Hello everyone, I have another campaign to share.
Falestine is married and has a 3 month old baby, and cannot afford to even give him diapers and milk.
She was made to give birth during this onslaught, and immediately moved from the hospital to a tent. Her home was bulldozed by the occupation, leaving her and her family displaced. The tent where they live is horribly unhygienic and plagued with disease; they are next to a public toilet and surrounded by dirt and waste.
Her mother is chronically ill, and her father tragically suffered a stroke. They currently have no way to treat her illness.
In order to evacuate and provide basic necessities for Falestine's family, this campaign needs to raise $40,000 USD. Currently, they've raised $15,172; A great amount, but not enough.
Please help Falestine and her family. Donate if you're able to, and share the campaign. No one deserves be forced to live through these horrible conditions.
(I was informed by someone that the spreadsheet number leads to someone who may be unrelated. I apologize for this mistake and I ask for you all to reblog this version)
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"I am Youssef, an 18-year-old young man, and my dreams and hopes vanished in an instant. My family’s house in Khan Yunis was destroyed, and I found myself and my family living in a displacement camp in Deir al-Balah, under the scorching sun, inside a tent swaying in the wind. I wake up every morning to the sounds of waves crashing on the shore, but they no longer mean anything to me—they only remind me of the freedom we lost and the life we once had..."
Hello everyone! As of writing this, Youssef is at $3,877 out of his EXTREMELY ACHIEVABLE $15,000 goal. He has only gotten eight don@tions in the past day. Youssef is asking for $15,000 to support himself and his family, mainly for medicine, shelter, and food, which are hellishly scarce as a manifestation of Israel's genocide. He is only 18 and he is responsible for his family's SURVIVAL. Please take the time to read Youssef's own words on his GFM page, as well as on his tumblr account, @yousefjehad3 . Read them, stare at them, process them. Let them truly sink in. Then, go to his fundr@iser and DON@TE. Every single coin you can spare counts, because everyone's small contributions will snowball into a massive one. None of these fundr@isers reached their goal because of one loaded don0r. It was always a group effort.
And, whether or not you're able to d0nate - SHARE, with your family, your friends, your groupchats, your tumblr followers, so that someone who can will have the chance to see it! If you are on Tumblr, you are able to reblog.
Don't ever think your contributions are useless. They provide material help and are expressions of care during impossibly dire times. Palestinians quantifiably cannot afford your apathy.
Youssef's GFM is vetted. He is shown on line 255 on the Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundr@iser List by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi.
(btw, I've heard that it's not a good idea to tag posts like this with terms such as correctly-spelled 'don@tions,' which is why I'm spelling things as such. I encourage you to refrain from tagging your reblogs with these terms just in case..)
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Please do not pass. Stop, watch and post. I need your help and support for me. If you cannot donate, post to your friends. We need you. We are in Gaza. Our situation is catastrophic. We no longer have a home 🏚or a source of livelihood.You have destroyed all our hopes and the dreams of my children. Please help me spread the donation campaign..
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24K notes · View notes
Please do not pass. Stop, watch and post. I need your help and support for me. If you cannot donate, post to your friends. We need you. We are in Gaza. Our situation is catastrophic. We no longer have a home 🏚or a source of livelihood.You have destroyed all our hopes and the dreams of my children. Please help me spread the donation campaign..
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Hello dears I hope you are all well please help me!!!
I am Ahmed Halas from the besieged North Gaza, I have created my campaign to help my family and save them from the suffering they are living. Our lives, hopes and ambitions have been destroyed, our livelihood has been destroyed, we have lost dear friends and many relatives, our house has been completely destroyed, we live in a plastic tent in the middle of an UNRWA school and we suffer from the heat of the sun which causes headaches, migraines, body allergies and many diseases. There is no food, water, medicine or basic life requirements and the prices are terribly high, we cannot afford to buy anything.
In the meantime, this fundraising campaign has been started so that people can donate so that we can regain momentum in case the unfortunate circumstances cannot be fixed. Ahmed Halas and his family have already registered and are likely to be called to leave soon. This money is for their evacuation. Let's aim to evacuate them all together!!!
Ahmed's message:
Hello, I am Ahmed from the Gaza Strip, I am still alive after ten months of war. This is my fifth war too. But this war is unlike any other. I am trying to raise money for me and my family, as we are determined to leave to safety while this disaster continues. We want to leave the Gaza Strip towards Egypt through the Rafah crossing and Hala Company.
This was a very difficult decision for me, but this is my fate and the fate of my family. I feel ashamed to ask you to donate enough to save me and my family of 20, most of whom are young children, by raising enough money to reach safety. "Hala Company details are at the bottom of the article." Please participate, even if it is a small part. Donate any small amount, share my photos, share your story, anything that makes a difference. I have complete hope in you and your generosity.
Father Fathi suffers from heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, and son Mahmoud suffers from back and cartilage pain, which is why he does not have a medical mattress due to sleeping on the floor, which makes him feel severe pain.
Oh my God, what happened to us, I lost my memories and dreams that I have dreamed of for a long time, my house where I lived my childhood, nothing remained inside it, it was a pile of fire, and I lost my source of livelihood and my baby clothes store was completely destroyed, which led to the accumulation of debts that I was committed to from merchants that I obtained a few days before the current wave of war.
Note: Ahmed will try, when the circumstances are complete and I collect a sufficient amount and I am able to reunite the entire family here in Gaza, by moving my family to a safe place and regaining some comfort or trying to go to Egypt, knowing that the cost per person now is $ 5,000 for an adult and $ 2,500 for a child. The price may fluctuate. Please help us by donating even the simplest things or by participating in our campaign, and I will be grateful to you
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43K notes · View notes
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Help me and my family please 🙏
@el-shab-hussein @ibtisams-blog @northgazaupdates @northgazaupdates2 @90-ghost
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ellies-coochiesucker · 2 months
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These are all actual conversations I had with @mohammedayesh . In fact, while I was working on finishing this comic today, he sent me a video of bomber planes flying above them. There is not a single place in Gaza that is safe.
Please support Mohammed if you can by donating to his campaign or his PayPal below. He is less than €3000 away from his goal of €15,000. If you cannot donate, then please share. Let’s bring him hope that he can evacuate safely!! <3
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𝗛𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹!𝗘𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗺𝘀
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Meeting her
You and Ellie meet through Jesse. You and Jesse dated for about a month three years before. He made you realize you were a lesbian.
He invited you to a study group that included; him, Dina, and Ellie.
In the school library, the four sat around the circular table in the center of the room. Jesse being Jesse fucked around the whole session causing the group to get annoyed stares. Dina decided that they should leave.
When you suggested that you guys just reschedule.
Dina told you and Ellie to stay.
“No, no. You guys stay I've got to get this idiot out of here.” Dina glanced at you guys, sensing some sort of awkwardness. “If it's okay with you guys.”
“Um, yeah, if it's fine with you.” Ellie shrugged as she stared at you.
“Oh. Yeah I don't have a problem.”
Of course, It was awkward between you guys at first but after a while things went smoother. The studying was soon forgotten about once she let it slip that she likes comic books.
Becoming best friends
After the failed study session, you start to hang out with the group more. Always Jesse doing something stupid and you, Dina, and Ellie talk shit about him. You've finally found your people.
Sneaking out to go on late-night drives and you being the only one who doesn't know how to drive. You will get bullied for it believe me.
“Imagine failing Spanish.”
“Imagine not knowing how to drive.” - Jesse
You were tired of the constant abuse from mostly Jesse, so you asked Ellie to teach you how to drive. She agrees.
“You forgot to put on your seat best.”
“Oh - shit, slow down a little.”
“Fuck you ran a red light... it's okay, you’re okay. Everybody makes mistakes. ”
“Maybe drive the speed limit. No... it's alright just try not to go 25 miles over next time.”
“You can go a little faster.”
“You’re doing great, babe”
Babe was something she called you a lot but only when you were alone, which you guys were a lot as you got more comfortable with each other. Not needing Dina or Jesse to make things less awkward anymore.
Going to the library to read comic books for hours.
Taking unexpected pictures of each other.
Having your first sleepover at her house. Dina being jealous that she didn't get an invite.
Ellie complaining about her job being ass, wishing you were with her.
You getting hired at her job a month and a half later.
You guys making everything a two-person job.
Sending songs that remind you of each other.
your song that reminded you of her
“Why does this song remind you of me?”
“Idk...this song kinda reminds me of hope and then I think about...you...i guess.”
Dating her
Everyone at school already thought you guys were dating, since Ellie isn't nice to anyone. Not even her own friends sometimes.
how she asked you out:
Ellie was a sweaty mess. She was currently in her room, pacing from one side to the other, as Dina and Jesse watched from her bed.
“Oh my god! What if she says no? I'll fucking die of embarrassment .” She tugged the sides of her hair.
“Ellie calm down.” Dina moves from the bed to her friend. She pushes Ellie’s hands away from her hair, fixing the few strands that were out of place. “She’s gonna say yes. She’s basically in love with you. You're gonna be fine.”
“Yeah, you're all she talks about. Seriously I'm sick of it.” Jesse groaned recalling all the times you would bring up Ellie in a conversation. Her doing the same.
This made Ellie feel a little better.
They heard a knock before the door opened revealing yourself. “Hey, guys! I brought cookies for movie night.” You raised the plastic bag in your hands giving Ellie a big grin.
“Actually, I think I'm coming down with something.” She let out a fake cough and grabbed Jesse’s hand. “Jesse is just gonna take me home.”
“But what about movie night? I bought cookies.” You gave a pout, holding up the bag again.
“Next time I promised.” She and Jesse left.
“Well, I guess it's just us.” You smiled at Ellie. “Yeah, just us.” She wiped her sweaty palms on her pants.
“I - um” Ellie cleared her throat. “I got you something.”
Ellie took a deep breath before going behind her bed to fetch the gift. You let out a gasp as you saw the big bucket of lego flowers, a couple definitely from different lego sets. “I made these for you.”
“Ellie they’re beautiful.” You came closer to her picking a few flowers out of the bucket. “How long did this take?” You placed the flowers back, taking the whole pail from the girl. “About 15 hours. It took me all day.” She said like it was no big deal. “What the hell! Are you not exhausted?”
“I am but it was worth it for the girl I like.”
“The girl you like?”
“Yeah.” She fiddled with her fingers, staring at her socks.
“So is this movie night...like a date?”
“...if you want it to be.”
Since Ellie didn't have a tv in her room, she used her computer. You both snuggled close, Ellie letting you pick the movie.
Pitch Perfect is what you decided on. Ellie complains, not wanting to watch this movie for the hundredth time.
Ellie watched with amazement as you quoted almost every line.
“Ellie watch the movie.”
You don't know when you fell asleep but you woke up to multiple text messages and missed calls from your mother.
“OH SHIT, ELLIE.” You screamed gripping your phone to see that it was 2 am. “WHAT!WHAT!” She scrambled from the bed, you doing the same. “I have to get home!” You slipped on your shoes before grabbing your bucket of flowers.
“Okay. I'll take you home.” She attempted to rub the sleepiness from her face. She tripped a bit trying to put on longer pants and put on her shoes.
All of a sudden Ellie’s door blasted open to reveal Joel....with a bat? “Why does he have a bat?”
“I don't know.”
After a little communication, Joel decided to take you home. Ellie road in the back of Joel’s truck not wanting you to be alone. You guys held hands ── just because it was cold of course ── trying to stay awake.
“I'll walk you inside.” Ellie told you as she grabbed the bucket of flowers. “Ok.” You said your goodbyes to Joel and got out of the truck and onto your front porch.
“Thank you for the flowers and the movie night.” You beamed as you stared into her tired eyes. “I had fun.”
“I'm glad.” She eagerly nodded, not knowing what to do next.
There was 30 seconds of awkwardness, neither of them how to take the first move.
“Fuck it.” You mumbled under your breath. You gently placed your hands on Ellie’s cold face but was quickly heating up from her blushing. You both closed your eyes and leaned in until your lips are locked. Ellie’s grip on the bucket loosens almost causing her to drop it as the kiss quickens in pace.
The two were startled and pulled away from each other by Joel honking his horn. Ellie turned to the truck to give Joel a fast glare before turning back around to you.
“I gotta go sorry.” She gave an apologetic gaze. She handed you the bucket.
“It's okay. I'll see you tomorrow.” You kissed her on the cheek. “Good Night.”
“Good night.” She hesitantly walked back to Joel’s truck.
Two weeks later she asked you to be her girlfriend.
you guys as girlfriends
Her always bringing you snacks for lunch because you refuse to eat that despicable school lunch.
“You got her those dry-ass sugar cookies.” Jesse groaned watching you eat your cookies. Ellie, who had her arm wrapped around your shoulder, rolled her eyes at his statement. She also hated the dry cookie with, in her opinion, too much frosting. But her girlfriend loves them so, of course, she’ll get them for you. “Shut the fuck up. You're just jealous that you have to eat the gross school food.”
You and Ellie have one class together. The entire period consists of you not doing your assignment, but instead watching trashy reality tv shows, and Ellie having to keep you on track, failing most of the time.
Sometimes she just ends up taking your test for you. The teacher never walks around during testing so who cares?
You have to force Ellie to eat. Before you guys meet she would forget to eat all day and wonder why she felt so bad the next day.
“El, do you wanna get some food?”
“No thanks, I just eat.”
“What’d you eat?”
“A bagel.”
“Ellie that was this morning. And we shared half of it.”
a little argument you guys got into:
“El, my love, do you wanna go get ice cream?”
“I'm not really in the mood for it but I can still take you, babe.”
“I don't want ice cream if you're not gonna get ice. I’d feel bad.”
“Don’t feel bad I just don’t want any. I can still get you some.”
“No, I don't want ice cream anymore.”
“Babe let's not do this. I'll just have some of your ice cream.”
“No, I want my own ice cream.”
“I thought you didn't want ice cream.”
“Not if you don't want any.”
“Oh, my god.”
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