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"We can always choose to perceive things differently. We can focus on what's wrong in our life, or we can focus on what's right." - Marianne Williamson #dailyinspiration #dailyquotes
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#Repost @lovelightsparklebright with @get_repost
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“Happiness is allowing yourself to be perfectly ok with 'what is', rather than wishing for and worrying about 'what is not.' 'What is' is what's supposed to be, or it would not be. The rest is just you, arguing with life.” - Angel Chernoff #dailyinspiration #dailyquotes
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“Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction.  Break this negative habit today.  Talk about your joys, your loves, and your dreams instead.” - Marc Chernoff #dailyinspiration #dailyquotes
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#Repost @positiveminds11 with @get_repost ・・・ More #positivevibes at @positiveminds11
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“It has been said that the highest form of prayer is giving thanks.  Instead of praying for different circumstances, give thanks for what you have. (You’ll see why.)” - Marc Chernoff #dailyinspiration #dailyquotes
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#Repost @lovelightsparklebright with @get_repost
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#Repost @biglifejournal with @get_repost ・・・ This is a quote that parents might like to have on a poster in every room in their home. On a postcard taped in the car. Maybe on banners in the grocery store or on signs at the park. Little people. Big Emotions. Chaos. It happens. It can be so hard to remember to remain calm when our kids are in the middle of a rough spell and struggling with their feelings. We want to help them but we also want to make crying stop. That is normal. Parents can get overwhelmed too. That said, we do not need to add to the chaos. Our kids need us to be calm in order to get themselves to a place of calm too. Have a calm plan in place. This will be different depending on the age of your child. If you have multiple children, they each might need their own special plan. Does your child need strong hugs and sensory input when he's melting down? Does your daughter need fresh air and a game of tag to help regulate her body and process her frustration? Some kids love to draw or color or maybe just hearing a favorite song can bring relief. Will you remember this each time? No. If you find you are joining in the chaos, stop. Count to ten. Take some deep breaths. Remember your plan. Reassure your child that he is safe. Ride it out as best as you can. When things settle down, take a moment to asses how the situation played out for you and your child. If he or is she is old enough, ask them for input. How can you lead your child to calm?
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“You are not a victim.  You may have been challenged, hurt, betrayed, beaten, and discouraged, but nothing has defeated you.  You have been delayed but not denied.  The person or situation that hurt you is weaker than you, because you’re still here.  So don’t let this experience weaken you –let it build you.” - Marc Chernoff #dailyinspiration #dailyquotes
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“A positive present changes a troubled past.  Looking back, you do not find what you left behind.” - Marc Chernoff #dailyinspiration #dailyquotes
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There’s quite a bit of snow on the ground where I am.. but I know there are some sweet little buds underneath. And spring is actually here, despite the ridiculous storm we just had. Spring is a beautiful time of beginnings, so allow that to seep into every aspect of your life. #justbegin Adorable drawing by @doodlesforchange and reposted from @elizabeth_gilbert_writer
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