emberofscintilla · 6 months
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emberofscintilla · 6 months
SciMedia Insights: Unraveling the Science Behind Marvel and Hunger Games
To further dive into the media and unravel the spiraling information, let's travel through the cosmos!
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In Marvel, various branches of science contribute to the diverse and fantastical elements of its universe:
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1. Physics: Often featured in explanations of superpowers and the functioning of advanced technology, such as the Quantum Realm and the physics of Thor's hammer.
2. Genetics/Biology: Mutations play a crucial role in characters like the X-Men, where genetic alterations lead to superhuman abilities.
3. Chemistry: Notably seen in the creation of serums like the Super Soldier Serum, which transforms characters like Captain America.
4. Astronomy: Cosmic elements are explored, especially in stories involving characters like the Guardians of the Galaxy and the cosmic entities like Galactus.
5. Engineering: Many Marvel characters, like Iron Man (Tony Stark), are depicted as brilliant engineers who create advanced suits and technology.
6. Computer Science: The use of advanced AI, like J.A.R.V.I.S. or F.R.I.D.A.Y., showcases elements of computer science and artificial intelligence. Marvel weaves these scientific elements into its narratives, often blending real-world science with imaginative and speculative concepts to create a rich and expansive superhero universe.
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"The Hunger Games" series by Suzanne Collins is set in a dystopian future, and while not heavily focused on detailed scientific explanations, various branches of science play a role in the narrative.
Biological Sciences: The Capitol's manipulation of genetics is evident in the creation of muttations, genetically altered creatures, and the use of tracker jacker venom.
Social Sciences: While not a natural science, the series explores the sociological aspect of the Capitol's control over the districts and the psychological effects of the Hunger Games on the tributes.
Environmental Sciences: The series touches on environmental themes, particularly the consequences of human actions on the environment and the depletion of resources.
Political Science: Again, not a natural science, but the series delves into political structures, rebellion, and power dynamics. The emphasis in "The Hunger Games" is more on the societal and political consequences of certain scientific advancements rather than the detailed scientific principles themselves.
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emberofscintilla · 6 months
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During the film making, there is technology. Even the concept is technology. Technology is everywhere.
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emberofscintilla · 6 months
What's happening around us?
It’s absolutely heart-wrenching that the events between Israel and Palestine is similar to a fictional Hollywood movie about genocide, murder, and hunger.
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The Hunger Games, written by Suzanne Collins, is a dystopian science fiction series set in the fictional world of Panem. The story unfolds in a future society that consists of the wealthy Capitol and twelve impoverished districts. As a form of punishment and control, the Capitol annually selects a boy and a girl, known as "tributes," from each district to participate in the Hunger Games—a televised event where the participants must fight to the death until only one remains.
The Capitol, armed with unmatched military technology and access to an enormous media apparatus, proved unstoppable in its brutality. The rulers claimed superiority over all the inhabitants of the dystopia of Panem, demonstrating a complete lack of moral boundaries. The Hunger Games was created as an annual event to celebrate the Capitol's victory over a previous revolt by the districts and served as a reminder of the Capitol's capabilities in case of any future uprisings. Despite attempts to quell any thoughts of resistance, the districts rebelled against the Capitol. District 13 was annihilated early on to deter the remaining districts from entertaining ideas contrary to the Capitol's insistence that resistance is futile.
The connection to Gaza became apparent when Katniss, the symbolic "Mockingjay" of the resistance, spoke out against the Capitol's ruthless actions, reminiscent of real-world events in Gaza. As Katniss delivered her message, the parallels with the bombing and destruction of al-Wafa hospital in Gaza became impossible to ignore. The story's themes seemed to mirror the real-life struggles between a brutal Capitol, referred to as Israel, and rebellious districts named Palestine.
Despite the consequences of Israel's military operations, the resistance in Gaza persists. The brutal leaders of the Capitol, embodied by figures like Moshe Feiglin and Prime Minister Netanyahu, operate with impunity against the oppressed districts of Palestine.
Gaza remains a rebellious district, with the blood of its near-starved children eventually uniting all districts against the Capitol. The Mockingjay of Palestine, along with the living martyrs, continues to symbolize resistance, singing the same song as the people of the districts, awaiting the day when the other districts will rise.
In the face of these stark parallels between fiction and reality, it is incumbent upon each of us to recognize the urgency of the situation. The narrative of oppression, resistance, and resilience echoes not only in the pages of Suzanne Collins' novels but also in the lived experiences of the people of Palestine, particularly in Gaza.
As we reflect on the parallels between fiction and reality, let us commit to being agents of change. In the spirit of the Mockingjay, let our actions be a resounding anthem against oppression, echoing through the corridors of power and reaching the hearts of those who have the capacity to make a difference. The time to act is now. Spread the word.
“Fire is catching. If we burn, you burn with us”
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emberofscintilla · 7 months
Ember of Scintilla Burning in the sparks, we are women in STEM. Ready to serve, ready for speaking.
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