El Mirage Locksmith
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El Mirage Locksmith serves the beautiful Maricopa County area in Arizona. Address: 12235 W Thunderbird Rd, Unit 109, El Mirage, AZ 85335; Phone: (623) 498-8714 Business Listings: foursquare.com yelp.com spoke.com superpages.com
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elmiragelockscd-blog · 5 years ago
What to Do if Your Car Key is Stuck in the Ignition
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Driving with the windows down on sunny Arizona highways, the wind in your hair, can be relaxing after a long day. What isn’t relaxing, however, is if your car key gets stuck in the ignition. While you might think this unlikely scenario would never happen, it occurs more often than most people realize. Every month, at least one or two people contact us at El Mirage Locksmith of El Mirage, Arizona to get assistance with a key that’s stuck or broken off in their ignition lock. 
How Did My Key Get Stuck in the Ignition?
Since most cars being manufactured today have keyless entry systems and remote starters, the vehicles on the road that use locks and keys are older models. As these models age over time, especially with frequent daily use, problems can develop that go unnoticed until they cause a problem. 
To avoid this situation happening in the first place, or a repeat of the situation once it’s been resolved, there are a few preventative measures that professional locksmiths suggest that you take. These are easy and don’t require much effort on your part. Inspect your car key from time to time to ensure that there’s no wear and tear or distortion to the teeth. It can help to lubricate your ignition and door lock’s cylinder occasionally to ensure that the key fits smoothly. If your key ever begins to stick in your ignition lock, it’s time to assess whether you need to replace it. Also make sure to keep your ignition lock free of dirt and debris.
Even newer vehicles can be susceptible to manufacturing defects and other problems that can cause your key to get stuck in the ignition lock. This is what often causes keys that are so cheaply made that they can break off in the lock. While it’s generally easier to free a stuck key than a broken one, a locksmith may be required in either case depending on the severity of the situation. 
What to Do If Your Key Is Stuck
First of all, don’t panic. While your natural tendency may be to get anxious and upset if you realize that your key is stuck and you can’t get it out, it’s important to keep a clear head. Panicking will only make the situation worse. It could cause you to use too much force on the car key in an attempt to get the key free again. You may damage the steering column or ignition cylinder as well if you try to forcefully manipulate them. It’s better to attempt the following specific procedures to free your stuck key. Often, all it takes is a bit of manipulation to get your key free, although obviously this isn’t always the case. 
Jiggle the Key
If your key is still stuck even after attempting to free it with this maneuver, it could mean that the shift interlock is holding it in place. Or the teeth on the key may have become warped and gotten stuck on the pins inside the lock. Again, make sure not to use too much force when wiggling or bending the key, as this can cause the key to snap off in the lock, requiring a locksmith’s assistance to extract the broken pieces. If jiggling your key doesn’t work, move on to the next step. It also may be handy to keep a can of spray lubricant and a pair of pliers in your vehicle for just such a situation. Spray lubricant can be applied to the key, which might cause it to have enough slide to allow the key to free itself. It’s important after this occurs to replace your key or have your ignition lock looked at in order to prevent a reoccurrence in the future.  
Rotate the Steering Wheel
Try rotating the steering wheel to see whether or not you can disengage the ignition cylinder and kick the key loose. If the mechanism is damaged and defective, it may be holding the key in place. Moving the steering wheel back and forth can sometimes kick loose parts that have seized up or become stuck. This happens due to safety features that keep the key in place when the ignition is engaged. If this doesn’t help, it could signal a serious problem with the ignition lock cylinder that may require a complete replacement in order to get you back to driving again.
You can read more of this article by Clicking this Link
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elmiragelockscd-blog · 5 years ago
Panic Bars, Importance in Commercial Property
During an emergency, safety is very important. It’s not just about keeping your employees and clients safe on a daily basis. As the owner of a commercial property, you need to make sure that your property has enough security devices. Installing panic bars is just one of many things that you can do to enhance the safety of your property.
The professionals at El Mirage Locksmith (located in El Mirage, Arizona) have installed many panic bars before. We can install your panic bars quickly and professionally. You will love the job that we do. Just give us a call and request our services.
What Are Panic Bars?
Have you ever exited a building and noticed a little bar on the door that says emergency exit? That was a panic bar. They are designed to make it easier for people to exit a space if there is an emergency. They do not require electricity or any form of power to work. If you need to exit quickly, all you have to do is push on the bar and the door will open.
There are many other exit devices, but panic bars are one of the best ones. In fact, panic bars are so helpful that in some states they are mandatory once the building has a certain capacity. Although your business may have a small capacity, it is still a very good practice to make sure that you install panic bars.
What Are You Waiting For? Get Panic Bars Now!
Commercial properties that have panic bars installed are often much safer than those that don’t. if it something that you have been thinking about doing, you should stop thinking and get it installed right away. Here are some reasons why panic bars may be the best option for your commercial property.
They are inexpensive Although they are made for commercial use, you may be surprised to know that panic bars are not very expensive at all. No matter the size of your business or the budget that you are working with, it is highly likely that you will find a panic bar that suits your requirements. Forget about those high-priced security solutions for your doors that cost a fortune. Many of them are really not necessary. A panic bar will provide the security that you need for your doors.
You can purchase different types Panic bars come in different varieties. Of course, the type you choose will affect the price you pay, but it means that you can choose the features that you consider important. For instance, there are some panic bars that make sounds when they are used, others are quiet. Many of these features do not impact the amount of security that the device provides. They are just personal preferences that will vary from one person to another.
They can be used even when there is no emergency Using a panic bar when there isn’t an emergency doesn’t mean that you are cheating a system. It just means that you preferred to use that method of exit. As a matter of fact, there are some panic bars that are used as a regular means of exit for many commercial properties.
Installing panic bars can lower your insurance rates If you are looking to cut costs, it may seem a bit counter-productive, but it may be best to spend some. This is true with panic bars. Spending a few extra bucks to purchase a panic bar can end up saving you a substantial amount of money on your insurance. Not sure if this applies to you and your insurance company? Give them a call and find out. It won’t hurt. At least you will know their position on panic bars.
Installing a Panic Bar Without a Locksmith
You can get a panic bar from many sources. You can get them online from many online stores that sell commercial security devices and stores that sell lock hardware. You can also purchase them in retail stores. Plus, many locksmith companies will have some in stock. They are definitely not a difficult item to find.
Read more at: Panic Bars, Importance in Commercial Property
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elmiragelockscd-blog · 7 years ago
Here is your Chance to Watch our First Video!
Visit our Youtube Channel
Lockouts, new keys, lock changes and more are all offered by the reliable locksmiths of El Mirage Locksmith in El Mirage, AZ. Why not give us a call at (623) 498-8714 to find out why our locksmith services are preferred to our competitors. We specialize in residential, commercial, automotive, and emergency locksmith services.
Our El Mirage customers receive the best quality of locksmith services in the area. Call on us at (623) 498-8714 and you will receive efficient services at affordable prices. We offer you guaranteed satisfaction. Visit our website at www.elmiragelocksmith.com to learn more about our services.
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elmiragelockscd-blog · 7 years ago
Benefits of Keyless Entry
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There are various types of locks available today. They are  your first defense against an intrusion. That is why you should seriously   consider the type of locks you have installed. With advances in technology come  different and more effective types of locks. The level of convenience offered  by keyless locks is just one of the reasons people choose this type of lock to  a standard type. If you are prone to misplacing your lock or losing your keys,  a keyless lock is probably your best option.
 There is no key required to unlock a keyless entry lock.  This is very appealing to people who would rather not carry a key. The only   thing needed is the correct code. The homeowner would program a specific code  or password that would be required to lock and unlock the door. No more  worrying about losing or misplacing your key since you won’t need it with the  keyless option. You can provide the code to every member of your household. In  some instances, a different code can be assigned to different people. There are  lots of benefits to having a locksmith from El Mirage Locksmith in El Mirage,  AZ install your keyless entry lock for you. We’ve listed them below.
 Easy to Install – You don’t have to worry about  any holes being drilled into your doors or walls to install the keyless entry  lock. They are usually fitted with a traditional doorknob. No modifications are  needed. Considering how easy it is to install a keyless entry, why not give it  a try to see how it could impact your life.  
 Increased Security – We have already established  the fact that this type of lock offers a lot of convenience. More importantly,  it offers a greater amount of security than a standard lock. There is no key  that can be used to unlock your keyless lock. No one can manipulate the keyhole  to get inside. When an intruder recognizes a keyless entry, they will likely  skip right over your home. It would take too long for them to try to figure out  what your code might be. This is valuable time they would waste. Therefore, the  burglar will likely go elsewhere. An intruder will often take the route of  least resistance. A keyless entry won’t afford them this opportunity.  
 Temporary Access – When there are contractors in  and out of your home, you might have to allow them access into your home by  offering them the code to your lock. This isn’t a problem when you have a   keyless lock. With a keyless lock all that you’ll need to do is provide them  with the code that can be changed once the work has been completed. You don’t  have the added worry of someone taking your key and making a copy of it to gain  access at a later date. We don’t generally encourage that you give out the code  unless it is for a one-time job and you have worked with the contractor before.  This code can be given to someone whom you don’t know and they could then come   back and rob you. We always encourage our customers to be present whenever  someone is in their home but if you can’t be, just remember to change the code  after the work has been completed.  
 Waterproof – The keyless lock is usually  waterproof. It has a computer chip inside that needs to be protected and would  malfunction if it were to get wet.  
 Keypad Access – You won’t have a keyhole but you  will have a keypad. The keypad lights up at night so that you can see the  number and enter the correct code. The keypad is often installed near the   doorknob so that it is easy and convenient to access. Since the keypad lights  up in the dark, you won’t have to worry about continuing to mis-type the  code.  
 Pass codes – Whenever a keyless lock is  installed you are offered two access key passwords. This will allow you to  unlock the door if you have forgotten the code.  
 Remote Access – Most keyless locks can be  accessed remotely. You don’t have to be standing right at the door to open it.  If you are unable to be there and someone needs to get into your home you can  let them in with the press of a button. This means it is connected to your   mobile device. This is just another level of convenience offered to you with a keyless entry lock.
Click Here To Learn More
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elmiragelockscd-blog · 8 years ago
Do you need to find a good locksmith to work with? Are you baffled by the criteria needed to do so? Maybe you’ve heard that lock professionals are expensive or practice shady tactics like quoting one price and demanding another. You might have had a bad experience with a locksmith in the past and dread going through that again. No one blames you – you have to be careful about trusting a stranger with your locks and keys! It can all be so confusing! If you live in the area, you can always call on our El Mirage Locksmith pros to come and help. But what if you reside somewhere else and need a lock professional?  
Is it such a big deal?
You may be wondering what the big deal is? Aren’t all locksmiths pretty much the same? Don’t they learn the same “stuff” and just go by different names? No – not at all! Lock professionals can vary in their experience, craft, and skill just like any other expert or vendor. Keep reading and see what we recommend that you do to find a trustworthy lock expert that you will be happy to work with now and for years to come.
Insist on credentials!
If a so-called lock professional tells you that he is not licensed or that it is not important to be licensed; run! Do NOT use that person. Each municipality has its own rules, background checks and requirements to be truly licensed as a locksmith and while these may vary between locations, they all attest to the legitimacy of the person being certified. Some of the many requirements that licensees have to pass include background clearance, written tests, fingerprinting, fees, written applications, verified references, proof of skill, sheriff’s card, apprenticeship and having a valid photograph on file.
If you think about it, someone having access to your home, business and auto locks and keys needs to be properly vetted! Why wouldn’t someone want to be licensed? They either couldn’t pass the tests, come up with the fees or they flunked the background test! Don’t use them!
What’s the big deal about key making?  
If you think about it, how many times have you had a key copied at your local home improvement store or mail center? The person that made it for you was surely not a locksmith! So why get a licensed professional now? Our El Mirage Locksmith techs are booked from people that want more than just a key copy. If that’s all you want; go to your mail center and use the retired guy behind the counter. Your key may or may not work but the job can be done by an amateur. If you need true locksmith service done by experts; hire one! Maybe you need your car’s ignition system replaced. Your company may need vault installed or maybe you want to have high security locks added to your home’s front door. No clerk can do all that!
Ask around!  
Another useful tip for finding a good locksmith is to poll your friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers and other close associates. Chances are; they’ve used a local locksmith at some point. Pay attention to their feedback. Were they pleased by the work done by their technician? Was the price reasonable? People love to give opinions and if the technician was good or bad, they will tell you about it! Make note of who is recommended and who you are warned about.  
Insist on a full service shop
Why get a locksmith that can only work on car locks? It’s okay for your El Mirage, AZ lock professional to specialize in certain types of hardware or field service, just as long as the experts you work with can provide top quality home, auto and business services. Often, these are interchangeable and can overlap. For instance, a food truck is a vehicle but also a business. Many freelancers and investment traders work from home offices and use commercial lock hardware at the same time. A fleet driver or freelance transporter can drive a vehicle while running his or her business. Click here to read more of this article
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elmiragelockscd-blog · 8 years ago
Re-keying and/or new keys made for existing locks and deadbolts
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El Mirage Locksmith serves the beautiful Maricopa County area in Arizona. Many people do in fact call El Mirage, AZ home, and so it is important that we keep the area as safe as possible, for you, for your family and for your neighbors. If you work here, you want your business property to be secure as well. The only way to achieve the highest level of security is to get in contact with the best locksmith around. We are proud to have the reputation as the best local lock and security provider.
We have worked hard to earn our repute, and we will do nothing to compromise our stance in the community. You can call us for key duplication, key extraction, rekeying, master keys, panic bars, patio locks, 24/7 lockout help, break in repairs, combination changing, safe installation, access control and a whole lot more. Basically, if you need it, and it is lock and key related, we are here to provide it.
Yale, Kaba, Kwikset, Arrow and Mul-T-Lock are some of the favorite brands of our technicians. So if you have locks by any of them, or another major brand, rest assured that we can work with it. Don’t just take our word that we stand out. Get on the phone with our experts to see for yourself during a free consultation. El Mirage Locksmith is here to help locals obtain the best protective solutions. Call now!
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