I can't really think of a description at the moment so I'll work on this when I can think of a proper pun to put here.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
..I finally remembered my account for this existed >_<
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Old picture but thanks to @ellietwopointoh for taking the creepiest picture of my character ever. I love it so much.
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I’ve been silent for too long and can no longer bear to keep this inside: @xertini is a good person and deserves many good things.
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hey did someone say
[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
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Finished up Horizon: Zero Dawn today. Pretty fun game. Good worldbuilding and gameplay.
It’s not without its issues, some of the character writing was bland and the main questline (not counting ones involved in the backstory and lore) were a bit dull.
Overall, a solid game though. I have to agree with a lot of the criticism I’d heard before playing.
It does nothing really new, but it does what it does well. It is, for the most part, a well polished and enjoyable experience. Definitely will play it again on New Game + someday, when it’s faded a bit from memory.
...also, I never thought it would happen, but Horizon actually made a desert environment in the game that I found to be pretty. It didn’t go the route 99% of games do and just be dull and boring piling up sand, sand, sand.

Like, just wow.
Only like, maybe 1/3 or 1/4 of the map was desert, but still. I was shocked that I *didn’t* hate the region.
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The psychic new this girl was special because her Au'ra was shining.
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Did you hear about the paladin who got arrested? He was Flashing everyone at the party.
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Did you hear about the miqo'te who wiped the raid? She spent too much time chasing DoTs on the floor.
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Who what now? Its time TO GIVE AWAY SOME MOG GLAM
I wanna give away an 18 dollar glam on the mogstation! Which glam? ANY GLAM IF ITS 18 BUCKS. (Angel attire, faerie tale, nezha glam you name it)
You don’t have to follow me but please reblog and Ill pick a random blog via randomizer as the winner! Then Ill bug you via messaging and send ya the gift code of whatever you choose
Ill pick a winner on August 15th!
I’ve taken a mental break from ffxiv lately. I havent rped or written, Ive only done the boring stuff and Im looking forward to getting back into it with new content and a new spark to play! I want to put out some love and give someone an outfit maybe they otherwise cant justify the cost of for an alt or haven’t gotten around to getting it for themselves yet.
Enjoy my terrible emoji edits,
~Heather Chandler~
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I know his fight can bug some people
Final Fantasy XIV: Ravana
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the concept of a healslut is fucking hilarious to me because have you ever fucking played a healer
have you ever met a healer
healers are almost always the saltiest, angriest people in any given group comp and there is nothing and nobody we hate more than someone that makes us do our goddamn jobs and actually heal we are angry little balls of spite who will stop healing you if you’re being stupid or pissing us off because we hold the key to life and death in our hands and more importantly fuck you
what im saying is if you’re going to try and eroticize the healer/tank dynamic, the healer is not the submissive party here
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