eliteemblemelena · 2 years
"I mean i've had a small bit of allergies these past few days. I assumed at least, given the weather has been so weird." She offered up still sounding chipper and almost in denial. When the other came back with the bowl her eyes all but lit up. She looked happy and eager for food and seemed really interested in the bowl. "Mr. H I promise I'm fine. It's not that bad. A little cold can't be that bad." She teased before she took the bowl her body shuddering at the warmth radiating from the bowl. It felt fantastic and she was struggling not to just dive right in. Carefully picking up the spoon she scooped up some of the soup and swallowed it her body trembling as she let out an almost happy squeal her body melting as she felt the hot soup warm her from the outside inward.
“Mr. H I will be fine I dried off good and well. I think at this point getting ill is just what’s going to happen; however I can lessen the side effects of it and how long I am down for the count. Soup will be excellent in that endeavor.” She wasn’t trying to be off putting or a burden and it was simple enough to fix when she got home. Plenty of vitamin c, fluids and rest would do wonders however she would be stuck waiting for the weather to clear up. Elena sat there waiting on the soup it started to smell heavenly in the cafe and her mouth was watering from smell alone. She sipped on some more coffee and in a moment of brief clarity from her phone when it decided to work for her, she shot off a text message to a coworker pinging her location and explaining she was waiting out the storm after a message had rolled in asking if she made it home safe. It wasn’t anything nefarious or even asking them to come get her it was merely a precaution one that had been ingrained into her because of her gender, she trusted this stranger thus far but in the modern era one could never be too careful.
“It just seems real fast for ya to get sick, ya know?”
Then again, he didn’t really know how long she’d been out there. Maybe she’d gone in and out of the rain quite a few times before running into him, and maybe she’d already been getting sick well before Cat Street. In any case it was really frustrating that he couldn’t do anything about it. He had done what he could to work fast to save her the trouble, the suffering that would come of getting ill and catching something serious. But now that she was already sick, he could only save her from the symptoms, right? Might as well go get that blanket anyway, and some medicine. The soup would do something but it wasn’t going to work on its own. He had to take care of her now.
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And so he came back after a minute with the bowl, passing it down along the counter to where she was sitting, “You enjoy that and just sit tight, alright? I’m gonna go get some things. If you’re sick, ya don’t get a choice. I’ll do what I can to help ya get better, alright? Just hang in there a little longer for me.”
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
"Mr. H I will be fine I dried off good and well. I think at this point getting ill is just what's going to happen; however I can lessen the side effects of it and how long I am down for the count. Soup will be excellent in that endeavor." She wasn't trying to be off putting or a burden and it was simple enough to fix when she got home. Plenty of vitamin c, fluids and rest would do wonders however she would be stuck waiting for the weather to clear up. Elena sat there waiting on the soup it started to smell heavenly in the cafe and her mouth was watering from smell alone. She sipped on some more coffee and in a moment of brief clarity from her phone when it decided to work for her, she shot off a text message to a coworker pinging her location and explaining she was waiting out the storm after a message had rolled in asking if she made it home safe. It wasn't anything nefarious or even asking them to come get her it was merely a precaution one that had been ingrained into her because of her gender, she trusted this stranger thus far but in the modern era one could never be too careful.
“If you say so Mr. H, I just really don’t want to be too much of a bother.” She called back. The idea of thick rich soup did sound appealing it sent a shiver down her spine the more she thought about it. She still felt cold and that hot warm soup just sounded divine, she loved curling up with warm things on cold and rainy nights like tonight and all things considered tonight was defiantly cold and rainy and even were it not at the moment she was cold and feeling the lingering effects from the weather. When he showed up and glared at her she trembled in her spot. Something about the stare and better yet the comments made her squirm a bit in her seat she wasn’t used to people being so imposing normally it was the other way around at least when she wasn’t tripping and face planting. “S-still thats more laundry and cleaning you’ll have to do. I’m fine it just takes me an extra bit to warm up normally.” It seemed she was still trying to be stubborn even in the face of his glare which she supposed was a testament to her job.
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He clicked his teeth and with a roll of his eyes the barista was back in the kitchen and away from his client, “Fine, fine. Suit yourself. I’m not gonna push anything on ya if you’re that uncomfortable, but I’ll be damned if I let you get sick. You dried off real well, right? We’ll get this soup in ya soon and try and warm ya up. But seriously, It’s not putting me out to get you a blanket, so really consider it before you decide for sure.”
Though he was well aware she had already made up her mind, and as such was the case, he got to work on the soup to get it done as efficiently as possible. He worked effortlessly on the meal and before long the whole of the shop was filling with its sent, the savory aroma mixing together with the rich scent of coffee.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
"If you say so Mr. H, I just really don't want to be too much of a bother." She called back. The idea of thick rich soup did sound appealing it sent a shiver down her spine the more she thought about it. She still felt cold and that hot warm soup just sounded divine, she loved curling up with warm things on cold and rainy nights like tonight and all things considered tonight was defiantly cold and rainy and even were it not at the moment she was cold and feeling the lingering effects from the weather. When he showed up and glared at her she trembled in her spot. Something about the stare and better yet the comments made her squirm a bit in her seat she wasn't used to people being so imposing normally it was the other way around at least when she wasn't tripping and face planting. "S-still thats more laundry and cleaning you'll have to do. I'm fine it just takes me an extra bit to warm up normally." It seemed she was still trying to be stubborn even in the face of his glare which she supposed was a testament to her job.
“If it’s not on the menu don’t go out of your way for my behalf, you’ve already done enough. I would not wish to impose more than I already have.” Elena offered as he started talking about her having a cold forming. She supposed he was right about that but that didn’t mean she wanted to put him out like that. Hearing the offer of needing a blanket she pondered over it for a few moments, she wasn’t wet anymore which meant she was less cold but she did suppose that she was still cold. “I really don’t wish to impose more than I already am, the coffee is doing a good job on warming me up.” She commented feeling the warmth radiate into her hands.
“Don’t be silly, it’s not outta the way,” Hanekoma called from the kitchen. “I got the stuff and I know how to make it so what’s the harm?”
He got to work right away, getting the water ready and cutting up ingredients. Honestly he felt like he might enjoy this, too, this soup. It would be warm and thick and delicious. Just the sort of thing for a cold and rainy night. He was well into it when she called back to him, and the response drove him to an abrupt stop. He leaned out of the door giving her a deadpan glare, and he felt like he was starting to understand what exactly was going on here. Was that coffee doing enough? Or was she just trying not to be trouble?
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“I just told ya the pad’s right up those stairs,” drawled, gesturing with his thumb over his shoulder. “You’re not imposing on anyone, sweetheart. And it’s not like I’m goin’ anywhere. I don’t wantcha gettin’ sick, so I wanna do what I can to help ya out. That’s my decision, alright? So you don’t gotta worry about being a burden. Tell me what I can do, okay?”
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
"If it's not on the menu don't go out of your way for my behalf, you've already done enough. I would not wish to impose more than I already have." Elena offered as he started talking about her having a cold forming. She supposed he was right about that but that didn't mean she wanted to put him out like that. Hearing the offer of needing a blanket she pondered over it for a few moments, she wasn't wet anymore which meant she was less cold but she did suppose that she was still cold. "I really don't wish to impose more than I already am, the coffee is doing a good job on warming me up." She commented feeling the warmth radiate into her hands.
“Well shit you can just close up shop and go right to bed. Lucky man, that sounds just sooo nice.” Elena admitted with a hint of jealousy in her voice.
She watched him move and take her clothing to hang up and dry, she cringed slightly when he went to hang them up, she figured he’d hang them up over the oven or something and just sighed knowing they’d need a good washing later since the rainwater would’ve ruined the clothing for her bosses standards. Hearing the storm around her she pondered how long this would last, part of her wished it wouldn’t last much longer but the realistic part of her knew it was going to last a while given how things sounded.
When he explained the storm was lasting until one Elena cursed internally at the idea of walking home that late. It was going to be a pain in the butt but she supposed she’d manage, the offer of food was nice and looking up at the menu she scanned everything. “Well I don’t have any allergies, how about you pick i’m fine with anything.” Elena offered before she sneezed again.
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“With you sneezin’ like that, I think maybe I oughta make ya some chicken noodle soup…” He mused as he started pulling out ingredients. “See if we can’t get that cold outta your system before it really does some damage, eh? That’s not technically on the menu, but hell. I got the stuff so why not? You need a blanket or anything out there?”
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
"Well shit you can just close up shop and go right to bed. Lucky man, that sounds just sooo nice." Elena admitted with a hint of jealousy in her voice.
She watched him move and take her clothing to hang up and dry, she cringed slightly when he went to hang them up, she figured he'd hang them up over the oven or something and just sighed knowing they'd need a good washing later since the rainwater would've ruined the clothing for her bosses standards. Hearing the storm around her she pondered how long this would last, part of her wished it wouldn't last much longer but the realistic part of her knew it was going to last a while given how things sounded.
When he explained the storm was lasting until one Elena cursed internally at the idea of walking home that late. It was going to be a pain in the butt but she supposed she'd manage, the offer of food was nice and looking up at the menu she scanned everything. "Well I don't have any allergies, how about you pick i'm fine with anything." Elena offered before she sneezed again.
“That’s fair i’d check but my phone doesn’t seem to have a signal at the moment.” Elena offered up before she just turned the thing off. The only information her phone had at the moment was several severe weather alerts. “I think it’s going to be a long while as well.” She agreed.
The smell of coffee in the room made her relaxed and it made her feel happy. She managed to screw her eyes shut again as she sneezed into the crook of her elbow as he was pouring the coffee. It took a few moments but she sighed and figured that she was going to end up with a cold or flu at some point. Taking the cup he poured for her Elena picked it up and started sipping on it feeling warm and content.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well I just wish it was under better circumstances. Mr. Hanekoma.” She offered watching it as he leaned against the counter and she smiled between sips of coffee. She watched the little wink and giggled slightly.
“This is one hell of a way to meet new people. Let’s just hope the storm isn’t going to last long term, but knowing my luck it will.” She mumbled setting the mug down for a moment.
Hanekoma gave a little shrug and took one more sip of his coffee before placing it down on the counter, “Well, worse comes to worse, I’ve got a pad upstairs. You won’t be without a place to sleep at least.”
He moved out from behind the counter and took up her clothes If he dried them in the back he was sure the heat from the oven would help things along. He left the door propped open so he could continue the conversation while he worked, though, stringing up the garments and letting them hang so they could air-dry. And while he was working on that he pulled out his own phone to check up on things. It was going to be a while. This darkness wouldn’t fade. The storm wasn’t going to be out of sight until late into the night. And he was sure the train probably wouldn’t be running by then. Either she would walk home like that, or… Well, maybe he would end up having a guest upstairs.
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“Yeah. Looks like it’s not leaving our area until nearly one in the morning. I guess you’ll be stickin’ around a while. Wouldja like me to make ya something to eat while I’m back here? Menu’s up above your head. I got pancakes, bouillabaisse, pumpkin soup. Take you’re pick!”
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
"That's fair i'd check but my phone doesn't seem to have a signal at the moment." Elena offered up before she just turned the thing off. The only information her phone had at the moment was several severe weather alerts. "I think it's going to be a long while as well." She agreed.
The smell of coffee in the room made her relaxed and it made her feel happy. She managed to screw her eyes shut again as she sneezed into the crook of her elbow as he was pouring the coffee. It took a few moments but she sighed and figured that she was going to end up with a cold or flu at some point. Taking the cup he poured for her Elena picked it up and started sipping on it feeling warm and content.
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well I just wish it was under better circumstances. Mr. Hanekoma." She offered watching it as he leaned against the counter and she smiled between sips of coffee. She watched the little wink and giggled slightly.
"This is one hell of a way to meet new people. Let's just hope the storm isn't going to last long term, but knowing my luck it will." She mumbled setting the mug down for a moment.
“Sure thing, I really appreciate this.” She said as she carefully piled the clothing up feeling grateful for the comfort of no longer being wet and no longer wearing the other garment. With that out of the way she collected her phone and wallet moving to sit at an empty stool near the counter to better converse with him. “Elena is my name and well I was actually working late, someone didn’t do their job so I had to finish it and did not plan for rain. I came down here looking for shelter when I realized I wouldn’t have time to get home and well we saw how that went.” Elena would’ve figured she’d be feeling uncomfortable with how she was dressed with a stranger in close quarters but shockingly she wasn’t. She watched him make coffee curious on how he did it and if it would taste leaps and bounds above the shitty work coffee, god that stuff was bad, and they got the some of the better stuff in comparison to other departments. “Any idea on how long the storm’s supposed to last?”
He shook his head, “Naaah, I hadn’t been lookin’. I’ll have to check after I get done here. Judging just from how hard it’s going though… Mmm… I imagine it’s probably gonna last a while. Should be enough time for your clothes to dry at least.”
The room filled with the scent of Hanekoma’s coffee, a robust aroma that enhanced the space around them and made the whole cafe feel warmer. He took up a mug and poured out a hot cup of the distinctive blend for his guest and then one for himself. Hanekoma gave her a little smirk as he slid the cup her way and tucked the coffee aside to enjoy the drink he’d poured himself.
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“It’s a pleasure to meet ya anyway, Elena,” he continued as he leaned against the counter. “I’m Sanae Hanekoma, but you can use Mr. H if it’s easier. This is one hell of a way to make a new customer, that’s for sure.”
He laughed then and gave her a little wink before finally going in to sip at his coffee.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
"Sure thing, I really appreciate this." She said as she carefully piled the clothing up feeling grateful for the comfort of no longer being wet and no longer wearing the other garment. With that out of the way she collected her phone and wallet moving to sit at an empty stool near the counter to better converse with him. "Elena is my name and well I was actually working late, someone didn't do their job so I had to finish it and did not plan for rain. I came down here looking for shelter when I realized I wouldn't have time to get home and well we saw how that went." Elena would've figured she'd be feeling uncomfortable with how she was dressed with a stranger in close quarters but shockingly she wasn't. She watched him make coffee curious on how he did it and if it would taste leaps and bounds above the shitty work coffee, god that stuff was bad, and they got the some of the better stuff in comparison to other departments. "Any idea on how long the storm's supposed to last?"
Damn, she thought that was one large and fluffy towel when he came back she was really impressed with it and watched him set the shirt down, she was grateful that thing looked it would swallow her. Setting her jacket down she took the towel from him she instantly started rubbing it against her hair. She slid her phone and wallet onto a table from her pants pocket as she did so. “Thank goodness, I really appreciate this. You didn’t have to do this but I really appreciate it sir.” She took his explanation on changing and nodded. “Yeah i’ll do that.” Grabbing the shirt and her jacket she darted into the area he told her about. “Coffee would be nice.” She called out from the little area. She carefully propped the shirt on something as she stripped down and toweled off. She left her underpants on as those were actually mostly dry, her bra however had been soaked. She took her time toweling off as best as she could before putting on his shirt and rolling up the sleeves a bit, it was huge on her going down to just above her knees which made her less self-conscious. With that out of the wat she carefully collected the wet clothes and towel and exited the tiny area back out to Hanekoma she hoped the storm didn’t last long but then again maybe she should use her phone to check the weather, which she might as well try to do once she had her hands free.
Hanekoma’s eyes rolled over her as she came out. He hadn’t really expected her to take her pants off. If he’d known, he would have grabbed some pajama bottoms while he was at it. But oh well, it looked like it didn’t fit too bad anyway. Plenty of room to work like a dress. And hey, she looked a little more comfortable now, so win-win.
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“You can leave your clothes on one’a the stools there,” he said as he carefully made up his house blend and started the brew. “I’ll take ‘em to hang-dry just as soon as I’m done here. So what’s your name, boss? You from around here or was this just a real unfortunate outta town visit for ya?”
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Damn, she thought that was one large and fluffy towel when he came back she was really impressed with it and watched him set the shirt down, she was grateful that thing looked it would swallow her. Setting her jacket down she took the towel from him she instantly started rubbing it against her hair. She slid her phone and wallet onto a table from her pants pocket as she did so. "Thank goodness, I really appreciate this. You didn't have to do this but I really appreciate it sir." She took his explanation on changing and nodded. "Yeah i'll do that." Grabbing the shirt and her jacket she darted into the area he told her about. "Coffee would be nice." She called out from the little area. She carefully propped the shirt on something as she stripped down and toweled off. She left her underpants on as those were actually mostly dry, her bra however had been soaked. She took her time toweling off as best as she could before putting on his shirt and rolling up the sleeves a bit, it was huge on her going down to just above her knees which made her less self-conscious. With that out of the wat she carefully collected the wet clothes and towel and exited the tiny area back out to Hanekoma she hoped the storm didn't last long but then again maybe she should use her phone to check the weather, which she might as well try to do once she had her hands free.
The way he some about her needing something and him going to fetch her something made her think this was the actual shop owner for one and for two he was a stern man that brokered no room for argument. If he wanted one to do something it wasn’t a matter of if it was when. “Sure thing I’d appreciate it.” She was grateful for his offer but she just hoped the shirt was long enough as she didn’t really want to sit there with underpants on display even if it was an emergency.
She watched the kettle as he vanished the noise it made provided a break in the silence in the room. Her eyes screwed shut and she sneezed violently. Trembling she stood there waiting on Hanekoma the wet clothing sticking to her. While she waited her fingers moved undoing the buttons on her shirt figuring the quicker she had it done the faster she could change and then the faster her clothing would be dry.
She was left in the silence of the café for a good little while, but Hanekoma came back down as quickly as he could with the shirt and towel in hand. The kettle was ready, but he ignored it for the moment to go to Elena’s side, and he tossed the shirt onto a nearby table as he stretched the towel out before her, large and inviting.
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“Here ya are, sister,” he said as he held it out to her. “You can take this into that door over there if ya don’t wanna change out there in the lobby. It doesn’t step right into the kitchen so you should have some room. No public bathroom, though, so sorry about that. It’ll have to be the kitchen if ya head out at all. I’ll wait ‘til ya come back out so I don’t walk in on ya by accident. Want some coffee? I’m already gettin’ the brew ready.”
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
The way he some about her needing something and him going to fetch her something made her think this was the actual shop owner for one and for two he was a stern man that brokered no room for argument. If he wanted one to do something it wasn't a matter of if it was when. "Sure thing I'd appreciate it." She was grateful for his offer but she just hoped the shirt was long enough as she didn't really want to sit there with underpants on display even if it was an emergency.
She watched the kettle as he vanished the noise it made provided a break in the silence in the room. Her eyes screwed shut and she sneezed violently. Trembling she stood there waiting on Hanekoma the wet clothing sticking to her. While she waited her fingers moved undoing the buttons on her shirt figuring the quicker she had it done the faster she could change and then the faster her clothing would be dry.
Elena accepted the help up willingly thanking some kind of god that she’d gotten lucky enough to find shelter and that the person helping her so far seemed like a kind and compassionate stranger. Once she stood up even within the inky blackness of the shop and her helper let go of her elbow she sucked off her sopping wet jacket and held onto it. “I’m fine, I’m usually clumsy. Thank you for your help I appreciate the kindness in weather like this. A towel would be lovely if it’s not too much trouble.” She shut her eyes wincing when the bright light was turned on. It took a few moments but when her eyes adjusted, she let out a light squeak as she took inventory of herself. Her shirt was wet not as bad as the jacket, but it left nothing to imagine. Unlike some people she knew her clothing was always properly tailored so it clung to her like a second skin and of course she had to pick monsoon day to wear her only non-white bra under her suit. Why was she so unlucky, the dark black contrasting against the white so vividly? Thankfully she pulled her jacket up and covered her chest when she noticed the other was making coffee. She swore that she was going to find her coworker once she was back at work and give him a piece of her mind and maybe a fist to the gut. It was all his fault she stayed late and was now stuck in a cafe with what she had to guess was either the owner or a man charged with running the shop. Not wanting to sit down at the moment she awkwardly stood in the center of the shop eyes lighting up as she looked around and took in the decor.
Hanekoma set up the water in the kettle and set it up to heat before glancing back at her. If he had any kind of reaction to her state, it didn’t show in his face at all, and he just listened to her casually before turning away again to leave the counter and make his way to the kitchen door instead.
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“Mm, yeah. Looks like you will need something. Actually, I’ll bring ya a shirt to borrow, and I can dry your clothes. Sound good?”
He asked that, but didn’t wait before disappearing into the kitchen, and the electric kettle began to rev as is started heating the water to a proper temperature. Hanekoma went up the stairs behind the kitchen door and entered his apartment, going for his bedroom to get one of his oversized button-ups and a towel from his bathroom. The shirt would likely swallow her the same as it did him, but she just needed to borrow it until her own clothes finished drying anyway. And since she would be stuck waiting for the storm to end, she would have more than enough time for that.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
"i hope you have settled in just fine? have you noticed any problems?" rufus was quite curious. he knew many compared him to his father, but the man wasn't like his father. in fact, he had always hated him and made an effort to be unlike him, to not rule with fear. shinra also seemed to work much better with him in command, although many still feared him. "i hope it's to your liking."
"Ohh yes i've settled in fine Sir. N-no problems to report Sir." Rufus was scary, not like this dad or even Hojo scary. Rufus was a different belly of the beast entirely. He was the type of person who commanded respect and despite being one of his Turks Elena knew if he wanted, he would and could end anyone who got in his way. He was nothing like his father who had gotten fat and greedy in his old age but she supposed only time would tell just how far one fell from the tree. "S-so far everything is all good sir." Elena responded which was mostly true, so far her other coworkers had been good natured if a little overzealous in their welcoming of her and someone had eaten the cake she'd been saving for later out of the breakroom fridge, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. After all she was the top of her class she wouldn't be pushed around just because she was a woman.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Elena accepted the help up willingly thanking some kind of god that she'd gotten lucky enough to find shelter and that the person helping her so far seemed like a kind and compassionate stranger. Once she stood up even within the inky blackness of the shop and her helper let go of her elbow she sucked off her sopping wet jacket and held onto it. "I'm fine, I'm usually clumsy. Thank you for your help I appreciate the kindness in weather like this. A towel would be lovely if it's not too much trouble." She shut her eyes wincing when the bright light was turned on. It took a few moments but when her eyes adjusted, she let out a light squeak as she took inventory of herself. Her shirt was wet not as bad as the jacket, but it left nothing to imagine. Unlike some people she knew her clothing was always properly tailored so it clung to her like a second skin and of course she had to pick monsoon day to wear her only non-white bra under her suit. Why was she so unlucky, the dark black contrasting against the white so vividly? Thankfully she pulled her jacket up and covered her chest when she noticed the other was making coffee. She swore that she was going to find her coworker once she was back at work and give him a piece of her mind and maybe a fist to the gut. It was all his fault she stayed late and was now stuck in a cafe with what she had to guess was either the owner or a man charged with running the shop. Not wanting to sit down at the moment she awkwardly stood in the center of the shop eyes lighting up as she looked around and took in the decor.
Elena had gotten stuck late at the office, thanks to an underperforming coworker she’d been stuck cleaning up their mess. It had pushed her clock out time by thirty minutes and she’d not checked the weather this morning before work so now she was stuck in a storm with no umbrella. At first, she’d thought she could make it to the train station without issues however that was quickly proven to be false when the heavens themselves opened up and unleashed a torrential downpour the likes of which Noah himself would want to shelter from in his arc. Traveling along Cat Street she had tried several shops trying to seek shelter from the onslaught that was about to occur. Yet it seemed people had already heard the news and the normally semi-vibrant street was desolate of life. Continuing to try a few more shops she was about to give up hope and just hide out under an awning as best as she could when she heard something in the distance. It sounded like someone calling out for her to seek shelter with them. She wasn’t fully sure though the deafening roar of thunder overhead like a battle cry from the sky left her more than a little concerned. Spotting a figure in the distance she decided to make a mad dash for them. It was a long shot, but she hoped she had heard him correctly and could slip inside and wait this out. Racing towards the other her moment’s hesitation left her stuck in the downpour. A loud crash however behind her as lightening seemed to strike right about where she’d been standing only spurred her to move quicker. Skittering into the open door she got into the building and instant tripped over her own two feet sliding further inside a bit. “Thank you so much…” She mumbled as she tried to catch her breath before she would even think to get off the floor.
Hanekoma was so busy trying to pull the door closed against the harsh wind that he wasn’t able to keep her form falling, but he noticed, and as soon as he got the door closed the rain passed over and beat a dull rhythm against the roof. He locked the door swiftly and turned to help Elena to her feet, though he himself was having a hard time seeing in the dark. It wasn’t so late at all, but the rain and clouds completely blocked out the sun, and there was nothing but eerie darkness left behind under the frigid downpour.
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“You alright?” he asked as he found her elbow and gave her support as he raised her to her feet again. “I’m glad I happened to be around. You hang tight and I’ll get the lights turned on. You need a towel or anything? I bet I could find something if I looked around back there.”
He didn’t stay beside her after she was up. Instead he moved across the room and went to turn the lights on. It wasn’t a huge space, so he wasn’t really worried too much about not being able to hear her. He had to get the lights on and start brewing up some coffee so they could start warming up against the chill of the rain. And Elena especially seemed like she needed it. The quicker he could get her settled, the better.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
"Maybe, but my understanding on pregnancy was it varied from woman to woman and day to day." She offered but was hopeful the doctor had some kind of solution for her. Long term this could not go on the entire pregnancy, she needed healthy young.
"Breakfast might help, lets just get outside before the smell triggers me again." Elena offered before quickly exiting that bathroom and then the building. Once she was out of the building she leaned against the wall and sighed before rubbing her belly and relaxed against the wall of the shop. "We can eat and walk the rest of the way I think when the foods ready." Elena offered figuring that it would be faster and that maybe it would be easier on her to do both since the sooner the day was done the sooner she could rest. They could ideally go to the doctor and then work their way to the stores for supplies then home.
starter > @eliteemblemelena
Her legs crossed over one another, eyes focusing in on the Chief of Turks as he took a seat at the head of the table. Tseng cleared his throat, sliding a manila folder half way across the table before retracting his hand back and sitting up. Emily looked at the folder before extending a hand out to pull it towards her person. She looked down at it, eyes scanning the picture paper clipped to the corner of the ShinRa logo’d file. “Surely you recognize miss Elena, correct?” His smooth voice asked. “This isn’t the Turk who accompanies me, or the one I companion on those special occasion missions.” She said. Tseng let his arms rest on the sides of his swivel chair, “It’s not.”
“I had the feeling I was counting a few less Turks the last time I came to your floor.” She hummed out, leaning back into the seat. “Now isn’t the time to be making counting duck jokes.” Tseng said, eyebrows knitting as he spoke. Emily’s green eyes bore into his amber ones, he had never assigned her missions personally. In fact, it somewhat worried her that she was getting assigned something by Tseng himself considering he never asks her, or anyone, for anything. “She’s been missing for months. There has been no contact, no sightings, none of our own can find her.” She could hear it, how it was getting to him and striking his nerves. “Your assistance is required.” He finally stated.
Emily looked down at the folder once more, studying the picture of Elena before turning her attention back to Tseng. “Had I not known how much your Turks mean to you, despite what you may say, I would have told you no.” She said before moving her hand in a circular motion, “Come on Tseng, spit out the details, I’m not getting any younger and neither are you.” He bit down his tongue before starting up, “She’s rumored to be in the Gongaga area but, that’s all I know of recent whereabouts. As for other details, you cannot use extensive force. She must be brought back alive, seeing as she has taken crucial ShinRa property.”
“We still have Rufus, what more important is that?” Emily asked with a hint of humor in her tone. “Dare to say that to the VP’s face?” Tseng prodded, “As long as you clear out an exit so I can escape Darkstar, I think I will.” Emily began to stand as she spoke, “When do you want me to head out?” She asked, looking over to Tseng and the clock directly above his head. “The sooner, the better.” He said, earning a nod from the blonde.
Tseng rose from his own chair, an exhale emitting from him as he gathered the coffee and phone he walked in with yet didn’t acknowledge during the whole briefing. Emily looked over at him, rolling her eyes. “I’ll get her back, Tseng. Gaia… you Turks are so depressing.” She said as she walked over and hit his shoulder with her own and continued, “I have no reason to believe she isn’t alright. She’s no flower if it’s one with no thorns.” Amber eyes caught green ones, “It’s not that I don’t have faith in her. The others are worried something is wrong. Even Turks who go A.W.O.L make contact in some way, there hasn’t been any from her.” Emily sighed as she tapped her heel on the floor, “She’s alright.” She repeated, trying to ease the tension.
“Do you magically just know?” Tseng asked, starting to walk towards the door of the room. His free hand pulled at the handle of the door and pushed it open, holding it open for Emily as they left with the folder in her hands. “Just call it a woman’s intuition.” She said with a smile before turning away from him and making her way to her personal housing within the building.
The blonde had a quickened pace as she set off to go pack for her extensive mission. Making her way towards the executive elevator and using her keypass to press the button to the private floor of the First Class operatives, or of what once was. The elevator ride was quiet as she opened Elena’s file and skimmed through it. Age, birthdate, birthplace, the usual. Emily closed the file and opted to worry about reading into it when she arrived to her living space.
The elevator doors opened with a ding. Stilettos clicked against the tiles of the darkened hallway, green eyes washing over the walls, ceilings and doors with nobody behind them no longer. Genesis, Angeal, Sephiroth and Zack had been gone for years. It pained her to know she was the last one left, that those she loved and admired were no longer around. She sighed as she turned the corner going towards her own personal living quarters and stopped in her tracks. “What the hell are you two doing in front of my door?!”
A lanky figure twisted his head towards the sudden screech of the commander of SOLDIERs, wild cherry colored hair moving alongside the person. “Hey there Soldier Girl! Heard the Chief asked ya to go find Elena.” Reno said as he scrambled to his feet and dusted himself off. He hitched a thumb back to Rude, who had been standing at the door in one of the two corners, “I brought Rude with me.”
“I can see that, Reno.” Emily said with a groan as she continued her way towards them, pulling her key ring out from her utility belt and flipping to find her house key. She began to shoo the two men aside, the Turks shifting out of her way. “Why are you two here. Actually, why would you drag Rude into your nonsense?” She asked as she shoved the key into the lock and unlocked it, pushing the door open and stepping aside so the duo could come in. As the two walked in and looked around, Reno smiled toothfully. “Nice place, anywho.. we just wanted to say thanks. But we wanted to join you on the ride, take it as it’s the least we can do right now since you’re going to go find her while we have to come back.” He said, hands shoved into his pocket as he stopped to look at a picture frame that stood on a small table near the entrance door.
Emily sat Elena’s file down onto her kitchen counter as she reached to get a glass, “Yeah yeah, do you two want something to drink?” She asked as she pulled down an extra two glasses. Rude nodded as he made his way into the kitchen, a delighted Reno following close behind. “Thanks, we’ve been outside your door for like an hour.” He said as he took a glass from Emily and made his way to her fridge and pried it open to get some water.
The comment earned a quirked brow, “An hour? It’s only been about 15 minutes since I accepted the mission.” She said as she followed behind Reno towards the refrigerator, taking her glass and Rude’s to fill it with ice and water. “Well, here’s the thing.. if you would’ve said no, I was going to have to try and bribe you.” He said as he took out the jug and popped the cap open, beginning to fill his cup up. “Reno, no offense but I don’t think you have anything to offer me.” She said with a short laugh, pressing the glasses to the embedded ice dispenser on her fridge. “That’s why I brought Rude. I’m sure he can convince you.” Emily turned her head over to Rude, playfully studying him with a hum. “I suppose you’re right.” She said, earning a laugh from the redhead and a small shake of the head from the much taller sun-kissed man as she took the jug from Reno’s hand and filled up the remaining cups.
Closing the jug of water and shutting the fridge door shut, Emily passed the glass of water to Rude before taking a small sip from her cup. “I plan on leaving bright and early. You two can crash on the couch if you want, feel free to eat whatever you want but I have to go pack and sleep.” She said as she dragged a hand across the counter and latched onto the file she tossed on it minutes earlier. “It’s only 8 o’clock!” Reno called out as he finished gulping his water down, a drop spilling down the side of his lip. “She just said she planned on leaving early, meaning we need to rest early too.” Rude said as he drank from his glass. “Ugh, fine fine.” Reno grumbled out as he went and flopped onto the leather couch.
Emily had opened her bedroom door and shut it closed behind her. Opening the file once more, she read into it a little more and nothing could really help her from it. It was the same as what Tseng had told her with a few bonus get to know Elena facts. The blonde sighed and shut the file after staring into it for a few minutes. She placed the file at the end of her bed and went to her closet, pulling out an empty duffel bag and opening it. She began to rummage through her drawers and closet and packed the necessities. Everything she needed was in the bag and whatever wasn’t going into the bag would be on her body for departure.
Emily slipped Elena’s file onto the top of everything in the bag, deeming it ready to be closed and put aside until tomorrow morning. She began to get changed for bed, slipping off her leather bodysuit and utility belt before tossing her uniform into the laundry basket and setting the belt aside. The commander slipped under the sheets of her bed, savoring the feel of the plush underneath that engulfed her for what may be the last time for a while. Slowly, her eyes slipped shut, finding herself lulled by the workday.
Emily awoke to a bang on her bedroom door, the blonde jolting up and jumping out of bed. “Hey! We made coffee! Get dressed and let’s go! We leave in 30!” Reno yelled through the door, his footsteps and whistle fading as he walked down the hall and back towards the living area. Emily rubbed her eyes, groaning softly as she leaned on her bed momentarily before shuffling around between using the bathroom connected to her room and getting a bodysuit from her closet and slipping it on once she stripped of her night attire. Pulling the zipper up the front of her bodysuit, she grabbed her utility belt and placed it around her waist. Walking over to her vanity, she pulled her hair into an upwards bun and checked for any hairs out of place before she walked over to her travel bag and plucked it from the floor before leaving her room with a dreaded sigh.
She made her way through the apartment, stopping in the kitchen and noticed Rude spreading cream cheese on a bagel and Reno stirring three cups of coffee. The blonde smiled and made her way to the counter, sitting on one of the stools. “Look at you two being so productive.” She jested, earning a look from both Turks. Reno handed her a coffee while Rude handed her her bagel, the three all sitting around with their mugs and small breakfasts.
“Thank you boys, it’s greatly appreciated.” She muttered as she finished the last bite of her bagel. Reno took his last sip of coffee before patting his hands onto the counter, “Alright! We got three minutes to spare. Let me grab my jacket.” He exclaimed as he got up. Emily took initiative and gathered the mugs, walking over to the sink and beginning to wash them as Rude stood up and went to gather his own belongings. As Emily finished up the dishes and set them aside, she dried her hands and went to grab the duffel bag. She swung the strap over her shoulder and mentally prepared herself for the long trip ahead to Gongaga.
Six hours. The drive was maddening and not even Reno’s side chatter could help ease the leg numbing ride to the backwater town. Emily could have swore the ride could have been shorter had the public security officer listened to her with a shortcut route she learned through Zack those few years back, or if he could at least step on the gas a little harder. Stepping outside with the travel bag secured onto her shoulder, the blonde dropped out of the armored vehicle and stretched. Her joints popped, a sigh of satisfaction leaving her lips as she took in her surroundings.
Reno stepped out alongside her with Rude behind his partner. “Well I guess this is where we leave you.” Reno said as he put a hand on Emily’s back and pat it. “Make sure not to get yourself killed. And if you find anything out, make sure to call.” He said as he pulled his hand back and turned back to the truck with a sigh. “You Turks have my word. I’ll get started right away.. as soon as I eat of course.” She said as she turned to look more into the scenery, noticing small fruit stands and small town restaurants. Rude pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Don’t get too sidetracked.” He said, earning a nod of agreement from the redhead.
The blonde smiled back towards the duo, “I promise, I won’t.” She said as she waved them off, “I’ll update you lot periodically.” The pair nodded before stepping back into the armored truck, ready to head back to the ShinRa building for whatever their next assignment may be.
Emily fixed the strap of her bag, her heels scraping and kicking dust into the air from the dirt path she followed. She turned and stopped at one of the various fruit stands, admiring the colorful array with bright eyes. She brought a gloved hand up to a Banora apple and dug into her pocket for some Gil. As she turned on her feet, her chest bumped the shoulder of another woman. “Oh, I’m sorry.” The blonde said, catching herself and inspecting she brought no harm to the other person. Emily squinted momentarily at the woman, feeling a slight familiarity in the face structure. “You aren’t hurt.. are you ma’am?” She asked softly, offering a courteous smile.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Elena had gotten stuck late at the office, thanks to an underperforming coworker she'd been stuck cleaning up their mess. It had pushed her clock out time by thirty minutes and she'd not checked the weather this morning before work so now she was stuck in a storm with no umbrella. At first, she'd thought she could make it to the train station without issues however that was quickly proven to be false when the heavens themselves opened up and unleashed a torrential downpour the likes of which Noah himself would want to shelter from in his arc. Traveling along Cat Street she had tried several shops trying to seek shelter from the onslaught that was about to occur. Yet it seemed people had already heard the news and the normally semi-vibrant street was desolate of life. Continuing to try a few more shops she was about to give up hope and just hide out under an awning as best as she could when she heard something in the distance. It sounded like someone calling out for her to seek shelter with them. She wasn't fully sure though the deafening roar of thunder overhead like a battle cry from the sky left her more than a little concerned. Spotting a figure in the distance she decided to make a mad dash for them. It was a long shot, but she hoped she had heard him correctly and could slip inside and wait this out. Racing towards the other her moment's hesitation left her stuck in the downpour. A loud crash however behind her as lightening seemed to strike right about where she'd been standing only spurred her to move quicker. Skittering into the open door she got into the building and instant tripped over her own two feet sliding further inside a bit. "Thank you so much..." She mumbled as she tried to catch her breath before she would even think to get off the floor.
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⚅ — @eliteemblemelena asked: — ⚅
⚅ — I hope you don't mind but having seen some of your rp's and reading them I decided to reach out. If you aren't interested don't worry about it but I figured i'd offer several prompts for you to pick from.
Storm, Muse (+ reverse), Reunion, Babysit, Refuge (+ reverse) — ⚅
Scenarios Starters
STORM : for both muses to find shelter from a severe storm.
{Also, while I'm here, I followed you because I wanted to interact! You're always free to send something in~ Sorry my first interaction with you is so gosh darn late. XD}
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Hanekoma drew in a deep breath and gazed up at the sky. He hadn't heard anything on the news, but he could tell that a storm was brewing. His work was going to have to wait. And so Hanekoma gathered his things and slung the case that carried his paint over his shoulder. Luckily he wasn't too far from his shop, so he was sure he'd get there before the bottom dropped out.
The rest of Shibuya must have gotten the message because by the time he reached Cat Street the place looked abandoned. Wind was kicking up now and thunder was rolling like a war cry over his head. It looked like he would be getting inside just in time. Somewhere in the distance he could even hear the sheets of rain coming down, quickly making it's way towards him. He picked up his pace again and got to the door, and the rush of water was growing louder and louder in his ear. As he turned his key in the lock he looked up, and from the end of the street a solid sheet of hard rain was climbing its way forward and deafening all sound around it. And there, as if a prey animal trying to escape a pack of wolves, was a young woman, all alone.
Hanekoma knew there was no shelter available for her here. Most of the shops were closed and she had nothing to escape to. So he called out, and he slung his door wide open for her. If she was quick, she could make it.
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"Hey, over here! Come on, get inside!"
He hadn't even turned the lights on yet, but he didn't mind opening for the sake of sheltering someone from the storm.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
random questions … sentence starters
“Are you cold?”
“Where’d you put it?”
“You got this for me…?”
“Did you hear the news?”
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
“Did you seriously buy that?”
“How long ago did it happen?”
“Who do you have a crush on?”
“What are you doing out here?”
“How long have I been asleep?”
“Did you have anyone in mind?”
“Have there been any updates?”
“Do you want to go out with me?”
“What’s wrong? You don’t like it?”
“Did you make this? It’s beautiful!”
“You’re sticking to that story, huh?”
“Do you need something to drink?”
“I didn’t catch that, what’d you say?”
“Can I make you something to eat?”
“Why are you the way that you are?”
“You sound like a frog, are you sick?”
“How have you survived for so long?”
“Did you hear anything else about it?”
“What happened? This wasn’t like this.”
“You mind if I crash here for the night?”
“Do you want to just… get out of here?”
“Do you think I deserve to be forgiven?”
“What, you’ve never been here before?”
“Hold on, where’s this all coming from?”
“Does that sound like its getting closer?”
“Have you ever been to (place) before?”
“Why can’t you be honest with yourself?”
“Do you need somewhere to stay tonight?”
“I… I don’t understand, what’s happening?”
“Why do you let them talk to you like that?”
“Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?”
“Do you think people can earn forgiveness?”
“How long have you been dealing with this?”
“Why don’t you admit when you need help?”
“Why don’t you ever tell the truth, not ever?”
“Do you honestly expect me to believe that?”
“What makes you think I don’t care about you?”
“Why do you think you can get away with this?”
“How long have you been hiding this from me?”
“Who made you feel like you don’t deserve love?”
“Are you okay…? ‘Cause you don’t seem very okay.”
“Do you think you have feelings for (her/him/them)?”
“Why can’t you be honest about what you’re feeling?”
“What makes you think this is going to end well for you?”
“Seriously, you’re telling me you’ve never tried it before?”
“Do you think you’re better than everyone else, is that it?”
“Really? Do you really think that little of me that you think I’d do that?”
“Why would you do that? What made you think that was an okay thing to do?”
865 notes · View notes
eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Rumors are Rufus and Tseng are an item would you know about that?
Sorry but I know nothing about any of that. What those two do in their own time is not something I keep tabs on. Rufus and Tseng are both professionals though, so I doubt that.
0 notes
eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Elena had made it just in time work only moments to spare. Getting down low she got sick loosing part of last night's dinner and then it was just stomach acid. Something in the bakery had set her off badly as she eventually shifted onto her knees just rubbing her stomach
"You really need to let mommy eat." She chided her stomach rubbing smoothing and hopefully spring circles along it. When Emily came in she was still feeling nauseated but she had nothing left to really give. Leaning into the others touch on her back she relaxed a bit.
"Mmmm this is normal they don't let me rest or eat much." She explained whilst thinking about Emily's offer. "Please, help me up?" With the others help she stood up and flushed the toilet begot she used the sink to gargle a bit of water and rinse out her mouth.
starter > @eliteemblemelena
Her legs crossed over one another, eyes focusing in on the Chief of Turks as he took a seat at the head of the table. Tseng cleared his throat, sliding a manila folder half way across the table before retracting his hand back and sitting up. Emily looked at the folder before extending a hand out to pull it towards her person. She looked down at it, eyes scanning the picture paper clipped to the corner of the ShinRa logo’d file. “Surely you recognize miss Elena, correct?” His smooth voice asked. “This isn’t the Turk who accompanies me, or the one I companion on those special occasion missions.” She said. Tseng let his arms rest on the sides of his swivel chair, “It’s not.”
“I had the feeling I was counting a few less Turks the last time I came to your floor.” She hummed out, leaning back into the seat. “Now isn’t the time to be making counting duck jokes.” Tseng said, eyebrows knitting as he spoke. Emily’s green eyes bore into his amber ones, he had never assigned her missions personally. In fact, it somewhat worried her that she was getting assigned something by Tseng himself considering he never asks her, or anyone, for anything. “She’s been missing for months. There has been no contact, no sightings, none of our own can find her.” She could hear it, how it was getting to him and striking his nerves. “Your assistance is required.” He finally stated.
Emily looked down at the folder once more, studying the picture of Elena before turning her attention back to Tseng. “Had I not known how much your Turks mean to you, despite what you may say, I would have told you no.” She said before moving her hand in a circular motion, “Come on Tseng, spit out the details, I’m not getting any younger and neither are you.” He bit down his tongue before starting up, “She’s rumored to be in the Gongaga area but, that’s all I know of recent whereabouts. As for other details, you cannot use extensive force. She must be brought back alive, seeing as she has taken crucial ShinRa property.”
“We still have Rufus, what more important is that?” Emily asked with a hint of humor in her tone. “Dare to say that to the VP’s face?” Tseng prodded, “As long as you clear out an exit so I can escape Darkstar, I think I will.” Emily began to stand as she spoke, “When do you want me to head out?” She asked, looking over to Tseng and the clock directly above his head. “The sooner, the better.” He said, earning a nod from the blonde.
Tseng rose from his own chair, an exhale emitting from him as he gathered the coffee and phone he walked in with yet didn’t acknowledge during the whole briefing. Emily looked over at him, rolling her eyes. “I’ll get her back, Tseng. Gaia… you Turks are so depressing.” She said as she walked over and hit his shoulder with her own and continued, “I have no reason to believe she isn’t alright. She’s no flower if it’s one with no thorns.” Amber eyes caught green ones, “It’s not that I don’t have faith in her. The others are worried something is wrong. Even Turks who go A.W.O.L make contact in some way, there hasn’t been any from her.” Emily sighed as she tapped her heel on the floor, “She’s alright.” She repeated, trying to ease the tension.
“Do you magically just know?” Tseng asked, starting to walk towards the door of the room. His free hand pulled at the handle of the door and pushed it open, holding it open for Emily as they left with the folder in her hands. “Just call it a woman’s intuition.” She said with a smile before turning away from him and making her way to her personal housing within the building.
The blonde had a quickened pace as she set off to go pack for her extensive mission. Making her way towards the executive elevator and using her keypass to press the button to the private floor of the First Class operatives, or of what once was. The elevator ride was quiet as she opened Elena’s file and skimmed through it. Age, birthdate, birthplace, the usual. Emily closed the file and opted to worry about reading into it when she arrived to her living space.
The elevator doors opened with a ding. Stilettos clicked against the tiles of the darkened hallway, green eyes washing over the walls, ceilings and doors with nobody behind them no longer. Genesis, Angeal, Sephiroth and Zack had been gone for years. It pained her to know she was the last one left, that those she loved and admired were no longer around. She sighed as she turned the corner going towards her own personal living quarters and stopped in her tracks. “What the hell are you two doing in front of my door?!”
A lanky figure twisted his head towards the sudden screech of the commander of SOLDIERs, wild cherry colored hair moving alongside the person. “Hey there Soldier Girl! Heard the Chief asked ya to go find Elena.” Reno said as he scrambled to his feet and dusted himself off. He hitched a thumb back to Rude, who had been standing at the door in one of the two corners, “I brought Rude with me.”
“I can see that, Reno.” Emily said with a groan as she continued her way towards them, pulling her key ring out from her utility belt and flipping to find her house key. She began to shoo the two men aside, the Turks shifting out of her way. “Why are you two here. Actually, why would you drag Rude into your nonsense?” She asked as she shoved the key into the lock and unlocked it, pushing the door open and stepping aside so the duo could come in. As the two walked in and looked around, Reno smiled toothfully. “Nice place, anywho.. we just wanted to say thanks. But we wanted to join you on the ride, take it as it’s the least we can do right now since you’re going to go find her while we have to come back.” He said, hands shoved into his pocket as he stopped to look at a picture frame that stood on a small table near the entrance door.
Emily sat Elena’s file down onto her kitchen counter as she reached to get a glass, “Yeah yeah, do you two want something to drink?” She asked as she pulled down an extra two glasses. Rude nodded as he made his way into the kitchen, a delighted Reno following close behind. “Thanks, we’ve been outside your door for like an hour.” He said as he took a glass from Emily and made his way to her fridge and pried it open to get some water.
The comment earned a quirked brow, “An hour? It’s only been about 15 minutes since I accepted the mission.” She said as she followed behind Reno towards the refrigerator, taking her glass and Rude’s to fill it with ice and water. “Well, here’s the thing.. if you would’ve said no, I was going to have to try and bribe you.” He said as he took out the jug and popped the cap open, beginning to fill his cup up. “Reno, no offense but I don’t think you have anything to offer me.” She said with a short laugh, pressing the glasses to the embedded ice dispenser on her fridge. “That’s why I brought Rude. I’m sure he can convince you.” Emily turned her head over to Rude, playfully studying him with a hum. “I suppose you’re right.” She said, earning a laugh from the redhead and a small shake of the head from the much taller sun-kissed man as she took the jug from Reno’s hand and filled up the remaining cups.
Closing the jug of water and shutting the fridge door shut, Emily passed the glass of water to Rude before taking a small sip from her cup. “I plan on leaving bright and early. You two can crash on the couch if you want, feel free to eat whatever you want but I have to go pack and sleep.” She said as she dragged a hand across the counter and latched onto the file she tossed on it minutes earlier. “It’s only 8 o’clock!” Reno called out as he finished gulping his water down, a drop spilling down the side of his lip. “She just said she planned on leaving early, meaning we need to rest early too.” Rude said as he drank from his glass. “Ugh, fine fine.” Reno grumbled out as he went and flopped onto the leather couch.
Emily had opened her bedroom door and shut it closed behind her. Opening the file once more, she read into it a little more and nothing could really help her from it. It was the same as what Tseng had told her with a few bonus get to know Elena facts. The blonde sighed and shut the file after staring into it for a few minutes. She placed the file at the end of her bed and went to her closet, pulling out an empty duffel bag and opening it. She began to rummage through her drawers and closet and packed the necessities. Everything she needed was in the bag and whatever wasn’t going into the bag would be on her body for departure.
Emily slipped Elena’s file onto the top of everything in the bag, deeming it ready to be closed and put aside until tomorrow morning. She began to get changed for bed, slipping off her leather bodysuit and utility belt before tossing her uniform into the laundry basket and setting the belt aside. The commander slipped under the sheets of her bed, savoring the feel of the plush underneath that engulfed her for what may be the last time for a while. Slowly, her eyes slipped shut, finding herself lulled by the workday.
Emily awoke to a bang on her bedroom door, the blonde jolting up and jumping out of bed. “Hey! We made coffee! Get dressed and let’s go! We leave in 30!” Reno yelled through the door, his footsteps and whistle fading as he walked down the hall and back towards the living area. Emily rubbed her eyes, groaning softly as she leaned on her bed momentarily before shuffling around between using the bathroom connected to her room and getting a bodysuit from her closet and slipping it on once she stripped of her night attire. Pulling the zipper up the front of her bodysuit, she grabbed her utility belt and placed it around her waist. Walking over to her vanity, she pulled her hair into an upwards bun and checked for any hairs out of place before she walked over to her travel bag and plucked it from the floor before leaving her room with a dreaded sigh.
She made her way through the apartment, stopping in the kitchen and noticed Rude spreading cream cheese on a bagel and Reno stirring three cups of coffee. The blonde smiled and made her way to the counter, sitting on one of the stools. “Look at you two being so productive.” She jested, earning a look from both Turks. Reno handed her a coffee while Rude handed her her bagel, the three all sitting around with their mugs and small breakfasts.
“Thank you boys, it’s greatly appreciated.” She muttered as she finished the last bite of her bagel. Reno took his last sip of coffee before patting his hands onto the counter, “Alright! We got three minutes to spare. Let me grab my jacket.” He exclaimed as he got up. Emily took initiative and gathered the mugs, walking over to the sink and beginning to wash them as Rude stood up and went to gather his own belongings. As Emily finished up the dishes and set them aside, she dried her hands and went to grab the duffel bag. She swung the strap over her shoulder and mentally prepared herself for the long trip ahead to Gongaga.
Six hours. The drive was maddening and not even Reno’s side chatter could help ease the leg numbing ride to the backwater town. Emily could have swore the ride could have been shorter had the public security officer listened to her with a shortcut route she learned through Zack those few years back, or if he could at least step on the gas a little harder. Stepping outside with the travel bag secured onto her shoulder, the blonde dropped out of the armored vehicle and stretched. Her joints popped, a sigh of satisfaction leaving her lips as she took in her surroundings.
Reno stepped out alongside her with Rude behind his partner. “Well I guess this is where we leave you.” Reno said as he put a hand on Emily’s back and pat it. “Make sure not to get yourself killed. And if you find anything out, make sure to call.” He said as he pulled his hand back and turned back to the truck with a sigh. “You Turks have my word. I’ll get started right away.. as soon as I eat of course.” She said as she turned to look more into the scenery, noticing small fruit stands and small town restaurants. Rude pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Don’t get too sidetracked.” He said, earning a nod of agreement from the redhead.
The blonde smiled back towards the duo, “I promise, I won’t.” She said as she waved them off, “I’ll update you lot periodically.” The pair nodded before stepping back into the armored truck, ready to head back to the ShinRa building for whatever their next assignment may be.
Emily fixed the strap of her bag, her heels scraping and kicking dust into the air from the dirt path she followed. She turned and stopped at one of the various fruit stands, admiring the colorful array with bright eyes. She brought a gloved hand up to a Banora apple and dug into her pocket for some Gil. As she turned on her feet, her chest bumped the shoulder of another woman. “Oh, I’m sorry.” The blonde said, catching herself and inspecting she brought no harm to the other person. Emily squinted momentarily at the woman, feeling a slight familiarity in the face structure. “You aren’t hurt.. are you ma’am?” She asked softly, offering a courteous smile.
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eliteemblemelena · 2 years
Elena looked at the baked goods on display eyeing everything like a kid in a candy store. She smiled for a bit when she saw several croissants and other items. She thought long and hard about all the options and she eventually turned his attention to Emily.
"I was thinking maybe a croissant with extra butter, or maybe a bagel with peanut butter since that's a bit of protein." She wanted the croissant more but figured the bagel was a healthier option and she really needed to do better for the babies.
Walking into the building she listened to all of the sounds and smells. It took a few moments but after a few moments she darted off to the bathroom feeling a sudden bout of nausea the yeasty almost beer smell setting her off.
starter > @eliteemblemelena
Her legs crossed over one another, eyes focusing in on the Chief of Turks as he took a seat at the head of the table. Tseng cleared his throat, sliding a manila folder half way across the table before retracting his hand back and sitting up. Emily looked at the folder before extending a hand out to pull it towards her person. She looked down at it, eyes scanning the picture paper clipped to the corner of the ShinRa logo’d file. “Surely you recognize miss Elena, correct?” His smooth voice asked. “This isn’t the Turk who accompanies me, or the one I companion on those special occasion missions.” She said. Tseng let his arms rest on the sides of his swivel chair, “It’s not.”
“I had the feeling I was counting a few less Turks the last time I came to your floor.” She hummed out, leaning back into the seat. “Now isn’t the time to be making counting duck jokes.” Tseng said, eyebrows knitting as he spoke. Emily’s green eyes bore into his amber ones, he had never assigned her missions personally. In fact, it somewhat worried her that she was getting assigned something by Tseng himself considering he never asks her, or anyone, for anything. “She’s been missing for months. There has been no contact, no sightings, none of our own can find her.” She could hear it, how it was getting to him and striking his nerves. “Your assistance is required.” He finally stated.
Emily looked down at the folder once more, studying the picture of Elena before turning her attention back to Tseng. “Had I not known how much your Turks mean to you, despite what you may say, I would have told you no.” She said before moving her hand in a circular motion, “Come on Tseng, spit out the details, I’m not getting any younger and neither are you.” He bit down his tongue before starting up, “She’s rumored to be in the Gongaga area but, that’s all I know of recent whereabouts. As for other details, you cannot use extensive force. She must be brought back alive, seeing as she has taken crucial ShinRa property.”
“We still have Rufus, what more important is that?” Emily asked with a hint of humor in her tone. “Dare to say that to the VP’s face?” Tseng prodded, “As long as you clear out an exit so I can escape Darkstar, I think I will.” Emily began to stand as she spoke, “When do you want me to head out?” She asked, looking over to Tseng and the clock directly above his head. “The sooner, the better.” He said, earning a nod from the blonde.
Tseng rose from his own chair, an exhale emitting from him as he gathered the coffee and phone he walked in with yet didn’t acknowledge during the whole briefing. Emily looked over at him, rolling her eyes. “I’ll get her back, Tseng. Gaia… you Turks are so depressing.” She said as she walked over and hit his shoulder with her own and continued, “I have no reason to believe she isn’t alright. She’s no flower if it’s one with no thorns.” Amber eyes caught green ones, “It’s not that I don’t have faith in her. The others are worried something is wrong. Even Turks who go A.W.O.L make contact in some way, there hasn’t been any from her.” Emily sighed as she tapped her heel on the floor, “She’s alright.” She repeated, trying to ease the tension.
“Do you magically just know?” Tseng asked, starting to walk towards the door of the room. His free hand pulled at the handle of the door and pushed it open, holding it open for Emily as they left with the folder in her hands. “Just call it a woman’s intuition.” She said with a smile before turning away from him and making her way to her personal housing within the building.
The blonde had a quickened pace as she set off to go pack for her extensive mission. Making her way towards the executive elevator and using her keypass to press the button to the private floor of the First Class operatives, or of what once was. The elevator ride was quiet as she opened Elena’s file and skimmed through it. Age, birthdate, birthplace, the usual. Emily closed the file and opted to worry about reading into it when she arrived to her living space.
The elevator doors opened with a ding. Stilettos clicked against the tiles of the darkened hallway, green eyes washing over the walls, ceilings and doors with nobody behind them no longer. Genesis, Angeal, Sephiroth and Zack had been gone for years. It pained her to know she was the last one left, that those she loved and admired were no longer around. She sighed as she turned the corner going towards her own personal living quarters and stopped in her tracks. “What the hell are you two doing in front of my door?!”
A lanky figure twisted his head towards the sudden screech of the commander of SOLDIERs, wild cherry colored hair moving alongside the person. “Hey there Soldier Girl! Heard the Chief asked ya to go find Elena.” Reno said as he scrambled to his feet and dusted himself off. He hitched a thumb back to Rude, who had been standing at the door in one of the two corners, “I brought Rude with me.”
“I can see that, Reno.” Emily said with a groan as she continued her way towards them, pulling her key ring out from her utility belt and flipping to find her house key. She began to shoo the two men aside, the Turks shifting out of her way. “Why are you two here. Actually, why would you drag Rude into your nonsense?” She asked as she shoved the key into the lock and unlocked it, pushing the door open and stepping aside so the duo could come in. As the two walked in and looked around, Reno smiled toothfully. “Nice place, anywho.. we just wanted to say thanks. But we wanted to join you on the ride, take it as it’s the least we can do right now since you’re going to go find her while we have to come back.” He said, hands shoved into his pocket as he stopped to look at a picture frame that stood on a small table near the entrance door.
Emily sat Elena’s file down onto her kitchen counter as she reached to get a glass, “Yeah yeah, do you two want something to drink?” She asked as she pulled down an extra two glasses. Rude nodded as he made his way into the kitchen, a delighted Reno following close behind. “Thanks, we’ve been outside your door for like an hour.” He said as he took a glass from Emily and made his way to her fridge and pried it open to get some water.
The comment earned a quirked brow, “An hour? It’s only been about 15 minutes since I accepted the mission.” She said as she followed behind Reno towards the refrigerator, taking her glass and Rude’s to fill it with ice and water. “Well, here’s the thing.. if you would’ve said no, I was going to have to try and bribe you.” He said as he took out the jug and popped the cap open, beginning to fill his cup up. “Reno, no offense but I don’t think you have anything to offer me.” She said with a short laugh, pressing the glasses to the embedded ice dispenser on her fridge. “That’s why I brought Rude. I’m sure he can convince you.” Emily turned her head over to Rude, playfully studying him with a hum. “I suppose you’re right.” She said, earning a laugh from the redhead and a small shake of the head from the much taller sun-kissed man as she took the jug from Reno’s hand and filled up the remaining cups.
Closing the jug of water and shutting the fridge door shut, Emily passed the glass of water to Rude before taking a small sip from her cup. “I plan on leaving bright and early. You two can crash on the couch if you want, feel free to eat whatever you want but I have to go pack and sleep.” She said as she dragged a hand across the counter and latched onto the file she tossed on it minutes earlier. “It’s only 8 o’clock!” Reno called out as he finished gulping his water down, a drop spilling down the side of his lip. “She just said she planned on leaving early, meaning we need to rest early too.” Rude said as he drank from his glass. “Ugh, fine fine.” Reno grumbled out as he went and flopped onto the leather couch.
Emily had opened her bedroom door and shut it closed behind her. Opening the file once more, she read into it a little more and nothing could really help her from it. It was the same as what Tseng had told her with a few bonus get to know Elena facts. The blonde sighed and shut the file after staring into it for a few minutes. She placed the file at the end of her bed and went to her closet, pulling out an empty duffel bag and opening it. She began to rummage through her drawers and closet and packed the necessities. Everything she needed was in the bag and whatever wasn’t going into the bag would be on her body for departure.
Emily slipped Elena’s file onto the top of everything in the bag, deeming it ready to be closed and put aside until tomorrow morning. She began to get changed for bed, slipping off her leather bodysuit and utility belt before tossing her uniform into the laundry basket and setting the belt aside. The commander slipped under the sheets of her bed, savoring the feel of the plush underneath that engulfed her for what may be the last time for a while. Slowly, her eyes slipped shut, finding herself lulled by the workday.
Emily awoke to a bang on her bedroom door, the blonde jolting up and jumping out of bed. “Hey! We made coffee! Get dressed and let’s go! We leave in 30!” Reno yelled through the door, his footsteps and whistle fading as he walked down the hall and back towards the living area. Emily rubbed her eyes, groaning softly as she leaned on her bed momentarily before shuffling around between using the bathroom connected to her room and getting a bodysuit from her closet and slipping it on once she stripped of her night attire. Pulling the zipper up the front of her bodysuit, she grabbed her utility belt and placed it around her waist. Walking over to her vanity, she pulled her hair into an upwards bun and checked for any hairs out of place before she walked over to her travel bag and plucked it from the floor before leaving her room with a dreaded sigh.
She made her way through the apartment, stopping in the kitchen and noticed Rude spreading cream cheese on a bagel and Reno stirring three cups of coffee. The blonde smiled and made her way to the counter, sitting on one of the stools. “Look at you two being so productive.” She jested, earning a look from both Turks. Reno handed her a coffee while Rude handed her her bagel, the three all sitting around with their mugs and small breakfasts.
“Thank you boys, it’s greatly appreciated.” She muttered as she finished the last bite of her bagel. Reno took his last sip of coffee before patting his hands onto the counter, “Alright! We got three minutes to spare. Let me grab my jacket.” He exclaimed as he got up. Emily took initiative and gathered the mugs, walking over to the sink and beginning to wash them as Rude stood up and went to gather his own belongings. As Emily finished up the dishes and set them aside, she dried her hands and went to grab the duffel bag. She swung the strap over her shoulder and mentally prepared herself for the long trip ahead to Gongaga.
Six hours. The drive was maddening and not even Reno’s side chatter could help ease the leg numbing ride to the backwater town. Emily could have swore the ride could have been shorter had the public security officer listened to her with a shortcut route she learned through Zack those few years back, or if he could at least step on the gas a little harder. Stepping outside with the travel bag secured onto her shoulder, the blonde dropped out of the armored vehicle and stretched. Her joints popped, a sigh of satisfaction leaving her lips as she took in her surroundings.
Reno stepped out alongside her with Rude behind his partner. “Well I guess this is where we leave you.” Reno said as he put a hand on Emily’s back and pat it. “Make sure not to get yourself killed. And if you find anything out, make sure to call.” He said as he pulled his hand back and turned back to the truck with a sigh. “You Turks have my word. I’ll get started right away.. as soon as I eat of course.” She said as she turned to look more into the scenery, noticing small fruit stands and small town restaurants. Rude pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Don’t get too sidetracked.” He said, earning a nod of agreement from the redhead.
The blonde smiled back towards the duo, “I promise, I won’t.” She said as she waved them off, “I’ll update you lot periodically.” The pair nodded before stepping back into the armored truck, ready to head back to the ShinRa building for whatever their next assignment may be.
Emily fixed the strap of her bag, her heels scraping and kicking dust into the air from the dirt path she followed. She turned and stopped at one of the various fruit stands, admiring the colorful array with bright eyes. She brought a gloved hand up to a Banora apple and dug into her pocket for some Gil. As she turned on her feet, her chest bumped the shoulder of another woman. “Oh, I’m sorry.” The blonde said, catching herself and inspecting she brought no harm to the other person. Emily squinted momentarily at the woman, feeling a slight familiarity in the face structure. “You aren’t hurt.. are you ma’am?” She asked softly, offering a courteous smile.
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