ours is the fury
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eleneibaratheon · 2 years ago
location: maegors holdfast; open starter
elenei hated quiet. silence was a time for grieving and sadness - she had had enough of that for a lifetime. most days she spent surrounded by her gaggle of ladies; though, with all the recent tragedies in the capital, most had excused themselves to be with their families. she sat, uninterested in the ornate spread of cakes and fruit in front of her, absentmindedly flipping through the pages. soft footsteps broke her from her trance, glancing up to the see a figure standing at the edge of the table. elenei smiled warmly, propping herself up with two hands. "please, sit." she motioned to the empty chair closest to her. "how is the weather treating you?"
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eleneibaratheon · 2 years ago
elenei did not feel ready to forgive; nor did she think that was something one could prepare for. when word came of his visit she had wanted nothing more than to bar the doors and refuse anyone entry. she was not sure she was ready to relive her past. for two years, she had successfully evaded him, fleeing to dragonstone when he made his scheduled visits. now, she was done running. he was her little brother after all, no matter how much he towered over her, and she could be terrified of facing him no more.
for a while, in their youth, they were all each other had. orryn too small and their sister too many years older. they squirmed and giggled through lessons together, played together, cried together if maester yormwell had been especially cruel in their punishment. then, it all changed. young lordlings came to Storms Ends in droves and slowly replaced the little princess in their games. elenei spent the next few years resigned to a room with her sister and their septa, stitching until she felt her fingers could continue the motions in her sleep. still, they grew up close in their own way.
elenei had not asked for harlan. she was still so young and her fanciful heart had yearned for more years of freedom. and yet, her heart had warmed to him. he was a man raised by the seas, he said. they planned their shared futures during private moments, rare as they could be. it was not a surprise he had jumped on her brothers offer to join a crew and sail away for a time. one last voyage before he was all hers. elenei watched from the parapets as her brother and betrothed sailed away. only one had returned.
"how did it happen?" she had asked through her sobs, cradled in the arms of her brother. his words had succeeded in soothing momentarily. it was alone in her bedchamber, between the nightmares and the grief, that she realized she realized the deceit behind his words. they had grown up watching ships fall to might of the rocks on shipbreaker bay. men lost to the waves did not go peacefully. deep within her, elenei knew her love had been no different. a princess desperate for answers did not have to wait long; soon enough, the captain of their vessel had told her the truth of it all. she did not wait to confront her brother in his lie, and left to kings landing without another word.
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the distance between them had cooled her anger - or perhaps just pushed it to the back of her mind. the gods knew, tears for her lost love still fell often when she was alone. yet, she found herself defending jasper against any icy words said in kings landing. a baratheon amongst her targaryen cousins, she had to be the one to uphold the baratheon reputation. "jasper." elenei returned, her features unchanging. she would not allow that stupid, silly nickname only he used break her. she swallowed, wringing her hands together, "may the seven bless you and lady wylla, dear brother."
closed starter for @eleneibaratheonlocation: the baratheon chambers
at the first light of dawn, the stag prince found himself standing at the threshold of the family's ancestral chambers. for years, the deep-burnished oak doors had been a symbol of home, of strength, of storm-forged resilience, but now they felt more like a barricade between two realms - the past and the present, the dead and the living, the guilt and the redemption.
harlan. the name was a phantom, a gust of wind, a familiar melody whispered by the rustling leaves outside the window. once upon a time, he had been his sister’s future; jasper had not even heard the name of harlan estermont until the news of his sister's engagement became public. but the two grew close in time which resulted in jasper inviting harlan on his journey to travel westeros. disguised under the veils of common aliases, they'd traveled across the vast expanse of westeros on a trading vessel, part of the crew. eventually, harlan was not just his sister’s betrothed, he had become jasper's brother in every sense of the word.
then came the tempest. a violent symphony of rage and despair, the storm was a savage artist, sculpting chaos from tranquillity, horror from bliss. harlan fell victim to its ruthless performance, his body wounded, his spirit flagging. as the ship yielded to the relentless onslaught of water and wind, harlan was ripped from jasper's desperate grasp. a crushing vortex of salt and dread swallowed him whole, leaving jasper with nothing but the hollow echo of his friend's name and a leaden cloak of guilt.
upon his return, he chose to shield elenei from the gruesome reality. "harlan's death was quick, painless," he'd lied. the falsehood created a chasm between them, a rift that swallowed their connection, leaving silence and distance in its wake.
and now his sister stood in front of him. the sight of her after years was akin to a mirror reflecting the scars of their shared tragedy. her name, spoken aloud, was a rusty key turning in a long-forgotten lock. the silence that followed was a living entity, its breath heavy with the burden of words left unsaid. jasper, the storm-born baratheon, found himself staring into the heart of his tempest. it was not a maelstrom of wind and water this time, but a whirlwind of guilt and loss. yet even in the midst of the storm, he clung onto hope, as fragile as a single strand of sunlight breaking through a storm cloud.
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their eyes met, both bearing the weight of a shared loss. jasper cleared his throat, "lenny." her name felt foreign on his tongue after such a long time. the silence stretched, filling the space between them with years of unsaid words. as a baratheon, it was his duty to face the storm. this was his storm, and it was time to confront it.
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eleneibaratheon · 2 years ago
"More tea, your grace?" her maid asked, falling on the deaf ears of the princess. Her mind was elsewhere as it always seemed to be as of late. She heard the commotion from her place on the terrace taking afternoon tea and walked over. "Oh Daenys, don't bother." Elenei answered dismissively, concealing the fact that she would be of no real use in the situation. The two girls had always been of the same height. Any attempt would only likely end in embarrassment.
"My maid has just finished setting out tea and pastries. There's plenty for two." The Red Keep was the most public place in the Seven Kingdoms. Elenei quickly learned to always set out enough for unexpected guests. Her cousin, especially, would never be unwelcome at her table. " Our baker makes the best applecakes. You will join me, yes?
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location: the gardens participants: daenys targaryen & open
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"oh rats," daenys couldn't help but sigh as the apple she'd been trying to pick fell to the ground, quickly rolling out of sight. were she in a better mood, she probably would've chased after it - but these days she hadn't felt like doing much of anything. still, she sat her sight on another piece of fruit, standing on her tiptoes as she tried and failed to grasp it. "can someone give me a hand?" she raised her voice only slightly, hoping that someone would overhear and come to her rescue. these days the gardens were seemingly packed.
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eleneibaratheon · 2 years ago
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eleneibaratheon · 2 years ago
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We are pleased to announce the arrival of { PRINCESS ELENEI } of { HOUSE BARATHEON } to King’s Landing! The { 28 } year-old { CIS-FEMALE } is whispered to be { RESENTFUL & DESTRUCTIVE } but in reality they are { STEADFAST & RESILIENT }. They are also said to resemble { MATILDA DE ANGELIS }They are { NEUTRAL } a new treaty of peace and unity between House Targaryen and House Stark. Things, however, are not always quite what they seem, are they? BASICS.
name — elenei baratheon 
nick names — el
titles & alias’ — princess
gender — cisfemale 
pronouns — she/her/hers
romantic & sexual orientation — heterosexual
age — twenty-eight
place of birth — storm’s end 
current residence — kings landing
positive traits — capable, charismatic, intelligent, kind
negative traits — destructive, reactionary, scornful,
likes  — playing the high harp, sailing, hawking
dislikes  — being talked down to, court politics,
eye color — blue
hair color — black 
hair style — often styled up in a coronet of braids with gems weaved in. for less formal occasions, she allows her waist length ringlets to fall unbound.
complexion — pale
build — slim
height — 5’5”
clothing — in kings landing, she has taken to wearing lighter silks of pink and yellow.
accessories & jewelry — tbd
faceclaim — matilda de angelis 
parents —   ruling prince and princess baratheon
siblings — jasper baratheon, orryn baratheon, sister tbd
cousins   — rhaella, targaryen, daeron targaryen, rhaenys targaryen 
romantic interest — tbd 
children — none
religion —  the seven
known languages — common tongue, high valyrian
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eleneibaratheon · 2 years ago
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