elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
Falls Park on the Reedy
While we were at Greenville, we passed by a park called, Falls Park on the Reedy, and there were many people. Its a beautiful and peaceful environment where u can spend time with your family to walk around with and take many picture. There is a big bridge that is on top of the water fall and it was kind of scary because u can feel the bridge move a little. The park is in the middle of a huge town and so like many people would walk around the park and walk through town to go in stores to buy stuff. Me and my family did the same thing. We got some ice cream and enjoy our day.
11/29/20 5:43PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
Greenville, South Carolina
Yesterday I went to Greenville with all my family. We all decided to take a 2 hour drive trip. We passed big highways and saw many beautiful places while we passes by. There were many small streets in that town when we got there, and there were many cars, so it was a struggle to get to our destination. The purpose of us going to Greenville was because we wanted to go to different types of Guatemalan stores and we wanted to eat at their restaurants. We pasted by three types of stores and eventually at some delicious tacos. This is why we went to Greenville.
11/29/20. 5:32PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
One day I would like to travel to Italy. The reason I want to travel there is mainly because of the food. I want to explore and see the city and beautiful places as well, but the food would be bomb. Italians were the one who created the pizza, and spagetti so they have some famous food dishes. Their cities consist of buildings made by bricks and its ancient. They have many places where they have many ancient stuff, which is amazing because you can see the Italy’s past and how it changed present day. I would like to go to the beaches shores, and get on a boat to have a good time. It would be fun riding on a boat, where the city consist of only boat traveling and not cars. This is why I would like to travel to Italy.
11/22/20  11:49PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
New York
One day I would like to travel to New York. I’ve never been to New York, but I’ve seen pictures and posts on social media of beautiful places in NY. One example would be Time Square, which is a big place where you can walk around and shop. I would like to walk around the city of NY and explore the place. It would even better to be there for the New Years because that’s where all the exicement is at, and the celebration is big. New York also consist of many small business, which they call corner store, where you can buy snacks. Corner stores are located in every corner of a street. There are many tourist visits, such as the Statue of Liberty, which is a big statue of a women holding a torch. This is why I would like to visit New York. 
11/22/20    11:12PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
One day I would like to travel to California because I know it's a big state with big cities. Some big cities would be San Francisco, Los Ángeles, and San Diego. They have a variety of Hispanic culture and I like that because the people living there have the opportunity to share and show many people their culture. The big cities also have many shopping places and places where you can spend time with the family. They have Disney Land, which a good place to have fu. Many concerts and one day I would like to go to the place where they have the China Town. It would give out China vibes. This is why I would like to travel there.
11/15/20 5:15PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
Raleigh, North Carolina
One time me and my family went to Raleigh, North Carolina to do something important there. We woke up very early in the morning so that we would arrive there at an early time. It was a 3 hour trip, and I was sleeping along the way. We did a few stops to have some restroom break and stopped at gas stations to buy some snacks. Raleigh is a big city and we stopped by a few restaurants and stores. We saw many Guatemalan people and we were surprise. Many were selling food and it was good. After that, we headed home, which was another 3 hours. When I got home I was tired and went straight to bed
11/15/20. 5:09PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
One day I would also love to visit France. There are many fashion designers and shows to attend. I like to learn about fashion and the unique ways the models use them. France also provide many places for tourist to visit, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum. I would like to try their food as well. I know it's kind of different compared to the US. Their language is hard to learn, but unique and their accent is immaculate. Their cities are beautiful and the design of their building is pretty. Their buildings are usually made from concrete. These are the reason why I would one day like to travel to France.
11/8/20 8:38PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
One day I would like to travel to China. China has a beautiful culture and nice places to visit. In some places, their natural resources and environment is beautiful. I know that there is Chinese food in the United States, but they are not the real or authentic food. I want to try their food and snacks they have because they are obviously different from the ones in the US. They also have a traditional clothing their ancestors used a long time ago, but some still use it till this day to keep the memory and tradition going. This is why I want to travel to China and learn more from their culture and language.
11/8/20 8:27PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
Quiche, Guatemala
Quiche was a town that was 1 hour away from where my grandma lived. One day, my uncle took us to Quiche because he said that there were more people selling stuff, such as souvenirs for the people visiting. It was true there were many stuff there, but they were kinda expensive. I still bought some stuff to take with me and bought some stuff for my sister and parents. The good thing is that you can negotiate the prices of the stuff they selling and not pay the price they were asking for it in the first place. There were many people selling beautiful clothes, and unique toys. Overall, I loves the place and the souvenirs.
11/1/20 11:51am
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
Guatemala City
When I arrived at Guatemala City, it was a huge city but it was also very crowded. There were many beautiful buildings with unique graffiti on it. Since it's a city, there were many fast food restaurants that are the same as the ones in the United States. There were also many people selling stuff on the road, so when it turns to the red light, they start telling people inside their cars to buy some of their stuff. It's sad to see how many people try to sell stuff to earn money to live off of. There were people who were also selling food on the sidewalk. The food were also good and the snacks they made. The city was beautiful overall.
11/1/20 11:01am
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic is a Caribbean island and they share it with Haiti. They have many natural formations and they have a beautiful culture. Their music is always fun to dance to. One day I would like to travel to Dominican Republic to try their food and see the type of culture they have. Its also the second largest country located in the West Indies, and their popular sport to play is baseball. Their capital city is Santo Domingo and I would like to visit that place. They are known for eating fried plantains with almost everything or for being included in any type of food. The majority of their population is Afro-Latinos, and that is unique. 
10/25/20 3:34PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
Canada is the second largest country in the world. Its located in North America, located on top of the United States. I would like to travel to Toronto, which is one of the largest city in Canada. Another city that I would like to visit in Canada is Montreal, which is the second largest city in the Canada and the majority of the population that lives in that city speaks French. The food in Canada is almost the same as in the US, but they have different celebrations that are unique. I would like to attend or see one of their celebrations. Canada is popular for their beautiful landscapes and I would also like to see some of them.
10/25/20  3:04PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
One day I would like to travel to London because I think its a pretty place where you can travel to and explore some new places you’ve never seen before. London is the capital of England and that is where the big clock is located at. I want to see the view and where the palace is located at. I would like to taste their food and snacks. I want to know more about their government and about the royalty family, such as Queen Elizabeth II. I want to ride of those two level buses and explore many stores. I want to shop there and get some nice clothes from there. 
10/18/20  8:59PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
I’ve been to Clemson and to the Clemson University. I stayed there for a week and I enjoyed it. When I got to the campus, they gave us some materials and t-shirt to wear. They gave us assigned dorms and I met my dorm partner and her parents and we introduced ourselves. We did many activities while we were there and learned some math, engineering stuff. We would watch movies and go to the bowling alley that was on campus as well. There was very good food in campus and Starbucks. The Clemson campus even had a mini store where u can buy stuff that you wanted such as, candy, ramen noodles, drinks, snacks, etc. I had a great week while I was there.
10/18/20  7:35 PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
One day I would like to visit Brazil. They have a beautiful culture and their carnivals be lit. The place that I would like to visit would be Rio de Janiero because of their good view of the city and food. I would like to go to the Christ the Redeemer statue because its a big masterpiece and its at the top of a mountain, which means it has a beautiful view when you’re at the top. There are also beaches there. Many people go there to have a family vacation, especially tourists. I would like to experience how walking in the city feels like, such as going shopping, trying new things, fun activities and stuff that I’ve never seen before.
10/11/20 6:09 PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
On day I would like to travel to Mexico because I love their food and their culture. They have a unique and beautiful way to show their culture. One place that I would like to visit would be Yucatan Peninsula. It’s an ancient place where the Mayans use to be. There are many jungle holes and beaches around that peninsula. Many tourist go and visit that place and stay in hotels available near the Yucatan Peninsula. There are also other ancient Mayan ruins located there, so you can explore and learn the history of the stuff the Mayans use to live in. 
10/11/20 4:58PM
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elviraglarios-blog · 4 years
Santiago Atitlan, GUA
When I was in Guatemala, my family took me to Santiago Atitlan. The shortest route to get to that town was on boat. We had get on a small boat and cross the big lake to the other side. The lake was huge, but the view was beautiful because you can see the volcanoes, the trees and the low clouds. It was kind of scary because you can feel the boat moving while rushing through the water. We arrived to Santiago Atitlan safely and when we got there, there was a lot of tourists, and a huge market with people selling many unique things. I bought some stuff to bring with me when I come back to the US and tried some good snacks that I’ve never tried before. It was a good experience, and it feels good to know more places from Guatemala.
10/4/20  9:01PM
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