elizanikol · 27 days
Every time Zehra spoke, Eliza found herself trying and failing to hold back a blush. Part of her wondered why a woman that gorgeous and effortlessly sexy was sitting at the bar with her, but she did her best not to question it. "Ooh, I don't think I've had any spicy cocktails - I might have to get you to suggest one for me. Spice is definitely good, though," she blushed again.
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she watched the other, intrigued about whether she would like it or not, a small laugh escaped her lips as she saw the others features and making a mental note that the other was not a wine drinker. "cocktails are good and i can see you as a sweet cocktail girl." the small tease for a moment before she took back the wine glass, taking a small sip. "but i prefer the spice cocktail. you always need some spice in your life."
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elizanikol · 27 days
Eliza had been in the cafe for some time, curled up in a chair with a sweet drink and something to read, and she'd noticed the girl working on her computer almost right away. She looked stressed and busy, and so Eliza moved back to the counter to order a macchiato sent over to her table before taking her seat again.
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kymber was sitting at a cafe with her laptop open. she was chewing on her lip as she worked on her current project: hacking into triad. she'd just started, but with the attack that had recently happened, she needed information. unfortunately, they had decent systems so it was taking her a little longer than she wanted to admit. @darkskiesrpgstarters
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elizanikol · 1 month
Eliza took the glass, still warm from Zehra's grip, and sipped carefully at the wine. She wanted to like it, wanted to look cool and sophisticated to this redhead who was basically the hottest girl she'd ever met, but it was tart and her lips pursed slightly in response. "Maybe not," she coughed. "Um, I usually like sweet cocktails. My mom introduced me to cosmos."
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maybe it was reckless, being out with her own attack a few nights before but nothing would ever stop the other from going out. "maybe it was reckless, being out with her own attack a few nights before but nothing would ever stop the other from going out. "you can have a sip of mine." she spoke, offering the other her glass. "and if you don't drink wine.. what do you normally drink?"
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elizanikol · 1 month
The sound of the gunshot in the quiet room was like the end of the world, but as the body dropped not far from her Eliza let out a ragged sigh of relief. Right up until that moment she hadn't known whether her improvised plan would work or whether it was going to end with her being hurt or worse. She opened her mouth to reply and let out a sob instead, running a hand over her face. "So could you!" she finally managed. "It was the only thing I could think of. I c-couldn't let him take you..."
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The horrified expression that crossed his features as Eliza spoke was unable to be concealed as his brows scrunched together furrowing above cold dark irises that shot daggers in the direction of the Triad agent. One hand continues to apply pressure to his wound as they other remained unfaltered, pointing the barrel of the gun in the others direction. “I will put a bullet straight through your skull if you so much as lay a finger on my little girl,” Maveric threatens, teeth gritted tightly together has the muscle in his jaw flexed. That was until Eliza moved forward and his heart stopped in his chest momentarily before realizing what she was doing and firing off a shot through the agents chest. “Have you lost your god damn mind, Eliza,” he questioned. “You could’ve been hurt!”
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elizanikol · 1 month
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zehra jamakovich edit ;; 001.
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elizanikol · 1 month
"Are you going to ignore me all day again?" (dakota)
"Huh?" Eliza teased playfully, pretending she hadn't been listening at all. Pushing her book aside, she turned over on her back to look up at Dakota. "No, I'm not gonna ignore you all day, silly. I was just waiting for you to decide what we should do - decisiveness isn't your strong point, so I figured I had time to get through a whole miniseries first." Giggling, she put her hands up in case Dakota threw a pillow at her.
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elizanikol · 1 month
[ interrupt ] sender stops a confrontation between receiver and someone else, stepping between them and coming to receiver's defense (Lucas) (cuzzoooooo’s)
Eliza wasn't sure how she'd ended up the target of one the comic bro types that inhabited the shop's darker corners, but was immediately uncomfortable when he approached. It was the same crap that they all spewed; challenging her to name off facts about the character whose shirt she was wearing that day, complaining about comics going woke, how girls didn't need to be in the hobby. Despite the distaste she had for the whole encounter she still would have rather walked away, until she heard him drop a slur that Eliza had heard far too many times in her life. Before she could even begin to respond, though, there was a blur of movement from the corner of her eye and the guy dropped in a heap. "Lucas?" she breathed, following behind him as he tugged her towards the entrance and only stopping to throw some cash on the counter for the books still in her hand.
When they were clear of the stores confines and could breathe, she threw her arms around him. "Thank you. I'm so glad you were there to keep me from trying to do that myself."
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elizanikol · 1 month
[ shelter ] sender uses their body to shield receiver from danger (rebekah)
"Mom!" Eliza cried as Rebekah swung in front of her. The car accident had happened almost out of nowhere, likely the result of someone who was following their GPS down a street that didn't go where it used to because of the merge of Mystic Falls and New Orleans - despite warnings from the governments of both cities that GPS was no longer reliable in either. Whatever the cause, a bus had t-boned a smaller car and thrown it almost directly at them. Glass flew in a spray, twisted pieces of metal cut through the air, and before Eliza could even begin to react Rebekah had thrown herself in the path of it all.
The moment seemed to last forever, but finally the car came to rest upside down a few feet away. People were running toward the accident, shouting for someone to call 911, but Eliza wasn't looking at the car. She was turning her mother around, immediately checking her for glass or cuts or anything else. "Mom, god, you can't do that! You're as human as me, the car could have cut you in half or smushed us against a building or something." Tears were streaming down her face. "I can't lose you, I can't, I almost last dad and I can't lose you too, I can't, I can't," she was mildly hysterical, gripping Rebekah tightly.
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elizanikol · 1 month
"Will you smile if I admit I was wrong?" (Klaus)
Eliza did smile, then - her Uncle did know the ways to make her do so when she needed it. "I don't know, you'll have to try it out and see. But really, that's what you get for arguing comics lore with a nerd. You might be older, but they didn't invent comic books till you were like...nine hundred and fifty," she nudged his shoulder with her own. "And from what Mom's told me, I didn't know you could actually say the words I was wrong."
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elizanikol · 1 month
i'll be right here when you wake up. (rebekah)
"Thank you, Mommy," Eliza's voice was soft, and shakier than she'd like. "I know it's over now, but I keep seeing the barrel of that gun when it was pointed at me. I've seen the gun up close and I know how small that really is, but in my head it's big enough to fire a cannonball out of. And I see it every time I close my eyes." She sniffled, burying her face in her pillow. "I keep trying to be brave. I keep trying to be a hero like in the comics. But I'm not a hero. I'm just...me."
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elizanikol · 1 month
Eliza did as she was told, but that only lasted for a few moments - right up until the point when her father offered to give himself up for her. There was no way she'd ever stand by and let that happen. Not only could she never forgive herself, it would mean having to explain to her mother or sisters why he wasn't there. "Please," she whispered, eyes opening slowly. "Please don't do that. Just let my father go..." and then she did what came naturally to her; being a klutz. Half-stepping toward the Triad soldier, she deliberately tripped over her own foot and went down - hoping that the distraction would allow her father a clean shot.
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His youngest daughter coming into view was almost torturous, brows knitting together as he tightened his grip against his pistol. Gaze flickered between the triad agent and Eliza, debating his next move as the agent gave his offer, knowing full well at this point that they would pull that trigger either way and hearing the trembling voice of his daughter only furthered the torment as he shook his head. "It's okay baby," Maveric assures her. "Just keep your eyes closed, alright." It was nearly impossible to keep his dark irises off his daughter but the longer they stood there, the more he feared the worst happening. "Not her," he all but pleads, finger still heavy against his own trigger. "You're men aren't supposed to be killing us. You need us, you need our blood so take me just- just leave her out of this."
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elizanikol · 1 month
Eliza was still very shaken by all that had happened. In all of the time they'd spent trying to avoid Triad in the future, she was sure she'd never come as close to dying as she had when she'd found her father and the Triad agent. But at her parents' urging she'd agreed to go out, with the condition that she stay in constant contact. "Hi," she greeted Zahra from a barstool at Rousseau's. "I don't usually drink wine, but if you say it's good I'll try it."
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the events of a couple of nights ago still somewhat haunted zehra, but she wasn't going to let that ruin her life or the activities that she enjoyed. a glass of white wine in her hand, she took a sip before a sigh escaped her lips. rousseau's now seemingly quiet from the previous events of a few nights ago. her attention turned as she noticed a familiar face and a smile fell on her lips. "i would go for the chateau lamothe if you like wine.."
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elizanikol · 1 month
"Being out late isn't a crime, Georgie," her voice was soft as they began to move, trying not to draw any additional attention. "It's not like you could have known this was going to happen. Even mom and dad didn't know this was going to happen and they've been dealing with Triad much longer than she have. But we're gonna get home, and we're gonna do it together."
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“yeah, we just need to be careful..”she muttered which was easier said than done with everything that was going on. no where seemed safe at all. “and it’s not your fault el, you weren’t to know..and it’s my fault for being out so late..”head leaning against her sisters shoulder.
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elizanikol · 1 month
Eliza wasn't exactly a fighter. Especially when her potential opponent had easily a hundred pounds on her. But she also couldn't stand by and watch Lucas be hurt, because what kind of family would that make her? So with a shout, she ran and jumped on the man's back, wrapping her arms around his sizeable throat and trying to squeeze for dear life. If she could just get him to let go, that would be a start.
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Open Starter - @darkskiesrpgstarters
He'd fought off quiet a few agents, magic coming in quite handy and the strength of his recently triggered wolf gene making light work of each one that came at him. He was doing fine, at least that was until one had come from behind and had started to practically strangle him. His elbow threw back doing his best to fight himself free to no avail before a growl ripped through his frame and vibrated off the walls of the compound. Wolfsbane was infused in the rope, weakening his ability to fight back and he was slowly losing the ability to even breathe. "You better make sure I'm fucking dead," Lucas managed to get out. "Because I will fucking burn your company and everyone in it to the ground if you hurt a single person in my family."
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elizanikol · 1 month
Eliza almost stumbled headlong into the scene, literally - she rounded the corner and tripped over an uneven part of the road, regaining her footing just in time to realize exactly what she'd walked into - her father, in an armed standoff with a Triad agent. Her father, was injured and bleeding out right in front of her. She stepped closer, trying to get to him, and the agent took advantage of the momentary distraction to turn the gun towards her instead.
"How about this?" he offered Maveric. "Put yours down and I won't shoot her."
"Dad?" her voice trembled. She was only human. No speed, no healing, nothing that would help her survive what would happen if he pulled the trigger. She shut her eyes, waiting for the worst.
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Open Starter - @darkskiesrpgstarters
"Fuck," Maveric groaned, digits pressing against the bullet wound in his abdomen. The pain seared, radiating through his frame has leant forward over the now dead triad agents body. "Prick. What happened to need them fucking alive, huh? Some fucking agents you dipshits have." His gaze snaps to the approaching figure, dark irises glaring daggers as teeth grit tightly together through the pain and a single hand moves quickly to grab his gun, pointing it at the other. "One wrong move and I swear to God I will put a bullet in your head," he threatens. He had to get back to Rebekah, to his kids. This was not how a Salvatore went down.
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elizanikol · 1 month
Eliza was still trying to get home, but it was like traversing a war zone - everywhere there was chaos, everywhere there was blood and fire. Narrow escape after narrow escape were taking their toll on her, but when she caught sight of Carson she found new speed in her legs to carry her to his side. "God, are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."
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His shirt was soaked with now dried blood and he wandered the streets, trying to comprehend what had happened. The gunfire and screams had died down but it was evident that a battle had occurred - multiple deaths on both sides littering the streets. "Jesus," he breathed, tripping over an arm and falling against the wall of a nearby building. "Shit," he hissed, pain still radiating through his being
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elizanikol · 1 month
closed for @vilisisms (rebekah)
It wasn't as if Eliza was a stranger to Triad's pursuit of their family. It was a fact of life, as immutable as breathing. But this was completely different - it was an attack out of nowhere, in a time and place where she'd begun to feel safe. It was so fast that she still had a stack of books in her hand, bringing them home to hole up in her room and do more reading. The yell came first, something about her being one of the specimens, and then the pounding of combat boots against the pavement. It felt like slow motion as she turned to see them chasing her, and she dropped her books as she began to run.
Eliza wasn't an athlete, and her all too human body didn't offer any advantages in running from trained agents. A hand grazed her shoulder and tore her shirt around the collar, but the tear was the only reason she got away as the Triad agent's grip slipped off. "Mom!" she screamed with whatever air was left in her lungs, silently pleading for Rebekah to be in range of her voice. "Dad! Anybody!" A hand tried to close around her dark hair and she whipped her head to the side, ducking into a dark alley and out the other side, searching for a place to hide.
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