I'm taking a short break off this rp blog. I just don't really have the muse right now. 
Don't know when I'll get back on but I will eventually.
Until then.
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Feelings Extrapolated - The roots of your characters’ emotions.
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She nodded and began to walk. "May I ask what it is like being a ranger? There are few of you kind and I have not had the pleasure of learning more about you." Ariael asked.
“Ah.” Was all Ariael said as she continued to pick up her remaining arrows. She could tell he was watching her and it unsettled her. She had never felt this way before and it worried her. Turning back towards Azrubel she laughed softly. “Well I was glad to have helped you. It was also nice practice for my archery.” 
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Ariael smiled excited for the chance to get to know the ranger a bit more. "Yes. That would be splendid. I would not mind the company. Thank you."  She had never had the chance to meet many rangers besides Estel so she was interested in learning more about them. 
“Ah.” Was all Ariael said as she continued to pick up her remaining arrows. She could tell he was watching her and it unsettled her. She had never felt this way before and it worried her. Turning back towards Azrubel she laughed softly. “Well I was glad to have helped you. It was also nice practice for my archery.” 
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"Ah." Was all Ariael said as she continued to pick up her remaining arrows. She could tell he was watching her and it unsettled her. She had never felt this way before and it worried her. Turning back towards Azrubel she laughed softly. "Well I was glad to have helped you. It was also nice practice for my archery." 
He smirked at the notice of her blush. Azrubel chose not to comment on it and instead watched the elf as she abruptly turned around and began picking up her arrows. He watched her movements as he listened to her reply.She was quite gorgeous as all elves were but she seemed to surpass all the others he had seen. Perhaps she was of higher status than the other elves he had met.
Azrubel nodded. “I have been tracking them for several weeks now. They had pillaged a few villages and I had finally decided to do something about the matter.” He paused, “Unfortunately, I accidentally alerted my presence to them by foolishly stepping on a branch and ruining my plan.” 
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Ariael blushed as she realized she was staring. "I..er... It is..a pleasure." She turned around and walked towards one of the fallen orcs, grabbing the arrow, cleaning it and then replacing it back into her quiver. Using this as an excuse to look away, she replied her cheeks still burning bright. "I was travelling towards Gondor when I happened by chance upon yours and the orcs footprints." 
"Why were you following this pack of orcs?" 
Azrubel stood up slowly still dazed by the last hit. Suddenly he saw the sight of orcs piling down one by one as an unknown ally began to shoot with such speed and skill at the orcs. Fully up he began to attack more prudently as the stranger came closer, assisting  him greatly.
Wondering who this unlikely friend was, Azrubel finished off the last orc with a quick thrust of his sword straight into the stomach. He wrenched his sword out, watching the orc crumple to the ground. With grim satisfaction he cleaned the blood of his sword and then glanced back towards the stranger who had walked up to him. “Greetings. Might I ask what your name is miss so I may thank you accordingly.”
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She watched as the man killed the last orc. Unstringing her bow she swung it over her shoulders and walked closer to the man. Ariael inclined her head, "There is no need to thank me. I am happy I was able to help. But my name is Ariael."
Ariael looked him over. He was obviously one of the rangers. His body was quite lean and strong most likely from his long days out in the wilderness.  
Azrubel stood up slowly still dazed by the last hit. Suddenly he saw the sight of orcs piling down one by one as an unknown ally began to shoot with such speed and skill at the orcs. Fully up he began to attack more prudently as the stranger came closer, assisting  him greatly.
Wondering who this unlikely friend was, Azrubel finished off the last orc with a quick thrust of his sword straight into the stomach. He wrenched his sword out, watching the orc crumple to the ground. With grim satisfaction he cleaned the blood of his sword and then glanced back towards the stranger who had walked up to him. “Greetings. Might I ask what your name is miss so I may thank you accordingly.”
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Watching the man fell back and take several hits she decided to risk being in the open. Ariael jumped out from her hiding spot and began shooting furiously. Several orcs fell as she shot arrow after arrow with accuracy only elves could have. 
Lowering her bow she took out her daggers and rushed over towards the man and continued fighting. 
A arrow whizzed by his ear flying into the forehead of one of the orcs. Azrubel glanced in the direction the arrow had come from. He could not seen anything. Though intrigued he did not have much time to ponder as another orc strike at him. Dodging its attack he slammed his body into the next orc and cut its head clean off. 
He fell back a bit dazed as one foe came up from behind him and headbutted him. He wasn’t ready for the next hit and stumbled a few more feet. This was getting ugly. 
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Running silently past the rest of the orcs Ariael saw a man battling several orcs. He looked like a ranger. Notching an arrow onto her bow, she quickly shot one orc in the head. Raising her bow again she aimed at another one and released it, hitting her mark. Hopefully she would soon be able to get closer to help him but for now she shot arrow after arrow. 
Azrubel threw a quick punch straight into the nearest orc knocking the foe a few steps back. Then, he blocked the blade of the next orc who came at him from the left. Using his free hand he stabbed the creature with one of his knives. One down. Gods knows how many more. He thought quickly jumping back as another orc swung his axe towards his torso. 
Suddenly five orcs came into his vision. They would soon reach him and he wouldn’t be able to fight all of them at once. Cursing himself again he lunged towards two of them slashing and swinging his sword as fast as he could. 
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Walking along a path Ariael noticed several large footprints. Orcs. She thought and quickened her pace. The further she got the more the footprints began to show clearer. Soon she was right near the campsite of  a pretty good sized pack of orcs. Hiding behind a tree she watched as two or three orcs ran into the south direction. Something must have alerted them. 
A few seconds later she heard loud grunts and the sound of metal clashing. More of the orcs began to notice the noise and thundered off into that same direction. Ariael decided to dash over to see what exactly what happening. Perhaps someone needed help. 
Azrubel bent down looking through twigs and leaves from the bush he concealed himself in. It had been many long weeks of tracking for him to find the cruel-some pack of orcs. They had pillaged several towns within his assigned patrol. It wasn’t a huge pack of orcs but it was still significant...
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Break my Character (Try to upset them, make them cry)
Give them some bad news and see how they react
Fuck,Marry, Cuddle, Kill (give me four names)
Tell them how you really feel about them
Anons of any kind (Magic, Creepy, rp, etc)
Obey Commands (Put obey in front of a command and character has to do it)
Mun vs Muse Discussions
Truth or Dare
Love letters
Plot/rp requests
Just a reminder that my askbox exists:
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omg, my mom gave me this for valentine’s day
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not sure if she’s making fun of me or accepting me
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Send me ' ♔ ' and I'll give you a kiss.
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Dear Tauriel,
I admire your unfailing devotion towards the forest of Mirkwood as well as to King Thranduil and his halls. You have become a very good friend of mine and I treasure our friendship. Here is a dagger that I had made for you to use in battle. 
Until we met again. 
Your friend,
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for legolasgreeenleaf Lord of the Rings + blue
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