ellenevermanbooks · 4 years
REVIEW FOR BESTSELLER,  Bell Bottoms to Gucci by Lawrence Carr...this critically-acclaimed novel is written by Ellen Everman
Your artfully written book obviously comes from your passions born out of reading, writing, story-telling and a desire to express the distinctions of an era in which you (and I) were a part. Your writing flows seamlessly from one character, progression of actions, scenario and time to others. Nothing in your book happens mechanically, as if it were "taught," but rather as a completely authentic talent unfolding itself naturally. Sometimes your reader is treated to (true) surprises, sometimes endings of chapters with lucid summations of what had just taken place, etc. Your mystery is filled with detailed, observant descriptions, both of physical and of emotional-psychological natures, that fit, again, seamlessly into the story line. Similarly, there is a rich vocabulary of delightful similes and metaphors and little quips from various languages (French, Italian, Latin). I also appreciated the different speeds of action as required by what was actually going on at a given time - sometimes quickly to contribute to excitement or slowing down to contribute to a more reflective mood, again, as required by the story. Finally, this brought back SO many memories of growing up in the truly wonderful city of Greater Cincinnati as well as frequently visiting New York City, with their myriads of classy department stores, hotels and restaurants! This is truly a wonderful accomplishment of which you and your mentors should be very proud.❤️
by Lawrence Carr, Organist/Pianist at First Lutheran Church of Norfolk and Piano teacher at St. Patrick Catholic School, Virginia Beach, VA.
WHERE TO PURCHASE? Joseph-Beth Booksellers, Barnes & Noble, Books, Inc. (out west), Amazon. Indie bookstores, online booksellers. COLLECTIBLES (signed and numbered) are available through author Ellen Everman (Ellen Deaton). PM me for collectibles. Cards accepted.
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
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Book Release Party for Bell Bottoms to Gucci, Sat June 29, 2019, from 3-7 p.m. at Baker Hunt, 620 Greenup Street, Covington, Ky  41011....Collectibles signed and numbered.  Prizes given out for best hippie and mafia costumes and dancing.  JD Hughes spinning the genius tunes of the 1960s and 70s.  A reunion for baby boomers and songs of inspiration of Generation Z and Millenials...It’s going to be a fun time!  
"Bell Bottoms to Gucci takes the reader on a thrilling and delight-filled ride back to one of the most exciting periods of recent American history: the 1960s-1970s. The novel successfully evokes that era's zeitgeist, complete with bell bottom jeans, sandals, long hair and the exquisite music of the times. But it does so within the context of an adrenalized thriller plot. The book will have great appeal to all who are fascinated with the wild creativity, rebellious politics, and dramatic events characteristic of the 60s and 70s American culture". ~ Richard Dietrich Maddox, Author of Remembering Eternity    ......https://www.acclaimpress.com/books/bell-bottoms-to-gucci/
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
In Washington DC, as we witness paroxysms of greed, unnecessary wars overseas, wasted taxpayer monies and a refusal to follow the law set forth by the Constitution, I am reminded why I embarked upon a journey several years ago to write my second novel, Bell Bottoms to Gucci.  In a real Democratic Republic, and since the creation of a 2-party system, a power struggle has always existed.  But it seems to draw us closer to Constitutional crisis and fascism when one particular party takes power. This is where we were in 1969 when Nixon promised to bring our troops home from Vietnam (a supposed struggle against the bogus evils of Communism).  Thereafter, he not only broke that promise but escalated the bombings and aggression in Southeast Asia against the will of the American people. Young college-age men and women protested on campuses all over the U.S.  The youth of our country rose up in a loud clamor against government tyranny whose characteristics had grown more and more similar to fascism and less like a Democratic Republic.  As un-demorcratic one-sided power waxed stronger, students grew braver and more forceful culminating in the burning of an ROTC building at Kent State University.  The result of that was a mass shooting of students by the Ohio National Guard on May 4, 1970.  How could we ever forget?  But we have.  Why?  Because civics and history are no longer taught in schools largely because our right-leaning government learned its lesson in the 60s & 70s....informed citizens are too dangerous and can weaken the control of a conservative right-leaning state..  Today we face the same dark forces of fascism but not enough of our youth are shouting out against this darkness. To be certain, too many of them, not knowing their precious American history, seem to have abandoned Democracy for an authoritarian government.  Many of them, however, burdened with working 3-4  jobs to stay alive and attempting to go to school really have no time to commit to the forces that subject them to unfair minimum wage.  When I began my novel, I feared the very forces and results of those forces back then and was primed for a theme of struggle and survival...So I embarked upon this long kind of Odysseus journey...only this time it involves a woman, but a heroine as surely as imperfect as the one Homer gave to us. The seeds of my story were planted with a drive up to Lake Erie one summer.  We were listening to Crosby Stills Nash and Young.  As I sat brooding over dark thoughts of our future (by that time, we had gone into Iraq in order to occupy and build air fields for a new basis of deployment in the middle east...all for the sake of oil)...as I sat listening to the song “FIND THE COST OF FREEDOM”, and Neil Young’s “OHIO”... as I listened to one of the most ingenious rock groups to have ever come out of the U.S., the idea of my story took shape.  I scribbled some notes on a piece of paper.  By the time we arrived at Lake Erie, I had the theme.  By the time we returned from our short vacation, I had an outline, a first chapter and a theme as solid as any one I’ve ever written.  At first I entitled it Bell Bottoms in the Sky.  In the story I revealed the toxic nuclear scare that hung over us as children and then followed us into adulthood.  And then it occurred to me...after all the heroes had been killed...JFK, MLK and Bobby...without those grand leaders of integrity who fought for freedom and Democracy, many of us slowly but surely turned our back on our Peace & Love ideals and grabbed at the materialistic carrot...some the corporate carrot.   The image below is the first one I made for that early iteration of Bell Bottoms to Gucci.  I hope you enjoy and I hope you’ll join in on this conversation either here on Tumblr or elsewhere where you see me...on Facebook (Ellen Deaton), Twitter (ellendeaton2). wherever.  God bless.
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
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PEACE & LOVE...NOT WAR... FREE SPEECH...NOT TYRANNY CIVIL RIGHTS...NOT RACISM A story that follows the selfless efforts of a campus protest hippie and then her slippery slide into the all-consuming self...and then redemption.http://www.acclaimpress.com/store.aspx…
MY NEW NOVEL...BELL BOTTOMS TO GUCCI. This is a sequel to Pink Dice and they are both published by Acclaim Press. My book release event will be announced soon and I will let you know here on Facebook when and where. The event will be a lot of fun with JD Hughes spinning the tunes of the 1960s and 70s. There will be a contest for the best "hippie" outfit and classic tunes will take you back to the days of bell bottoms, genius music, peace and love and, of course, protests. Not much has changed since those days. My publisher is taking pre-orders currently for a special Collectors’ Edition individually numbered and personally autographed by me, the author, Ellen Everman (which is my pen name). If you're interested in purchasing a collector's edition, you might want to hit the following link to do so. There are book collectors and agencies out there who snatch these first-run limited editions up and there are going to only be 250 printed. Here is the link...http://www.acclaimpress.com/store.aspx… Below is the Publisher's summary of the book. If you’ve ever wished you could re-live or go back in time and experience the colorful, music-powered, psychedelic 1960s and 70s, this novel is for you. Bell Bottoms to Gucci drops you into the year 1964 when the first protests of that era are born. Campus takeovers, billy-clubbing, students being dragged into police vans. Patti’s boyfriend, David, a student at UC Berkeley—inspired by the real kingpin of protests in those days—takes Patti under his wing and grooms her for the stereotypical role of hippie campus protester. “Hell No, We Won’t Go!” echoes her true feelings about the Vietnam War during her college years. But after three assassinations and the Kent State shootings, Patti wears down and eventually admits her revulsion of the protests themselves. Upon graduation she returns home and grabs the gusto of a different life when she enters the “yuppie” corporate environment. From The Plaza in NYC to corporate boardrooms to the Fifth Avenue pied-a- terre of a wealthy descendant of Dutch patroons, Patti navigates a world of deception, greed, high stakes and power players. Now out of sync with her previous “love and peace” persona and her beloved David, a descent into this darker world ensues. What she doesn’t know is that her past relationships with conspiratorial figures involved in the Kennedy assassination are about to catch up with her in a life and death situation. Nothing less than an ode to baby boomers, Bell Bottoms to Gucci is likely to become the sine qua non hippie-to-yuppie transformation novel … one that examines both sides of the political fence with startling insight from an intuitive personal perspective … colored with references to the genius music that made those tumultuous decades as bright and shining as the ideals of love and peace themselves.
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
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Bell Bottoms to Gucci takes the reader on a thrilling and delight-filled ride back to one of the most exciting periods of recent American history: the 1960s-1970s.  The novel successfully evokes that era's zeitgeist, complete with bell bottom jeans, sandals, long hair and the exquisite music of the times.  But it does so within the context of an adrenalized thriller plot.  The book will have great appeal to all who are fascinated with the wild creativity, rebellious politics, and dramatic events characteristic of the 60s and 70s American culture.
~ Richard Dietrich Maddox, Author of Remembering Eternity
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
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WOODSTOCK...Baby Boomers .A brave generation....to learn more go to this link...http://www.acclaimpress.com/store.aspx?panel=3&productid=2360&categoryid=1
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
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WOODSTOCK...Baby Boomers in all their glory...to learn more following this link...http://www.acclaimpress.com/store.aspx?panel=3&productid=2360&categoryid=1
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
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WOODSTOCK ...Baby Boomers in all their glory...to learn more following this link...http://www.acclaimpress.com/store.aspx?panel=3&productid=2360&categoryid=1
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
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WOODSTOCK...Baby Boomers in all their glory...read more about them...http://www.acclaimpress.com/store.aspx?panel=3&productid=2360&categoryid=1
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
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A gutsy generation, Baby Boomers believed a good protest would keep Democracy strong...Thomas Jefferson would have been proud. People's Park May 15, 1969...famous Bloody Thursday.
FOR MORE HISTORIC INFO, CHECK OUT...http://www.dailycal.org/…/remembering-bloody-thursday-1969…/
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
MY NEW NOVEL...BELL BOTTOMS TO GUCCI. This is a sequel to Pink Dice and they are both published by Acclaim Press. My book release event will be announced soon and I will let you know here on Facebook when and where. The event will be a lot of fun with JD Hughes spinning the tunes of the 1960s and 70s. There will be a contest for the best "hippie" outfit and classic tunes will take you back to the days of bell bottoms, genius music, peace and love and, of course, protests. Not much has changed since those days. My publisher is taking pre-orders currently for a special Collectors’ Edition individually numbered and personally autographed by me, the author, Ellen Everman (which is my pen name). If you're interested in purchasing a collector's edition, you might want to hit the following link to do so. There are book collectors and agencies out there who snatch these first-run limited editions up and there are going to only be 250 printed. Here is the link...http://www.acclaimpress.com/store.aspx…
Below is the Publisher's summary of the book.
If you’ve ever wished you could re-live or go back in time and experience the colorful, music-powered, psychedelic 1960s and 70s, this novel is for you. Bell Bottoms to Gucci drops you into the year 1964 when the first protests of that era are born. Campus takeovers, billy-clubbing, students being dragged into police vans. Patti’s boyfriend, David, a student at UC Berkeley—inspired by the real kingpin of protests in those days—takes Patti under his wing and grooms her for the stereotypical role of hippie campus protester. “Hell No, We Won’t Go!” echoes her true feelings about the Vietnam War during her college years. But after three assassinations and the Kent State shootings, Patti wears down and eventually admits her revulsion of the protests themselves. Upon graduation she returns home and grabs the gusto of a different life when she enters the “yuppie” corporate environment. From The Plaza in NYC to corporate boardrooms to the Fifth Avenue pied-a- terre of a wealthy descendant of Dutch patroons, Patti navigates a world of deception, greed, high stakes and power players. Now out of sync with her previous “love and peace” persona and her beloved David, a descent into this darker world ensues. What she doesn’t know is that her past relationships with conspiratorial figures involved in the Kennedy assassination are about to catch up with her in a life and death situation.
Nothing less than an ode to baby boomers, Bell Bottoms to Gucci is likely to become the sine qua non hippie-to-yuppie transformation novel … one that examines both sides of the political fence with startling insight from an intuitive personal perspective … colored with references to the genius music that made those tumultuous decades as bright and shining as the ideals of love and peace themselves.
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ellenevermanbooks · 5 years
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Historic Thriller....Collector’s individually numbered, signed limited edition...(250 run)..http://www.acclaimpress.com/store.aspx?panel=3&productid=2360&categoryid=1
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ellenevermanbooks · 7 years
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Director’s Napoleon-Style Decanter Set for Christmas https://www.etsy.com/listing/522456580/directors-napoleon-style-decanter-set?ref=shop_home_active_8
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ellenevermanbooks · 7 years
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PERFECT CORPORATE GIFT  AGAPE DESIGN  https://www.etsy.com/shop/AgapeDesignMfg?ref=search_shop_redirect§ion_id=21921695
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ellenevermanbooks · 7 years
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PERFECT GIFT FOR BRIDE & GROOM https://www.etsy.com/shop/AgapeDesignMfg?ref=search_shop_redirect§ion_id=21921695
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ellenevermanbooks · 9 years
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pinkdicenovel turned 1 today!
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ellenevermanbooks · 9 years
Game Of Thrones Charles Dance Interview - Tywin Lannister
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