Task 3 - Promotional Campaign Analysis Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino
Promotional Timeline
(January 29, 2018) Arctic Monkeys updated their social media with new photos, signalling the beginning of a new ‘era’ for the band.
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(January 29, 2018) The band updated their website with their first tour dates. This began speculation from fans that the band would soon be releasing their sixth album.
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(April 5, 2018) The band broke their silence on social media after just over two months. On this date they released a promotional video, officially announcing their new album: Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino. The video can be found here.
(April 5, 2018) They also announced the release date and track listing for the album, as well as making it available for pre order.
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(April 5, 2018 - present) The bands social media and website were continually updated with tour dates, including both America and Europe
(May 3, 2018) Arctic Monkeys are set to perform their first live show as a part of this album cycle. They are also not releasing any singles before the album
SWOT Analysis of Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino Promotion
The band updating their photo’s on social media and announcing festival dates lead to speculation and excitement that they would be releasing a new album in the upcoming months
Being silent on social media for just over two months was a strategic move that allowed hype to build of for the inevitable announcement of the bands sixth album
This same strategy was employed with the bands choice to not release any singles prior to album two, and also ensures more people will listen to the full album upon release
Releasing tour dates and tickets before any music is also a strategy for people to buy tickets before deciding whether or not they enjoy Arctic Monkeys new music
Releasing the promotional video (although only 41 seconds long), provided a taste for what sort of music was to come. The music in the background of this video was a big departure from the rock sound of their last album, therefore could of alienated some fans
Their first show for this album cycle was on May 3rd, therefore fans will hear new music before the release of the album. This could negatively impact the band as people can record their new music and post it on social media, therefore ruining the surprise of their new album
The band did an interview with MOJO, where they described the new album as almost being an Alex Turner (lead vocalist, songwriter) solo project, and “
not typically what we would do.” (Langford, 2018). Giving this information away about the album might turn some fans off as they are not interested int he bands new sound
Releasing a teaser video that didn’t feature new music
Having their first live show after the release of their album
Not giving details about the albums in interviews
By acknowledging in an interview that they have steered away from a guitar heavy sound, this could cause fans to become uninterested in the bands new music and instead turn to other artists
Arctic Monkeys. 2018. “Arctic Monkeys - Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino”. YouTube video, April 5, 2018.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uGQ_ypTw08
Arctic Monkeys. 2018. “Live”. Accessed May 2, 2018. http://www.arcticmonkeys.com/live
Arctic Monkeys. 2018. “News”. Accessed May 2, 2018. http://www.arcticmonkeys.com/news
Arctic Monkeys. 2018. “Updated Cover Photo”. Facebook, January 29, 2018. https://www.facebook.com/ArcticMonkeys/photos/a.10150596479865967.382045.9520450966/10156061072800967/?type=3
Arctic Monkeys. 2018. “Updated Profile Picture”. Facebook, January 29, 2018. https://www.facebook.com/ArcticMonkeys/photos/a.428169835966.225915.9520450966/10156061073655967/?type=3
Arctic Monkeys. 2018. “2018 Festival Dates”. Facebook, January 29, 2018. https://www.facebook.com/ArcticMonkeys/posts/10156061104055967
Langford, J. 2018. “Arctic Monkeys Say Their New Album Is Not “Guitar Heavy””. Music Feeds. April 24, 2018. http://musicfeeds.com.au/news/arctic-monkeys-say-new-album-not-guitar-heavy/
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Task 3 - Electronic Press Kit
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For this task I chose to focus on an up and coming artist, CXLOE, to ensure there was no cross over with an existing EPK.  
Currently, CXLOE’s information is spread across multiple channels, with domains such as her website barley providing any information on her. The goal for this EPK was to create a space where all of CXLOE’s information would be easily accessible to members of the press in one location.
This EPK contains: a new biography, photographs, a list of upcoming events (currently none), reviews of her music, contact details for her management, a link to her website, links to her social medias and links to her music and videos.
CXLOE’s Electronic Press Kit can be found here.
CXLOE. n.d. “CONTACT.” Accessed April 5, 2018. https://www.cxloe.com/contact
Devise. 2017. “NOW HEAR THIS: CXLOE - “Tough Love”.” Accessed April 6, 2018. http://devisemag.com/music/now-hear-this-cxloe-tough-love/
Hayden Davies. 2018. “CXLOE establishes herself as one of Australia's next big pop acts with Monster.” Accessed April 6, 2018. http://pilerats.com/music/electronic/cxloe-establishes-herself-as-one-of-australias-next-big-pop-acts-with-monster/
Mushroom Music Publishing. n.d. “CXLOE.” Accessed April 5, 2018. https://mushroommusic.com/songwriters/cxloe/
Thomas Bleach. 2018. “SINGLE REVIEW: CXLOE - MONSTER.” Accessed April 6, 2018. https://thomasbleach.com/2018/03/12/single-review-cxloe-monster/
Image References 
Arc Street Journal. 2017. “RISING INDIE POP STAR CXLOE UNVEILS A NEW TRACK 'TOUGH LOVE'.” Accessed April 5, 2018. http://www.arcstreet.com/2017/10/rising-indie-pop-star-cxloe-unveils-a-new-track-tough-love.html
Conversations About Her. 2017. “CXLOE – Tough Love (Stripped) | New Music.” Accessed April 5, 2018. http://conversationsabouther.net/cxloe-tough-love-stripped-new-music/
Genius. n.d. “CXLOE - Monster Lyrics.” Accessed April 6, 2018. https://genius.com/Cxloe-monster-lyrics
Genius. n.d. “CXLOE - Tough Love Lyrics.” Accessed April 6, 2018. https://genius.com/Cxloe-tough-love-lyrics
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Annotated Bibliography
Bert, Geodertier, Verstreken. 2013. “Online Music Consumption in Today’s Technological Context: Putting the Influence of Ethics in Perspective.” Journal of Business Ethics 124 (4): http://dx.doi.org.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/10.1007/s10551-013-1892-y
This article examines how people choose to consume music in the modern day. This was conducted through research which was used in conjunction with surveys and interviews.The authors of this article are all professionals working within marketing. The journal itself is peer reviewed. The research throughout this article comes from a number of reputable sources. Further, the interviews conducted were very in depth, and offered an insight into different demographics.This article will help in my final assessment, as the surveys and interviews offer consumers first hand account of the issue. This also provides information on how the music industry has adapted to the issue of music piracy.
Brown, S. 2014. “'With a little help from my friends': Peer production and the changing face of the live album.” International Journal of Music Business Research 3 (1): 52-64. https://musicbusinessresearch.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/volume-3-no-1-april-2014_brown_end2.pdf
This article focuses on the decline of the traditional studio album. This is analysed in relation to the digital era of music, where people have the ability to crowd source and peer produce albums without the assistance or need of a studio. The author of this source, Steven C. Brown, is a Doctoral Research Student, who has conducted research into music piracy. The International Journal of Music Business Research is a peer reviewed academic journal. The author also supported many of his arguments with reliable references. This article will be useful for my future research, in terms of identifying trends and changes within the recording industry. This article aided in my understanding of how crowd sourcing websites have the possibility to change the nature of the recording industry within the future. This will then lead to further, more specific, research about the changes occurring to record companies, musicians and listeners. The reference list at the end also provides helpful sources.
Evgeniva, Daniela. 2017. “The Impact of Streaming on the Music Industry.” Thrive Global, August 29, 2017. https://www.thriveglobal.com/stories/12286-the-impact-of-music-streaming
This article provides an overview on the issue of streaming, and its overall impact on the music industry. It does this through research and statistics. The author of this article is a journalist and digital marketer. There are no references provided on any of the facts presented, but some further research shows these facts to be true. This will be useful in providing a general history on the issue of streaming, as well as some history and scope of the issue.
Fer, A and Baarsma, B. (2016). “Rockonomics Revisited: The rise of music streaming services and the effect on the concert industry.” International Journal of Music and Business Research 5 (1): 7-36. https://musicbusinessresearch.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/volume-5-no-1-april-2016-fer-and-baarsma1.pdf
This article explores the link between higher ticket prices for live concert events, and the decrease in music sales. It does this through research, with a particular focus on Krueger’s 2005 paper: “The Economics of Real Superstars: The Market for Rock Concerts in the Material World. Barbara Baarsma is a professor of applied economics, and Adam Fer currently works within the media industries. As stated earlier, this is a peer reviewed journal. This article provides an insight into a economic/business perspective of the streaming issue. This will help provide supporting evidence for points made in relation to how streaming is effecting the music industry.
Marshall, L. 2015. “‘Let’s Keep Music Special. F- Spotify’: on-demand streaming and the controversy over artist royalties.” Creative Industries Journal 8 (2): 1-7. https://doi-org.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/10.1080/17510694.2015.1096618
Similar to other sources used previously, this article explores the topic of how the music industry has responded to the rise of streaming services. This article focuses on how artists have responded to this, and the controversy that has arisen. This was explored through research, including both academic and non academic sources. Lee Marshal has studied at the School of Sociology. This journal is another double blind, peer reviewed journal. Although some of the sources used in this article are not academic, when compared to other sources the information provided can be fact checked, and remains true. This article is extremely useful for future assessment as it provides a perspective that hasn’t been explored in previous articles, regarding how artists are reacting to the changes within the music industry.
Nicholson, J. 2017. “If Spotify is so huge, why is it loosing money?” Australian Broadcasting Corporation News, September 6, 2017. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-09-06/digital-music-streaming-rising-but-spotify-losing-money/8875188
This source explores how Spotify operates from a business perspective. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is Australia’s national broadcaster, and remains an unbiased and reliable source. This article will help in understanding how streaming services operate, and how they make money.
Tiffany, Kaitlyn. 2017. “A History of Taylor Swift’s odd, conflicting stances on streaming services.” The Verge, June 9, 2017. https://www.theverge.com/2017/6/9/15767986/taylor-swift-apple-music-spotify-statements-timeline
This article explored pop star Taylor Swifts history with streaming services, and provides a timeline of key events in relation to this. The author of this article is a journalist, but does not have a specific interest in music journalism. Despite this, the facts presented int his article align with other sources. This article will be used in conjunction with the journal article written by Marshall, to provide the perspective of artists on this issue.
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Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life - Review
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The Liverpool threesome doesn’t do much to reinvent the wheel on their newest release
The early 2000’s are considered the pinnacle of indie rock. The Wombats debut LP, ‘A Guide to Love Loss and Desperation’ was an album that capitalised on this, full of indie rock anthems. The Wombats further developed their sound with the release of This Modern Glitch, and by the time their third album, Glitterbug, came around, the three Liverpudlians had come into their own, both sound and style wise.
Three years later The Wombats are back with their newest release, Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life, and, in comparison to previous work, it’s perfectly average. Lyrically, The lyrical themes of coming-of-age and everything associated with that are still evident on this album, but, perhaps due to the growing age of the band, it feels as if songwriter Mathew Murphy is playing the character of the younger man he used to be, rather than maturing into adulthood, which makes the lyrics seem disingenuous. With the exception of their second single, Cheetah Tongue, Murphy seems to have stepped away from the quirky metaphors the band is known for, and instead has gone for a songwriting style that doesn't leave much for the audience to dissect. This is perfectly shown through lines like: “my hands shake like jelly fish when you’re near” which, although eccentric, don’t display the smart and witty metaphors the band had become known for. All of this leaves a majority of the songs feeling slightly lacklustre and generic. 
Overall, this is by no means a bad album, but when compared to the bands first three LP’s, it falls flat. The lyrics are lack what made previous songs by the band so special and fun. The first three singles released from the album are the most vibrant in terms of production and lyricism, but there is no chance of ‘Lemon to a Knife Fight’ becoming an indie classic in the same way ‘Joy Division’, ‘Tokyo’ and ‘Greek Tragedy’ are. This lack lustre lyricism paired with a less quirky, indie sound cements Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life as the more inferior album in the bands discography. 
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