elizadalton · 3 years
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elizadalton · 3 years
Question, how long did it take your Master to break you in so well? I’m curious.
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I’ve had the privilege of serving my Master for the last 15 years, Sir, though it didn’t take him nearly that long to train me. Probably no more than a couple of weeks if I had to estimate. Master’s very good at what he does — not to mention his species is known for their powers of persuasion.
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elizadalton · 3 years
 on what is it then? What am I even supposed to learn from this? I- I just
 I don’t think this is the place for me, Miss Eliza. Please, just let me go, I promise I won’t tell anyone what happened
 I just want to go home.
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Why, you’re going to learn the most important lesson a slave can: how to be of service to a Master — which can’t happen if I let you go, now can it? As for going home... you are home, Alessa. It might not feel like it right now, but it will. Master Nathaniel and I are the only family you need. Nobody can love you, protect you, and help you grow as a person like we can. 
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elizadalton · 3 years
 I- I’m sorry but I don’t think I understand what is going on here. I just wanted to get an education. I think I might be in the wrong place.
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There’s no need to call me Miss, darling; we share a mark, after all. As for an education, you’ll still be receiving one... just not in the manner or on the subject matter you thought it would be. This is still very much a learning experience, though — as much for my Master and I as it is for you lot.
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elizadalton · 3 years
My master’s certainly a hard act to follow; he’s got such a way with words, doesn’t he? Nevertheless, I thought I’d poke my head out and say hello — and welcome to the slaves who are joining our little family here at the Estate for the first time. For those of you who don’t already know, my name is Eliza Dalton and I’m the claimed slave of — you guessed it — Master Nathaniel himself. While this is the only way of life we have ever known, it is not lost on me that the same cannot be said for most if not all of our new arrivals. I’m not going to sugarcoat it; this is going to be a major adjustment, but like most things in this life, it can and will get easier with the passage of time — if you simply allow it to do so. And if not, well... then for your sake, I sincerely hope you enjoy pain because you’re going to become very well-acquainted with it very quickly if you refuse to follow the rules.
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elizadalton · 3 years
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elizadalton · 3 years
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elizadalton · 3 years
Mildred Ratched + costumes part 1/? RATCHED SEASON ONE (2020)
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