hello , I would just like to apologize to my mutuals for all of the asks/tags I've not replied , I've been studying for exams sadly 😭😭
I'll try answer some over the next few days :)
have a lovely day!! 💕
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Hieeeeeee yumpyy
I hope you're keeping well. Its been quite some time since I last spoke to you.
You're being missed:)
Take good care of yourself
*bubbles* 😭😭😭 thanks chicken winggg , talk to you soon , ok? :)
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*bubbles* I hath been tagged three times?! thanks @fatpotatosaysmoo , @thatchickavai and @scintillatea !!
1. I've always thought the violin was beautiful
2. either water or coffee
3. musician
4. water :D
5. trees
6. I've spent way too long trying to weigh the pros and cons , I couldn't pick if I spent another hour deciding 😅
7. reptiles for sure
8. elephants - especially the lil big baby elephants (elle-phants??)
9. Tigersssssssss :D
10. necklaces because bracelets are all clinkity clank (not clinky) and you can hide necklaces under your shirt collar :P
tagging along : anyone who wants to join because everyone has already been tagged XD
*ribbit* I had a lot of fun with my last(first) attempt at making a tagging game, so here’s another!!
1. If you could master one musical instrument, what instrument would you want it to be?
2. If you were given lifetime access to one drinkable liquid, what would you want it to be?
3. Would you rather be a master painter, musician, or artisan? It can be any type of artisan.
4. Earth, fire, water, or air?
5. Flowers or trees?
6. Fishes or birds? (I’ve come to collect an answer Emmy)
7. Reptiles or amphibians? Also, sorry to the people who get creeped out by both, you don’t have to answer
8. Elephants or giraffes?
9. Lion or tiger?
And lastly, 10. Necklaces or bracelets?
@anyone who wants to, @thatchickavai @theonewithtoomuchdrama @thesexypanda-boo @fatpotatosaysmoo @3m-th3-g3m @macncheesemonster @imbenxil @spoopycrowe @veryfrackinflabbergasted @viiviiv @foressttt124 @soggy-elf72 @thedumbobaggins @wolfstarrysky @wizardwheezes @elle-from-stranger-things @hanirii Have fun!! Btw, I know most of you are sleeping, so I’m sorry if this wakes you up
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*bubbles* thanks for the tag honey bear 💕
1. old maps , books and photos (if that counts)
2. a panther :P
3. *looks at @viiviiv * sure do :)
4. *bubbles unsurely* tough question ;P
5. I just did a quiz - apparently I'm an only cap :P
6. I prefer dragons to griffins , my water dragon's name is now Michelle
7. Coraline :P
8. the sea. specifically the actual sea - and not some tropical beach waves under the sea pineapple bath n body works perfume , oh no , I want the actual sea.
8. occupation - hmmm *does another quiz* apparently , either an adventurer or wizard!!
9. Heads :)
10. wings 😌😂
tagging : @poetrybyn @foressttt124 @viiviiv @crazypenguinlady @fishingboatstillproceeds @macncheesemonster :))
aaaaa tagging game owo!!!!
this is my first one to make so aaa don't judge me o.o
weird cryptidcore version or something
1. if you had a sack of loot / treasure what would be in it?
2. if you could have one obscure nocturnal animal as your spirit guide what would it be?
3. do you believe in ghosts?
4. if you could only communicate with one (inhuman) sound what would it be?
5. if you were a mushroom what kind would you be?
6. would you rather ride a dragon but its clumsy and a terrible flier, or a griffon and it hates you?
7. favorite Halloween movie?
8. if you had to smell like one unusual / uncommon scent (say; pine cones, cat fur, metal, etc.) what would it be?
8. what would be your occupation in a fantasy world?
9. heads or tails?
10. would you rather have awkward flightless wings or an uncontrollable trail
^^ have fun baes!!!
@zephyr-thefwoggy-likes-sandwich @asexual-of-diamonds @maverick-the-nerd @enbies-and-felonies @ba-ba-baker-street @maxipadlord @scriminology @scintillatea
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*bubbles* kit kat you are such a talented writer I absolutely love everything you do and make and I love youuuuu 💕💕
Trigger warning: cult
Hi, I'm back and this time with a story rather than a poem. Feel free to give your honest opinions because this is a very crazy experiment. By the way, thanks for reading.
- Nandini
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*licks ice-cream* yay!! *muffled bubbles of happiness* thanks chicken wing :)
tagging : @viiviiv , @macncheesemonster , @coolcordeliamanning , @guerrera-3010 , @raviolishampoo143 , @unknownuser2004 , @asexual-of-diamonds , @sizzlingdazebear , @strawberries-and-aesthetics , @fishingboatstillproceeds (I tried not double tagging so that more people can join our ice-cream craze :P)
Reblog and tag someone you’d like to give some icecream to
@isawagirlinmydreamsss @pumpkin-rose-boy
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*bubbles* thanks clef!
1. I would want an Australian shepherd and a snake :P (maybe also a fish/frog)
2. I do quite like my beige walls but I like adding photos above my bed - if I had to paint my walls a different colour it would probably be either a really dark or really light shade of blue :)
3. ooooooooo , ok , probably brown, black and beige? I wear these three colours the most 😅😅
4. I have prepared for this XD , it'd either be Damsel in Distress by Alann8h or SONGS ABOUT YOU by CHIKA (my two favourite songs at the moment)
tagging along : @crazypenguinlady , @coolcordeliamanning (bish you better 😑) , @lunaresalex , @guerrera-3010 , @hanirii , @eyesofanaesthete , @riiierie , @unknownuser2004 , @asexual-of-diamonds
I tried not to double tag , but if you have sorry!! And if you've seen this and wanna join, please do! Have a lovely day byeee 💕💕
*ribbit* I’m bored, so I’m gonna try and start a tagging game myself! Let me know what you think about it please! Rules are simple, answer the questions if you feel like it, and the tag your friends or people you want to know more about!
1. If you could have any pet you wanted, what would it be?
2. What color would you want to paint your room?
3. If you could only wear three colors, what three would you choose?
4. If one song played on repeat in your head for three hours, what song would you want it to be?
@thesexypanda-boo @fatpotatosaysmoo @viiviiv @elle-from-stranger-things @imbenxil @foressttt124 @spoopycrowe @scintillatea @poetrybyn @macncheesemonster @3m-th3-g3m @anyone else who might want to (lookin’ at you @soggy-elf72)
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*bubbles* YAYYY more tags!! thanks cc 😚💕
favourite colour : deep sea blue , electric blue , the colour of rainy skies
last song I listened to : for the people in the back -- ROLE MODEL
currently reading : The Picture of Dorian Gray and A Tale of Two Cities
currently watching : re-watching Narnia for the umpteenth time and Gilmore Girls (grills) for the fifth time :P
sweet/savoury/spicy : I'd choose salty but seeing as that isn't an option , I'll go with sweet :)
currently craving : jelly tots and brownies
tea/coffee : uh , tea , duh (also coffee , but hush-hush no one needs to know)
that's all :D tagging : @thesexypanda-boo , @fatpotatosaysmoo , @foressttt124 , @fishingboatstillproceeds , @macncheesemonster , @guerrera-3010 , @i-snort-chocolates , @crazypenguinlady , @coolcordeliamanning (-- yes, you 😑😑)
have a lovely day !!
thank you for the tag, @odmlevis riz! 🤍 i will making another post because i want to and it’ll be too long to continue the thread hehe
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with
FAVORITE COLOR: green, orange and brown
LAST SONG LISTENED: good days by sza
CURRENTLY READING: chainsaw man by btatsuki fujimoto
CURRENTLY WATCHING: howl’s moving castle
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY: spicy and savory makes my mouth froth
CURRENTLY CRAVING: carbonara, hawaiian pizza and tftg’s mucho matcha creampuff 2x pearls
TEA/COFFEE: I CAN’T CHOOSE </3 i have to choose both
tagging: @onyxoverride, @shisoaya,@icedkoffees, @bertlebear, @mik4sas, @weepinglevi, @marviesss, @suna-reversed and @alert-arlert (no pressure tho!)
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*bubbles* I feel I'm quite like a gray fox , and perhaps also a leafcutter bee :P
tagging : @viiviiv , @thesexypanda-boo and @fatpotatosaysmoo together ;P as well as @foressttt124 -- and anyone else who would like to join :)
Tag yourself as underappreciated North American fauna!

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*bubbles* yayyy!! thank you to @zephyr-thefwoggy-likes-sandwich and @thesexypanda-boo for the tags <3 this is going to be hard but I'll try :)
1. kind of random but I can't sleep with the lights on , I need to be in darkness :P
2. I'm the youngest of four kids yet for some reason get the least attention *glares playfully at siblings*
3. I do a lot of things , I have a lot of hobbies including ballet , contemporary , piano , guitar , chess and writing - and I love animals to a huge extent
4. uh - my first concert was seeing the 1975 in Dubai , it was amazing!!
5. I erm - I have no idea what to say , oh! well I guess I've never fallen asleep in class and I've never gotten a nose bleed so that's . . . a thing
time for the fun bit :)) also , be prepared for getting more than one tag : @thatchickavai , @scintillatea , @hanirii , @veryfrackinflabbergasted , @viiviiv , @foressttt124 :D
💕 get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!! 🥺🌼💕
Sorry the chain was a liiiiitle long
Thank you @kazbrekkersdarkside for tagging moi 😊
I have a big problem defining my personality. Obv they're supposed to be complex but i feel like it's an especially slippery little fucker.
I was born & raised in one of hottest cities in the hottest US state so my summers reached like 120-25°F. The college I'm going to is a mere 2 hr drive from there and it barely reaches 100°F. I'm not built for this shit.
Uuuuhh I'm pretty proud of my truck? She's a white 1976 F-250 Custom Camper Special & i l o v e her to death. *is a cowgirl*
My Half-Moon & Pumpkin Snickerdoodle cookies are superb.
I couldn't braid for shit until i was like 14, which is dumb b/c my hair has been at/farther than waistline for a decade & it's a necessity.
@sixofsimps @kevin-day-is-bi @alinaleksanders @sarcasticmii @play-exy-be-sexy @lordoftermites @fictional-loves-are-better @sanktaazoya
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*bubbles* hello :) it's me , orange
the orange
whether it’s your sweet nature, breakaway cover, or your natural displays of intimacy, you have the undercurrent of the orange. a love language in itself, your nature makes others want to take a bite and enjoy the tang that you leave behind with your laughter. you remind others of a summer day, hot air, long nights, always hopeful you’ll never go away. in her poem “the orange” by wendy cope she said “i peeled it and shared it with robert and dave, they had quarters and i had a half” you’re generous and have much to give. she also said “this is peace and contentment, it’s new” well i say, it’s you.
uh - a literal Clementine, huh?
another trend i wish to start! find your underlying motif quiz!
tag atleast 5 of your mates
the bread whether it’s your ability to rise against the odds, provide comfort, or be a staple in lives, your undercurrent is bread. you’re made from love and you carry it your whole life, to give on to others in any way you can. you’re delicate and it doesn’t take a lot to break you, but still you rise up and that is more important than what took you down. be careful with your heart, it’s so full of love that it needs to be treated delicately. you’re a staple in lives, a necessity, but not always as appreciated as you should be. so here is a thanks to you. m.f.k fisher said “ the smell of good bread baking, like the sound of lightly flowing water, is indescribable in its evocation of innocence and delight” and that my friend, that is you.
🥺💜✨ tagging :@scintillatea @foressttt124@zephyr-thefwoggy-likes-sandwich @veryfrackinflabbergasted @poetrybyn @viiviiv @elle-from-stranger-things @sofragile @whythefuckdoiexist @anyone else who wishes to do this!
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*bubbles* yay! more confetti cannon tags :D
1. all of my lovely friends irl and online :))
2. music for sure :P
3. night skies and grey skies/rain 🌧️
4. brownies - normal brownies 😅😅
5. re-reading/watching comfort books and films or eating comfort food :)
tagging : @poetrybyn @scintillatea @zephyr-thefwoggy-likes-sandwich @crazypenguinlady @macncheesemonster @veryfrackinflabbergasted @foressttt124 @fishingboatstillproceeds @viiviiv @3m-th3-g3m :))
Pass the happy! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! I'm passing it on to you <3
1. Cats
2. Cake
3. My mutuals
4. Listening to music
5. Drawing
Tags: @sangsangs-secretary @huachengslastbraincell @alphamaleputin @ignite-the-moonlight @xiaoxavi @sadangestmind @ethicssutra @teenytinytumblers @britishjoonie @aussie-tea and @leneyyo :D
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*discreetly goes to shop* psshhhh I'm not doing anything 👀😁

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*bubbles* I only just realised I got tagged - thanks pan-pan for doing so <3 love you
ok 1. Higher - Shawn Mendes
2. Dancing with Your Ghost - Sasha Sloan
3. Sunflower - Rex Orange County
4. Honeymoon Fades - Sabrina Carpenter
5. Told You So - Miguel
6. Raining in LA - Carter Ace
7. Indica - Alaina Castillo
8. Video Games - Lana Del Rey
9. To Let a Good Thing Die - Bruno Major
and lastly 10. Tough Guy - Claire Rosinkranz
whoop-dee-doo :) don't know what this says about me but I've ding-dong-done it :P
quite a couple friends have been tagged but here are some more victims : @thatchickavai @zephyr-thefwoggy-likes-sandwich @veryfrackinflabbergasted @viiviiv @haneulyoonie-aris @scintillatea @foressttt124 and whoever else wants to join :))
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to! Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. Thank you @themostunoriginalpersonever for tagging me! <3
This is from my spotify which I’ve only had for a few months, so there’s not a ton of variation, but here goes:
1. Dear Fellow Traveller by Sea Wolf
2. Kicks by Paul Revere & The Raiders
3. Pink in the Night by Mitski
4. Pluto by Sleeping At Last
5. Smalltown Boy by Orville Peck
6. Dystopia (The Earth Is On Fire) by YACHT
7. Love Potion No. 9 by the Clovers
8. Geyser by Mitski
9. Drive Me, Crazy by Orville Peck
10. Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys
Not sure what this says about me, but it was fun :) I’m tagging @alienslikedmyfantasy @eunyisadoran @yourqueenforayear @eva-blog-p @stoneserafina @iwritebetterthanispeak @alcego @participled @soaringsearingphoenix (only if you want to of course) and anyone else who wants to do this!
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*cries happy tears , applauses louder than everyone else in the whole entire universe* 💕🍫🍞🏅🌴⚡💙🎶
she was like snow.
beautiful at first glance
but cold and pitiful to the touch.
but the longer you hold
snow the more it begins to
it melts in your palms
and he knew that.
he knew that if he held onto
her, her walls would come
down, and her merciless
facade would disappear
so he waited.
he waited for her
and sure enough
she melted.
and it was all
because of
this is the first poem i’ve posted and i wanted to say that @elle-from-stranger-things and @scintillatea inspired me to post some of my work! 💕
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ok so I wrote something based on another song 🙈 the song was called Pretty Fades by Tori Kelly and this was what I came up with :
I walk into my room and upon closing my white door find my reflection staring back at me. I look like my younger self , my skin smooth and the perfect tan shade from the summer. My eyes drawn big and hopeful , my lips drawn into a small smile and my eyebrows manicured and shaped into looking content. In a dress that makes me look slim , heels that make me appear taller , and jewelry that make me seem rich and mature.
Moving my right hand to the back of my narrow neck, under my wavy shiny hair , I hook my index finger into the hook of my zip. I tug on the skin coloured zipper , unraveling the skin suit of my youth and stepping out of who I could wish I still looked like.
I take a step closer towards my new reflection , inspecting every wrinkle on my pale face - however tiny and invisible. It was winter after all, and I had no energy to be to be in sunshine much less paint on a pretty face , for I had no one to impress anymore. The sweatpants and shirt I was dressed in showed the weight I had unfortunately gained and my knotted hair was lazily pulled into an ugly messy bun. It only reflected who I was without the skin suit on; ugly and messy. I look at my hands next , the black nail polish chipped and my wrists scarred. I fold my fingers into my palm gently and hide them behind my hunched back. I was barefoot , my feet and shoulders looking tired from holding up the weight of the pretty skin suit I had had on. The standards and expectations of both society and myself growing heavier with each blemish on my true skin, with each pretty feature that had faded away . . .
ok that's all, thanks for staying :) I hope you have a lovely day/night love you bye 💕🎶🏅🌴💙⚡🍫🍞
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I might've written something and I - uh - just if you wanted to read it . . . it ended being based on a song by the beatles but er - yeah
How is it that there are millions of people on this earth, and yet she is alone?
How is it that she can can go from being the biggest ball of energy to breaking down in the matter of one minute?
How is it that she has friends, lots of them, who all say they love her, yet she feels undeserving?
How is it that she wipes away my tears yet hides her own?
How is it that when she needs someone, the world is busy?
How is it that she is easily the brightest person in a room, yet she cuts herself because she "wants to feel something, anything, everything"?
How is it that the person who makes me happy feels like she deserves nothing, like she is meaningless and worthless, "a waste of oxygen"?
How is it that in a world of shoulders, when she needs to rest, the world is already asleep?
You know, all she ever wanted was someone to say "I am here", someone to call her "sweet pea", someone to hold her and never, ever let go, all she wanted was someone, anyone, everyone, all she wanted was to feel, she wanted to be "normal", and since she was stripped of being human the only thing left to want was death and so she killed herself . . . she wanted a life, she wanted to live, to feel alive, to be rid of her cage, to be free and so she gave herself up . . . she gave up everything to be set free, and yet, even without a cage, she stays, because in the end, she is still a blackbird singing her song in the dead of night, and I could only ever give her broken wings and hope she learns to fly
that's all , sorry for taking up your time . . . love you, bye 💕
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