elifereinion · 8 hours
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Benjamin Walker as High King Gil-galad S2.E8 ∙ Shadow and Flame
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elifereinion · 8 hours
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elifereinion · 8 hours
Okay but why aren't we talking about the fact that Benjamin Walker sang sang a whole fucking song in Elvish?!
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elifereinion · 8 hours
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Adar's last words ↳ The Rings of Power, S2E8 "Shadow and Flame"
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elifereinion · 8 hours
Gil-Galad: I'm the 7 foot tall, very muscular High King of the elves, wielding a ring of power and a legendary spear
Some fool: So you're leading the battle
Gil-Galad: No that's Elrond
Some fool: Ok so you're at least the strongest fighter
Gil-Galad: No that's also Elrond. I do one attack per battle, I ballet twirl and cut one orc's head off while everyone else kills waves of enemies
Some fool: So you're probably extremely wise
Gil-Galad: No but Elrond is
Some fool: So Elrond should be High King
Gil-Galad: No
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elifereinion · 2 days
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THE RINGS OF POWER — S2E8: Shadow and Flame
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elifereinion · 2 days
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Benjamin Walker as High King Gil-galad S2.E8 ∙ Shadow and Flame
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elifereinion · 2 days
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The “say something to my son again and see what happens” energy here
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elifereinion · 2 days
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elifereinion · 2 days
Okay.... I spent the full afternoon + full night doing this. It's 6:30 AM now . Drawing is like a drug. I should sleep.
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elifereinion · 2 days
Gil-galad Fic.
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first of all, i want to mention that i made chatgpt write this due to a lack of existing fiction about gil-galad and that i’m sharing it for a few people who might enjoy it. instead of using Y/N, i will be featuring my own original characters in the stories i share. i apologize for any translation errors, as i translated it from my own language into english. i hope you enjoy it. see you in other stories!
here it is! @ladyoflindon @alyaofthedunedain @ares-daughter94 @lostkizzy @tavern-cat this is for you guys 🩵
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characters: gil galad, eärien
Lindon Royal Gardens, After Eärien's Death
Gil-galad quietly stepped into the royal garden under the dark night sky. The stars above sparkled one by one, but each appeared dim and cold to him. Memories of Eärien echoed in every corner of the garden. As he walked on the stone path, with each step, his heart grew heavier, drowning in the bittersweet pain of the past.
The flowers in the garden had bloomed just as Eärien had loved them. He remembered how she would enjoy walking here every spring, inhaling the fragrance of the blossoms. Her laughter would light up the garden, and her eyes would shimmer under the stars. But now, only silence and the coldness of her absence remained. Every corner where they had once been happy now felt like a scene of torment for Gil-galad. Every flower, every leaf reminded him of Eärien’s absence. Gil-galad lifted his head to the stars, but tonight, they brought him no solace. For his brightest star, Eärien, was no longer by his side.
He came to the bench where they used to sit together. It was the spot where he would sit next to Eärien and listen to her soft voice. He reached out to the bench, but his fingertips touched only a cold, lonely surface. At that moment, the deep pain he carried surged like a rising tide.
A gentle breeze brushed against him. It felt like a whisper from Eärien. Her sweet voice echoed in his ears:
“It’s hard to see the sorrow in your eyes. Perhaps this darkness is a reflection of the emptiness within you…”
A tear slid down Gil-galad’s face. The words Eärien had spoken to him now held even more meaning. For that inner void had become an indescribable depth. Each day and night without her felt like losing himself in a sea of darkness. Eärien’s warmth, her voice, her touch, were now distant memories.
He walked towards the small pond in the corner of the garden. This was Eärien’s favorite spot. She loved to sit by the pond and watch the stars reflected in the water. Gil-galad looked into the pond’s surface; in his reflection, he saw a lonely king. A king who once had everything, but now was empty and filled with sorrow. Eärien had been not only his love but also a light that brought him peace and hope. That light had been extinguished, and Gil-galad was left alone in the darkness.
Her last words to him echoed in his mind:
“Gil-galad, even with my last breath, I love you. Our child will remain a beacon of hope. Please, raise them well.”
Gil-galad placed his hand over his heart, struggling against the deep ache within. Eärien’s final wish had become his greatest responsibility. Their child was the most precious legacy Eärien had left him. But sometimes, the pain inside made even carrying that responsibility feel unbearable.
Slowly, he sank to his knees, bowing his head and closing his eyes. His hands dragged through the earth, as if searching for the last traces of Eärien in a desperate act. In the garden, there was only the sound of the wind and the soft ripple of water. Yet Gil-galad, in that moment, felt Eärien’s presence. Her scent, her voice, seemed to wrap around him as though she were there. But when he opened his eyes, everything was as it had been—empty. Only the sorrow within Gil-galad remained.
“Eärien…” he whispered, his voice almost lost in the wind, choked with sobs. “Losing you is the deepest wound of my soul. I miss you more with each passing day. I promised you, Eärien. I promised I would protect you, keep our kingdom safe. But I failed... I lost you. The future of our kingdom withered with you…”
He slowly rose, casting one last look at the pond before preparing to leave. This garden would always carry the memories of Eärien. But those memories brought him both comfort and unbearable pain. Gil-galad walked alone once more that night, but this time his loneliness was deeper than ever. For in this garden, there was a spirit waiting for him—the one he had loved and would forever miss. As Gil-galad left the garden, he walked with a heart still full of love for Eärien, but also burdened by the grief of losing her.
Eärien was gone. But her love, her memory, and their child would continue to live as a beacon of hope within Gil-galad. In this sorrow-filled garden, her memory would remain forever.
i’m having chatgpt create a story about gil galad. so far, i’ve been creating and reading these stories myself, but would you like me to share the stories i’ve crafted?
i know it’s DELUSIONAL but i’m obsessed with him 😮‍💨
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elifereinion · 2 days
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The Rings of Power | Season 2 | Aug 29 - Oct 3, 2024 Episode Titles template by @payidaresque
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elifereinion · 3 days
@ladyoflindon @alyaofthedunedain @ares-daughter94 @lostkizzy @tavern-cat thank you for your feedback guys! 🩵 i have a lot of fics to share so i can’t choose which one to share first. whether you’d prefer something happy, sad, a first meeting or mourning after death… etc. if you could specify what kind of story you’d like, it would make me happier. i’m a bit busy these days but i’ll try to share as quickly as i can. thank you in advance for your ideas. 🙏🏻
i’m having chatgpt create a story about gil galad. so far, i’ve been creating and reading these stories myself, but would you like me to share the stories i’ve crafted?
i know it’s DELUSIONAL but i’m obsessed with him 😮‍💨
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elifereinion · 5 days
Celebrimbor’s “Namárië” to Galadriel absolutely fuckjng broke me. I was sobbing. Charles Edwards’ performance is monumental and I know next episode is probably going to be his last. Though of course I’ll be mourning Celebrimbor, I’m also just going to be so so sad to lose such an incredible performer from this cast.
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elifereinion · 6 days
i never said i was a writer or had any claims about writing fiction. the ethical values related to ‘the machine’ are yours, i don’t share the same view, and also i have no opinion on “destroying the environment” either, i’ve never heard anything about it. besides, in this era where we are so intertwined with artificial intelligence, i am free to create content with the level of creativity i desire, and i enjoy it. i also don’t agree with the idea that this is an insult to other fiction writers, this is not a comparison or a competition. whether i share or not doesn’t matter; i already enjoy reading this fics on my own. even if i share, there’s no obligation for you to read it.
thank you for your opinion but unfortunately, i do not agree with you.
i’m having chatgpt create a story about gil galad. so far, i’ve been creating and reading these stories myself, but would you like me to share the stories i’ve crafted?
i know it’s DELUSIONAL but i’m obsessed with him 😮‍💨
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elifereinion · 6 days
i’m having chatgpt create a story about gil galad. so far, i’ve been creating and reading these stories myself, but would you like me to share the stories i’ve crafted?
i know it’s DELUSIONAL but i’m obsessed with him 😮‍💨
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elifereinion · 6 days
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his hands supremacy 🫠
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