embellyished · 13 hours
do you ever look at a women with arms the size of a literal pillow and think "i need those arms fr"????????
just me???????
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embellyished · 3 days
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embellyished · 4 days
Well if its not normal then I don't wanna be normal.
Some of yall need this reality check:
It is NOT normal to have to literally reach around your massive gut to complete normal day to day tasks. You need to come to terms with just how far gone you are with your weight. You’re massive and out of control. You’re spiraling with no end in sight. You are a bottomless pit of greed and gluttony. And you turn me on so fucking much ❤️
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embellyished · 5 days
god i fucking love fat men and all of their fat
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embellyished · 5 days
A lazy day, with nothing to do, apart from to gain more weight, and eat more food...
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embellyished · 6 days
The need to feed is absolutely relentless today. As long as you're willing, you'll be overfed, fattened, stuffed, bloated, and edged into oblivion for my pleasure.
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embellyished · 6 days
Stufftember Day 13:
Go to an all you can eat buffet.
So I did go to an all you can eat place yesterday and it was closed. The next closest one is like another 45 minutes and the one I went to is already an hour away from home so I said fuck it and just went home.
Today (day 14) is "stuff yourself at a bar" and there aren't any bars or pubs near me that serve food is large enough quantities to stuff myself with so today will be a bust too...
I'm gonna stop this stufftember thing. Trying to plan out feedism stuff this much in advance has really taken the fun out of it for me. I'm gonna go bake cookies instead.
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embellyished · 8 days
Stufftember Day 12
4 fast food meals
Today was a disaster. Had to get to work super early suddenly, and spent the entire day swept off my feet.
I have managed 2 fast food meals so far however. Went in subway on the way to work to get breakfast. There breakfast subs are very mid and very spenny. Wouldn't recommend. Lunch was McDonalds, 2 quarter pounders + chips + large coke. I would've pigged out more but I was at work.
Now for fast food meal 3 I've ordered in from this fried chicken place that has opened near me. I've never had it before but I am curious as good fried chicken is kinda hard to get in a lot of the UK.
For meal 4 I'm gonna have to cheat. I will be creating my own pizzas. Now pizzas are fast food, but I feel the spirit of this was to keep ordering stuff in so I feel like I failed today's challenge even if I'm gonna be eating fast food for 4 meals today.
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embellyished · 8 days
Just woke up. Felt extra soft
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embellyished · 8 days
'Fuckkkk look at what you've done to me...'
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embellyished · 8 days
Stufftember Day 11
Grazing day + 3k shake
Today was uneventful on the food front. I made sure I re-stocked my snack draw both on the way to work and at lunchtime, and I added double cream to my gainer shake to get that calories count up. It made the shake thicker but it tasted the same. My wisdom tooth hurting stopped me from going all out, though I think 2 packs of biscuits before lunch is pretty good going.
Tomorrow is 4 fast food meals. My plan is to go via McDonald's for breakfast, Subway lunch, and then decide both dinners based on what I can get delivered and what is close to work. Wish me luck.
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embellyished · 10 days
Stufftember Day 10
Chocolate Stuffing + 2k shake
Chocolate Stuffing was more of a "chocolate grazing" as I might have bought a bunch of chocolate snacks before work and ate them at work. Like I knew when buying it that I have no self control. That means I've got more chocolate stuff on the way home.
So far I've had:
Chocolate and caramel digestives
Millionaires shortbread
Chocolate filled doughnuts
And for the main event:
Pain au Chocolates
Chocolate cheesecake
More Brownies
Galaxy chocolate bars (2 of the big ones)
Chocolate milk shake to wash it down.
I reckon I'm gonna hit the sugar wall before I get this all down.
Oh and the gainer shake. Can't forget the gainer shake.
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embellyished · 11 days
Stufftember Day 9
Foot long sub + 2L + 2k shake
Not to brag but this was easy. Its not uncommon for me to get a foot long sub for lunch anyway, and my daily gainer shake is roughly 2000 calories, so adding a 2L to a normal days eating isn't too much of a challenge. It is nice to have a rest day inbetween stuffing myself silly.
Looking forward to tomorrow though. I get to stuff myself silly with chocolate.
Also I've got a wisdom tooth coming through so my jaw is sore. It didn't get in the way today I can see it doing so in the coming days if it doesn't calm down.
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embellyished · 11 days
Aftermath of the pizza stuffing for stufftember:
My belly is so taught, so tight, so completely filled it hurts. Legitimately stuck standing up cause I'm too full to bend over enough to sit down. I can literally feel the weight of all the food and drink in my gut dragging it down, and yet I've managed to get so god damn fat its barely even visible in that video.
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embellyished · 12 days
Stufftember Day 8
No Turning Down Food
So today is Sunday, which meant I stayed in, did housework and adult stuff, and chilled. Does mean I did have plenty of time to snack, but does also mean I didn't get offered any food (yet)
On the other hand, it did sound like the perfect day to catch up on the 6 days that I missed, so the 2 litre bloat + pizza stuffing shall be commencing shortly.
The plan is to eat pizza till I feel like I'm gonna explode, then chug that 2 litre bottle as fast as I can. Then sip on my daily gainer shake for the rest of evening.
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embellyished · 12 days
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Brynn's Buttercream Blunder. March 2022
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embellyished · 13 days
Stufftember Day 7
Big Breakfast
So I figured 3 "breakfast wraps" was a normal weekend breakfast, so if I have 4 and add a few extra pastries and an omelette it would constitute a big breakfast.
Yea so after I managed to force all that down I immediately needed a nap and proceeded to spend most of the day asleep oops
Never have I had a food coma that early in the day though.
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