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she/he/they 21
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elster0 · 4 months ago
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elster0 · 4 months ago
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"There is a nearness and its gravity is echoing."
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elster0 · 4 months ago
this game made me cry so hard
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what a great game
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elster0 · 6 months ago
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Spire shenanigans
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elster0 · 6 months ago
I love when format fits story and I love how narratively resonant HtN's incredible narration devices are—the second person, first appearing to be an imperative anchor to the world while Harrow is unmoored, a forceful narrator that becomes a necessity voice-wise to "guide" Harrow through her own narrative arc—often hinted and suddenly revealed to be Gideon; and when Gideon swings back to the first person, her chapters become love letters to Harrow—confessions of care, protection, anger, heat and longing; and all of this just serves to highlight and embody not only the distance that separates them and Harrow's absence, but the motif of extreme asceticism and self-flagellation FOR the sake of her love (for Gideon, not for the Body—the Body is erotic projection, Gideon is real love) that Harrow has already put in place from the start of GtN. Keep Gideon on the sidelines to protect her: don't communicate, don't unveil yourself. Keep Gideon in a niche in your own brain and begin "the work": don't communicate, and literally (echoing Gideon's narration) write yourself letters you're disciplined enough to not ever open. Hear Gideon is in your body—leave your body for her, and don't join her there lest the symbiosis devours you both. Keep your eyes averted—don't even touch the words of love. The fear of realness, of touch, of grasping the beloved at last and make it real in a world where death is more familiar than life is much more intense than the fear of obliteration as sacrifice for the other. "You were so afraid someone might touch you", from a girl who unspools her bones from her own body without blinking, lampshades all of Harrow's efforts to never reach for or be reached by Gideon while standing tall as a barrier to Gideon's death (potentially because she thinks of herself as an embodiment of death, too). After all, her only clear, expressive moment of joyful, unashamed connection with Gideon is that scene in Canaan House's atrium: "Did you behold me, Griddle?", as she has just become the literal and successful wall protecting Gideon from imminent death, and the literal death of Cytherea's construct: fulfilling what she is unafraid to be (untouched but connecting), and incidentally subverting and conflating the roles of necromancer to her cavalier—putting herself at risk in the middle of battle, ensuring her cavalier's survival, deconstructing their assigned roles to attain perfect resonance.
(And yeah there's probably a "little death" joke in there we could have made but FOCUS Gideon)
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elster0 · 7 months ago
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elster0 · 7 months ago
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They’re so married.
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elster0 · 8 months ago
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elster0 · 11 months ago
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elster0 · 1 year ago
Based on what Tamsyn Muir said about Alecto “hopefully” being the last book. I wish I could tell her directly “Do it. If the story needs to be longer do it. Hell make an entire book about the Harrow Nova au cause it ties into some later arc. Take up space. Dominate the genre.So many male writers make 5-8 books about some fantasy/Sci-fi world cause they feel like they have the audience’s attention to do so. And to be completely honest Tamsyn Muir has my attention like no other. Like yes girl make me read 3 more books consisting of 500-600 pages. I am sat.
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elster0 · 1 year ago
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🏳️‍🌈get to know the members of @gay!🏳️‍🌈 ↳ favourite headcanon character by abbie ⋆ lena luthor
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elster0 · 1 year ago
What's the point of the un, the geneva conventions, international law, etc if we see a genocide happening in front of our eyes but nothing is done to stop it.
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elster0 · 1 year ago
So Australia just voted no to enshrining a voice for indigenous Australians into our constitution. This voice was to be an advisory body with no real legal power over policy. And yet, despite the history of absolute HORRID treatment of Aboriginal Australians (attempted genocide) and the MULTITUDE of issues they continue to face as a marginalised group in our society, WE STILL SAID NO.
I am sitting in my kitchen sobbing. I am grieving for indigenous Australians, who I am sure will suffer greatly as a result of this. I am grieving for the complete backwards step we have taken. I am grieving for the fact that we live in a world where people are so selfish and ignorant that they can't think of the needs of others for the sake of equity.
If we cannot look out for each other, especially when it comes at absolutely no cost to ourselves, what hope do we have?
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elster0 · 1 year ago
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Guess we’ll suffer our misery in solidarity
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elster0 · 1 year ago
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signalis sketchbook #2, including??? modern au???
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elster0 · 1 year ago
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supercorp sunday treat
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elster0 · 1 year ago
here's me jumping into the bandwagon :D
(read on ao3)
It's just after sunset when Kara finally gives in. She veers off from her patrol down to a route she knows by heart.
The moment she lands, the first thing she notices is how the sliding doors are a fraction open. It’s a small thing, nothing to even be thrilled about, yet still, her drumming heart cannot be helped.
"Knock, knock," she says, stepping inside.
Her heart turning anxious when she takes in the sight in front of her. The room is a mess; books on the floor, drawers open, Lena’s frazzled appearance. She's standing over a suitcase thrown open in the middle of the bed, a mountain of clothes on top of it.
She was told that Lena was going on a trip, that it would probably take three weeks tops.
Packing for a trip doesn’t look like this, this looks a lot like... leaving.
Going on a trip, Kara remembers that’s what her family told her too.
You and Kal are going on a trip but you don’t have to worry, we’ll be with you the rest of the way, they told her.
A trip implies there would be a home to come back to. And Kara believed it. She believed it for a total of ten seconds before her planet exploded and a shard of her home knocked her off-course.
"Need some help?" Her voice doesn’t tremble. Kara considers that a miracle, really.
"I didn't know Supergirl helped poor hapless women pack suitcases,�� Lena retorts, walking over to her and kissing her cheek in greeting. It doesn't go unnoticed by Kara how clingy Lena's been since she's been back.
"Well, I wouldn’t exactly consider you poor and hapless," Kara counters.
"I may have had a slight,” Lena pinches her thumb and forefinger together, “panic over which and what to pack earlier.”
Yeah, Kara can definitely see that.
"Good thing I’m here then?”
"It's always good whenever you're around,” Lena says in such a casual way and it’s like the past year didn’t happen. As if it has always been this good. And...is this even allowed? This much affection from Lena? All the sweet words, the gentle touches, and the constant close proximity? It shouldn’t be allowed, not if it will be taken from her almost immediately after.
Unfair, is what it is.
“Okay, so why don’t we just move this out here yeah?” Kara voices, leaning over and hugging the lump of clothes to her chest, dumps it out from the suitcase and onto Lena’s pillows.
Lena’s fabric conditioner filling Kara’s senses entirely. For a brief moment, she considers stealing one of Lena’s shirts then and there. Something to tide her through once Lena leaves.
“Great. You’re on folding duty then,” Lena declares, “I’ll just go sort my babies, quickly. I’ll be right back.”
(Her 'babies' being the thick books lining every inch of this place.)
Lena disappears through the door. The domesticity of it all pulling at Kara’s chest.
In another world, where life ran a little differently, Kara would be packing their suitcases for a trip to Argo, or maybe one of the planets she’s always wanted Lena to see, or maybe it’d be nothing that grand. Maybe, just a trip back to Midvale. Lena would read to her on the whole drive there, her hair whipping from the winds down coastal roads.
Maybe not even a trip. Maybe in this other world, she’s assigned on folding duty, while Lena tinkers around their house. Maybe, even a dog or a cat. Maybe, something small at first, just an aquarium of fishes.
She doesn’t notice how deep into the fantasy she’s gotten till Lena speaks up from the door.
"My, my, CatCo would pay a million dollars to see this."
"Supergirl found in bed, folding Lena Luthor's undies."
Kara looks down at her hand. She’s holding a lacy purple panty, she spots the matching bra laying a few inches away. She drops it lightning quick, feels her face flush.
"Oh, Rao. Lena, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to- I wasn't- It was just there and I-"
"Relax, Kara. I was just teasing,” Lena reassures her, she’s got three books tucked in her arms, she lays them down on the bed, before picking up the underwear Kara’s dropped and folding it neatly.
The contrast of the dark fabric against Lena’s pale fingers makes Kara flush an even brighter red.
Kara tries hard to exclude Lena's lacy panties in her fantasy.
She fails.
They give up on packing entirely two hours later. An all out pillow fight breaks out somewhere between Kara fishing out her favorite hoodie from the pile--discovering t'was not in fact missing like she thought it was--and Lena denying that she stole it.
They’ve fallen right on top of Lena’s clothes. Laying opposite each other, Lena lying upside down, her feet propped up on the pillows, toes touching the headboard, whilst Kara’s legs dangle at the end of the bed. Their heads close together.
From this angle, she can see the defined slope of Lena’s nose; stares at the way her lashes curl every time she blinks.
“So, what do you think you’ll find there?” Kara breathes out into the silence.
“I don’t really know,” Lena whispers.
“Let me rephrase then; what do you want to find?”
“I- I don’t know either.”
She tries to crane her neck to take a better look at Lena. Her eyes are closed, and it takes every ounce of self-control for Kara not to lean over and just press a kiss to Lena’s lips. It would be so, so easy. She settles for shifting just a bit closer instead, their temples touching.
It’s good enough.
“That’s okay," Kara murmurs, "not knowing is part of the adventure, right?”
She tries not to think about how she isn’t really part of this adventure. It isn’t about her, really. Kara’s decided the next three days will be about Lena. Kara will have time for breaking down once Lena leaves. The three days pales in comparison to how much Lena’s sacrificed in getting her back.
“I guess so.” she hears Lena say.
On the ceiling, Kara sees two shadows dancing with each other, tries not to look too deep into it.
And then,
“I had Jess trace down a couple of documents for me,”
“Yeah. There’s an orphanage that could help me, she thinks.”
Kara’s ears perk up at that, she imagines Lena as a small child crying for her mom and then being whisked away from everything she ever knew. Kara wishes she could hold that little girl’s hand. Why did nobody hold Lena’s hand through it all? Kara wonders if somebody did, would Lena even have met her? Would she have needed somebody like Kara in her life? She likes to believe that Lena would still have met her. A reality without Lena was too painful, Kara knows all too well.
“Is that where you’re going to visit first?”
A brief silence engulfs them.
“Hey, Kara,” Lena calls out. “Do you think-”
There’s a deep exhale and a sigh.
“Do I think what?”
“Do you think my mom would want me to find her again? Do you think she’s proud of me?”
The question was so full of uncertainty and insecurity and there's nothing that Kara wants more than to just wrap around Lena and tell her how goddamn amazing she is.
“Oh, Lena," Kara whispers, "your mom would be so happy if you found her. I’d even say she’s been waiting for you. And of course, she’s proud of you!” Kara sits up at this, can’t contain all her awe for Lena.
“You’re amazing! Have you met you? Your mom would be so proud of you. I just know it, Lena.”
Lena opens her eyes, smiles shyly at her, reaches up to cup Kara’s cheek. Even though the angle is awkward, Kara feels her entire being light up at the touch.
“Thank you. You always know just what to say.”
Kara's right hand comes up to keep Lena’s hand steady, before tilting slowly to press a kiss to her palm.
She registers the up-tick in her heartbeat before letting go and laying back down again.
Kara’s beginning to understand, now. Lena doesn’t want to wonder anymore, maybe if she knew where she came from, who she could’ve been, and what kind of life she could’ve led, existing wouldn’t be as hard as it is now. Maybe Lena wanted to know that a Luthor isn’t all that she is. Even though Kara has repeated again and again that she is so much more. Lena needs to figure that out for herself, Kara guesses.
Maybe, Lena finally needs a name other than what has been ingrained in her. Maybe Lena needs to name the parts of herself she never had before.
“Maybe you came from a family of thieves,” Kara murmurs, closing her eyes too.
“Kara.” she feels Lena shift, she opens one eye to see Lena propped on her elbows leaning over her. “Are you saying you think being a hoodie thief is genetic?”
“You never know, Lena you never know,” Kara manages to say, her brain a loop of, Lena’s eyes are so pretty, so pretty, so pretty, her hair smells so nice, please kiss me, please kiss-
Kara closes her eyes again to make the chanting stop.
“You do know I'm a scientist, right?”
“Mm. Doesn’t make you any less of a hoodie thief.”
That earns her a pillow on the face.
“Personally, I think you’re some lost princess though," Kara divulges.
Lena lets out a loud incredulous laugh at that.
“What?" Lena blurts out, "You think I’m a princess?”
There’s a cheesy pick-up line there somewhere that Kara chooses to ignore.
“Well, you have the whole Snow White look down to a T, after all. Pale skin, dark hair. The whole ensemble really.”
"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this," Lena groans, “but, I think you might be right. God, I even have the whole evil stepmother-stepbrother dynamic down. Does that make you one of my dwarfs?”
“Dwarf? Really? Lena, really?”
She’s glad to learn that Lena had picked up a thing or two from their Disney marathons. That doesn’t mean Kara appreciates being called a dwarf though. She sits up and leans back on her elbows too; their faces inches from each other now. Lena’s eyes gleaming with mischief.
“You turn into Grumpy when someone eats your ice cream.”
Kara gasps, clutches her heart as if wounded and falls down dramatically. Lena just laughs at her, lies down again before asking, “Think I’ll find Prince Charming there, then?”
“You don’t need Prince Charming.”
I’m right here.
“True,” Lena agrees. Lena doesn’t need anybody, although would it really hurt if she says that she needed Kara the way Kara needs her?
“Ireland seems like the best place to run off into the sunset though," Lena wonders aloud.
“Is that what you wanna do?” Kara asks, “Just run off into the sunset?”
Because, because, if it is, I can do something even better. I can fly you off into the sunset. All you have to do is ask. Her heart is galloping in her chest and she’s grateful that out of the two of them, she’s the only one with super hearing.
“No, I don’t think so,” Lena answers and Kara lets out a none too subtle breath of relief.
“You don’t have to search for a home, you know,” Kara whispers. She just- She just needs Lena to know this, okay?
“I know,” Lena answers. “I still need to do this though.”
Once Lena Luthor makes up her mind there’s no changing it, it’s something Kara’s come to know through the years.
“You’ll come back soon though?”
“Maybe. Honestly, Kara? I don’t really know about ‘soon’. How close is ‘soon’ anyway? Would there even be a good reason for me to come back?”
How Kara held her all screams in the moment Lena said that, she doesn’t know.
There are balloons and cake and confetti but it doesn’t feel anything remotely close to a party.
It feels more something along the lines of, train wreck and heartbreak and building on fire. In short, disaster.
She vaguely registers Kelly asking her to hover and hang the banner. Why would she want to hang a banner screaming “We”ll Miss You!” in glittering blue? Kara grabs the ends of it and hangs it up anyway.
We’ll Miss You doesn't even begin to cover Kara’s feelings about Lena’s departure and oncoming absence.
But then again, this isn’t about her.
The door buzzes before Kara can spiral down her blackhole again.
Andrea comes in through the door with a bottle of champagne, which she hands off to Kara along with her coat. Kara fumbles after Andrea.
This isn’t CatCo! I’m not your employee! And champagne? Really? What is there to celebrate?
Lena arrives shortly after and streamers are let out. They make in-jokes and everyone’s laughing and Alex keeps telling Lena to bring home ‘some of the good stuff’ and Brainy keeps asking if he’s allowed to tinker with Lena’s projects while she's away, and Nia’s handing Lena an old film camera, “Document everything for me? Alright?" and Kara’s trying, she really, really is.
Even though she can’t understand how all of them are happy and smiling at the thought of Lena leaving them.
She doesn’t even notice what she’s doing till she’s bracing herself for take-off out in Lena’s balcony, when a hand lands on her wrist.
“Hey.” Lena anchors her back to the ground. It’s a mistake to turn and meet Lena’s eyes.
“Stay? Please?” Lena asks.
Unfair, Kara thinks again. It’s unfair that she gets to ask that.
Kara stays.
She stays till the lights are off, the blankets drawn and Lena’s snoring in her arms.
She’s eyeing the suitcase at the corner of the room.
I forgive you, she thinks, I forgive you for taking my heart in the suitcase you packed.
She didn’t even know it was trapped inside till Lena’s zipping everything up and Kara couldn’t breathe.
“Please, please, don’t go,” she pleads into the dark. .
Lena shifts, mumbles incoherently and burrows deeper into Kara.
The runway is shimmering after the early morning drizzle, and Lena Luthor looks like someone from a magazine, standing there in her velvet coat and aviators. There’s only the two of them, and there’s a smug pride in Kara about the fact that Lena didn’t want anybody here but her.
She’s leaving today. In a few hours, they’ll be on different continents. Kara wouldn’t be able to trace her heartbeat anymore. Lena made her promise not to chase the plane. She’s still pretty bummed about that.
“You know I’m gonna call you everyday, right?” Kara mutters in her ear, arms wrapped tight around Lena.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from Kara Danvers.” Lena squeezes back, before pulling away.
“Well, this is my ride,” Lena tells her, gestures to the jet behind her. “This is goodbye then.”
“For now.” Kara insists.
“For now.” Lena confirms, “Goodbye, for now.”
She turns to go but Kara can’t-
“Lena, wait.”
She tugs on Lena’s hand and she comes back to her willingly. Before Kara loses the nerve, she presses into Lena’s lips. She cups her face gently, feels the warmth of the sun on her cheeks, feels the moment Lena’s brain catches up to what’s happening.
It doesn’t taste like goodbye, Kara realizes. It tastes like a promise of something more.
“What was that for?” Lena breathes out, Kara can hear their hearts hammering in sync.
“Your reason to come back home.”
[special shoutout to @mssirey who gave great writing advice to this poor hapless writer(〃` 3′〃)i kith u on the forehead. ]
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