emberleesalem · 8 years
there are 7 wonders of the world and i am 3 of them
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emberleesalem · 8 years
I. You can tell me You love me In the sunrise And by midday I will think I’m completely Alone. Your love is enough But I feel like I’m not enough for your love. II. I will wake you up At 2 am When I’m stone-cold-sober To say sorry For everything. You won’t know what I’m talking about. Neither will I. Say it’s okay. III. Some days I will tell you I need you to hold me. Tell me I am strong on my own But you’ll be there Just the same. IV. I am and will be Jealous of Everyone and everything That goes on When you’re not with me. Remind me That you care but Never let me make you Feel guilty for not letting Your world revolve Around me. V. When I call you crying One too many times I don’t need advice, Just to know That my tears are not Falling unheard. VI. I will accuse you Of being sick of me, Of being tired of me A lot. And you will spend These conversations Feeling like a broken record. Don’t get bored of me. I’m just scared That you’ll see me The way I see myself. VII. I will never be angry But I’ll get passive-aggressive. If I tell you It doesn’t matter Tell me It matters To you. VIII. I’m not as broken As I often like to think I am. Don’t try to fix me. I still need to learn. IX. I’m afraid of being rejected But don’t stay If you don’t want to. I’d rather be alone Than with someone There out of pity. X. Be patient And let me Grow into your arms.
M.S. An open letter to anyone who loves me (via coffee-crinkled-pages)
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emberleesalem · 9 years
Happiness is holding someone in your arms and knowing you hold the whole world.
Orhan Pamuk, Snow
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(via books-n-quotes)
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emberleesalem · 9 years
Me: I'm going to start drinking more water and eating a lot of fruit.
*five minutes later*
Me: *eats an entire pot of Mac and Cheese, two muffins, and drinks half a gallon of sweet tea*
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emberleesalem · 9 years
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Baby Alec Jensen coming soon.. 💙👶🏼
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emberleesalem · 9 years
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I hate it when they fight 😣
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emberleesalem · 9 years
Your voice used to calm me, now it's stressing me out. You used to pick me up, now you're just holding me down. With you on my mind at night, I'd cry myself to sleep. Now, without you in my head all the time, I sleep better than you could ever believe.
me just being in my feels..
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emberleesalem · 9 years
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Hello from the dark side.
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emberleesalem · 9 years
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HE’S GLOWING DO YOU SEE HOW MUCH HE’S GLOWING? He’s so incredibly happy and grateful, his words only show the tiniest little piece of it. But his face! His face shows it all. Look at him, just look at him for a moment. The pure joy in his eyes, the disbelief, this cute little jump he does because he has no idea where to put all the excitement. And the overall relief because he finally allows himself to accept that there are people out there who love him - and that he’s worth their love.
This. This is the Jensen I want to see in every moment of my life. He didn’t expect to win this award - not in his wildest dreams. Because he simply doesn’t know his own value. He’s too genuine, too humble. He doesn’t know how loved and talented he is because he always focuses on others. He always praises his friends and promotes them whenever he has the chance to. He always points out how great and talented his co-actors are. But he never in this world expected that he will be the one to win this award.
And then look at Misha in the very end of the first gif. Because when he turns around again, he’s not that dorky guy anymore who’s making a funny video with a tea pot. No. He looks at Jensen and his whole face says “I know.”
I know how happy you are, Jensen. I know how you’re doing your best to be your cool old self right now. I know that you’d rather jump up and down in excitement like a five year old boy. I know. And even if you don’t believe it yourself - we all know that you deserve this award more than anyone else.
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emberleesalem · 9 years
He's so amazing and talented, not to forget gorgeous. He deserved this. ❤️
Congratulations to Jensen Ackles for winning the PCA for Favorite SciFi/Fantasy TV Actor yesterday...
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emberleesalem · 9 years
My ideal weight is Dean Winchester on top of me.
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emberleesalem · 9 years
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I love Demon Dean more than pie.
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emberleesalem · 9 years
If demon Dean doesn't turn you on, we can't be friends.
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emberleesalem · 9 years
Stop thinking I like innocent gentlemen. I don't want no face fresh. I want them wearing leather, begging let me be your taste test. I like the sad eyed, bad guys. 😍
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emberleesalem · 9 years
I miss you. I miss the way your eyes would light up in the mornings. I miss the way you smiled. I miss you telling me I'm beautiful. I hate that you left. I hate how you said you were no good for me. I hate that you think I'm better off without you. I hate you.
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emberleesalem · 9 years
Sometimes it blows my mind that there are people that don’t wear glasses/contacts. Like they can literally see with no aid. Like they wake up and just be out here seeing. What a wild concept.
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emberleesalem · 9 years
Go listen to my friends song. He's #13 right now. He's trying to win to open for Sam Hunt on his US tour.
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