Monólogo: "De mi villano a mi héroe"
Duele… ¿no es así? Ver que toda tu vida es una mentira, descubrir que estas condenado a padecer desde que naciste.
Duele ver que tus ojos ya no brillan, que en tu cara no habita una sonrisa y que no importa cuánto luches… tu destino está sellado, lo que ves es lo que hay. Los padres mienten, no son perfectos. Y esa es una idea a la que hay que acostumbrarse.
No te habrás dado cuenta porque ibas por la vida alardeando de tu honor intocable y de toda tu grandeza de que estuve en peores condiciones y así mismo me ves acá parado, sosteniéndote y estando a tu lado. Y no es por victimizarme, simplemente quiero mostrarte que la vida sigue, que no se detiene por y para nadie.
Porque si yo pude caer y levantarme, vos también podés hacerlo. Lo bueno del asunto es que tus circunstancias son mejores que las mías. A vos la gente te apoya, yo tuve que ganarle a la vida. Sí, a la vida, a la muerte, a todos. No hubo un momento en el que no haya luchado, porque si no era en mi nacimiento, hubiera sido contra algunos de los monstruos que me atacaron en la infancia, que quisieron pagar el precio del placer con mi inocencia. Lo cual hicieron. No quiero que te pase lo mismo. No quiero que te vuelvas un insensible. No toleraría verte convertido en una versión de mí mismo.
No podes engañar a la muerte. A todos nos toca verla a la cara, pero no seas como yo, no te enamores de ella. He muerto una y otra vez; y siento que la próxima vez se aproxima, pero si para salvarte tengo que dar mi vida, no dudes ni un segundo en que lo haría, no una, sino mil veces más. Pero prométeme, no te convertirás en una versión mía.
Duele… ¿no es así? Saber que el tiempo corre en espiral y que te vas a volver a tropezar hasta que aprendas, que cuesta entender la lección a la primera y que no todo es color rosa.
No llores, es bueno saberlo, espero que la próxima vayas más preparado, porque te van a volver a golpear y vas a volver a caer, pero no hagas como yo, que una vez caído cavaba más hondo para poder enterrarme más. No te vuelvas un adicto a la tristeza, luego cuesta salir de ahí. Duele, porque ves que no podes respirar, que te estas ahogando y luego cuando tocas fondo y ves para arriba… descubrís que realmente nadie está ahí, empujándote hasta el fondo. Sos vos.
Duele… ¿no es así?
- Runaljod
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Acacia: Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells Adam & Eve Roots : Love, Happiness Adders Tongue : Healing African Violet : Spirituality, Protection Agaric : Fertility Agrimony : Protection, Sleep Ague Root : Protection Alfalfa : Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money Alkanet : Purification, Prosperity Allspice : Money, Luck, Healing Almond : Money, Prosperity, Wisdom Aloe : Protection, Luck Aloes, Wood : Love, Spirituality Althea : Protection, Psychic Powers Alyssum : Protection, Moderating Anger Amaranth : Healing Heartbreak, Protection, Invisibility, Anemone : Health, Protection, Healing Angelica : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions Anise : Protection, Purification, Youth Apple : Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality Apricot : Love Arabic Gum : Spirituality, Purify Negativity and Evil Arbutus : Exorcism, Protection Asafoetida : Exorcism, Purification, Protection Ash : Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health Aspen : Eloquence, Anti-Theft Aster : Love Avens : Exorcism, Purification, Love Avocado : Love, Lust, Beauty
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Quick Guide to Celebrating the Sabbats 🌻
🧀Fruit & veg, herbed bread, cheese, honey cakes, chicken, pork, sunflower seeds, lemonade, ice tea.
🍋Lemon, orange, cinnamon, rose oils.
🔮Moonstone, tigers eye, amethyst, flourite, agate. {Or any crystals in warm colours}.
🌞See the sun rise & set, eat outdoors, make or buy a sun catcher, bake a sweet cake, let sunlight cleanse your rooms, clear cobwebs, wear a flower crown, make honey/sugar scrub, wear warm tones.
🎬Peter Pan, Fairy Tale, Ferngully, Stardust, Tinkerbell, Maleficent.
🌽Multi grain bread, corn on the cob, bbq meats, fried chicken, potatoes, soup, rice, nuts, black current juice, beer, peppermint tea.
🌹Rose, chamomile, passion fruit, all spice oils/scents.
🔮Citrine, clear quartz, tigers eye.
📖Finish a project, make a bread to share, enjoy nature, take care of plants, decorate or craft, acknowledge what you are grateful for, journal future hopes.
🎬Parent Trap, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, Cheaper by the Dozen.
🍇Pies, nuts, smoked or roast poultry [bbq chicken with smoky bbq sauce], soup, corn, apples, plums, grapes, cinnamon donuts, caramel popcorn, peanut butter, butterscotch.
🌲Sage, pine, cinnamon oils/scents.
🔮Amethyst, clear quartz, citrine, yellow agate.
🌾Make scented pinecones, spend time under the stars, donate food or goods [RSPCA], burn bad habits, visit the deceased, harvest take care of plants, bask in nature, meditate.
🎬Open Season, Brother Bear, Spirit, Pocahontas, Brave.
🎃Pumpkins, toffee apples, ginger bread, chai, nutmeg or cinnamon spiced foods, hazelnuts, sweets.
🌰Nutmeg, cinnamon scents.
🔮Obsidian, onyx, bloodstone, amber, fossils.
🕯Cook a family recipe, light a fire, remember & honour the deceased.
🎬Hocus Pocus, Addams Family, Monsters Inc, Little Vampire, Corpse Bride, Casper, Hansel Gretel Witch Hunters, Underworld, Van Helsing.
🍪Cookies, fruit cake, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea.
🕎Cedar, frankincense, myrrh oils.
🔮Bloodstone, citrine, clear quartz.
❄Give or volunteer, bake shortbread or sugar cookies, share a meal with loved ones.
🎬Santa Clause, Rise of the Guardians, 101 Dalmatians, Frozen, Snow White Winters War, Narnia.
🍩Poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, bread butter pudding, scones, muffins, garlic, onions.
☕Vanilla, cinnamon oil.
🔮Amethyst, bloodstone, onyx.
🕯Light white candles, plant seeds, bless your pets, declutter & clean your living space, bake orange and poppy seed muffins or cake.
🎬Mr Poppers Penguins, Happy Feet, Balto, Ice Age, Mirror Mirror.
🍌Roast ham & pineapple, eggs, milk, seeds & nuts, banana bread, chocolate milk, green vegetables.
🌹Jasmine, light florals, sweet garden, wild flowers.
🔮Amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone.
🌹Light candles, plant seeds, share a roast ham with loved ones, bake banana bread, finish spring cleaning, lay tumbled stones in your garden bed, take deep breaths [inhale new energy & exhale old energies], wear spring colours whites & florals, collect wildflowers or buy flowers that call to you & research what they mean, walk through nature.
🎬Epic, Strange Magic, The Secret Garden, Spiderwick, A Bugs Life, Barbie Fairies.
🍞Breads, cakes, honey, leafy greens, fruit & veg, seafood, iced tea, lemonade, milk.
🌼Florals, sweet garden, honeysuckle, jasmine, rose.
🔮Amber, citrine, moonstone, red jasper, rose quartz.
🌼Wear a flower crown or flowers in your hair, dress in red or white, make a bonfire & roast marshmallows, garden, take a walk, spend time in nature, pick fresh flowers to decorate.
🎬Moana, Arthur Trilogy, Avatar, Jungle Book, Tinkerbell, Barbie.
☾Sage cleanse the house, light candles, diffuse oils.
☾Clean sheets/bedding/pillowcases/towels.
☾Eat at least one traditional food.
☾Watch a relevant movie.
☾Take notes in my BOS of how I celebrated the Sabbat to look back on next year.
☾Charge my crystals & tarot decks in the full moonlight.
☾Do a tarot reading relevant to the Sabbat.
☾Spend time outside with my dogs 🐶
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Mercurio Retrógrado
Seguramente han leído, por las redes sociales, a gente decir que mercurio entró en retrogradación. Esto se debe a que el planeta ha bajado su velocidad de rotación. Todos los planetas lo hacen, parecen detener su movimiento e ir en retroceso, de allí su nombre.
Mercurio retrógrado es un momento de malentendidos, todo se vuelve más lento y complicado. Es muy normal que confundamos fechas, números, horas, etc.
Pero no todo es malo: Es un buen momento para reestudiar, reanalizar, reconsiderar ya que la mente funciona mejor en este tipo de procesos y profundiza más sacando mejores conclusiones.
También es buen momento para comunicarnos con personas de nuestro pasado y arreglar los asuntos pendientes.
Esto dura desde el 6 hasta el 28 de Marzo ¡No pierdan el sentido del humor durante este tiempo!
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Ya he dado el examen
Ok, por el momento estoy descansando, pero ya saben cómo es esto de la facultad. Es muy exigente. Lo mismo me voy a dar lugarcito para postear cosas. Hope u like it ♡
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Pronto volveré con más!
Por el momento estoy estudiando para un examen que quiero aprobar sí o sí, de todas formas estoy actualizando en mi instagram @runaljod__ con algunas historias en donde ustedes tienen que ayudarme a elegir de qué tema voy a hablar <3 Por otro lado, tengo un video hablando sobre Baphomet y un poco de su historia la cual voy a subir acá en su versión completa y escrita.
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Celebrating Lughnasadh:
Lughnasadh, also known as Lúnasa, Lùnastal, Luanistyn or Lammas, is a Gaelic festival of the first harvest, which also corresponds with other European early harvest festivals. It is held on the 1st of August, halfway between the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Autumn Equinox (Mabon).
The festival is named after the Celtic god Lugh, and part of the festival is often offering some of the first harvest’s bounty in gratitude, and feasting or athletic competitions. Historically, journeys to sacred wells or holy shrines, or climbing mountains or hills have been popular, and in some places are still observed. Lugh is often seen as a personification of the first harvest, or the corn itself, and he is sometimes recast as folkloric figures such as John Barleycorn.
Lughnasadh colours: gold, orange, yellow, green, light brown
Lughnasadh crystals: amber, citrine, aventurine, peridot
Lughnasadh foods: Bread, corn, soup, root vegetables, berries, mead, rice, barely, nuts, seasonal fruits, roasted meats, honey, beer
Ideas for Lughnasadh celebrations:
Bake bread! Baking bread is one of the most traditional ways of celebrating this festival, and the first of the grains have been harvested. Consider baking different types of loaves, experiment with plaiting the dough or drawing designs on the top. Add seasonal berries, nuts or seeds to the dough to add flavour and interest
Have a picnic with friends and family – with lots of bread!
Go on a walk up a mountain or hill, or visit a sacred place such as a shrine, holy well, stone circle or burial mound (or just somewhere sacred to you if none of those are available)
Play games with friends or family, have a sports contest such as a running race or a tug of war
Make a donation of food to your local food bank or donate money to a charity
Hold your own Lughnasnadh ritual, light a fire and offer some food to the god Lugh and thank him for your harvest, and feel gratitude in knowing that all your efforts are coming to fruition
Make corn dollies, instructions for lots of interesting designs can be found online, or make sculptures and decorations out of salt dough
Light a candle and make a list of all that you are thankful for, and meditate upon this
Go on a foraging trip, look for early apples, plums, berries and edible fungi (ensure you are certain of what you are harvesting before you eat it!)
A blessed Lughnasadh to all, however you chose to celebrate it, and may your August be fruitful, prosperous and full of joy :)
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🌿Lammas Activities🌿
Lammas (also called Lughnasadh) is a sabbat from the Wheel of the Year that is celebrated on August 1st to mark the beginning of the harvest season
🌿 Bake! Cooking and sharing food is a great activity for any sabbat, and cooking bread, desserts, meat, and enjoying fruits and vegetables is a great way to celebrate Lammas! 🌿 Enjoy nature! Fall is coming next, so enjoy the fresh air while you can. Invite friends and family on a nature walk or picnic or you can go yourself and embrace the beauty that nature has to offer! Visit a lake, a park, go on a trail, or whatever you want to connect with nature! 🌿 Take care your plants! This is the beginning of the harvest season. Take extra care of your plants and maybe even give them a treat: new soil, a new pot, fresh water, or fertilizer. If it’s time to harvest some fruits or veggies, do so! 🌿 Decorate your altar and/or home! Colors, plants, grains, wreaths, animal prints, and candles are some great ways to decorate your home and/or altar for Lammas! 🌿 Do some crafts! Making crafts is a great way to have fun on Lammas, especially if you’re celebrating with kids! Making corn dolls and corn wheels are a few of the many fun ways to celebrate! Plus, when spring rolls around, you can bury the corn doll or corn wheel in a new garden to help your plants grow. 🌿 Prosperity magic! Lammas is the ideal time to perform prosperity magic, so if you have any prosperity spells hidden in your grimoire or book of shadows, take those out and work some magic! 🌿 Work on your book of shadows or grimoire! A relaxing way to end the day would be to write a few pages in your book, whether you write in spells, information, or a journal entry. 🌿 Finish some projects! If you have some projects nearing an end, Lammas would be a great time to finish those or to make more progress if you can! Not every goal needs to be achieved, but dedicating your time and effort to finishing a few would be a great Lammas activity. 🌿 Make a bonfire! Invite friends and family to a bonfire! While you sit around the fire, share some of your bad or unnecessary habits and how you plan to change or get rid of those habits so you can have renewed strength. If you’re a secret witch, you can just light a candle in your room and privately journal your reflection!
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✨ beginner polytheist tips✨
I notice a lot of new polytheists and aspiring devotees asking what to do to find their deities/feel closer to them/talk to them/etc, so I thought I’d share somewhat in detail what has helped for me when I chose to put my faith in them - aside from prayer and divination
🌱🔸make plans/rules for yourself and follow them. habit forming is a stepping stone to worship. for me, if I don’t do anything else faith-driven, I at least ring my chime. It doesn’t have to be so obvious, try to work it into your normal routine
🌱🔸just about anything can be an offering! buried offerings are my biggest but writing, brushing your teeth, self control, treat yo’ self, baths, your blog, video games with character select any video games, photos, playlists - you name it. if it makes you think of them, it honors them
🌱🔸on the other hand - if you feel they are stubbornly distant, study them more, try new offerings, look elsewhere. do you have pop culture icons that remind you of someone without inherently representing them? has something at the store been catching your eye? dig deep, follow your gut!
🌱🔸if they do at all, they will not likely present predictably. they have shown themselves to me through physical objects, in birds, in the sunlight between the blinds, in baths, the melodies of my heart, and I suspect endless other variations. but never once did i expect it
🌱🔸 rainfall can be an excellent tool for communication. speak/pray to your deity and listen to the shift in the weather for responsive gestures
🌱🔸 new moons are good for being noticed! light candles to illuminate yourself, talk to them full moons are good for noticing them! turn out/dim the lights and let yourself be overwhelmed
🌱 🔸can’t bury/burn food? don’t like throwing away offerings? your deity might prefer that you eat it for them! if you have strange cravings or see something new, indulge! even if you don’t like it, you tried it for them and tbh that’s just as special
🌱🔸if you’re having trouble branching out, ask your current deity what they think of other gods you are interested in. pay attention when you reread their summaries, was there someone who stuck out this time? don’t forget, the lore is not a set in stone representation of their behavior/interactions with others but it’s important to still be mindful
🌱🔸 if you are trying to use divination, ask your tools what they think of your deities/reach out to a third party diviner some readings might be more willing (and more helpful!) than others.
🌱🔸 if you can’t lucid dream/astral travel (like me) give daydreaming a try! concentrate on what it would look like if you had a meeting spot with your deity. picture what you would wear (if anything), how large or small they are, setting details, lighting, etc. then lose yourself in that world during mediation, chores, walks, right before bed, whenever you can zone out
🌱🔸 if you still can’t, fake it til you make it. improvise with nature sounds, sit in the dark (if you’re okay with that), watch optical illusion gifs, anything that can get your mind creating. take notes on your theories and keep track of what you’ve tried.
🌱🔸 limited supplies? pick from what you’ve got save old jewelry for charms, grab your spare crystals, trinkets you’ve held onto for years, and you can use divination - or my personal favorite “just guess” what they might like. interacting with their item could help form those bonds
most importantly- keep them in your thoughts! you don’t have to do any of these things at all to connect with or find your deity. in fact, I have tried all of these countless times and still not reached some in particular. you might find your own method along the way and that’s all the more special.
remember that whomever they are, they love you already and they know you’re trying
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Ways the Gods Can Contact You
This is one of the most frequent questions I receive. Otherwise, I would not make this post. Worship is incredibly personal, and Gods usually contact you in ways that you don’t expect, or ways you didn’t realize until you look back on the past.
These methods listed are common ones that I often hear from others. Do not limit your communication to these steps.
You feel a very close connection with Them, even without legitimate reason. Some people feel a connection to Their area of rule (i.e. sea god for feeling close to the ocean). If you’re like me, you’ve felt drawn to a God and you don’t even know why. This could be the Gods trying to reach out to you.
A God sends you strong gut feelings. Before I devoteed to Hades, I gave Him offerings during every Sabbat. I can’t tell you why; I just felt like I needed to. One day, I thought of making an altar for Hades, and I immediately put aside all other thoughts and responsibilities, determined to create that altar. If you’ve experience similar gut feelings, that may be a God speaking to you.
Your favorites overlap. It sounds silly, but it’s an experience I’ve heard about from a lot of people. For example, if you’ve always felt connected to dogs, and feel drawn towards Aries, you might look up the correspondence of dogs and realize that Aries has a close relationship with dogs. A quick disclaimer: This doesn’t always happen, and it’s possible to feel attracted to a God you have little connectivity with.
Your environment responds to you when you speak with the Gods. During my first ever Wiccan ritual, the God spoke to me by raising the candle flame higher than any I’ve ever seen. I’ve felt the wind shift when I spoke to the Gods about change in my life. Changes like these could be signs of response, especially during a prayer or ritual.
You feel a response, similar to the last one, but more esoteric. Examples may include feeling a warm blanket on your shoulders, feeling yourself relax while speaking to the Gods, touching hands, or even smelling a certain scent from no obvious source.
You hear a response. In some cases you may actually hear a voice in your head when a God speaks to you.
The Gods come through divination, such as automatic writing, scrying, tarot, pendulum or omens. Certain signs or repeated animal sightings may also be a method of contact.
The Gods communicate through dreams, visions, meditation or hedge crossing.
Anything I missed? Please add on. And remember that these are simply examples. Listen to your instinct, and you’ll know. It may take some time.
I wish you a fun and rewarding path, lovelies! .+(´^ω^`)+.
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Eclipse Lunar Enero - 2019
¡Hola, feliz encuentro! Estos 20 y 21 de Enero llega la Superluna roja, así que voy a estar posteando información sobre este evento tan lindo.
Un eclipse lunar se produce cuando la Tierra se coloca entre el Sol y la Luna, bloqueando a los rayos solares de que puedan llegar al satélite, y el del lunes coincide con lo que se conoce como "superluna".
Esto ocurre cuando, además de estar en fase de Luna llena, el satélite terrestre se encuentra en su punto más cercano a la Tierra, o sea que la vamos a poder apreciar de un tamaño más grande de lo normal.
Cuando parte de la luz solar que atraviesa la atmósfera de la Tierra se curva alrededor del borde de nuestro planeta y se posa sobre la superficie lunar, se produce un efecto visual llamado “Luna de Sangre”.
¡Será la primer luna llena del año! Por eso también recibe el nombre de “Luna de Lobo” La razón es que esta luna coincide, para los nativos americanos, con los aullidos de los lobos que se quejaban del duro invierno (Edad Media).
---> ¿Dónde puedo verlo? <---
Podrá verse en todo el continente americano y parte del oeste de Europa y África.
Empezará aproximadamente a las 22hs del 20 y finalizaría a las 5hs del 21. De todas formas busquen el horario exacto en el que se verá en su país en el link que les dejo a continuación: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0fAUDhSM0/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1g2wiur04vpmo
---> Este eclipse se produce en la cuadratura de Marte con Saturno, cosa que implicará para los signos una tensión adicional. Como Saturno se relaciona con lo viejo, es posible que la tensión antes mencionada esté relacionada con la ruptura de viejas conductas. Estos cambios afectarán principalmente a los signos Tauro, Leo, Escorpio y Acuario. Así que aprovecha esta energía para cerrar ciclos y tomar decisiones.
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