Yeah, I’m gonna survive with my head held high
27 posts
"I’m gonna be a comeback kid And I want to find the words I need to say Yeah, I’m gonna survive with my head held high And finally walk away I’m gonna be a comeback kid And I want to be the one that’s not afraid To jump from every sinking ship ‘Cause I’m done Waiting to be saved"
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
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Spencer blinked awake slowly, not remembering how he had ended up in the hospital wing in the first place.
Then, it all flooded back to him. He was on his way to the Ravenclaw Tower when he turned the corner to see a knife being jabbed multiple times into the body of his friend Doug. Before Spencer could vomit at the sight of all the blood, he was knocked out by means he could not recall.
His head was killing him, and he was pretty sure he could cringe if he had access to a mirror. He sighed before looking up to see he wasn’t alone.
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Elliot was surprised to realize that Spencer was actually waking up, he had only been in the hospital wing for a couple of minute, wanting to check on the older boy. “Oh! Um, are you, are you alright? Do you need anything?” he asked quickly, trying to press back his own anxiety about the situation and focus on the person who definitely had the worse end of things at the moment. 
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
Lysander wasn’t one for dealing with sentimental feelings, but if he decided to ignore what was going on, it would make his position in the Shadow Men look bad, so he kept his eye on his mates and others. Even though his motive was to try and make connections, somewhere deep down, he did feel bad about the situation. He was just coming up to someone who looked awfully depressed, probably about what was going on, when he heard someone call his name.
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Elliot had kept a fairly low profile since the attacks, but still, when he spotted the roll of parchment just behind the other boy, he felt like he had to say something. “Lysander?” he called carefully, “Did you, ah, did you drop this?” he asked, offering the parchment he had just picked up.
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
No one can quite prepare you for being responsible for a death, at least, not properly they can’t. And unfortunately for Mija, that’s all she could think about right now. She was very familiar with the boy who was killed, but she knew the rumors were right– the shadow men were responsible. but the sad part of the rumors was the truth, it was the lies they were spreading about who might of done it. Mija was lost in her own head when she was walking around the halls when she bumped into another. With a loss of words, Mija could only mumble out, “Sorry.”
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Elliot had been more then a little distracted since he heard about Douglas and Spencer, barely able to believe that something like this could happen at Hogwarts, the castle that had been his safe place the last couple of years. When he bumped into someone, he jumped back quickly before blushing, “I’m sorry, I, I’ve been pretty side-tracked, I guess.” he said softly.
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
Alice personally knew Douglas Albinson. Well, not that well. but they were, of course, friends. No one gets caught in Herbology club and doesn’t try and make an effort with Alice, not that Alice was much of a fan of people trying to test Alice’s knowledge on Herbology, when the other reason she was there was her father, but she allowed it for some people, which included Douglas. But now here she was on the steps of the Astronomy Wing trying to figure out what exactly would calm her best nerves– a good cry or a joint?
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Elliot had admittedly been wandering a little aimlessly, and for once, his cat had actually been following him. He was pretty sure that he had her worried with how he had been since the news of the attack, but he couldn’t help how it effected him. When he spotted Alice he made his way over to her, sitting down carefully next to her. “Are you alright?” he asked softly, “I know you knew him ... I wasn’t all that close with him, but he was a housemate. This is just ... I can’t believe it happened here.”
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
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Roxy really wasn’t sure what to think. Ever since hearing the news of the murder, she had been holed up in the Ravenclaw Common Room, engrossed in a book and trying to ignore the very real tragedy that had occurred. Eventually, however, she had grown hungry and had decided to finally venture out into the Great Hall. She made a beeline towards the first person she recognized and took a seat beside them, “Hey.”
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“Hey.” Elliot replied, relaxing a little as he spotted someone who was firmly in his mental ‘safe’ category. He had been a bit of a mess since the news about Douglas and Spencer had been announced and he’d barely spoken to anyone else as he tried to process it. The idea of Hogwarts not being safe anymore was hard to process, and as a prefect, he couldn’t help but feel a little like he had failed to protect his classmates. “This is such a mess.” he breathed out.
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
“Shoot, Kara’s missing?” Louis asked, a sympathetic frown spreading on his face. “You think that’s where she went again? If you need to, I can let you into the Hufflepuff dorms.”
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Elliot nodded before giving his friend a small smile, “I mean, she might have. She really does like you, I think she goes looking for you sometimes.” he said.
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
Alice smiled, “Of course, that’s totally understandable.” Alice started to head in the direction towards the classroom. “I think she wont wander outside, at least I hope not. But besides your cat issue, how have you been?”
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Elliot shrugged, “She has before, if she’s seen something she wants to follow out there. She’s way too curious.” he said, shaking his head fondly. “I’ve been doing pretty well though, I mean, I’m glad to be back here, and I actually really like being a prefect.”
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
Phoenix relaxed a bit, recognizing the voice as the muggleborn trash from Gryffindor who just made prefect. He took a deep breath before putting on the facade.He turned around and gave a chuckle at Elliot.
“No need to be sorry, Elliot,” he assured him, taking a step towards him. “I apologize for my harsh words, I’ve just lost some sleep so I’m more irritable than I normally am. Speaking of, congratulations on becoming prefect.”
Merlin, this is difficult.
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Elliot nodded, smiling shyly at the older boy. “That’s alright, I understand. Sometimes it is hard to get everything done and still sleep, I’ve been like that a few times.” he offered, though Elliot always did his best not to snap at people - more out of fear then anything. “Thank you, though. I was, I was really excited about it.”
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
She smiled at her close friend before it faded a bit at the mention of Kara. “Oh no, again?” she asked, signing along before she placed her book in her bag. She then rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that’s Albus for you,” she agreed before placing the bag on her hip. “Of course I don’t mind, I love that pain in the ass cat. Besides,” she said, punching him lightly in the arm. “I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever. How was your summer? Letters aren’t the same.”
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Elliot nodded, giving a small sigh, “Yeah. She’s really way to curious for her own good, I can never keep her in the dorms ... or even in the castle, apparently.” he said, signing the words as he spoke. He couldn’t help but grin at the friendly punch, “Yeah, yeah, it has been a while. I really missed you over the break.” he told her before giving a small shrug, “It was pretty good, we really didn’t do all that much except visit some family, but it was still nice to spend some time with my parents, I miss them while I’m here. How was your summer?”
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
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“No problem, glad I brought you some piece. If my dog where here with me I would be in the same shoes as you if that ever happen to him.“ Rosa said as she thought about her dog that was back at home with her dad. “But at least you can be happy now, right?“
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“Yeah, definitely. I really need to find some kind of spell or something so she doesn’t wander quite so far.” he commented, “I’m glad I did decide to get a cat though, I’d be really hard to have to leave a pet, I bet you really miss your dog.”
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
“Oh, are you a wizard or not? I’m sure there’s got to be some kind of charmed bell that only you can hear. And if there isn’t, invent it,” she responded, pushing her hair out of her face, “There’s always going to be some lame cat owner in need of it.”
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Elliot cocked his head slightly as he considered the suggestion, “Well, I haven’t found a spell like that yet, but I guess I could look into what it would take to create one. I always thought that kind of thing sounded interesting.”
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
Although he was honoured and excited to be the newly appointed Hogwarts leader of the Shadow Men, he was still exhausted from all the new work he was required to do. Constant secret meetings with members, additional private meetings with the hitmen and spies, and making sure to pass along the information to the true leader was eating away at his free time.
He didn’t mind, he was just not getting as much sleep.
He was doing his first patrol as prefect of the year when he heard footsteps behind him. Before turning around to face them, he said “You better be another prefect, a Professor, or dying.”
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Elliot honestly enjoyed his patrols. Though he did occasionally catch people out who shouldn’t be there, most of the time he was just able to enjoy the quiet and marvel a little at the castle without anyone else around to distract him. It was because of that that he was a little lost in thought when he suddenly heard another voice and jumped, startled, “I am! A prefect, I mean. I’m a prefect.” he said quickly. “I was just finishing my patrol. Sorry. I can get kind of ... lost in thought, I guess.”
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
Nate was tired from Quidditch practice last night and from his other duties, so he knew the only other place he could get a good nap in besides his dormitory was the library. So the sound of someone dropping a book on the table was enough to wake him up with a jolt. “Is that really how you plan on waking someone up from a nap?”
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Elliot winced as a book fell off the stack he was carrying and quickly shuffled the others before setting them all on the table where they tumbled in defeat. “I’m sorry! It just fell, I wasn’t trying to wake you up. I was just trying to get all my homework down tonight, so I had a lot of books, and the top one fell and then...” he gestured to the pile on the table before moving to straighten them out.
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
Alice noticed the worried look in the other. She had in fact seen a cat near the classrooms, and now hearing this hoped it was his. “I think I saw a cat near the classrooms. I can come with if you want, two eyes are better than one.” She offered smiling.
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“Really?” Elliot asked, a hopeful look on his face, “That would be great, if you wouldn’t mind. I mean, I know she’s a cat, and cat’s wander, but I’m always afraid she’s going to end up stuck outside somewhere, and it’s still cold.” he explained.
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
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green eyes softened, and for a moment, albus allowed the smallest of smiles to play at the corners of his lips. try as the other might to force the unease from his features, it showed. it was cute. “don’t worry yourself so much. cats are pretty fuckin’ clever when they want to be.” a pause. “i’m sure lily’d just love to help you look.” or, at least he hoped so; albus didn’t have the temperament to help elliot himself. 
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“Yeah, I mean, you’re probably right, she’ll be fine. And I probably will see if Lily can help. Sometimes I think Kara likes her more then me anyway.” he said with a shrug and a small smile. Truthfully, the more people there were around to promise attention to the little cat, the more likely she was to show up.
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
“Well, then you need a better bell, obviously,” she rolled her eyes and pushed her hair out of her face, “You really should. It would solve quite a bit of problems.”
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“Do you really think I can find a bell that I could hear from anywhere in the castle? And that anyone else would appreciate that?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
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elliotmccrae · 7 years ago
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“Then I did see her out an about on the grounds. Couple of first years might have been giving her some food i think.“ She said thinking back to the moment. “I’m sure they are still with her and if not you could probably just go and get her.“
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“Oh, good.” Elliot said with a small sigh of relief. “Well, if she’s found people to feed her I’m sure she’s happy, and she’s probably not going to leave them for a while, so I should be able to get her back, thank you!”
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