Elliot Vervingers -21 -IOTA MU PI -Political Science Major -Hockey Team Captain - Softball Team Co-Captain - Lesbian ( in the closet)
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Wyatt’s starter isn’t showing up in the tag yet so here is the link:
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If anyone wants to plot with my new character Wyatt ( Steven R McQueen), hmu!
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“Oh, always, honey,” Valerie shrugs a shoulder, “Unless my door is locked, I’m always happy to take in guests,” she chuckles, “We can cuddle and watch Netflix, or anything you’d like.”
Elliot smiled and nodded. “ Same applies to my room. If it’s locked I’m gone or busy but otherwise, I’d love some company.” Elliot loved the sound of cuddling and watching Netflix with her but she wouldn’t let her know that.
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“Oh yeah?” His voice lifts from interest. “Remind me to not get on your bad side.” A smile begins to appear as he orders another drink with a low-raised hand and a nod of the bartender. “Is that what fills you then? Hockey?”
Elliot let out a chuckle and nodded. “Yeah, Hockey, softball, baking sweets, lots of other things...” She took a drink of her beer and looked over at the other. Elliot was still trying to place him in her head. She had seen him somewhere and if she didn’t figure it out it would drive her crazy all day.
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Opening the door Astrid looked at Elliot smiling up at her “hey there your nose is looking better”
“ Yeah, the bruising is starting to go away.” She chuckled. “ Anyways I have your favorite treat from the bakery...” She holds out the box for the other.
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“oh wow did you break her arm or something?”
“ I ended up with a broken nose and bruised knuckles and she ended up with a broken wrist,, two black eyes, and a fractured collar bone...”
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“Defending your teammates, how noble. How cute.” She matched her smirk, chuckling at her words. “I’d be worried if you did. I don’t like seeing you hurt but heres to hoping you have a little more fight left in ya.”
Elliot let out a chuckled and nodded. “ I end up in the penalty box for small things usually instead of fighting but I do fight a few times per season.” Her smirk grew listening to the others words.
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As she heard a knock on the door, Vanessa sat at her desk for more than a brief moment, glancing over at the door and wondering if she truly wanted to open it. She was going through a lot and the last thing she wanted was for someone to realize whatever inner struggle she was going through. Not wanting to be rude, she got up from her seat and opened it, giving Elliot a weak smile. “Hey!…what are you doing here?”
Elliot’s smiled faded slightly seeing the others weak smile. “ I just wanted to stop by and chek up on you. I even brought some of your favorite treats...” Her smiled becoming wide again but her voice was soft.
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ryker had just come back from a run, and was cooling down in his room, music lightly playing. he heard the knock on his door and went to open it, “uh.. can i help you?”
Elliot looked up when Ryker opened the door. “ Hey, I was just coming by to check up on you. I brought you a treat..” She smiled softly holding out the box for him. Elliot had always been the type to watch over others, it was a habit she couldn’t shake.
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“You’re so sweet,” Valerie says softly, “I don’t need anything, baby, I’ve never really been a material girl. I just like some quality time.”
Elliot’s still present blush became darker as she was so nervous. “ T-then if you ever want company. Let me know.” She says softly and then clears hr throat and tucks a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.
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Valerie raises a brow and laughs as she steps back, “Whatever you want, sweetheart,” she says, her voice softer, “You just let me know.”
“ If you ever need a pick me up let me know, I can go get you a sweet or flowers or coffee.” She smiles softly at the other girl hoping her blush had faded but she was still nervous as Valerie's facial expressions said it all.
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“You tell me,” he says with a nod and a lazy smile, “I’m not surprised. I think I just have one of those faces.” He leans back in his seat, his back arching for stretch before regaining his posture, “So, stranger, what’s your war story?”
Elliot nods. “ It’s probably that or I saw you in passing at some type of event.” She chuckles and a small smile creeps onto her face as her Guinness arrives. “ Thanks.” She muttered at the bartender before turning her attention back to him. “ My war story?” She laughs softly. “ I play hockey for the school so at times you get into fights with girls from other teams.” She shrugged as if it was casual.
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“Oh no, baby,” Valerie tuts as she steps towards the other, gently touching her shoulder, “You should take better care of yourself. But, you come to me when you need it, alright, sweetheart?”
Elliot’s heart begins to beat a bit faster as Valerie touches her shoulder. “ I-I know. Will do, Val.” Her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She couldn’t tell if Valerie knew she wasn’t straight or didn’t know. Elliot tried to hide it but it was very hard at times.
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Current tally:
Sam Claflin: 2
Willa Holland:2
Steven R McQueen: 1
Drew Van Acker: 1
anyone else want to let me know which fc they would like to see?
I’m thinking of creating another character. I have a few ideas below. Which fc would you like to see?
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“Don’t they always?” she laughs, shrugging a shoulder, “And hey, baby, I’m always available to provide TLC when you need it.”
“ Yeah but last game, I ended up in a fight. My knuckles are still bruised and my nose is healing up and my hip is bruised from getting hip with a ball at one of my softball games.” she chuckled. “ I’ll keep that in mind...”
#Elliot is still in the closet#She's so confused because Valerie is so pretty but she doesn't think she'd be into her#but also she doesn't know if she is being flirty or being sweet#elliot is a mess
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“Simple research.” He laughed playfully. “Oh, well my apologies. I didn’t mean to assume that you were confident in your body.” He bit down on his lower lip. “I promise to pay you back in full.” Alek grinned and let his eyes scan over her beautiful frame as she removed her t-shirt and stood before him. She was quite toned which wasn’t obvious from the clothes she was wearing. “Alright. Just hop up on the table here and we can get started.”
Elliot chuckled feeling his eyes scan over her body. She hopped up on the counter and put her hands in her lap. “ Ignore the bruise on my hip. Sports can get pretty brutal.” She chuckles softly. “ So. Shall we begin?”
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“Oh, baby, let me pamper you,” Valerie says with a laugh, shimmying lightly as she beams, “I’m all about the self care, honestly, it’s what I live for, to help poor unfortunate merfolk, like yourself,” she says, slipping into an Ursula impression.
Elliot let out a hearty laugh and smiled at the blond as she did an impression of Ursula. “ Oh my, yeah my face and the rest of my body need some TLC after the last hockey game.”
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