elenis-young · 3 years
I’m about to say something controversial that will get me quite a lot of threats:
I think the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films are overrated.
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elenis-young · 3 years
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The Order of The Avengers (Part 2) - (2021)
A couple of months ago, I asked my followers what kind of Avengers fan art they wanted to see from me and they voted at 81% for the “Medieval / Heroic Fantasy AU” option. Here’s the result, I hope you’ll enjoy it! A big thank you to @vegetamochi​ who came up with the title. (Nb: this is an art project, there’s no fic to go with it)
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elenis-young · 3 years
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Aww! He's so adorable!
LinkedIn Interview:
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elenis-young · 3 years
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“The heartbroken might go through thousands of micro-emotions a day trying to figure out how to get through it without picking up the phone to hear that old familiar voice. In the land of heartbreak, moments of strength, independence, and devil-may-care rebellion are intricately woven together with grief, paralyzing vulnerability and hopelessness.”
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elenis-young · 5 years
I'd very much like to punch a feminist.
I’d never, ever hurt a lady but I’d be happy to punch a feminist. It’d bring me great joy.
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elenis-young · 5 years
Happiness Begins is an “I love my wife” meme
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elenis-young · 5 years
I never thought I’d be listening to a Jonas Brothers album again for the very first time I might just cry
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elenis-young · 5 years
Reblog if you've made at least one friend because of a fandom.
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elenis-young · 5 years
Looking for Peter Parker & Avengers fic recs.
Specifically, I am looking for fics where the Avengers do not know who Spider-man is. Either they are working with him and want to know or, preferably, they think he is a threat and need to know.
Peter, of course, doesn’t want to reveal himself.
And when the time, inevitably, comes, Peter is still fighting it. The Avengers un-mask him without permission (in most fics I’ve read, he’s unconscious when getting un-masked) or an emergency happens and they take off his mask.
Cue the Avengers going through serious guilt for how they treated this adorkable kid and learning Peter’s life story and being a family to him.
I would hella love fics that equally involve the entire Avengers team rather than just Tony.
As an example, I hella love That Neighborhood Menace, Spider-Man.
Or, honestly, fics where the Avengers team treats Peter like crap, just to realize their mistake and the guilt that comes with it and trying to re-gain his trust, like in The Wisdom of Children.
(I really love guilt fics, okay?)
Please and thank you for any fic recommendations!
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elenis-young · 5 years
EW - Emilia Clarke defends Dany
Clarke spoke up for Dany’s response, noting that — from her character’s perspective — instantly focusing on to threat to her claim to rule the Seven Kingdoms rather than how it impacts her relationship with Jon makes total sense given her personal and family history. “The related thing, to her, is so normal,” Clarke explains to EW. “She could have easily married her brother. It’s not a thing. It’s a thing for Jon, but let’s just forget about that.
The main thing is we’re up for the same promotion and I’ve been working for it for my entire existence.”
“This is my whole existence,” Clarke emphasized. “Since birth! Dany literally was brought into this world going: RUN! These f—ers [in Westeros] have f—ed everything up. Now it’s, ‘You’re our only hope.’ There’s so much she’s taken on in her duty in life to rectify.
There’s so much she’s seen and witnessed and been through and lost and suffered and hurt to get here … and Jon doesn’t even want it!”
I relate to this on so many levels. I’ve felt this way before in the workplace and what saddens me is the way Dany is villanized. As a woman, it’s sad seeing other women disparage Dany, I saw myself in Dany in this scene and I stand in solidarity with her. She worked hard to get where she is today, why wouldn’t she be upset?
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elenis-young · 6 years
68 days until Avengers: Endgame!
+ 19 days until Captain Marvel!
+ 138 days until Spider-Man: Far From Home!
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elenis-young · 6 years
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You knock me out, I fall apart
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elenis-young · 6 years
So Omelia went from 'no kids at all' to 'we're fostering a baby and his addict mom'
And I'm totally into it
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elenis-young · 6 years
Drizella: Hey, guys. Did you ever see that really old movie, Empire Strikes Back?
Zelena: Jesus, Regina, how old is this girl?
Regina: I don’t know, I didn’t carbon date her. She’s on the young side.
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elenis-young · 6 years
everyone please go watch on my block on netflix 
the main cast is latino / afro latino and black. 
the show centres around these teenagers growing up in the inner city and gang life and it doesn’t vilify anyone not even spooky.
it shows that all these characters and the choices they’ve made are products of their environment
its hilarious 
the friendship and romances between the characters are just A++++ 
 and all the characters have complex plot lines
so hype up it up go watch it like you do all those other white coming of age teen dramas 
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elenis-young · 7 years
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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elenis-young · 7 years
Tintin remembers what comes after 15.
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