ellibeans-blog · 6 years
Change of Heart, Chapter 5
The newest update to my Aleks/Reader fic, Change of Heart. Enjoy!
Chapters– Wattpad: 1, 2, 3 ,4 Ao3: 1, 2, 3 , 4
You awake, back in your bed at the hotel. You feel disoriented and stare toward your door, narrowing your eyes at the sound of your own name. The knocking continues.
"(Y/N)...? It's me, uh, it's Aleks... Hello?"
You sit straight up, eyes wide open as you scramble off of the bed. How could you have fallen asleep?! Nearly tripping over your own feet, you make your way to the door and open it up to see him, hand raised and in the position to knock again. He seems a little stunned at how fast you'd pulled the door open, but he offers an awkward smile, a bag in his opposite hand.
"Uh.. Hey, did I interrupt something?"
"Oh-- No, no," You assure him, stepping aside so he can come in. "I fell asleep." You shut the door behind him and wander past him, back to your bed so you can retrieve your phone. When you check the time, you realize you've only been asleep for about fifteen minutes. Waking up had felt like you'd napped for thirty years. You sigh and run a hand through your hair, but ultimately smile to Aleks.
"You can, like, sit anywhere you want." "Oh. Sure, yeah."
He does as you say, taking the couch placed right night to the hotel window. While you smooth your hair, you take full notice of the bag and tilt your head. When you're about to ask about it, he cuts you off.
"I know that we kinda got out apologies done and shit and maybe you don't wanna talk about it anymore, but, I brought some shit over just in case. I still felt kinda bad."
You nod, gesturing toward the bag as if silently asking him to tell you what he's brought. He does, pulling a bottle of whiskey from the bag. Your face must betray your confusion, as you find panic in his not a moment later. You can almost feel the change in the atmosphere, and you can almost see the nervous sweat begin to pour off of him.
"--I mean, I know whisky isn't everybody's preference but I read it's a good apology.. gift.. thing. Shit, I don't know, I just figured it'd be a good idea. I guess it's fuckin' stupid though, I don't even know if you drink." "I mean, I do, but I can't remember ever having whisky that looked so... Expensive."
And the bottle really does look like something out of a movie, sleek and black with bold white print that boasts its distillery in Scotland and the company's establishment in 1798. You could imagine it sitting beautifully on some bar counter in a commercial on TV, the ones where the skit was narrated by a deep and sultry voice. Promises of warmth and spice, among imagery that somehow made sense when it came to the taste of the liquor.
You're lost in the bottle's design, too lost to notice Aleks has addressed you again.
"Huh?" You suddenly snap out of it, noticing that he's taken to staring at you, probably in wait for your response.
"I said, is it okay? It's cool if it's not, I probably should've asked, but I wanted it to be a surprise." "No, I mean, yeah, it's fine, and it's fine that you just brought it. I'll try it, I appreciate that you wanted to patch things up this bad."
That's when you step closer, cautiously reaching forward for the bottle. He hands it to you with no problem and you hold it as if it were your firstborn. For some reason, as you turn it over in your hands, you feel like it has to be handled with the utmost care. Again, you address the price.
"This really looks expensive, Aleks, how much was it?" "It doesn't matter, uh, there's cups in here, right? I kinda blanked on getting glasses." "Yeah, hold on."
You place the whiskey back into his hands and head over to the counter where the coffee maker sits. Beside it is a stack of Styrofoam cups, not the classiest thing you've ever drank out of, but considering the dishware is lacking and you're not going to buy glasses for the occasion, they'll have to do. You slip two off of the stack and bring them over, and when you sit down beside Aleks he's already opened the bottle. You watch him, almost blankly as he pours each cup only partway full. You keep replaying the passing time in your head, in disbelief that you're really here, with Aleks, about to drink. Not even your dreams had prepared you for such a moment.
You reach for one of the cups, but Aleks palms the back of your hand, stopping you mid-reach.
"Hold on, (Y/N). I got one more thing."
You can only wonder what that may be, but you withdraw your hand and rest it in your lap, waiting patiently as he picks up the same bag from before. You'd thought it empty, the way he had balled it up and set it on the floor, but he proves you wrong immediately as he seems to unwrap it from around something. A moment later, he's pulled chocolates out of your bag. This pleases you, as you're a big fan of chocolate ( then again, who isn't? ). He seems to relax at the look on your face this time, and he hands them over.
"Here. When you were passed out earlier I heard you mention something about chocolate. Maybe you were having a stupid fever dream, but I had a hunch." "Wow... That's... Embarrassing. I mean, thank you though. I appreciate this a lot. It feels like it's almost too much for what happened."
You laugh a little, but toy with the chocolates as you say so. If you didn't know better, you would swear that this was him flirting with you. But, you do know better, and you remind yourself this is his apology, not an attempt to woo you. Regardless, you look up to him and smile, but glance toward the cups that sit in front of the both of you on the folding snack table Aleks had tugged over in front of the couch. He chuckles and nods to you, allowing you to finally pick the cup up.
What follows is an evening you had not expected. While you had been exhausted from the day's events, the stress seems to melt away as time goes on. You talk, drink, laugh, and have an overall nice time with him. It only ends when you hazily realize that Aleks has gotten drunk - far too drunk to drive back. The only option you have is to offer your bed, and he agrees, the both of of you falling into bed after cleaning things up... As best as you could, anyway.
Despite being tired, you lie awake together, continuing your conversation until you doze off, half wrapped up in the sheets and, without either of you realizing, tucked away in his arms.
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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“I just want fanart of the three of us chillin’ in Mexico. Like, not in the universe of this game. Just us three in Mexico just having fun.”
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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Self indulgent 198X crop top. No one asked for or needed it, but here we are.
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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“I gotta go to the grocery store..”
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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Take the fucking shot!
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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I hope you guys haven’t gotten tired of my portraits yet, lmao ✨
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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which Cow Chop™ member are you today?
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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youtube where the fuck are those ads? (ads ads ads)
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
Change of Heart, Chapter 4
The newest update to my Aleks/Reader fic, Change of Heart.
Chapters-- Wattpad: 1, 2, 3 Ao3: 1, 2, 3
There's a part of you that wishes you had more confidence.
It's been a couple of hours since you'd left the con, you and your friends had spent the evening out to dinner before heading back to the hotel. Now, you sit by yourself, staring at your hand, where Aleks' half faded number is still written. You had accidentally almost washed it all off at the restaurant. You were thankful that you hadn't, but now you had no excuse as to why you wouldn't be able to text him like he'd asked. You sigh, flopping back onto the hotel bed and staring at the ceiling for a good five minutes before you decide to move.
Soon, you're laying up toward the pillows, phone in hand while the TV is turned on with the volume lowered. You've entered Aleks' number, but you find yourself staring at the blank message box, unsure of what to even type. You spend god knows how long overthinking what to say, and how to say it, before settling on a simple text:
    -->Hey, its (Y/N). This is Aleks, right?
There is no immediate response, but you understand that. He's probably doing something; con weekends are always both busy and exhausting. You drop your phone beside you and reach for the remote on the bedside table. Before you pick it up, you're startled by the ding! that comes from your phone. You ignore it in favor of grabbing the remote, and flipping through a few of the channels that the hotel offers. When you finally settle on something that you're interested in, your phone dings a few more times. Wondering if it's either of your friends, you pick your phone back up, surprised to see that all of the texts are from Aleks.
    -->Hey (Y/N)     -->Yeah it's me     -->I wanted to apologize for acting shitty earlier, so I'm sorry     -->Sometimes when I don't understand shit I get defensive
You read and re-read the messages. It isn't necessarily the long apology you had thought it would be, but as short as he's being with it, he seems sincere. You think back to your small argument and cringe just a little. You probably could have acted a little nicer yourself. You ended up coming off a lot meaner than you would have liked.
    -->It's okay     -->I was the one acting shitty     -->I know I said this already but you helped me out and I wasn't exactly grateful to you for that. I really do appreciate what you did, you could've let that guy get away with my stuff.
He takes hardly a second to text back this time, and you feel an odd sense of satisfaction that he's not making you wait.
    -->I guess I could've, but I would've felt like an asshole     -->Idk who'd just stand by and let that shit happen
Your apologies are... Sort of out of the way, so you change the topic after a few more minutes of back and forth. Something you''ve been wondering ever since he'd texted back with so many messages all at once.
    -->You guys aren't busy or anything? You're texting back pretty fast. I know you guys probably have a packed schedule
    -->Brett said it earlier, we're just working on some stuff and chilling here     -->We get a little break on con weekends since we're filming here and not really worrying about other shit     -->Why? Are you busy?
You snort, turning onto your side while you shake your head at the thought. You have some work to catch up on for your channel, but after today, you just aren't feeling it. He's right about having a break during the weekend. You're no team or part of any company like Cow Chop is, but when your fans know you'll be attending a con, they're already expecting your content to take a little longer. It's a given, you're only one person. You can't handle everything yourself in one day, not when you deserve to have a little fun doing your own thing at the con.
    -->I probably should be, but I'm really exhausted after earlier
    -->Too exhausted to go out?
That confuses you, and your brow narrows as you read this text. You can't imagine where he's going with this, but you can almost feel yourself sink into the comfort of the warm, albeit stiff, hotel bed. You already know the answer to his question, and your fingers are tapping away at your screen the minute you read it.
    -->Probably. I don't know if I have it in me to do anything until tomorrow.     -->You trying to invite me out or something?
You bat your lashes at this text. You don't answer him right away, instead screenshotting the chat and sending the photo to one of your friends. You don't get a response from her either, that is, not until she's knocking at your door. You sigh, not wanting to get up but knowing she doesn't have a keycard to your room. You slink out of bed, leaving your phone on the bed as you head over to the door and open it up for her. She nearly tackles you when she enters.
"Oh. My. God. (Y/N). Did you reply to him?" "No. I don't know what to say." "You don't know what to say?! You say yes, is what you say, dude!" "But I'm tired!"
You whine your complaint to your friend, and she only responds by grabbing your shoulders. She even shakes you a little. "(Y/N)! Aleks Marchant himself said he wanted to invite you out! Isn't this like, your dream? I swear, the best things happen to you at the most inconvenient times, but I'm not letting you miss this opportunity. You're going."
You gently push her away from you. "But (F/N), I really am tired, I don't know if I want to go anywh--"
"Then ask him to come here!"
"What, to the hotel? By ourselves?" You question, looking at her a little incredulously. She can't be serious... But, the look on her face tells you that she really is. She wants you to spend time with Aleks, and you feel yourself relenting as she nearly begs you with just her eyes.
"Fine, I-- I guess I'll see if he wants to come over."
She does a celebratory fist pump as you head back to your bed, where a few more texts from Aleks sit in your notifications.
    -->That's not weird is it?     -->I know we kinda fought earlier and I get if you don't want to go out but tbh I was really hoping to talk to you     -->You seem cool and I really do like your shit on YT, I wasn't lying or anything     -->(Y/N)?
    -->Hey. Sorry, (F/N) came into my room and I was talking to her     -->I'm really not feeling like going out, but would you maybe wanna come to my hotel room? We can hang out here     -->That's probably a weirder offer than just going out
    -->No, that's not weird     -->I'd love to     -->You don't care if it's just me though?
    -->No, unless it makes you uncomfortable I don't really care
    -->Oh, ok     -->Where am I headed?
You text him the address of the hotel after googling it, and give him your room number. Afterward, you show your friend your phone screen. She seems giddy, but just to be sure, you ask, "Are you happy now?"
"Yes! This is so fucking cool, you don't even know." "It feels weird. I've thought about this type of thing before but now that it's actually happening I don't know what to think." "Just be cool. I'll leave you alone if you want." "I guess that'd be best? You can stay if you want." "No, I have to get back to (F/N) anyway. Maybe next time you can tell Aleks to bring James."
She laughs when she says this, half joking and half not. But, she heads to your door and, as promised, leaves you alone with a wink and wish of good luck. You're not sure how long it'll take Aleks to get here, but when he sends you a text that simply says 'omw', you decide to clean yourself up a little...
Not that you cared what you looked like in front of him. It's only so you don't look as worn out as you feel. Definitely not because you want to look nice for him. Definitely not because you feel giddy as the minutes pass and you wash your face at the bathroom sink.
Not because of any of that.
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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ig: y.na__ 🌸
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
吳亦凡 [Wu Yi Fan (Kris Wu)] - JULY
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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ellibeans-blog · 6 years
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No, I’m unfriending you first. You’re both getting unfriended.
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