elizarosee · 6 years
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elizarosee · 6 years
when you look cute in a snapchat and they don’t reply
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elizarosee · 6 years
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Plague inc is getting harder and harder…
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elizarosee · 6 years
“why can’t female heroes kick arse in heels” because it’s not practical and will literally snap your damn ankle you can scream weaponised femininity all you want but first off, you need to admit that they’re not an almighty symbol of empowerment, and secondly that if you do a job with a lot of physical activity in heels you’re risking your own safety. all these women fighting in heels on tv are going to end up seriously injuring themselves. 
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elizarosee · 6 years
I like hearing “I want you to come” instead of “you can come if you want”
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elizarosee · 6 years
It has recently come to my attention that I am in fact…needy.
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elizarosee · 6 years
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George’s Passport. 
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elizarosee · 6 years
My favorite part of Captain Marvel was the fact that Carol keeps getting told to control her emotions throughout the movie and yet she continues to be just as emotional as she damn well pleases…AND it turns out to be the key to unlocking her power in the end. because as women aren’t we always being told to “tone it down”, to sit down and shut up, that stoicism=strength and emotions=weakness? So to turn around and give us a powerful female character who cries and rages and laughs, and to have that emotional, human side of her be her strength… this is the female characterization we need.
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elizarosee · 6 years
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Felt a bit down so took a random trip to Paris. This city always cheers me up.
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elizarosee · 6 years
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me too
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elizarosee · 6 years
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elizarosee · 6 years
pleeeeeaaaaase don’t make fun of people for being overenthusiastic about their interests. if you see someone getting really excited about something and you think it’s a good idea to ruin their fun (and don’t think people don’t notice your eye rolls and side glances) you’re an asshole
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elizarosee · 6 years
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Watch: Still unsure if white privilege exists? This should clear it up.
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elizarosee · 6 years
Don’t tell your daughter that when a boy is mean or rude to her it’s because he has a crush on her. Don’t teach her that abuse is a sign of love.
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elizarosee · 6 years
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elizarosee · 6 years
remember being little and thinking dandelions were fun or a pretty color or something and every adult in an 80 mile radius wouldn’t let you say that without screaming ITS A WEED
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elizarosee · 6 years
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