- ̗̀ 𝓼𝓾𝓮 / 𝕞𝕖
21 posts
don't know what you've been 𝓉𝑜𝓁𝒹 but this gal here's gonna ℝ𝕌𝕃𝔼 the world. that's where i'm gonna be 'cause i wanna be. no, i don't wanna s t i l l, look 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓉𝓎.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
elixms · 5 years ago
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“whoa.. haha,” maxi said this as he raised both hands in a surrendering manner, pausing in his approach. he wasn’t sure who that was meant for, but he or she must have really annoyed the hell out of this girl. “really? the last person?” he joked, as if she had meant these words for him the entire time. “that’s pretty harsh. i would hope like you’d still choose me over someone like oj simpson or something.” 
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with her gaze landing on a boy she only saw around the halls for a few times, elissa’s brows were quick to knit together in evident unfriendliness that practically radiated from her. she wasn’t exactly keen on meeting new people or having small talk, which explained her lack of friends. " don’t tell me you’re in cocoons with that guy, “ she muttered out, fingers tracing along her forehead as if she was momentarily suffering from a tremendous headache. “ and maybe i wouldn’t choose either of you ? why would i need a guy for anyway, “ 
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elixms · 5 years ago
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Lorenzo whistled softly to him as he walked into the common room, bag strung casually over his shoulder, his eyes scanning around the room before they landed on a familiar blonde. Though he seemed like the type of male that Eli would avoid, they had somehow managed to become friends despite Lorenzo’s constant flirting and Lothario nature but they had become friends through it all. Chuckling to him as he stood behind her, clearing his throat awkwardly at her words. “I stopped asking a long time ago,” he pointed out seriously before he fell in the seat across from her, letting his bad drop to the floor with a silent thud. “I’m a bit offended that you would think I would ask again after the cool sting of your rejection so many times,” he teased softly, still chuckling to herself. “and how are you today?”
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his comment made her give him a look, brow raising in evident lack of trust over them. “ since when do you give up in your pursuits ? “ she asked, partially a little amused by the fact he seemed to finally get the memo that she wasn’t into stereotypical playboys. it was hard not to smile as he continued, which perhaps explained why she tried to hide it by looking down at her book to close it, considering it as a temporary excuse to hide her amusement. “ can’t say i ever considered you as a quitter but, at least you finally got the memo, “ she said, head tilting to a side as she rested both of her hands on the table. “ i’m good, just came from the rink, “ she then replied with a casual shrug that dropped from her shoulders. “ and you ? any new broken hearts since the last time i saw you ? “ 
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elixms · 5 years ago
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“oh wow..” clarissa’s green eyes widened a bit at the girl’s words until she turned around and just saw that it was harmless ol’ her. “sounds like someone has been bugging you this morning..” she couldn’t relate though, she’d never had anyone do anything like that with her but other females around her seemed to have this problem a lot more often than she realized. clarissa moved to take a seat and join elissa. “is everything okay or was he really that bothersome?”
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" a nobody, “ elissa was quick to declare with a small sigh, not wanting to waste another breath on the guy that pissed her off just a few minutes prior. in all honesty, she should’ve grown used with people coming over with her career skyrocketing for the past couple of years ; but that only happened at the rink or the place the competition was held... definitely not luxor. in fact, elissa was more than thankful for the fact her peers didn’t seem to care. “ yeah, everything’s fine... he was just.. wouldn’t take no for an answer, “ the blonde replied, brushing a strand of hair away from her face as she somewhat relaxed in her chair. 
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elixms · 5 years ago
Logan barely slept last night. He had stayed up going over all his classes. He was a bit behind because some days, he was just physically present in class. Last night, he was fed up. He wasn’t willing to let his grades suffer early on in the school year because of what he was going through. So, he was going to focus and get right back on track before it was too late. He had time to kill before his first class so he headed out, carrying his German textbook and decided to go do some reading before class out in the courtyard. On his way, he noticed a familiar blonde. Even if it was just her back to him, it didn’t need much for him to recognize who it was. He wasn’t planning on talking to her of course but then she stopped him. She obviously thought he was someone else. He stayed quiet just to see where she was going with this and when she’d realize she had the wrong person. He tilted his head slightly to the side when she turned around noticing it was him. “Lissa,” he greeted her quietly with a slightly nod. She still was a cranky morning person. He wasn’t going to try and make conversation given everything.
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it almost felt like all air was punched out of her lungs the second her green hues landed on him ; red lips slightly parting in surprise that out of all people that morning, it had to be him she’d encounter before the day has even started. " logan, “ she greeted him back in the same fashion, collecting herself rather fast per usual as she remained looking seemingly unbothered by his presence. despite the fact they hadn’t exactly talked much after everything that went down between them ( especially when he started dating someone else ), elissa was more than aware of what happened to him, and the fact he probably shut himself off from sharing any details. after all, in that area they were pretty much the same. “ since when are you a morning person ? “ she asked, something inside her practically urging her to keep the conversation alive despite how much she knew it probably wasn’t the wisest idea. 
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elixms · 5 years ago
Ronan was certainly thankful that he had spent so much of his summer living on campus. It certainly made the start of classes to be much smoother and less frantic than if he had just arrived and was still trying to understand where everything was. He walked through every hall, every door, up and down every set of stairs… just to be absolutely sure that he knew where everything was. The last thing he wanted to do would to get lost and have to ask for any help… “Uh— wow, um.” Ronan scratched his head, letting out a bit of an awkward chuckle in response. “Do you need me to beat someone up for you?” He offered, although not really serious in the slightest. Ronan had yet to actually get into a full blown fight. And something told him he wouldn’t really get into any in the future either. Still, there was no harm in asking, right? Even if it was just as a joke. 
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once her eyes landed on a familiar dark-haired boy, elissa was quick to let out a soft sigh ; partially out of relief that it was him, but also because she felt immensely guilty. it wasn’t rare she got such a feeling but given the fact how she felt about ronan ; she couldn’t help it. “ god no, you know i can take care of myself, “ she replied quickly, dismissing the idea with a wave of her hand even though she was more than positive ronan would actually defend her if the opportunity came. however, it wasn’t something elissa was willing to risk. standing up, the blonde studied him for a moment before her hand reached over to gently cup one of his cheeks, a small smile by then gracing her lips. “ you look good, “ she then announced, the summer definitely working in his advantage. “ did you eat a lot of spinach like popeye to get this big ? “ sarcasm was evident in her tone as she began teasing him, a playful side that only a few people actually got to see and ronan was one of them. “ no, but seriously, you look good, “ she added along before giving him a hug. 
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elixms · 5 years ago
Colin hadn’t been sleeping well for the past couple weeks, and so by consequence, he’d found himself rising as early as was possible; it was better to be up and doing things than to be laying in his bed dwelling on all of the crappy things that had happened during the camping trip, after all. Usually he went for a run to fill the time between rising and the start of class, but it was raining this morning, so he went to the dining hall to do some studying instead. As he entered the room, he saw that there was almost nobody else around, which wasn’t really surprising. He spotted something laying on the ground a few feet from where a pretty blonde girl was sitting with her nose in a book, and he scooped it up, walking over to return it to her. He wasn’t even going to say anything, but just return the item and carry on with his day, since she seemed to be preoccupied, but much to his surprise, she rounded on him and began telling him off, although as he listened to what she was saying, he could certainly understand why; obviously someone had pushed her buttons already that morning, and she thought he was back for more.  “I…no it’s….it’s fine. i just…I think you might have dropped this?…Or…or maybe the guy who was bothering you took it and dropped it because you rejected him? I…it’s…..or maybe it’s not even yours…I’m…I’m not sure?” Shaking his head, he shrugged, holding out what he assumed to be her scarf. “I…you’re the only person who’s here besides….besides that guy who’s sitting over in that corner and….and I don’t think this is really his colour but….but I….I think…you would look really…well…I could be wrong though.”
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the very second her green hues landed on the boy now standing before her, elissa knew she made a terrible mistake ; after all, he wasn’t the obnoxious, overly confident guy that stood before her nearly five minutes ago. in fact, he seemed nervous ; shy even, as her gaze landed on her green scarf. of course, it was hers, she could’ve picked it apart from any other scarf other people were wearing considering it had her own very initials at the bottom. a fan-given gift a season ago she couldn’t stop wearing. yet, his ramblings got her brows to knit together as she looked up at him again, red lips somewhat puckering up in thought. “ you talk too much, “ she announced straight off the bat, per usual not bothered by her bluntness around strangers as she reached to take her scarf. “ yeah, it’s mine, thanks, “ she continued a moment later, biting on the inside of her cheek as she put the item in her backpack. “ i know i may seem like i’m going to bite your head off but i’m not, so relax, there’s no need to be nervous unless you’re related to the same prick who was here a moment ago, “ it was perhaps the longest sentence elissa worded out to a stranger in days. 
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elixms · 5 years ago
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♪ she can’t help it ♪
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elixms · 5 years ago
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with a cup of ( untouched ) coffee resting between her slender fingers, the blonde kept staring at the book she was reading despite the fact she read the same line three times ; barely keeping her eyelids open after waking up at exactly 4:30am in order to train. which by all means wasn’t something new but with weeks of being overworked and over-committed with everything, all elissa wanted to do was take an hour to herself ( and her freshly made coffee ) before class. with a loud sigh that escaped her as she felt someone’s presence behind her, she was quick to assume it was the same guy from five minutes ago who wouldn’t leave her alone. “ the answer is still no, “ she abruptly said before the other had the chance to even speak. “ and before you go on again, let me make it perfectly clear that even if i were desperate, starved and begging for it that you’d still be the last- “ she then stopped, considering she finally turned around only to notice she was talking to the wrong person. “..... and you’re not who i thought. shit, i’m sorry. “ 
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elixms · 5 years ago
“So? How does it look?” Kenzie asked, spinning around and pulling the strap of her tank top to the side to show off her brand new tattoo. It was a black wolf head with the words ‘live for more’ arched across the top and beneath finishing the circle around the wolf, the name Sgt. Mark Horton and a bunch of numbers after it. “I think it’s healing up rather nicely! It may not be some super sexy tattoo, but I like it.”
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slowly moving averting her gaze from the screen of her phone to look at the wolf tattoo that was practically staring right back at her ; the blonde’s brows knitted together. for a moment or two, she said nothing but stare, before eventually breaking it to look at the girl herself. “ isn’t it a bit too big ? “ she asked in a rather nonchalant tone, bottom lip only slightly extending. “ just make sure you don’t get in trouble for it, the teachers around this place look for even the slightest reason to send someone in detention, “ while her tone was definitely stern, elissa still meant well despite appearances. 
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elixms · 5 years ago
“I can’t believe school already started back up, it feels like just yesterday it was summer break.” Autumn admitted as she unpacked her stuff in her dorm, she had just gotten back from her mother’s place and she realized she was a bit late to school, but she didn’t care. “What’d you do this summer?” @luxorstarters
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“ tell me about it, “ was all the blonde said, lips puckered up as she kept on staring out the window of autumn’s dorm. while her summer vacation was far from being an actual vacation, she was still at home ; and not this place. “ oh, y’know... complimenting on my career choices and cursing into the wind, “ she sarcastically added along, although truthfully she wasn’t that far off given the fact she suffered through a major knee injury that kept her off the ice for nearly two months. “ how about you ? did anything fun ? "
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elixms · 5 years ago
˛ ʿ  hiiiiii !!   i’m clara (she/her) bringing you this beacon of light (even tho she’s far from it lol) buuut she’s a character i wanted to play for quite some time! so without further ado under the cut you’ll find out more if you have the energy to read all my rambles written at exactly 2:23am!<3 
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is that ELISSA DVORCEK? wow, they do look a lot like JOSEFINE PETTERSEN. i hear SHE is a SEVENTEEN year old JUNIOR who originally attended LUXOR academy. word is they are a REGULAR student. you should watch out because they can be SARCASTIC and ALOOF, but on the bright side they can also be LOYAL and COURAGEOUS. ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself. 
𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼 𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓭𝓾𝓵𝓮 !!
✦ shakespearean studies
✦  french 
✦  advanced algebra 
✦  advanced psychology 
✦  pilates 
✦  advanced ballet 
✦  world history  
𝓮𝔁𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓻𝓼 !! 
national honors society 
book club 
𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓰𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓲𝓷𝓯𝓸 !!
✦ first things first, elissa actually comes from a wealthy family, just not that noble. her norwegian mother was a nobody while her american father was a self-made businessman. their love was unexpected given their different social & finacial backgrounds which resulted in her mother’s move to nyc. but they were happy ; and that happiness was only maximized with the birth of their daughter.
✦ with her father’s growing hotel business, it was safe to say that elissa grew up with everything her heart could’ve possibly desired, however, she was far from being the typical rich girl. while kids in her position would take advantage of her parent’s financial situation and live like kings, this little girl was self-reliant from day one and aimed to achieve her own dreams in life. 
✦ and that dream was... *drum roll pls* figure skating ! it was a full time, year-around commitment but with intense training, strict diet plan and hard work, huge talent and drive the little girl became an athlete her parents were more than proud of which was the main reason why they enrolled her into luxor academy. especially after the dean promised that for the right amount of money, he’ll make sure elissa got all the private tutors and trainers her heart desired. so when she won her first U.S. champion title he made sure the whole world knew he was the one responsible (aka he bragged so much even the old ladies rolled their eyes). 
✦ with her busy (and definitely personalized) schedule her social life in luxor was basically... non existent. even when she did have the time to socialize or actually do something like a teenager would, she preferred to stick to her small circle of trusted friends or just watch a good movie. 
✦ as for her love life, the girl.... well, given the fact she barely has time for anything and even when she does she’s not exactly sociable, she’s definitely somewhat inexperienced. however, it wasn’t something people noticed due to her high level of confidence. nobody dared to question whenever or not she even had a boyfriend, yet alone had sex when she gave them a glare that could’ve easily start another ice age. overall, it wasn’t something she was open about ; nor particularly cared. 
𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓽𝔂  !!
✦ positive traits: loyal, ambitious, self-reliant, courageous
✦ negative traits: stubborn, sarcastic, opinionated, aloof
✦ talents: gymnastics, ice skating, playing the piano (not everyone knows)
✦ fears: heartbreak, losing someone she loves, that she’ll have to stop skating
✦ loves: coffee, chai and green tea, celine dion, banana-flavored muffins, scented candles, horror movies, people who make her laugh, cinnamon hot chocolate, sunrises and sunsets, being in control, cold weather, prada, knitted sweaters, old disney movies
✦ hates: animal cruelty, distractions, bad manners, noises when trying to sleep, when people she’s not close to get in her personal space, oatmeal raisin cookies, feeling weak or helpless, brussels sprouts, when someone is bossing her around, bigotry 
✦ &&& more about her personality !! honestly, this girl is so stubborn she can probably go without eating just to prove a damn point. and tbh, she kind of has a problem with being in control too? she likes things in order and being in charge which is probably the main reason why she absolutely HATES failing. she also doesn’t easily trust people which explains why she comes across as somewhat cold and distant but do not be fooled ! she has a v sharp tongue & won’t hesitate to throw a sarcastic comment your way! 
✦  overall, it takes time for her to open up, but when she does that soft and goofy side of her comes out that only her closest friends get to see. she’s very motherly and protective over her friends (momma bear alert y’all!) and would even out herself in danger for them. also loyal to the very core so if you landed her as a friend you definitely won’t be sorry !
𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓬𝓾𝓽𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼  !!
✦ her favorite perfume has a scent of orange&honey which reminds her of christmas. 
✦  monica geller & kat stratford are her spirit animals! 
✦  has a passion for wearing knitted sweaters as soon as it’s cold outside and probably owns like a hundred in all shapes, sizes and colors. + red lipstick ? her trademark. 
✦  christmas is her favorite holiday & she loves everything revolving it ! the decorations, the food, the corny christmas movies, snow, spirit.... so she always decorates her room way too early and leaves the decorations in way too late.
✦  due to her strict diet that involves a lot of healthy food and no alcohol, she’s a lightweight but WILL argue differently. she’s too proud to admit two glasses of wine can get her drunk. 
✦  cried like a baby when mufasa died and susan forgot about narnia. 
✦  completely indifferent (a little bit amused) by the rivalry between two schools. 
✦  cleans when frustrated!
✦  has a private, very strict coach that lives in close proximity of campus. 
✦  practices every day for at least four to five hours which includes on ice training and off ice (like ballet, gym & pilates)
✦  adores og horror movies like psycho, the shinning, halloween, jaws, the silence of the lambs...
✦  her biggest goal in life is to go to the 2022 olympics and get that gold !!! 
✦  and last but not least (TW: DRUG USE), she suffered through a p nasty fall on live tv during her competition two months ago when she tried to land a triple axel (a big overachiever what can i say) which resulted in a p nasty knee injury which meant she had to take ‘time off’ but she’s too stubborn to listen to her doctors so she pushes herself and takes painkillers to ease the pain. (lowkey addicted by now) 
𝓪𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔀𝓬𝓼 !! 𝓲 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓹𝓪𝓰𝓮  HERE  𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓲𝓯 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓼 𝓸𝓻 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓶 𝓲’𝓶 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓲𝓽 !
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elixms · 5 years ago
He licked his lips. “Well, if you want my opinion–” “I don’t,” she said. “I have my own.”
Toni Morrison, Beloved   (via thatkindofwoman)
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elixms · 5 years ago
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elixms · 5 years ago
*mom voice* absolutely fucking not
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elixms · 5 years ago
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elixms · 5 years ago
me after one glass of wine: everything i say and do is iconic
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elixms · 5 years ago
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