eliahyuh · 10 hours
Reblog if you have very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very ticklish feet.
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eliahyuh · 2 days
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This one’s for all my tklish guys out there🤌🏽
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eliahyuh · 2 days
If you like a bunch of my post I'm going to just assume you wanna make out with me
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eliahyuh · 4 days
When you're tickling them and hit a *sensitive* spot & they do the really cute thing of grabbing your hands, but they don't try to push you away...
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eliahyuh · 4 days
oh nooooooo i’m too high. someone should do something about it. like pinning me down and tracing shapes on my inner thighs and soles
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eliahyuh · 5 days
27. What is the ideal number of lers?
37. Spontaneous tickles, or a planned session?
:3 🦄
27. Honestly, just 1 😭
37. I like a combination of both! - like, if I'm reaching up for something and you decide to go for my stomach *chefs kiss*. If we're watching a film and you decide to randomly grab my foot *chefs kiss* - but also if you say "tonight we're going to have some fun" and "you're going to be a good boy and take it" *chefs kiss*
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eliahyuh · 5 days
💅 happy pride month
If you're queer and ticklish, you're hot.
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eliahyuh · 5 days
I need to be in bed cuddling with someone so they can hold me from behind and sneak their hands up my shirt and tickle me and pin me down and kiss me or whatever
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eliahyuh · 6 days
5. On a scale of 1-10, how intense do you like to tickle or be tickled?
6. If you had to listen to three pieces of music for the rest of your life, which three works would you choose?
5. I like it very mild - So around a 3/10 maybe a 5/10 at a push! Mainly because the less Intense it all is, the more sensitive (and comfortable) I am.
6. Ooh! Okay: Darkness At The Heart Of My Love - Ghost // #3 Aphex Twin // No More Tears - Distant Cowboy
Thank you! 🌞
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eliahyuh · 6 days
It's actually extremely cute when you call the lee out for being so ticklish, then watch them realise they're not able to hide their smile or their flushed cheeks because their arms are pinned and stuck under your legs.
So instead they can only say thank you through their laughter as you continue to tease and tickle them 🥰🪶
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eliahyuh · 6 days
Currently traveling and thought this could either be a fun way to either end up flustering myself or to just pass the time..
Tickling community ask game
Odd number for tickle questions, even number for non-tickle questions.
For lees, is your most ticklish spot your favorite spot to be tickled? For lers, is your favorite spot the lee's most ticklish spot?
What would be your choice for your last meal?
Have you ever had a "tickle crush"?
What's a good way to start a conversation with you?
On a scale of 1-10, how intense do you like to tickle or be tickled?
If you had to listen to three pieces of music for the rest of your life, which three works would you choose?
How does tickling make you feel?
If you could become fluent in one language, which one would you choose?
If you have lee/ler mood and no way to tickle or be tickled, how do you try to satisfy your mood?
What is an interest of yours that you wish were more popular with people?
Fill in the blank: Tickling and _ go best together.
If you had the opportunity to meet your younger 10-year-old self, what message would you share?
Is there a tickling fantasy or scenario that you've always wanted to experience?
What is your go-to music when you want to feel happy?
What made you create your Tumblr blog?
What's one thing you are really good at? What's one thing you want to be really good at?
For lees, what kind of lee are you? For lers, what kind of ler are you?
What is an unpopular thing that you actually like?
Tickle fights, yes or no?
If money were not a concern, what would your ideal vacation look like?
Do you get flustered by tickle scenes in movies or TV shows?
If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
For lees, what kind of ler do you like? For lers, what kind of lee do you like?
Give yourself a compliment!
For lees, are you in lee mood right now? If so, what kind of lee mood is it? For lers, are you in ler mood right now? If so, what kind of ler mood is it?
Give the person who asked this a compliment!
What is the ideal number of lers?
Do you like spicy food?
Link a post that made you flustered.
Do you have a favorite poem? If so, what is it?
For lees, do you have fictional characters you'd want to be tickled by? For lers, do you have fictional characters you'd want to tickle?
If you had to choose three movies to watch for your entire life, which three would you choose?
Share a popular opinion on tickling you have.
Share a line of lyrics that you like.
Share an unpopular opinion on tickling you have.
If you had to move to another country, which country would you choose?
Spontaneous tickles, or a planned session?
Share a line from a book that you like.
How well can you say the word "tickle"?
If you had to give a Ted-talk without any preparation, what topic would you choose?
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eliahyuh · 9 days
GOOD BOY's tell us their death spots >:3
...because you called me a good boy I feel compelled to answer.
Sides and ribs (and feet tbh) are all absolutely awful and will kill me in a matter of seconds, it's actually rather embarrassing 💀
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eliahyuh · 11 days
When they get you to talk about a topic you're extremely passionate about, but decide to make it more entertaining (for them) by gently tickling and teasing you as you talk about it. Constantly prompting you to ignore their hands that are now scribbling up your sides, and to pretend like nothing is happening >>>>
"I'm sorry I didn't catch that through all your laughter, can you repeat that for me? It sounded so Interesting."
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eliahyuh · 11 days
🎉-bikini/ underwear tikies or PJ tikies?
🖤- socks on or socks off?
🎉 underwear tickles or PJ tickles? - PJ tickles for sure, the PJs give me a false sense of security and makes the tickles 200x more effective on me!
🖤 socks on or socks off? - this question feels SO rigged, because my feet are awful and sensitive either way.
Thank you for asking! 🌞
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eliahyuh · 11 days
☁️- pinned down or restrained?
🌙- fingers or tools?
☄️-baby oil, or bare hands?
🍧- counting ribs or counting piggies?
🍨-trying not to laugh, or trying to not move? (For lers make the lee try to stay still or making the lee trying not to laugh)
💫-playfull tikies or tickle torture?
🐻- being blindfolded, or having to stare the Ler? (Having the lee staring and watch what are you doing or blindfolding the lee?)
I've answered the first three! But here we go (look away now this is very revealing)
🍧 counting ribs or counting piggies? - counting ribs! 💳 💳 count my ribs damn it. (But in all seriousness I cannot stay still if you tickle my ribs, so you will have to restart a few times)
🍨try not to laugh, or try not to move? - my man, I am screwed either way... But trying not to laugh is always more fun in my opinion!
💫 playful tickles or tickle torture? - I'm inclined to say playful tickles, mainly because ive had hard limits ignored in the past 🥹 - but If I trusted someone enough I might be swayed...
🐻 being blindfolded, or having to stare at the ler? - all I'm saying is if you're going to wreck me, you're going to have to look me in my tear filled eyes.
Thank you! 🌞
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eliahyuh · 11 days
☁️ 🌙 🌼 ☄️ ;))
Wow, you really want answers huh...
☁️ Pinned down or restrained? - pinned down for sure, I personally don't like the feeling of not being able to move at all (too many bad experiences)
🌙 fingers or tools? - it really depends on where you're tickling me to be honest! I love a good gentle tickle with fingers, but I'll happily take a nice makeup brush or feather any day!
🌼 rough tickles or soft tickles? - oh my god soft tickles any day! I can't handle them in the slightest, but rough tickles just don't hit for me.
☄️ baby oil or bare hands? - bare hands! I've never had baby oil used on me personally, but the way I've seen people scream after they've had it applied... I really don't need to be ANYMORE ticklish than I already am 😭
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eliahyuh · 11 days
These seem like fun (and will be scarily revealing)...
Ask away, and save me from the monotony that is my Sunday afternoon/evening.
✨Lee/Ler/switch preferences✨
(You can choose both!!)
☁️- pinned down or restrained?
🌙- fingers or tools?
🌼-rough tikies,or soft tikies?
☄️-baby oil, or bare hands?
🎠- baby talk or causal teases?
🎐-punishment tikies or reward?
🦄- having to say the t-word (for the lers and switches making the lee say it) or having to admit something? (Making the lee admit something)
🍧- counting ribs or counting piggies?
🍨-trying not to laugh, or trying to not move? (For lers make the lee try to stay still or making the lee trying not to laugh)
🍬-Having to read a book while being tickled or having to play a videogame while being tickled?(for lers having the lee trying to read or play while being tickled)
🎟️- raspberries or nibbles?
💎- gang tickling or solo tikies?
💫-playfull tikies or tickle torture?
✨- Winning a tickle fight or loosing it?
🌈-ticklish hugs or ticklish kisses?
🎉-bikini/ underwear tikies or PJ tikies?
🍩-morning tikies to wake up and get ride of the sleepiness or bed time tikies to make you feel sleepy?
🐻- being blindfolded, or having to stare the Ler? (Having the lee staring and watch what are you doing or blindfolding the lee?)
🌑- telling the lee every single thing you will do, or making the lee guess every single thing you will do? (For lees hearing every little single thing the Ler will do to you or having to guess every single thing that will happen to you?)
🖤- socks on or socks off?
🍙- cute crop tops, or cute socks?
(Feel free to send asks to your mutuals or post this with your answers! :3)
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