Manon, 26, French and hard-of-hearing gal on the verge of deaf. Not very active, unless Skam France and Eurovision are concerned. Here's my "dépotoir", my little dump with real hidden gems. I mostly reblog (at the moment) : Skam OG and Skam France, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Disney and HP. And mostly random posts. Title quote is a misquote from Buffy. Instagram: hey_manon Twitter: ButtercupsVault
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i made a watercolor for a babe’s bday
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Tove Jansson painting the fresco Party in the Countryside, Helsinki, 1947
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Honestly the best feeling in the world is when you pick up someone’s cat, and they’re like “I can’t believe she’s letting you hold her !!!” Like yes. I am the cats friend. The cat whisperer. The forest nymph. The cat charmer. Th e
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YELLOW is a recurring color in almost all of the characters’ costumes; sometimes in very obvious ways, such as Mrs. Elton’s two yellow dresses and the focus-pulling yellow coats of both Mr. Knightley and Mr. Churchill. And also sometimes in very subtle ones (check Jane’s shoes).
The reason for that can be found in the film’s most eye-popping look for its main character: costume designer Alexandra Byrne revealed that she paid homage to the iconic yellow outfit worn by Alicia Silverstone in the Emma update Clueless with this design. And like Silverstone’s costume, it positions Emma as the sun around which all of the other characters rotate in the story.
Which brings us to one Miss Harriet Smith, who is presented in this film as Emma’s most important relationship, even above her romance. Like all the other characters, she’s got at least one yellow look in her wardrobe […] it’s so interesting to see what both characters wore in their final scene together in the film, as Harriet asserts herself, declares her intentions and announces her birthright proudly. Emma has been humbled and in her penitence, she is not only dressed in a demure, simple, relatively unadorned white dress, but so is Harriet. Their costumes call back and forth to each other constantly throughout the film, but this is the only time they are pictured as two people on equal footing – with one telling, cheeky detail: Harriet’s bright yellow gloves. Their friendship’s been tested with Emma learning humility and Harriet learning to look out for herself, but she will always remain just a little bit in awe of her wealthy, smart, socially superior friend.
— Color Stories and Class Distinctions in the Costumes of Emma. by Tom + Lorenzo
(for @ladytharen)
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Monster Stand-Up Comedy by Lee Gatlin
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🏮✨July Commissions Master-post [1/?]
These took me WAY longer then normal. It miiiiiight be because I added full on backgrounds to each one but who knows??
Tag which one is your favorite! (I read all re-blog tags ;)) )
[Ko-fi] II [Commission Info] II [Previous Set] II Re-blogs appreciated!
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unkillable link
#I'm currently playing this game so I relate strongly#Except a guardian killed my horse (the second in 2 days) and I'm sad#why kill the horses#it's so gruesome#zelda
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“Every year, the bright Scandinavian summer nights fade away without anyone’s noticing. One evening in August you have an errand outdoors, and all of a sudden it’s pitch-black. It is still summer, but the summer is no longer alive.”
— Tove Jansson, The Summer Book, trans. Thomas Teal (via neitt)
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ok youtube just said “fuck you if youre deaf or hard of hearing or just want to watch a video in a different language”
and you know what the fucking bullshit is they’re replacing it with a ~6 months free of a subscription to a third party captions provider~ which of course you’d have to pay for after those 6 months are up and you KNOW random youtuber #9039 isn’t going to bother to keep paying for that either because they won’t have the money or they just won’t care. and youtube’s going to act like that’s a perfectly fine alternative that won’t result in the majority of the site suddenly going from “more or less accessible” to “Fuck You If You’re Disabled”
“citing low usage” are you fucking kidding me nearly every worthwhile video i watch uses community captions. sometimes they’re kind of janky cuz they were made by some 14 year old who thought it’d be funny to put their own irrelevant jokes and commentary in there but that wasn’t a reason to ditch the feature entirely when its so useful and important
i’m not even hard of hearing and i rely on them to watch videos in other languages…this is literally how people have been making english subs for japanese songs and the like for years and it was great because you didn’t have to reupload the videos yourself and take away views from the original creators. many creators don’t allow reprints of their work whatsoever so if they go through with this (which unfortunately they seem pretty deadset on because lololol moneyyyyyy) it’s entirely likely that there just won’t be a way to watch that content with captions
there’s a petition to keep community captions…i don’t know if it’ll really do anything since they’re already going ~oh but we have Paid Alternatives!~ but don’t just let this pass by this should be a huge deal but i’ve barely seen anyone talking about it (not that i expect people to talk about things of any particular importance on tumblr but it’s not even getting attention on twitter beyond that one thread and like 2 other posts)
so like. sign this and shit don’t let youtube just actively get rid of accessibility features without anyone caring (though i’d say probably use twitter if you want to actually get their attention i don’t think they’d look here)
#Just thinkinh about all the fun I had watching Bernadette Banner’s CoCovid lives#these were an hour and a half long and captions have been provided by her community#auto-generated captions work for me but only because I can hear a little bit and fill out the numerous gaps#otherwise it’s pointless#also gotta love how they cite low usage when they nevee bothered raising awareness on the importance of this feature
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[ID: three screenshots of tweets, blurred so they’re illegible. 'photo' is written over each in large all caps. /end ID]
if you don't add alt text, a caption, or a link, this is all the information screenreader users get about your screenshots
screenshots of text take an accessible format and make it unaccessible. it takes less clicks to copy the text of a tweet than it does to screenshot and crop it.
here is a guide on writing image descriptions.
caption your images. let disabled people in on your jokes too.
#accessibility#î’ve been starting to add descriptions to the pictures I post on Twitter#it’s actuallu a good writing exercise btw#the more precise you are the more accessible your content is
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer — “Fear, Itself” (1999)
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Go into the arts. I’m not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something.
Kurt Vonnegut (via alinok)
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When you wake up and realize it’s still 2020.
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the sims 2 university was so woke… so ahead of her time… perhaps too out there for some people
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