I miss 2017
499 posts
But I didn't have my love back then...so maybe I don't miss it that much
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embracehim · 4 years ago
If you post your kik or telegram, I'll coach you, piggy.
Show yourself, you fcking coward
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embracehim · 4 years ago
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Who is David Gilmour?
Happy Birthday David!
March 6, 1946
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embracehim · 5 years ago
This is how I will greet my family(my mom) in the morning because they can't ever say a freaking good morning,instead they just shout demands and get pissy for no fucking reason...
I wish I had his energy (especially in the morning)!
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embracehim · 5 years ago
I miss him so fucking much...
John explaining the concepts of birthdays and the sun to Sean, 1979.
“You have to be each number for a whole year, and a year is three hundred and sixty five days. That’s how long a year is, three hundred and sixty five days.” “Oh. Well. I love you.” “I love you too, sweetheart.” 
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embracehim · 5 years ago
Started (seriously) working into making a cover for the 50th anniversary of Abbey Road instead of sulking in bed all day,wondering what on earth I am doing with my life 🙃
It is a simple draft but hopefully it will be gorgeous by the deadline
(it won't be gorgeous.nothing I ever make is gorgeous)
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embracehim · 5 years ago
Tag yourselves,I'm John and the piano
Paul: Toss me my keys
[a piano flies by his head and smashes behind him]
Paul: I said my keys!
John: I thought you said piano!
Paul: Why the FUCK would I say piano?!
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embracehim · 5 years ago
A rare demo recording of John Lennon playing around with the piano while singing “HELP!”
(I wish it was longer, it’s so beautiful this slow, and you really hear in his voice that he is really feeling the words, you know?) 
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embracehim · 5 years ago
No need to be alone...
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embracehim · 5 years ago
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aggressive hand holding
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embracehim · 5 years ago
Can we just stop buying filthy-money-making-non-facts by people who clearly have no idea of what the fuck is going on?
Thank you
Here are a few of Mark Lewisohn’s great “insights” into the Beatles:
Nothing happened with John and Paul around India, they just grew apart.  So John suddenly destroys his hugely important, extremely close, massively successful creative/work partnership of ten years at the PINNACLE of its power in the most disruptive way possible for absolutely no reason whatsoever.  Well, sure, why would John’s PARTNER have anything to do with John trying to sabotage his partnership?  Paul WHO? *shrugs*
John’s mysterious suicidal ideation? *shrugs* Who has time to ask questions like this?
John was never addicted to heroin.
He might’ve dabbled a bit, but just for fun.  He and Yoko MAYBE “smoked a joint before making love” AT MOST.  Lewisohn’s “evidence" is that John is frequently on TV in 1969 looking lucid.  
I can barely even address this one.  I mean.  How grossly incompetent are you, Mark?  Newsflash- when you sober up…. you’re sober.  Heroin doesn’t incapacitate the user 24/7.
You might think Allen Klein was the hero after reading his (future) book!
Seriously.  This fucking asshole said that.  About a dirtbag con man who we know for a fact bullied and threatened Paul to his face.  And did gross, rapey-sounding shit like call him “the reluctant virgin.”  The same guy who drove a MASSIVE, deeply damaging wedge between John and Paul and hastened the Beatles’ demise.  And who the three other Beatles ended up suing.  OK, Mark.
John’s rushed marriage to Yoko a WEEK after Paul’s wedding to Linda was sheer coincidence.  He went so far as to say he hates when people suggest they are in any way related because that “confuses things.”  Hmmm.  So he’s annoyed by the cognitive dissonance created when his preferred narrative doesn’t square with reality?  Yeah, cool.  That’s a fucking great attitude for a “historian.”
A couple more things to consider:
Paul’s song Early Days (2013) makes a reference to some know-nothing bitches who claim to know more about his personal relationship with John than Paul himself does.  Lewisohn believes that lyric was a swipe directed at him.  And rather than be deeply shamed by this info, this self-appointed “expert” who is writing the history of the Beatles appears to be flattered by it!  And has since doubled-down HARD on the Ballad of John & Yoko, and aggressively continues with the 1970′s erasure of Paul from Lennon/McCartney.
I mean, there is ONE living member of Lennon/McCartney.  You should listen to him. Paul has subsequently cut off all contact with Mark and Mark now has no access to anyone connected with Paul.
So yeah.  BY ALL MEANS, if you are happy with the erroneous, toxic, Rolling-Stone-led, FIFTY YEAR OLD narrative which Lewisohn has FULLY drunk the kool-aid on and now aggressively co-signed…..  Then have fun with that! If you no longer desire these self-appointed “authorities” telling you what to think about material you can MOSTLY access yourself nowadays, then PLEASE, PLEASE do not blindly put faith in this arrogant, self-promoting ass-clown just because he’s got an “official” air. The Beatles Authorship is a giant shitty boys’ club, just like everything else.  They’re not the “best” just because they TELL YOU THEY ARE.
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embracehim · 5 years ago
All of the above apply to me...
Coming into a fandom late
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embracehim · 5 years ago
This is very fucking important
i know this topic is a few days old and i'm late to the party, but i've got one thing to say about it... mark lewisohn... my dude... if this tape really does rewrite everything you knew about the beatles you are a shitty beatles historian, and if it doesn't but you are still saying that to sell the story as a sensationalist bullshit, you are also a shitty beatles historian.
... and what's baffling to me is that up until now, the way the story has mostly been presented was that "paul was way too controlling, he kept the band going because he was selfish, he was forcing his dumb ideas onto poor john and george who just wanted to get out of the group and do Real Music & Art™, which was impossible to achieve under paul's conformist control, so basically paul's bossiness ruined the beatles" and now with this article and big, game changer revelation the picture that's painted before us is that "hey, actually john was the good guy™, he wanted to keep the band going, and paul was the one not cooperating, john was so kind to george while paul could just only "insult" him so thank him for breaking the beatles up"
like... if paul is behind the band's projects he is controlling, too dominating and selfish, and is helplessly pining after his bandmates who are constantly rejecting him, but if john suggests one single fucking idea in the middle of his hazy mind games, he is our lord and saviour, bless him for trying to keep the group together, the one and only Leader™, and anyway thanks paul for breaking up the band.
on the other hand if paul is passive, he is selfishly sabotaging the project and the band, while john's passiveness and refusal to cooperate are seen as smart, calculated moves, because the poor suffering man has had enough, so he has the right to do it...
so basically no matter what, paul just can't win, can he?
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embracehim · 5 years ago
Being an adult is listening to That is all by George Harrison on repeat and crying for three hours straight. -Cami.
Being an adult is listening to Yesterday by the Beatles and remembering how good life used to be before the age of 5
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embracehim · 5 years ago
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The song we were singing-Paul McCartney
Describe a song with a picture
Describe a song of a band with a picture of one of the member in it. Picture or gif must not refer to one of the band’s videos. Just use your imagination!
thnx for tagging me @queen-freya :D
Oasis - The Importance of Being Idle
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I tag: @japanesemars, @69duders, @8ballblur, @getback-paulie, and @eyesoreslashers 😊
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embracehim · 5 years ago
An odd,little thing...
My older sister is afraid of the number 47. She claims that she keeps seeing it everywhere,in the oddest way and that it freaks her out.This has been going on for way many too years so to her,seeing the number 47 is no longer just a simple coincidence and it alerts her.
But my sister is not the only one who keeps seeing a number in her life repeatedly.
For the past few years I've been coming across the number 42 way too often into my everyday life and even though I live based on logic and facts,it feels like it not just a mere coincidence in my case either,anymore.The number 42 is related to death in many religions and historical events.Idk how I am supposed to feel about this...
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embracehim · 5 years ago
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-🍓🥝🍋 How I missed the colors of the farmers market so much!!🍒🍑🍇-
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embracehim · 5 years ago
That was too smooth 😂😂😂
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by Imitation Lobster
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