-and-white patterns on them. 
Note that you like this. 
She is wearing mauve plastic Oxford shoes. 
Judge her for it [a little].
Look at the paper she is holding. 
It is familiar. 
It is a program
To a show
You've seen before. 
A show you almost went to. 
The Judson church is finally freed of its scaffolding
And free to be seen
In all of its beauty
For the first time
Since you've lived in New York. 
You forgot it was Monday 
So you didn't go. 
But they went. 
And your community 
Is sitting here on this train. 
A man with a mustache and a woman talking about change.
On this train. 
Walk home
Know that you are ok.
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